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Saturday, March 05, 2022

Links - 5th March 2022 (2 - Feminism)

Claudia Goldin: What’s “Greedy Work” and Why Is It a Problem? - Freakonomics - "She spent almost 50 years researching the experience of women in the labor market...
LEVITT: You are probably the world’s leading expert on the experience of women in the U.S. labor market... If you had to take the full gap — and how much of that overall gender gap is coming because men and women have selected different occupations?
GOLDIN: From the calculations that I’ve done it’s about, I don’t know, between 25 and 30 percent. So, it’s much, much smaller than you would have thought...
LEVITT: So, what does explain the remaining two-thirds of the gender wage gap, if it’s not different choices of professions?
GOLDIN: So, it’s really driven almost entirely by this notion of greedy work and hours... if you double the hours, you more than double the hourly wage. And we see that, for example, in work that I’ve done on lawyers. You can see that lawyers working in firms that have much longer hours also have richer clients. And in addition, the penalty that we identify for any time out is enormously large. So, M.B.A. women and M.B.A. men, both of them take a huge hit if they take time off. But it may not be number of hours, it may be which hours. So, you might work, let’s say 50 hours a week, and someone else might work 50, but they’re on call. They’re on call at night. They’re on call on the weekends. If the supervisor says, “Jump,” they jump. And that seems to be another way of defining greedy work. So, they’re getting more per hour, not because they’re putting in necessarily more hours, they’re putting in particular hours.
LEVITT: And always outside of their control —
GOLDIN: That’s right. Outside of their control. Or they controlled the fact that they decided that they were going to work a somewhat inflexible schedule.
LEVITT: And another piece of greedy work I would imagine is travel — business travel — where you’re just told, “Oh, you have to be in Atlanta at 3 p.m. on the 24th.” And you just go to Atlanta and you don’t say, “Oh, no, I actually can’t because I don’t have childcare,” — you just show up in Atlanta.
GOLDIN: Yeah. And Atlanta’s close. Tokyo is much farther.
LEVITT: And what about discrimination? What amount does that account for?
GOLDIN: There are people who’ve come up with evidence that could account for maybe 20 percent of the difference. But if someone has their point to make, they’re going to emphasize that it accounts for more than perhaps someone else might. I don’t think we have hard, hard evidence on that, but we have a very good sense that women move into parts of the occupation that give them the flexibility and they pay for it.
LEVITT: Let’s say you had a magic bullet that could immediately wipe out gender-based discrimination in labor markets. My reading of your research is you don’t think that would matter very much. That’s not really at the heart of why women and men are earning differently.
GOLDIN: Yeah. I think it matters in the sense that it would make people feel better...
LEVITT: So, I want to give a little quiz to my listeners. Okay listeners, two questions. Question No. 1: in what year do you think the University of Chicago Department of Economics first gave tenure to a female professor? Okay. So, take a minute and think about that. And then Question Two: in what year did the Harvard department of economics first grant tenure to a female economist? If your guesses are locked in, then I want to see how Claudia does in this quiz. So, Claudia, let’s start with the U. of C. When was a woman first tenured in the economics department there?
GOLDIN: I believe it was Hazel Kyrk. I think it was like 1924.
LEVITT: Okay. 1924. Okay. So, how about Harvard — renowned for its thought leadership and progressive values? When was the first woman granted tenure in economics there?
GOLDIN: 1990.
LEVITT: And who would that be?
LEVITT: Economists believe in markets?
GOLDIN: Yes. Historians believe more in power relations. That doesn’t mean that we don’t believe in some power relations, but most importantly, we believe in markets. And by and large, for most historians, this is a form of dark magic. We are sorcerers. For them, there are people and people engage in power relationships. That is the essence of the difference. I bring to history — to my understanding of history — this notion of the market. Of course, we know the market works, but the market is in the vapors. You can’t touch it. You can’t feel it. You can’t read it. You can’t find it in an archive why the price changed. The other big difference is that we want causality and this change in history, we can think of it as when Bob Fogel wrote his book on the railroads and how that set history on fire, because he took the writings of historians who said, “The railroads were essential to American economic growth,” — that simple statement — And he turned it around as a logical statement. And he said, “Therefore, what you’re saying is if not the railroads then not economic growth. So, I will remove all the railroads. And I will show you that there would have been economic growth because everything is marginal. Even something as large as the railroads, I can make into a marginal decision.”"
Another expert for liberals, especially feminists, to ignore since they want to perpetuate their myth of oppression

Meme - ruby x @rs1602xx: "feminism out the window when war breaks out btw "
RS @xxoorita: "im sorry but if happens my feminism has left the chat fri would rather stay in the kitchen, feed my family & get cheated on"
Giselle @giselle_romani3: "My feminists days will be over as soon as a war starts. Us ladies are staying home doing the cooking and cleaning where we belong."
kayweenie @ohnokaylee: "women are meant to be in the kitchen cooking. women are meant to do housework and take care of the children. don't be silly. modern society is really pushing extra work on women, when the only goal is to have children and care for them and their husbands. women don't go to war"
Feminism is a phenomenon of late capitalism. When real trouble comes along, it is irrelevant

BDM🦅 on Twitter - "I find it very abusive to put pressure on men to provide us with a life we cannot provide for ourselves as women. As much as women are not rehabilitation centres for badly raised men, Men are not poverty eradication plans for lazy women."
Reply: "I look forward to a future when this is a valid argument. I don’t think it’s valid right now when we’ve only just begun to undo the damage of systematic oppression of women, lack of access to education, glass ceilings, unfair pay scales, lack of respect and even unsafe workplaces" Just as the Party needs power because the Revolution is not safe, but the Revolution will never be safe, so too will grievance mongers never admit if/when their claims of oppression are no longer valid

Meme - "It's degrading to ruin your body for a man's children."
"MyFreeCams Niceguy69 tipped 10,000 tokens: Please stick a dozen eggs in your anus. Thanks princess :)"

Mayor Bowser receives backlash on auto theft tweet days after deadly carjacking - "Mayor Bower's Twitter account released a short video on tips to prevent auto thefts.  "Auto theft is a crime of opportunity""
Car theft culture strikes again!

Milo Yiannopoulos Australia visit: Why speaker is a threat to the outrage industry - "some feminist activists are Yiannopoulos’s equals in the obnoxiousness stakes, although they enjoy greater freedom to exercise that right. “I felt sick at the thought of something male growing inside me,” wrote teacher and Daily Life columnist Polly Dunning last year as she reflected on her pregnancy. “How will I raise a son who respects me the way a daughter would?” Well for starters, how about not detesting him because of his gender?  “Toxic masculinity makes it sound like there is some other kind,” wrote Fairfax columnist, journalism academic and co-founder of feminist movement ‘Destroy the Joint’ Jenna Price last year.  “When our first daughter was born my husband and I made a family rule: no man would ever babysit our children,” wrote Daily Life columnist Kasey Edwards in February. “No exceptions. This includes male relatives and friends.”  “I know it’s sexist,” wrote journalist and feminist activist Tracey Spicer in 2014. “But I don’t want my kids sitting next to a man on a plane.” According to her website, she is “renowned for the courage of her convictions, passion for social justice, and commitment to equality.”  And who could forget Daily Life and Fairfax columnist Clementine Ford, who has a habit of publicly disparaging fellow women who question her brand of feminism? On ABC television this year she brazenly labelled Daily-Telegraph columnist Miranda Devine a “c**t”. Her abuse also involves racist sneers. “No matter how hard she tries, she’ll never be a white man,” tweeted Ford in 2015 in reference to Herald-Sun columnist and Iranian immigrant Rita Panahi. Despite this, Fairfax continues to feature Ford. Yet only this week The Age criticised Yiannopoulos, “a self-proclaimed troll … who uses outrageous claims, racist slurs and vilification to provoke a response.” His supporters, proclaimed the editorial, are “merely gormless twits being used by a stupid narcissist. They themselves are being trolled, but fail to see the irony.” Oh the irony.  As Yiannopoulos cheerfully acknowledges, his provocative assertions are designed to expose the hypocrisy of the tolerance police. For those who make a living out of the outrage industry, he represents a real threat to their sustainability. And for those automatons who believe an individual’s philosophy is defined by their race, gender and sexuality, they are experiencing a ‘Does not compute’ meltdown, triggered by Yiannopoulos.  The only thing that could dissolve Milo is the milk of human kindness. But his most virulent critics wouldn’t know what that was, even if they were swimming in it."

saira rao on Twitter - "White women adore Nancy Pelosi. Nancy Pelosi is white feminism. White feminism is white supremacy."

Homer. The Odyssey – Bryn Mawr Classical Review - "Wilson has put gender at the center of her interpretation of the poem, arguing that she avoids falling into the misogynistic traps that ensnared earlier male translators, who were unwilling or unable to showcase Odysseus’ ambiguous traits or to check their own disdain of female characters, in particular the female slaves slaughtered by Telemachus. She thus presents herself as a different kind of translator, one who not only engages with the Greek text, but who also corrects the misconceptions and prejudices of her predecessors, and she often presents her choices in moral terms: “in my version of the hanging of the slave women, I aim to invite genuine empathy rather than an objectifying thrill; while other translators call their death “piteous” or “pitiful,” in my version we glimpse their pain, not the feeling of a spectator: it is “an agony” (86). Wilson translates ὅπως οἴκτιστα θάνοιεν (literally “so they would die in the most pitiful way,” 22.473) with “to make their death an agony.” Wilson implies that other translators objectified the women with their word choices, but the superlative adverb οἴκτιστα does mean “most pitifully.” The word is used just a few times in the poem, always to describe deaths that are horrifying. This is how Agamemnon describes his own murder (ὣς θάνον οἰκτίστῳ θανάτῳ 11.413; repeated by Achilles describing Agamemnon’s death at 24.35), and Odysseus remembers watching his men being grabbed by Scylla as “the most pitiful thing” his eyes ever looked on 12.258-9. Wilson captures that moment beautifully with “the most heartrending sight I saw / in all the time I suffered on the sea” (Eurylochus also describes death by starvation as “most pitiful” at 12.343, while Eurykleia invites Penelope to kill her with a “most pitiful” death at 23.80). After reading Wilson’s eloquent case for naming slaves slaves, I was also surprised to see the word “girls” repeated seven times in the space of thirty-five lines or so where the Greek text describes them as women (γυναῖκες) twice and slaves (δμῳαί) three times. Is “girls” also meant to make the women more sympathetic by emphasizing their youth? Wilson captures the “agony” of the killing of the slaves, but in the process she loses the thread that connects the deaths of the women to those of Odysseus’ men and Agamemnon, a series of deaths that invite questions about those responsible for them and the role of pity in what is often a pitiless poem.Many have commented on Wilson’s now well-known move to translate the epithet πολύτροπος in the first line of the poem with the adjective “complicated.” Like “lord of lies” for πολύμητις, Odysseus’ other common epithet, “complicated” zooms in on the potentially negative aspect of the word. This is useful in accentuating the hero’s ambiguity, something that is deeply imbedded in the Greek language, and so crucial to the proem. But there is also a danger in losing that very ambiguity: the cleverly alliterative “lord of lies” works well at the beginning of Odyssey 9, reminding us of Odysseus’ skill at deceiving just before Odysseus starts recounting his adventures, but metis cannot be equated only with skill at lying: like polytropos, polymetis implies a kind of complexity that contains both negative and positive elements. Wilson brings out the potentially negative aspects of these epithets (and the hero), but in so doing, she also does some of the interpretative work that the original—along with some translations—lets its audience do for themselves."

Women, Men and Interruptions: A Critical Review - "Within the language and gender literature one of the findings most widely cited as well established is that men interrupt women more than women interrupt men... This chapter will show that a review of studies appearing between 1965 and 1991 and dealing with gender differences in the use of interruptions does not support this conclusion; most research has found no significant difference between the genders in number of interruptions initiated, in either cross-sex or same-sex interaction"

Milla Jovovich: 'I had sex with sleazy older men but don't call me a victim' - "Milla Jovovich was hit on by “sleazy older guys” when she was younger but will never call herself a #MeToo victim.  The Resident Evil star admits she did get together with some older suitors as she was starting out as a model, but she doesn’t hold any “anger” towards the situation or the people involved, because she was “having fun and experiencing different people.”"

Cardi B explains why she 'drugged and robbed' men - "Cardi B has defended herself after a video resurfaced of her saying she drugged and robbed men who wanted to have sex with her while she worked as a stripper before finding fame... The Grammy-winner also pointed out that there are rappers who "glorify murder, violence, drugs and robbing"."
Presumably it is worse to speak positively about crimes in a hypothetical context than to actually do them
Strange how liberal never criticise rap, but are so against "rape culture"

Joakim Gomez on Twitter - "I really don’t want to pull the gender card here but if it were a male artiste who said this...he would most DEFINITELY be cancelled by social sentiment. What’s going to happen now? Is this okurr? #SurvivingCardiB"

The Screen - Posts | Facebook - "Trump: *talks about consensually touching women's vaginas*
Cardi B: *talks about drugging, robbing and probably raping countless men*
Feminists are such damn hypocrites."

Why Ivanka Trump’s new haircut should make us very afraid | Ivanka Trump | The Guardian - Arwa Mahdawi, 18 Sep 2019
The uproar over AOC's hair is a reminder that women can't win under the patriarchy | Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez | The Guardian - Arwa Mahdawi, 12 Oct 2019
Being a political hack means you have a short term memory and know your sympathisers do too

Meme - "Wow. I don't know how to respond to what you just said, so I'll just call you an incel because having sex is the only unit of value I understand."
It is telling that feminists use this insult on men so much

WNBA crossroads: league looks to cut losses, hire president - "The WNBA says it has lost significant money the last 22 years, including $12 million last season."
Clearly this means WNBA players need to be paid as much as NBA players. And if you shut the WNBA, this will be structural violence against women

Study suggests that men and women actually prefer not to split household and childcare tasks equally - "women enjoyed childcare tasks more than men did and also reported a greater desire for responsibility for these tasks compared to men... As the researchers emphasize, not one childcare task was rated more enjoyable by men than women... Gender differences were again revealed when it came to household tasks. Among both samples, men enjoyed tasks to do with outdoor labor and home maintenance more than women did. Women preferred cleaning, food prep, family scheduling, and home decorating. Moreover, this pattern mirrored the way the participants wanted these tasks to be divided — women tended to prefer men to take care of home maintenance tasks and men preferred women to take care of home decorating tasks. The participants were also asked to indicate along a scale whether they would prefer to be the breadwinner within a partnership, the homemaker, or to share these roles equally. Across both samples, although 56% of men and 56% of women chose the egalitarian option, 36% of women chose a response closer toward homemaker and 35% of men chose a response closer toward breadwinner. The researchers say that while the gender disparity in family roles is typically viewed as a burden on women, their study suggests that the situation is more nuanced than that. Unequal role sharing might not signal unfair treatment or cause resentment among couples"

The More Chores A Husband Does, The More Likely The Marriage Will End In Divorce - "Couples may be better off living in a "traditional" household where women do all the housework if they want to stay together, according to a report from the Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Science... the correlation could be because couples are happier when they have clearly-defined roles in the relationship where people aren't stepping on each other's toes"

The Husband’s Job Is the Best Predictor of Divorce - "Despite the myths you might have heard, half of American first marriages don’t end in divorce. In reality, about a third do, down from the divorce surge of the 1970s and 1980s, though second and third marriages are much more vulnerable. Recent marriages are doing particularly well thus far: Just 15 percent of the Americans who tied the knot since 2000 have decided to get it undone within the first eight years of marriage.  The predictors of divorce, however, remain mysterious. But in a new study published in the American Sociological Review, Harvard sociologist Alexandra Achen Killewald has found that the things that increase the probability of divorce — as they relate to work, at least — have changed over the past couple decades. It turns out that the amount of money that either the husband or wife makes isn’t that important: For contemporary couples, the biggest determinant is whether the husband is working full-time...   Particularly, the money you’re bringing in is less important to your marriage stability than the unpaid or paid work that you do. This is because of the “symbolic content” that work carries for people"

Research shows that women are more likely to get divorced shortly after a promotion - and that's not always a bad thing - "married women were twice as likely to divorce three years after a CEO-level promotion when compared to male colleagues. Additionally, researchers examined three decades of worker records in the public sector and found women elected to public office were almost twice as likely to divorce following a successful election. Female physicians, members of law enforcement, and clergy who earned major promotions also followed the trend."
Of course, the article blames the men, because women have no agency, despite being the ones who initiate divorces
Feminists love divorce after all

Being rich may increase your odds of divorce

Divorce and the 'Silver Bullet' - "In the back rooms of the sausage factories where divorce is made, the silver bullet is an open secret. Some unscrupulous divorce lawyers even recommend it to their clients. False allegations may be employed by either parent, but, given the prevailing winds of culture, the gun is far more often in the hand of a woman. Such a claim might be controversial to some, but not among many lawyers working within the system. “It’s almost as if the Constitution is suspended in family court,” says Melissa Isaak, a veteran family lawyer in the state of Alabama who heads a firm that specializes in defending men embroiled in contested divorce. “People don’t understand that in the family law arena, domestic violence is used as a tool. Essentially the silver bullet is the best way to destroy your opponent and win the game…and women use this far more than men, in my experience.”... The data indicate that women are as likely as or more likely than men to introduce violence into a relationship. For example, recent surveys have found that an equal percentage of men and women reported being the victim of partner violence in the past year. Uni-directional violence is directed at men 70 percent of the time. Mothers kill their children at about the same rate as fathers... In the US, for example, mothers initiate divorce 69 percent of the time (for educated women it’s 90 percent) and wind up with custody of the children at least 82.5 percent of the time. There is also growing gender symmetry in finances. Today more than 66 percent of US families are dual income, and the woman makes more than her spouse in 37 percent of families. Additionally, proper scrutiny of the wage gap shows that it has closed to the point of being negligible. Yet, despite this financial parity, fathers continue to pay more than 85 percent of child support, and when mothers are ordered to pay, they fail to do so more often. The no-fault divorce laws that swept through most of Western society in the 1970s and ‘80s made divorce much easier and fairer for women. But these laws had another effect. Today, an estimated one in three American kids live without their biological father in the home. In 1960, eight percent of children lived in a home with only their biological mother and today more than 23 percent do. These numbers raise an interesting question: Does this level of fatherlessness matter? The answer is indisputably that it does... At a time when modern fathers are bombarded by messages about the deeply corrosive effects of “toxic masculinity,” they are confronted with a family law system rife with outdated gender ideas every bit as sexist as those faced by women in other arenas, past and present; a system that sometimes seems downright hostile to their efforts to be active and effective dads. Many fathers now gaze upon the growing excesses of the #MeToo movement on college campuses and in corporate boardrooms and wonder why no one listened as they sounded the alarm about the weaponization of #believewomen in the family courts. Similarly, while journalists rightly alert us to policies like the American immigration laws causing the split of a few hundred migrating families at the country’s southern border and urge us to empathize with the psychological trauma of parent-child separation, there seems to be much less interest in family laws doing the same to hundreds of thousands of parents and children as a matter of course... American men kill themselves almost 4 times more than women in regular circumstance. But fathers who have become ensnared in the divorce system kill themselves eight times more"

William Costello on Twitter - "The "not all men but we don't know which men" discourse seems a bit morally bankrupt to me. It appears to justify prejudice. We quickly recognise this if we apply it to any other group judged by the extreme actions of a minority."

Gender-neutral daughter wants pink: parenting advice from Care and Feeding. - "We’re Raising Our Daughter Gender-Neutral, but She Only Wants Pink Dresses Where did we mess up?...
[My husband] gets annoyed when dresses get tangled while climbing a rock or running and says that dresses and accessories aren’t suitable for doing most things. I appreciate his commitment to raising our daughter without gender stereotypes"
"It often seems to be the case that eschewing “traditional gender norms” involves identifying things that are coded as girly or feminine as bad... I think you’re missing the blatant sexism in “dresses and accessories aren’t suitable for doing most things.” I wear dresses and accessories nearly every day, as do millions of people of varying gender identities across the globe; I assure you, we do “most things” with ease.It seems to be that the goal for shielding a child from gendered clothing and activities would be to allow them to define their identity without having it assigned to them by their parents and society at large. But the “gender-neutral” clothing you have selected has led to your daughter being misgendered for a reason, and that’s because what we consider “neutral” in terms of gender often defaults to a masculine norm. “Boys clothes” are for everyone. “Girls clothes” are for girls. Additionally, there are many games and activities that can be played in dresses and even heels, so that these “girly” clothes are considered impractical suggests that the “gender-neutral” things you are choosing for your daughter to do may also fall along the lines of what would usually be labeled “boy stuff.” Is masculinity more neutral than femininity? Also, you’re worried that trying to direct her away from pink princess dresses will only make her like them more, but what’s the big deal if she does? Are you of the opinion that tulle skirts are inextricable from a damsel-in-distress worldview? Is this just fear that your daughter will have starkly different interests from you guys?... To free her from dress-wearing as an obligation is noble; to code dresses as some sort of deplorable relic of a time gone by is just out of step with reality. Without saying it intentionally, it seems as though your version of gender-neutral is casting a negative light on traditional femininity"
When liberals say "gender neutral", they don't mean "gender neutral" but have a rigid idea of what is proper
This speaks to feminist misogyny, since they always use men as the benchmark

Secret Facebook Bad Girls Advice brags domestic violence - "The posts show women discussing domestic violence situations in detail after one member asked the other women what the most violent act committed against their partner was... One woman admitted to hitting her partner with her car 'all because it was Halloween and I felt bad that I didn't buy lollies for the kids'.Another member also admitted to ramming her partner with a car.'Hit him with my car then made him pay for the damage,' she said.Her comment was praised by other members who claimed it was their 'favourite'... The confronting conversation was shared on Thursday by domestic violence support group the Black Ribbon Foundation Australia.'And people wonder why we have a problem in this country,' it said.'Ask yourself, had it been female victims being spoken about, would they have been so blasé?'"
The Duluth Model means that they're all really victims

Meme - "Looks like the guy next to me on the plane is a manspreader in recovery"
" have never seen a well mannered man on a plane - enjoy!"
"Actually people with Tourettes and epilepsy wear those to stop themselves from kicking people when they have episodes. You're literally making fun of a disabled person because you looked at this guy and all you could see was "male" and you fucking HAD to make it about you"

Statistics Canada on Twitter - "In 2018, 9.8% of female Internet users aged 15 and older reported that they had been victims of incidents over the Internet, such as #bullying and #harassment (compared with 10.7% of male users). Do your part and say #NoToBullying! #PinkShirtDay"
Feminist logic: if men suffer more from a certain phenomenon than women, that just shows that women are victims and we live in a structurally sexist society
No one cares about online harassment against men, even though it's more common than online harassment against women. If men are harassed more often than women, it's because they deserve it

Keywords: Men face more harassment online, online harassment, men are more harassed than women, men are harassed more than women, men are more likely to be harassed

Meme - "ARE YOu a FEMINIST?"
"NO "

5-Yr-Old Boy With Autism Charged With "Sexual Activities" | Will Be Recorded As Sex Offender For Rest Of Life - "A five-year-old boy with autism was reportedly put on a record as a sex offender after hugging his classmate. Nathan, who attends East Ridge Elementary in Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA, was allegedly accused by teachers of ‘overstepping’ a boundary."
What the feminist hysteria about "sexual assault" leads to

Was what Jenny McCarthy did to Justin Bieber sexual assault? - The Globe and Mail - "If you missed it, check out this video of Jenny McCarthy mauling a hapless Justin Bieber at the American Music Awards Sunday night.Note the horrified expression on poor Bieber's face, as he struggles out of the model-comedian's grasp while she repeatedly kisses his neck and grabs his buttocks."I couldn't help it, he was just so delicious," McCarthy says.In a backstage interview with Access Hollywood, McCarthy, 40, further explained that "emotions … took over" and her attack on the 18-year-old pop star was all part of living out "a cougar fantasy maybe."Yikes. What's worth noting about this incident is the kind of reaction it has generated.Performer Pitbull suggested to Access Hollywood that Bieber should count himself lucky to be groped. "I wish Jenny McCarthy would have touched me like that," he said.Some online commenters echoed the sentiment, even going so far as to question Bieber's sexuality because he did not appear to enjoy it... Consider, for instance, if the roles were reversed and a 40-year-old male celebrity groped an 18-year-old starlet, and blamed it on "emotions" taking over. Surely that wouldn't fly."

The physical attractiveness of a male sexual "harasser" substantially determines if the experience is enjoyable or traumatic, according to women : PurplePillDebate - "Fairchild (2010) conducted an online survey on perceptions of sexual harassment (possibly as far as sexual assault) incidents of (N = 1,277) relatively young (mean age 28.11) women... the primary factors that determined how enjoyable or traumatic women found the experience to be were:
Physical Attractiveness: More attractive men most significantly increased women's enjoyment of the "harassment."
Age: Similar or younger age in relation to the participant increased women's enjoyment of the "harassment."
Race: Different race of the man made women more likely to rate it as traumatic.
Only 46% of women indicated that sexual harassment could not be made enjoyable. Therefore, it can be inferred that to the majority (54%) of women, sexual harassment could be made enjoyable, under the correct conditions."
The difference between flirting and sexual harassment is how attractive you are
Keywords: Sexual harassment can be pleasurable, Sexual harassment can be enjoyable, Sexual harassment could be enjoyable, Sexual harassment is subjective, find sexual harassment pleasurable, find sexual harassment enjoyable. women enjoy sexual harassment

Meme - "Body Shaming is wrong and unacceptable"
"Gun Owners have Small Dicks"
Of course, what feminists mean is that body shaming *women* is wrong and unacceptable (till they meet a non-feminist woman)

Shitlords United - Posts | Facebook - "I'm still annoyed that Miss, Ms., & Mrs. exists.  Women are literally conditioned to broadcast their fuckability. It's on every legal document. Can't even sign for something online without checking one of those damn boxes.  I want to know why"
"Do these people not know what Ms. means? It’s the feminine equivalent to Mr., created by second wave feminists as a title that didn’t reflect marital status. This isn’t the first time I’ve seen a modern feminist say this sort of thing."

Killer mother has 8½ years cut from her 'excessive' original jail term - "A mother who killed her three youngest children when she deliberately drove her car into a lake has had more than eight years cut from her original prison sentence following the latest legal challenge.Akon Guode repeatedly circled Lake Gladman in Wyndham Vale on April 8, 2015 before driving into the water with four of her children in the car. Four-year-old twins Madit and Hangar and 16-month-old Bol all drowned, while their older sister, then aged five, was rescued by passers-by"
Since feminists say we shouldn't send women to jail, any jail term is excessive

Mobs Of Women Protest Nation's Logging Companies For Equal Work | The Babylon Bee - "An overwhelming 99.1% of workers doing dangerous logging work are men! This is outrageous!"

Amber Heard charges $33k to give talks on domestic violence - "The Harry Walker Agency listed the "Aquaman" star as an "actress, activist, and humanitarian" who is a "Women's Rights Ambassador, ACLU, and Champion of the UN Human Rights Office." She is "an outspoken advocate for women's rights and for the civil rights of survivors of all gender-based violence around the world.""
Women are always victims. Even when they're guilty

Sam on Twitter - "It’s 2020, people constantly try to chat shit about Men’s mental health and try to tell men to speak up against their abusers. Yet one of the most known Men in the world just spoke up against his abuser and essentially lost his career. Fuck Amber Heard. #JusticeForJohnnyDepp"

Nick on Twitter - "Slap the word “insecurity” on anything that men don’t like & the internet will eat it up. Don’t wanna date a woman that sleeps around? Don’t want a woman that dresses a certain way? Ur masculinity is 'fragile'. It's like men can't have preferences without it being an insecurity"

Women-only professorships 'not discriminating against men', says Mitchell O'Connor - "THE CREATION OF female-only professorships in Irish third-level institutions is “not discriminating against men”, the Minister of State for Higher Education has said.   45 female-only additional professor positions were announced"
Sexism is gender equality
So given that fewer men get degrees...

Meme - "I feel like part of the issue is the idea that men are meant to be resilient. This surprised me: men commit suicide at a 3:1 to women, which is crazy 'cause it's better to be a dude
you get paid more, you get male privilege. You've got the patriarchy on your side. You don't menstruate!! lt's good! It's really good! Up until the age of 8 or 9, boys cry the same amount as girls and then they are taught to stop. They're not allowed anymore.
And it's ridiculous! and this fear of looking weak, or looking feminine or looking gay is stopping men from talking about their feelings.
And then they kill themselves"
Of course, the possibility that a key tenet of the religion - that men have it better - is false is not considered

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