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Friday, March 04, 2022

Links - 4th March 2022 (2 - General Wokeness)

M&M Characters Are Becoming ‘Inclusive’ - "The green M&M character will lose her peach-colored legs and stiletto boots in favor of white legs and sneakers after criticism that the character was sexualized. Mars said it wanted the green M&M to be “better represented to reflect confidence and empowerment, as a strong female, and known for much more than her boots.”  The brown M&M will have her heels lowered to a “professional height.” In a Q&A on the company’s website for each character, her character says she is “not bossy, just the boss.”  Meanwhile, the green and brown M&Ms will no longer have a rivalry but will now be “together throwing shine and not shade.” The anxious orange M&M, who Mars says is “one of the most relatable characters with Gen-Z, the most anxious generation,” previously had his shoes untied, but will now have them tied.  The red M&M, an outspoken character sometimes interpreted as bullying the other M&Ms, will start being more kind to his fellow candy characters."

Mars, Nestlé and Hershey to face child slavery lawsuit in US
Wokewashing strikes again

M&Ms Introduces New Trans Character Who Identifies As A Skittle | The Babylon Bee - "The new character, named Quinn, is an M&M that wears an "S" because they haven't had letter reassignment surgery yet. On the inside, Quinn has the same chocolate taste because it isn't able to change anything but its outward appearance.  "We just want to let the trans community know that M&M supports you and wants your money!" said the Mars CEO.  The LGBTQ+ community took to Twitter to ask why there isn't a Latinx M&M. "Do better," tweeted user @ihatemyself."

Colorado State University Sign Directs Students 'Affected By a Free Speech Event' To Seek Help - "Colorado State University wants students to know that if they are "affected by a free speech event," they are not alone. There are resources available. They can get help. That's according to a sign spotted on campus by a coordinator for Turning Point USA, a conservative student group. The university confirmed that the sign is real. It reads: "If you (or someone you know) are affected by a free speech event on campus, here are some resources…" The resources in question are phone numbers and websites for the Dean of Students, Office of Equal Opportunity, CSU Health Network Counseling, Ombuds (for CSU employees), Multicultural Counseling, Employee Assistance Program, Vice President of Inclusive Excellence, Victim's Assistance Hotline, Bias Reporting hotline, and several others.  Those last two provide means for aggrieved students to summon the campus authorities to investigate their alleged mistreatment. CSU's bias reporting form asks that submissions include identifying details—including identification number, phone number, and residence hall—about the perpetrator so that school officials can track them down...   By suggesting that one student exercising free speech rights should prompt another student to fill out a bias incident report, the university is undermining public confidence in its commitment to the principles of the First Amendment—principles that CSU, as a public institution, is bound to follow."

Meme - knife @knifequeer: "You ever think about how "incest is bad because inbreeding leads to deformed children" is a really ableist take? like idk maybe arguing that people with disabilities shouldn't be born isn't the gotcha people think it is"

Stray on Twitter - "Hot Take: ADD, Autism, and ADHD are only "disorders" under capitalism. Otherwise they are neurodivergence: different needs, thinking and working styles and sensory issues than neurotypical people. They are only problems due to our hierarchies and modes of production"

christoph on Twitter - "It's clear from the video that the attackers are people of colour. @ing  the cops in any scenario says a lot about a person's politics imo, but in this one – given what we know about how PREVENT and stop and search are used to terrorise Black & brown people – it's appalling."
"If you’re a person of colour you should just be allowed to attack people"

Maus banned: The real reason to be worried about the Tennessee decision. - "A Tennessee school board recently voted to pull the Pulitzer Prize–winning graphic novel Maus and its cat-and-mouse retelling of the Holocaust from the school curriculum. The school board members cited violence, nudity (in humanoid mouse caricatures), and profanity as the reasons...  it’s not a right-left phenomena. There are many ways the left challenges books, but some don’t see challenges the same way. There was a TERF [trans-exclusionary] book that showed up, and I watched people argue that libraries shouldn’t buy it, saying it spread lies. So the way I look at it, all sides see certain knowledge as lies... What I worry about is that before this new kerfuffle happened, there was a lot of talk in progressive circles about banning hate speech from online platforms. What we see with Maus is why those are such dangerous positions to take. When you say this person shouldn’t be allowed to speak because I find their rhetoric hateful or harmful, there’s no saying that won’t turn back around on you. Of course, you might see your position as rational, but that’s just not where we are in our society. Our society is based on white supremacy—do you really want the current Supreme Court to decide what is hate speech or not?"
Liberal logic: if a book is not in a curriculum, it's banned. By that logic, virtually all books in the world are banned
At least this interviewee isn't that partisan

'Maus' rises to top of Amazon's bestseller list after Tennessee ban - "“Maus” was going to be the “anchor” text for a module on the Holocaust which also included interviews from Holocaust survivors, articles from the BBC, The Los Angeles Times and The Guardian, as well as excerpts from other books as teaching material, according to the school board’s meeting minutes.     But the school board voted to drop the book and replace it with another text due to the eight curse words used in the book and the drawing of a naked woman in one panel. The woman depicted is Spiegelman’s own mother, who committed suicide in 1968. The NAACP and the Anti-Defamation League have taken issue with the book’s removal from the curriculum stating that the move “serves no purpose other than to rob the next generation of the generation of knowledge.”... "Banning the book 'Maus' about the Holocaust is another way to censor the history of a group of people. When will this stop! We will continue to let our elected officials know how disappointed we are in their actions.”"
Liberal logic: replacing one book on the Holocaust with another, and retaining the whole module on the Holocaust, means you're banning teaching kids about the Holocaust
Many articles claim the nudity is about mice. Guess the writers were too quick to jump onto the outrage bandwagon

Lawson Clarke on Twitter - "FUN FACT: Kids who read Maus don’t grow into adults who constantly compare minor inconveniences to the Holocaust."
Gingerswappingresponse - Posts | Facebook - "These ppl really gonna pretend they didn’t call Trump Hitler every day"

"AGREED! *Expedient Homemade Firearms by Philip Luty*"

Love What Matters - ""It wasn’t possible to sign 3 parents on the birth certificate. At the moment, polygamy is illegal. We needed to step out of the shadows and do the coming out. Thanks to him, we stopped hiding.”  #LoveWhatMatters"
The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again

Grieving Mom Has Twins With Dead Son's Sperm to Get Her Boy 'Back' - "After Rajashree Patil lost her adult son to cancer, this grieving mom realized that this didn't have to be the end for her boy. The 49-year-old from India hatched a plan to "reincarnate" her dead child by using his sperm for artificial insemination. Now, she is officially the proud mom (or technically, grandma) of newborn twins... 49-year-old Rajashree wasn't a candidate for IVF. Instead, a 35-year-old relative offered to be a surrogate and she was inseminated with an anonymous egg donor's fertilized eggs... Rajashree also only wants to be known as mom and not grandma to these little ones"

To help gay son, 61-year-old woman gives birth to own grandchild - "A 61-year-old woman serving as the gestational surrogate for her son and his husband gave birth to her own granddaughter last week... After her son, Matthew Eledge, and his husband, Elliot Dougherty, decided to expand their family, Dougherty’s sister, Lea Yribe, offered to donate her eggs. The couple planned to find another surrogate to deliver the child, but they found the process confusing and weren’t completely confident about navigating in vitro fertilization as gay men."

Meme - "Is The Filibuster Racist? An Important Flowchart
Is the filibuster benefitting Democrats or Republicans right now?
Democrats - The filibuster is an essential safeguard of democracy and must be protected at all costs
Republicans - Oh no! The filibuster is RACIST!"

Facebook - "There are hardly any synagogues in that area of Texas, but hundreds of churches everywhere.  Which is to say that the motives of British citizen Malik Faisal Akram in choosing that particular house of worship to hold hostage - in exchange for the release of a convicted terrorist - are still a mystery, and we may never fully understand why.  "
Comments: "Revenge for the revolutionary war obviously"
"We had our own freak stabbing involving a rabbi occur locally last year. Just goes to show these random events can occur anywhere and we shouldn't jump to conclusions."
"First they came for the Jews and I denounced islamophobia. Then they came for the Asians and I pretended it was because Trump blamed Asian Americans for covid even though he didn't."

Meme - @BlackKnight10k I Smoked OAN: "These fukcing Nazis never stop"
"FBI identifies the deceased suspect who took hostages at a Texas synagogue as 44-year-old British citizen Malik Faisal Akram"

FBI Says They Still Haven’t Found A Motive For 9/11 | The Babylon Bee - "FBI agents are also looking into the mysterious reasons why the entire country hates the FBI, but say they may be 10-15 years away from any clear answers. "We're pretty sure it has something to do with white supremacy""

Crystal Marie Fleming on Twitter - "The problem at NPR is white supremacy. That so few are saying this explicitly is telling, indeed."
Embracing wokeness only leads to your own destruction

Multiverse of Shitposting: The Branched Timeline | Marvel already started casting non-Puertorican actors to play Boris in the MCU | Facebook - "Marvel already started casting non-Puertorican actors to play Boris in the MCU.  **Mind you I think this is good casting but they should be giving opportunities to smaller minorities."

Meme - "Condoms That Change Color In Contact with STD Win Tech
That explains why the gay pride symbol is a rainbow."

ред ґрин алианс on Twitter - "Thinking about the tik tok I saw about how anyone whos done cocaine has been an active participant in the murder of south american people and therefore has no right whatsoever to enjoy disney's "Encanto""

Being Classically Liberal - Posts | Facebook - "The formula for a large chunk arguments from the left nowadays seem to be: *Thing I don’t like* is/has a history of *racism, sexism, misogyny, etc.* The reciprocal of this sort of mindless argument is the left’s newfound insistence that whatever policy they want is also somehow a “racial justice” issue. Rep. Ayanna Presley recently argued that abolishing student loan debt would be a “racial justice issue” – despite the fact that the primary beneficiaries of student debt forgiveness would be upper class whites."

A Declaration of Independence by a Princeton Professor - "a group of signatories now in the hundreds published a “Faculty Letter” to the president and other senior administrators at Princeton University.This letter begins with the following blunt sentence: “Anti-Blackness is foundational to America.”... there are dozens of proposals that, if implemented, would lead to civil war on campus and erode even further public confidence in how elite institutions of higher education operate. Some examples: “Reward the invisible work done by faculty of color with course relief and summer salary” and “Faculty of color hired at the junior level should be guaranteed one additional semester of sabbatical” and “Provide additional human resources for the support of junior faculty of color.” Let’s leave aside who qualifies as “of color,” though this is not a trivial point. It boggles my mind that anyone would advocate giving people—extraordinarily privileged people already, let me point out: Princeton professors—extra perks for no reason other than their pigmentation... Innumerable sensible people have commented on the impossibility that anyone can pass the Purity Test. Someone who passes today will not pass tomorrow. “Acknowledge, credit, and incentivize anti-racist student activism. Such acknowledgment should, at a minimum, take the form of reparative action, beginning with a formal public University apology to the members of the Black Justice League and their allies.” The Black Justice League, which was active on campus from 2014 until 2016, was a small local terrorist organization that made life miserable for the many (including the many black students) who did not agree with its members’ demands. Recently I watched an “Instagram Live” of one of its alumni leaders, who—emboldened by recent events and egged on by over 200 supporters who were baying for blood—presided over what was effectively a Struggle Session against one of his former classmates. It was one of the most evil things I have ever witnessed, and I do not say this lightly. “Constitute a committee composed entirely of faculty that would oversee the investigation and discipline of racist behaviors, incidents, research, and publication on the part of faculty… Guidelines on what counts as racist behavior, incidents, research, and publication will be authored by a faculty committee for incorporation into the [usual] set of rules and procedures.” This scares me more than anything else: For colleagues to police one another’s research and publications in this way would be outrageous. Let me be clear: Racist slurs and clear and documentable bias against someone because of skin color are reprehensible and should lead to disciplinary action, for which there is already a process. But is there anyone who doesn’t believe that this committee would be a star chamber with a low bar for cancellation, punishment, suspension, even dismissal?... I defy any of my colleagues to argue persuasively that defunding campus police is a good idea, even at idyllic Princeton. I defy anyone who signed that letter, directly or indirectly, to send his or her children to a college or university without campus security. Fantasizing that you can do without the police is the height of arrogant privilege."
Anti-racism means if you oppose racial discrimination, you're racist

Princeton’s Proposed Academic Code leaves no Room for Truth - - "the move was spearheaded by Professor Jenny Greene, director of Princeton’s Prison Teaching Initiative. The article referred to hopes “that this political moment may yield substantive change at the University.” It then quoted Professor Greene saying, “You have to seize these moments and try to get as much thinking and resources and changes as you can and then know that you’re still going to have lots and lots of longer term work to do.”In other words – never let a good crisis go to waste... the Classics Department administrators charged that Professor Katz’s words drew upon “a long history of language used in this country to incite racial and specifically anti-Black violence. The use of such language is abhorrent at this moment of national reckoning with the continuing legacy of systemic racism and violence, and it has heedlessly put our Black colleagues, students, and alums at serious risk.” How could the musings of a Classics professor represent a “serious risk” to anyone? Is he recruiting an army of followers to pelt the demonstrators with copies of Plato, Ovid and Aristotle? Professor Katz’s threat was that he used reason and evidence to expose fallacies. His declaration conforms to the long tradition of inquiry into the nature of the good, true and beautiful that long defined universities.Since the turbulent sixties, however, this inquiry was confused with license to say or do anything. Academics abandoned and even attacked the idea of objective truth, along with goodness and beauty. They objected to objective truth because it would limit their ability to disseminate “new” truths. The leftist professors peddled the idea of “academic freedom” as a means to protect their “right” to say whatever they wanted in their classrooms. Their pleas for academic freedom were always a sham. They only defended the freedom to teach their ideas... Now, the left has abandoned even the veneer of academic freedom. In the current university, no idea is so ridiculous that it cannot be entertained. If misguided men claim to be women, dogs or whatever, they must be taken seriously... Princeton’s President Eisgruber might rest easy for now. He has shown the leftists sipping Chablis in the faculty dining room that they can count on him. However, he should not get too comfortable. Even if he complies with every syllable in that 4,122 word “letter,” there will be a new round of more radical demands. If he refuses them anything, the radicals will turn on him. Then, the anti-racist faculty “Committee of Public Safety” will park their guillotine on his lawn. It will not be a pretty picture."

The Ideological Corruption of Science - WSJ - "In the 1980s, when I was a young professor of physics and astronomy at Yale, deconstructionism was in vogue in the English Department. We in the science departments would scoff at the lack of objective intellectual standards in the humanities, epitomized by a movement that argued against the existence of objective truth itself, arguing that all such claims to knowledge were tainted by ideological biases due to race, sex or economic dominance. It could never happen in the hard sciences, except perhaps under dictatorships, such as the Nazi condemnation of “Jewish” science, or the Stalinist campaign against genetics led by Trofim Lysenko, in which literally thousands of mainstream geneticists were dismissed in the effort to suppress any opposition to the prevailing political view of the state.Or so we thought. In recent years, and especially since the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis, academic science leaders have adopted wholesale the language of dominance and oppression previously restricted to “cultural studies” journals to guide their disciplines, to censor dissenting views, to remove faculty from leadership positions if their research is claimed by opponents to support systemic oppression. In June, the American Physical Society (APS), which represents 55,000 physicists world-wide, endorsed a “strike for black lives” to “shut down STEM” in academia. It closed its office—not to protest police violence or racism, but to “commit to eradicating systemic racism and discrimination, especially in academia, and science,” stating that “physics is not an exception” to the suffocating effects of racism in American life. While racism in our society is real, no data were given to support this claim of systemic racism in science, and I have argued elsewhere that there are strong reasons to think that this claim is spurious. The APS wasn’t alone. National laboratories and university science departments joined the one-day strike. The pre-eminent science journal Nature, which disseminates what it views as the most important science stories in a daily newsletter, featured an article titled “Ten simple rules for building an anti-racist lab.”At Michigan State University, one group used the strike to organize and coordinate a protest campaign against the vice president for research, physicist Stephen Hsu, whose crimes included doing research on computational genomics to study how human genetics might be related to cognitive ability—something that to the protesters smacked of eugenics. He was also accused of supporting psychology research at MSU on the statistics of police shootings that didn’t clearly support claims of racial bias. Within a week, the university president forced Mr. Hsu to resign... When scientific and academic leaders give official imprimatur to unverified claims, or issue blanket condemnations of peer-reviewed research or whole fields that may be unpopular, it has ripple effects throughout the field. It can shut down discussion and result in self-censorship. Shortly after Mr. Hsu resigned, the authors of the psychology study asked the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science to retract their paper—not because of flaws in their statistical analysis, but because of what they called the “misuse” of their article by journalists who argued that it countered the prevailing view that police forces are racist. They later amended the retraction request to claim, conveniently, that it “had nothing to do with political considerations, ‘mob’ pressure, threats to the authors, or distaste for the political views of people citing the work approvingly.” As a cosmologist, I can say that if we retracted all the papers in cosmology that we felt were misrepresented by journalists, there would hardly be any papers left. Actual censorship is also occurring. A distinguished chemist in Canada argued in favor of merit-based science and against hiring practices that aim at equality of outcome if they result “in discrimination against the most meritorious candidates.” For that he was censured by his university provost, his published review article on research and education in organic synthesis was removed from the journal website, and two editors involved in accepting it were suspended... A group of linguistics students initiated a public petition asking that the psychologist Steven Pinker be stripped of his position as a Linguistics Society of America Fellow for such offenses as tweeting a New York Times article they disapproved of. As ideological encroachment corrupts scientific institutions, one might wonder why more scientists aren’t defending the hard sciences from this intrusion. The answer is that many academics are afraid, and for good reason. They are hesitant to disagree with scientific leadership groups, and they see what has happened to scientists who do. They see how researchers lose funding if they can’t justify how their research programs will explicitly combat claimed systemic racism or sexism, a requirement for scientific proposals now being applied by granting agencies. Whenever science has been corrupted by falling prey to ideology, scientific progress suffers. This was the case in Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union—and in the U.S. in the 19th century when racist views dominated biology, and during the McCarthy era, when prominent scientists like Robert Oppenheimer were ostracized for their political views. To stem the slide, scientific leaders, scientific societies and senior academic administrators must publicly stand up not only for free speech in science, but for quality, independent of political doctrine and divorced from the demands of political factions"

WATCH: Tucker Plays Lemon’s Comments From 2013 On Black Community That’d Get Him ‘Fired Immediately’ Now - "Carlson highlighted comments from this week in which Lemon suggested that “black lives matter” does not mean “all black lives matter,” stating that the movement is not “all-encompassing” and specifically does not focus on black-on-black violence, as well as comments in which he mocked reports about the rising crime rates in major U.S. cities. Carlson then played comments from Lemon in 2013 addressing issues in the black community... In the 2013 CNN clip, Lemon said:
More than 72 percent of children in the African-American community are born out of wedlock, that means absent fathers. And the studies show that a lack of a male role model is an express train right to prison, and the cycle continues. So please, black folks, as I said, if this doesn’t apply to you, I’m not talking to you. Pay attention to and think about what has been presented in recent history as acceptable behavior. Pay close attention to the hip-hop and rap culture that many of you embrace, a culture that glorifies everything I just mentioned. Thug and reprehensible behavior, a culture that is making a lot of people rich, just not you and it’s not going to."

Dr. NadineSTANCING Thornhill Ed.D (she/her) on Twitter - "To my well-intentioned white friends. Here's a harsh truth I need you to accept: Some Black folks will never be okay with you. And if you truly care about righting racial injustice, you have to fight for us anyway. White people, white culture, and white institutions have demoralized, dehumanized, tortured, and killed Black folks for generations.Your systems have left us trapped in an abusive relationship for literal centuries."
To be an "ally" is to simp for people who will always have contempt for you based on how you were born. Eventually the supply of self-flagellating progressives will run out

James Lindsay - Posts - "Majority Taxes — Toward Antiracist Allyship in Medicine"
"Wherein the NEJM publishes a black doctor (chief resident of psychiatry at UCLA actually) basically mocking a white suicidal teenager at the beginning of a sustained argument that "majority taxes" should apply in medicine and beyond."
The irony is that the white teenager had spray painted "BLM" and had been cited by the police. The truth that white people need to realise is that no matter how good allies they are, they're still white and so will always be despised by other liberals

Black Like Me - Wikipedia
"I read this in grade school. It was part of our school curriculum in Grade 8. The whole class read it. Good book.A story of a white dude who wore blackface and went around pretending he was black was once public school curriculum and I cant remember people thinking it was inappropriate or that what the author did was wrong. In fact; this book was considered Anti-racist and progressive.You all know what the response would be in 2020 if a white guy did this.Have progressive left politics and a cultural obsession with anti-racism made race relations worse or better?"

Black and White discrimination in the United States: Evidence from an archive of survey experiment studies - "This study reports results from a new analysis of 17 survey experiment studies that permitted assessment of racial discrimination, drawn from the archives of the Time-sharing Experiments for the Social Sciences. For White participants (n=10 435), pooled results did not detect a net discrimination for or against White targets, but, for Black participants (n=2781), pooled results indicated the presence of a small-to-moderate net discrimination in favor of Black targets; inferences were the same for the subset of studies that had a political candidate target and the subset of studies that had a worker or job applicant target. These results have implications for understanding racial discrimination in the United States, and, given that some of the studies have never been fully reported on in a journal or academic book, the results also suggest the need for preregistration to reduce or eliminate publication bias in racial discrimination studies."
"Structural racism" indeed!

Mark Lutchman 🇺🇸 on Twitter - "Know why bi-racial adults identify with their black lineage & not their white? Because there's no benefit of being white, no privilege. *Kaepernick*"

Thread by @wokal_distance - "Woke teachers are ruining education.
This elementary teacher, who doesn't know when America was founded, says she teaches her students about leftist protesting and activism but refuses to teach the actual curriculum.
a thread about how we got here:
Here's another elementary school teacher saying she sees teaching as a political act and that social justice (AKA: wokeness) is the foundation of ALL learning ...
Why do teachers like her think this?
It's because professors of education in the universities and colleges of education (where teachers are trained) think what goes on in the classroom is all about politics, and have been claiming that teaching is a political act
In "The Critical Turn in Education" Isaac gottesman, explains how leftist brought marxism into universities and radicalized the field of education in the 70's (pic 1) and then brought in Postmodern feminist ideas and critical race theory in the 80's and 90's. (pic 2)
Teachers who should be teaching kids to read, write, and count, are being told to teach children Marxism, Postmodern feminism, and Critical Race Theory. which is why teaching resources constantly talk about diversity, race, and whiteness...even for teaching MATH
This all started with Paulo Freire, a Brazilian Marxist who said the purpose of education is to teach people how they are being oppressed using Marxist political theory. Having politically awareness inline with Marxist theory was what he called "critical consciousness."...
just in case you think that these guys are just a coupe of fringe lunatics, let me show you this:
One way to measure academic influence is with citations (the number of times your work gets mentioned by other academics). The more citations, the greater the influence.
So, lets compare Giroux and Freire to other famous Scholars for context
Jordan Peterson has 13,381
Isaac Newton has 27,143
Albert Einstein has 131,459
Richard Dawkins has 88,079
Charles Darwin Has 184,507
Meanwhile Paulo Freire has....𝟜𝟙𝟙,𝟡𝟠𝟘
You are reading that correctly: The Marxist who said the primary goal of teaching is to bring radical left wing politics into elementary school classrooms has more citations then Albert Einstein and Charles Darwin COMBINED.
Don't worry it gets worse...
that is how you get the creation of a college textbook that has as it's goal teaching Social justice (AKA, wokeness) during Math class.
Don't worry, it gets even worse then that
Christopher Dubbs wrote a paper where he suggests, and I'm not kidding, teaching grade 5 kids to challenge the structure of marriage by appealing to race, gender, and sexuality. He also thinks "queering" math (making math queer) can provide kids with an alternative reality.
That's the environment our elementary school teachers are being trained in. This is why we have teachers who won't teach the proper curriculum, instead substituting their own curriculum and teach children to be left wing activists rather then the date of America's founding"
"give us a child till he's seven and we'll have him for life" doesn't just work for the Jesuits"
Maybe "minorities" are doing badly in school in Anglo countries because they learn this kind of shit in school, but whites learn proper stuff on their own time

In defence of liberalism: resisting a new era of intolerance | The Spectator - "What we are seeing is nothing more or less than the death of the liberal ideal.Of course ‘liberalism’ was always a broadly defined term; a definition made only vaguer by Americans making it synonymous with ‘left-wing’. But in the truest political sense it encapsulates most of the foundations of our political order... well-meaning people have poured almost a million pounds into the coffers of Black Lives Matter UK in the belief that they are helping a movement that will help black people. In fact they have funded a deeply radical movement. On its own fundraising page, BLM UK describes its aims as: ‘to dismantle imperialism, capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchy and the state structures.’ So as well as dismantling a nonexistent menace (‘imperialism’) it intends to bring down the economy and completely alter relations between the sexes (negatively characterised as ‘patriarchy’). This is not liberalism, but far-left radicalism of a kind that has become very familiar of late. Some people watching events of recent days will have been surprised by how far and fast such sentiments have run. By the sight of a mob in Bristol tearing down a statue and then jumping on it. By a Labour MP saying: ‘I celebrate these acts of resistance. We need a movement that will tear down systemic racism.’ By the ranks of British police who could find no way to respond to this behaviour other than (in a newly invented act of faith) to ‘take the knee’ before it. And then there is the media, which has chosen to provide cover for such violence and purge from their ranks not just people who dissent from it but, in the case of the New York Times a few days ago, anyone who helps publish someone who dissents. As one of the last liberals left at that newspaper, Bari Weiss, explained it last week, the over-forties in the news business (like so many others) imagined that the people coming up under them shared their liberal worldview. Then they discovered that these young people believed in ‘safetyism’ over liberalism, and ‘the right of people to feel emotionally and psychologically safe’ over ‘what were considered core liberal values, like free speech’. Actually the divide is even bigger than that, and now encompasses nearly everything. Where the liberal mind is inquiring, the woke mind is dogmatic. Where the liberal mind is capable of humility, the woke mind is capable of none. Where the liberal mind is able to forgive, the woke mind believes that to have erred just once is cause enough to be ‘cancelled’. And while the liberal mind inherited the idea of loving your neighbour, the woke mind positively itches to cast the first stone. Readers of The Spectator have known this was coming. When this magazine first wrote about the Stepford Students, it was asked why we take this so seriously — surely the students would grow up? And they did: but they didn’t change. The virtue-signalling of large corporations — the growing legions of diversity officers and ‘implicit bias training’ — was also written off as the silliness of the corporate world. When we described the mandatory requirement in government to prove a ‘commitment to diversity’ in order to be eligible for any public appointment, it was greeted with the same dismissal. As the American journalist Andrew Sullivan (himself now seemingly muzzled, if not cancelled) put it two years ago: ‘We all live on campus now.’ Step by step, the UK came to have a public and private sector dedicated to the implementation of views which are barely distinguishable from those of the protestors who took to the streets in the past week or two. It’s an ethic which demands that our society play a set of impossible, unwinnable games of identity and ‘privilege’ that not only subvert but end any idea of tolerance. All of this emanates from those who come out of university educated to loathe our society, believing it to be characterised by the oppression of certain groups by other groups: a shameful history and a shameful present. Today these people head into professions where their language of aggressive superiority (‘Educate yourself’) is used to intimidate their elders, force every-one to agree with their point of view and otherwise make themselves unsackable... After the weekend’s vandalism against London monuments, the capital’s Mayor, Sadiq Khan, announced that his ‘Commission for Diversity in the Public Realm’ would sit in judgment on all racist statues in the capital. Within hours, the Museum of London had already brought in the cranes to remove an errant statue on West India Quay.In such ways has the free exchange of ideas about our past and present been replaced by a series of demands and assertions that demand everyone else’s compliance. ‘Silence is violence’ is one favoured line, meaning that if you do not agree with the radicals, you are perpetrating an act of violence. Naturally this assertion comes from the same people who have spent a lot of time asserting that words (such as ‘mis-gendering’ someone) are violence. While the violence of the past few days is not violence... Dr King gave a speech titled ‘Where do we go from here?’ in which he said: ‘Let us be dissatisfied until that day when nobody will shout, “White Power!”, when nobody will shout, “Black Power!”, but everybody will talk about God’s power and human power.’The people who have come after Dr King have spent years busily inverting that dream. In the name of black agency they try to deny white people agency. In the name of assailing white supremacy they end up by asserting black supremacy. And in order to make up for the sufferings of people who are no longer alive they demand vast wealth transfers today based on racial grouping. It is hard to imagine a more divisive programme, all carried out in the name of anti-racism. What they are actually doing is busily re-racialising our societies. Which is how you come to the situation where a cabinet minister is quizzed on Sky News about the precise ethno-racial composition of the British cabinet and certain ‘anti-racists’ can be found on social media noting with disapproval the number of people of Asian descent in the cabinet."

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