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Saturday, March 05, 2022

Links - 5th March 2022 (1 - Covid-19)

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "Another disturbing story that highlights our society’s creeping authoritarianism.  Moderna operated for ten years without any profit, living off of investor’s money and hope that the company could produce groundbreaking drugs. That investment paid off when Moderna was able to create the most effective vaccine against Covid; its first product. Since then the company has cracked to set up manufacturing and distribution capabilities from scratch. Hundreds of thousands of lives have been saved by Moderna and its vaccine.  Now the politicians, wanting something for nothing, are threatening the company to produce and distribute millions of vaccines without any profit. The politicians, who are spending trillions as if they can just print the money, aren’t offering to fund their demands at market value.  Meanwhile Moderna has vaccines in testing for the flu and RSV. A MRNA flu vaccine could be produced much quicker than current flu vaccine technology, wouldn’t have the egg allergy problem, and would also be more effective. Millions more would be saved if these vaccines work and it’s funded by the profits of the Covid vaccine.  Government’s compelling private companies to produce products without profit kills investors desire to fund these startups. It’s one of the problems of fascism, though fascists usually allow a company to retain some profit for fulfilling the desires of the state."

Brumby on Twitter - "This poll confirms my suspicion that lockdowns are only supported by white liberal assholes. The problem is such demographic is largely in control of COVID policy. 57% of voters believe that lockdowns did more harm than good. The only category %lt;50% (at 37%) is white Dems."

Media Ignores 90% Coronavirus Death Collapse In Country
From Mid-2020. If it bleeds it leads

Frustrated Benoit Paire tests positive for COVID-19 again | Toronto Sun - "“Hello, my name is Benoit Paire and for the 250th time I am positive for COVID,” the frustrated Frenchman said on Twitter."
Clearly society needs to be shut down forever

Pro-trucker docs push to end COVID mandates | Toronto Sun - "Dr. Byram Bridle, Dr. Paul Alexander, and Dr. Roger Hodkinson have invited federal senior health officials, including Dr. Theresa Tam and Dr. Howard Njoo,  a health discussion.   Bridle wants to see the evidence used by federal officials in the decision to lock down the country during COVID-19...   “Since the beginning of this declared pandemic, Canadian experts in immunology, virology, epidemiology, evidence-based medicine, academic science, and clinical medicine have been asking to have a public debate regarding the science that has been used by public health to justify the restrictions and mandates.  “Given that the government claims we are in a state of emergency, we feel this discussion needs to be expedited and brought before the Canadian public...   The invitation comes at a time when other countries, such as the U.K., are dropping their COVID mandates.  The letter notes that Canada’s national media outlets are invited to the event, which will be livestreamed."

Weekend protests raise further questions about Toronto police vaccine stance - "Of all the videos tweeted during this weekend's tensions, none are more damning than a clip showing the aftermath of a police officer removing a protester, telling protesters that he "didn't want to" remove her and that the police are "neutral" and "right down the middle" on the matter."
To the left, if you are neutral you are biased. And when the police deal with their protests the same way, they get very upset and claim they're being brutalised

WARMINGTON: Protests OK. Why not shooting baskets in parks? | Toronto Sun - "It’s difficult to explain the need for locking churches in Ontario, taking down basketball nets, prohibiting live music, and closing schools, patios, and golf courses when thousands piled into a closed municipal square to chant, sing, wave flags and set off fireworks.  Many were not wearing masks and social distancing protocols appeared non-existent."
From May 2021

The Real Pandemic Was a Nursing Home Problem - "the New York Times reported that 54,000 deaths due to COVID-19 — 43% of all deaths in the United States — occurred in nursing home residents and workers... despite driving the U.S. economy into an artificial depression, destroying tens of thousands of businesses and the lives of millions of citizens, and elevating rates of domestic violence, divorce, substance abuse, and suicide, US government policies failed to protect the most vulnerable segment of the population: individuals in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities."

Coronavirus Lays Bare Poor Conditions in Canada’s Nursing Homes - WSJ

Israeli study offers strongest proof yet of vitamin D’s power to fight COVID - "Israel scientists say they have gathered the most convincing evidence to date that increased vitamin D levels can help COVID-19 patients reduce the risk of serious illness or death.  Researchers from Bar Ilan University and the Galilee Medical Center say that the vitamin has such a strong impact on disease severity that they can predict how people would fare if infected based on nothing more than their ages and vitamin D levels.  Lacking vitamin D significantly increases danger levels, they concluded in newly peer-reviewed research published Thursday in the journal PLOS One... “We checked a range of timeframes, and found that wherever you look over the two years before infection, the correlation between vitamin D and disease severity is extremely strong”"
Damn "misinformation"! This study needs to be retracted and anyone mentioning it banned from the internet because they are literally killing people Of course this has nothing to do with the "structural racism" that means black and brown people are more likely to have severe covid

Singapore, Hong Kong left behind as global travel rebounds, Government & Economy - THE BUSINESS TIMES - "The marquee transit hubs of Hong Kong and Singapore are being shunned as travellers seek to avoid weeks in hotel isolation on arrival or a raft of testing swabs. Airlines, which before the pandemic operated about 30,000 flights a month to the 2 Asian gateways, have slashed that number to just 4,514 in February, according to aviation data company Cirium... The uneven air-travel rebound is likely to continue for the rest of 2022 as countries in Europe and North and South America continue to reopen and Asian restrictions put off travellers...   “The 2-speed recovery is very evident,” he said. “A significant level of intra-Asia traffic touches China and with borders there likely to remain closed to international arrivals through late 2022, the recovery in Asia will inevitably be slower than other regions.”   Within Europe, flying will surpass 75 per cent of pre-pandemic levels next month, according to Cirium data from airline schedules. Inside the US, the figure will be 86 per cent.   Asia’s Covid curbs are choking the flow of visitors to the countries that need them most. Australia’s Jetstar recently delayed a resumption of flights to Bali from Melbourne and Sydney, citing the island’s 5-day quarantine requirement for vaccinated arrivals. “We look forward to flying into Bali when quarantine restrictions ease further,” said Jetstar, which is owned by Qantas Airways.  Thailand this month resumed quarantine-free tourism for vaccinated travellers. But the programme’s requirements for multiple tests, registration, and a certain baseline of insurance cover have drawn criticism. Thailand expects less than 10 million foreign visitors this year, down from 40 million before the virus... The number of scheduled flights into all of Asia from outside the region this month is a little more than half the total before the pandemic"

Who should get Covid-19 booster shots next in Singapore? - "Thousands of older people around the world have begun receiving Covid-19 booster shots to further protect them against infection and severe illness - especially as immunity has been shown to wane over time.  But should healthy young adults be next in line? While the jury is still out on that subject, some local scientists believe that the risks may currently outweigh the benefits...   For those with weakened immune systems, the data is clear. As they tend to produce fewer antibodies than healthy people after vaccination, a third shot is recommended.  The same logic applies to the elderly, who are also believed to have a lower immune response to the vaccine - although the scientific evidence for this proposition is less strong, said Professor Ooi Eng Eong of Duke-NUS Medical School's Programme in Emerging Infectious Diseases. He believes there is "no harm" in booster shots for this group, but cautioned against administering these jabs to younger adults, who tend to react more strongly.  "Already, the second dose gives quite a lot of side-effects," he said. "I'm not sure what a third dose is going to do."  The experts added that Singapore's eventual decision on whether to extend booster shots to most of the population will depend on what it hopes to achieve through vaccination.  If the goal is to keep people out of hospital, the standard two doses will sufficiently protect most people against severe disease, noted Associate Professor Hsu Li Yang, an infectious diseases expert at the National University of Singapore's Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health. But if Singapore wants to prevent infection altogether, it will have to make sure most people have high levels of antibodies. Doing so, however, comes with its drawbacks...   Is it possible to give booster shots every few months, in order to keep antibody levels high?  No, Prof Ooi said. "Keeping the immune system activated and seeing the same antigen has its price. The price is that the immune system can sometimes think that you are trying to educate it to tolerate this. That becomes a disaster."  This is similar to how food allergies can be treated by gradually exposing a person to increasingly larger amounts of the trigger food, until the body is completely desensitised to it.  In this case, however, the virus can wreak havoc if the immune system does not recognise it as a threat."
Of course, Singapore then extended covid apartheid to those without boosters

Austria to Repeal Almost All 'Corona Apartheid' Rules Targeting Unvaxxed - "In what amounts to a seismic u-turn in policy, Austria is to relax all ‘Corona Apartheid’ rules targetting the nation’s unvaccinated, despite having previously promised to keep unjabbed individuals under perpetual lockdown.  Austria’s coalition government has announced that the vast majority of lockdown measures in place in the country — including the almost all “Corona Apartheid” restrictions specifically targeting the nation’s unvaccinated — are to be scrapped from March 5... While Austria had already returned limited freedoms to the nation’s unvaccinated earlier in the year, this announcement marks a significant u-turn on the nation’s approach to dealing with unvaccinated individuals.  However, despite these relaxations, authorities still seem to remain adamant about its continued regime of forced vaccination.  Vaccination against the Chinese Coronavirus has been mandatory for all over-18s within the country since February 5, though the use of penalties — including fines of up to €3,600 — has yet to come into effect...   This reassurance that the rules are to be constantly reexamined comes hot on the heels of a report by Kronen Zeitung which claimed that the forced vax rules currently in place have not had a positive effect on vaccine uptake in the nation’s capital of Vienna.  According to the publication’s report — which was based off data received from a government official — there has been  “no mandatory vaccination effect – and if there is, then rather in the other direction”, with figures trending slightly downwards since the implementation of the measure."

Did the Commission take into account Pfizer’s history? - "Pfizer have been convicted a number of times in the United States for falsification of data, corruption and paying kickbacks. In 2016, the company was also fined GBP 84.2 million in the UK for overcharging for its epilepsy drug. And in 1996, Pfizer was accused of causing the death of 11 children in Nigeria and physiological damage to many others by testing an antibiotic on them. Wikileaks revealed in 2010 that Pfizer had sought evidence of corruption against the Nigerian Justice Minister to force him to drop the prosecution.  In the negotiations, did the Commission take into account Pfizer’s history and methods?"

Suspicions grow that nanoparticles in Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine trigger rare allergic reactions - "PEG has never been used before in an approved vaccine, but it is found in many drugs that have occasionally triggered anaphylaxis—a potentially life-threatening reaction that can cause rashes, a plummeting blood pressure, shortness of breath, and a fast heartbeat...   Pfizer's and Moderna's clinical trials of the vaccines, which involved tens of thousands of people, did not find serious adverse events caused by the vaccine. But both studies excluded people with a history of allergies to components of the COVID-19 vaccines; Pfizer also excluded those who previously had a severe adverse reaction from any vaccine. People with previous allergic reactions to food or drugs were not excluded, but may have been underrepresented.   The two vaccines both contain mRNA wrapped in lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) that help carry it to human cells but also act as an adjuvant, a vaccine ingredient that bolsters the immune response. The LNPs are "PEGylated"—chemically attached to PEG molecules that cover the outside of the particles and increase their stability and life span. PEGs are also used in everyday products such as toothpaste and shampoo as thickeners, solvents, softeners, and moisture carriers, and they've been used as a laxative for decades. An increasing number of biopharmaceuticals include PEGylated compounds as well.  PEGs were long thought to be biologically inert, but a growing body of evidence suggests they are not. As much as 72% of people have at least some antibodies against PEGs"

Emily Zanotti on Twitter - "How could Colbert lose to Gutfeld in the ratings with an act like this??"
"I would like to get unvaccinated now"
This is serious cringe. And they mock the right as "cultists"

Pfizer Gang Is Pfinished - The Atlantic - "In April, Nicholas was stoked to have gotten Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, the “status vaccine,” which was also the vaccine for “hot people,” and the vaccine that got a person conditionless admission to the “Pfizer Gang.” He made a new forum on Reddit—r/pfizergang, obviously—where people like him could engage in celebration and memes and funny jokes about how Pfizer was better than Moderna, but not make jokes containing misinformation, because Moderna is actually very good also, and everyone should get vaccinated. There was to be no anti-vaccine discussion whatsoever, and why would there be?... As the mood turned nationwide, the fun of r/pfizergang, too, would crumble. Things got so bad among the vaxxed elite, in fact, that on July 26, Nicholas felt he had no choice but to shut his forum down. “I wanted to create a social pressure where it was like, These people in Pfizer Gang seem like they’re having a lot of fun,” he said, and then that fun would inspire other people to get vaccinated. “That was the goal. And when that failed, I failed.”... “I’m genuinely concerned that there may have been people who ended up not getting the vaccine because of this subreddit,” he said. “I already have to, like, come to terms with that.”"
Of course, these are the people who mock others as cultists

Pfizer Won the Vaccine Race. Was There a Downside? - The Atlantic - "Compared with Moderna’s competing shot, Pfizer’s vaccine seems to induce half the amount of virus-fighting antibodies, and is associated with nearly twice as many breakthrough infections, according to two recent studies. Pfizer’s shots remain highly protective against hospitalization, but the latest numbers from the CDC suggest that their effectiveness has dropped from 87 percent to 80 percent during the Delta wave, while that of Moderna’s shots remains in the 90s."
From October 2021. The moral panic over breakthrough infections (and it being used to force boosters on everyone) is interesting since we are still being gaslit that the vaccines are not and never were meant to prevent infection

‘Smile Again’ Denmark Abolishes ALL Domestic COVID Restrictions - "Denmark has announced that it will be abolishing all domestic COVID restrictions currently in place, with the PM saying that the country could ‘smile again’.  Following in the footsteps of England, Ireland, and the Netherlands, Denmark has announced that it will soon be dramatically pulling back on COVID restrictions within the country.  However, unlike these three European nations which are keeping some measures in place while pulling others back, Denmark is planning on scrapping all of its domestic restrictions from February 1...   Meanwhile, mask mandates for the likes of public transport will be scrapped in their entirety, along with limits on the numbers allowed in retail outlets...   The PM noted that while it may appear “strange and paradoxical” that the government chose to loosen restrictions at a time when case numbers are at record highs, the nation’s health minister affirmed that those numbers do not pose a significant threat... Denmark’s abolition of restrictions targeting the Chinese Coronavirus comes as a sea change against lockdown measures takes hold across Europe.  Many countries in Europe have pulled back on harsh COVID rules in recent days, with more and more opting to dump hardline measures, such as vaccine passes and mandatory mask-wearing.  Of those who loosened restrictions, England was the first mover, with Boris Johnson announcing an end to mask mandates across the country last Wednesday as part of the nation’s return to so-called “Plan A” measures.  Ireland quickly followed suit, with the nation’s Prime Minister (Taoiseach) Micheál Martin announcing on Friday an end to the nation’s domestic system of vaccine passes effective from 6 am the following day.  Northern Ireland, Scotland, and the Netherlands have all also loosened lockdown rules since Johnson’s announcement.  Even nations such as France and Austria, which both continue to put extreme pressure on unjabbed individuals within their borders, have begun relaxing some rules."

Denmark Decided COVID Isn't a Critical Threat - The Atlantic - "its infection rate is currently higher than every other country’s in the world—except one: the South Pacific archipelago nation of Palau. “If you are following Denmark’s infection numbers, this seems like a very, very strange thing to do,” Michael Bang Petersen, a Danish researcher who led a global survey of COVID attitudes and advises the Danish government, told me. But Petersen defends the decision. Because of falling ICU admissions and shorter hospital stays, he said, COVID is no longer a socially critical sickness in Denmark... Petersen and I talked about Denmark’s decision, how the country maintains the trust of the public during confusing times, why it’s smart to announce an expiration date for COVID restrictions, and why so many in Denmark are strongly pro-vaccine but also strongly anti–vaccine mandate... from a purely epidemic perspective, it might have made sense to extend Denmark’s restrictions another two weeks to ensure that we are on the other side of the Omicron peak. But that decision would have come with cost too. Waiting is not free...
Thompson: What’s been the international reaction to this decision?
Petersen: The reaction has been confusion or disbelief. And I can understand that. If you are following Denmark’s infection numbers, this seems like a very, very strange thing to do. But that is why it’s so important to understand what’s happening in our hospital wards, and all the data coming in from our excellent hospital-data infrastructure shows that this is not a critical threat anymore... it is rare to have severe cases of long COVID. Most people can expect to have only short-term loss of smell and taste, for example... I think the government built a lot of trust with the public by making all pandemic restrictions temporary and then lifting them when circumstances changed.
Thompson: My last question for you is about vaccine mandates. I was struck by Søren Brostrøm, the director general of Denmark’s Health Authority, saying, “I do not believe in imposed vaccine mandates. It’s a pharmaceutical intervention with possible side effects. I think if you push too much, you will have a reaction. Action generates reaction, especially with vaccines.” In the U.S., it’s less common to find people who are strongly pro-vaccine but also loudly anti–vaccine mandate. How common is this view in Denmark?
Petersen: In Denmark, people are in favor of vaccines, with more than 81 percent of adults doubly vaccinated, but also very opposed to vaccine mandates. There are no political parties in Parliament that are loudly advocating for vaccine mandates. When the legal framework for pandemic restrictions was formulated, there was a big discussion about vaccine mandates, but that provision was ultimately taken out. I think this is partly related to the fact that our vaccine coverage is so high, so people might feel less of a need to force people to be vaccinated. But also, research suggests that vaccine mandates might enhance what makes people anti-vaccine in the first place, like distrust of authorities and feeling like they’re being forced to do something that’s bad for them."
Covid hystericists will be very upset Denmark isn't "following the science" and is being "reckless"

COVID-19 vaccines: Denmark sees no reason to give more

Denmark: Anti-lockdown activists to march in Copenhagen Dec. 18
Of course, the narrative is that this had nothing to do with the lifting of restrictions. Weird how usually ignoring dissent is seen as a bad thing - of a government being elitist, out of touch, or ignoring minorities

Carl Benjamin - Posts | Facebook - "The Labour Party leadership flaunted the lockdown rules, too. None of these people are following the rules they demand you follow."
Meme - "Dinner for the many, not the few"
Keir Starmer enjoys beer with Labour workers despite lockdown rules banning indoor social gatherings

Meme - Michael Hiltzik: "Column: Trump's plotting for a pre- election vaccine will kill people"
Michael Hiltzik @hiltzikm: "Column: Mocking anti-vaxxers' deaths is ghoulish, yes - but necessary"

Colin Wright on Twitter - "The demonization of people with any degree of vaccine hesitancy to those who simply oppose vaccine mandates as "anti-vaxxers" has resulted in people adopting a "be more of a COVID hawk than anybody in the room" rule of thumb in order to avoid being labeled "anti-vax" themselves."

South Korea to start giving fourth doses of Covid-19 vaccine by month-end
Next up, the fifth

Colorado State University threatens to arrest unvaccinated students | The Post Millennial - "CSU alleged that unvaccinated students pose a threat to the safety and well-being of the University community... Colorado State University's current COVID-19 requirements are among the strictest in the nation, despite the university having a high-vaccination rate. 87.5 percent of students recieved the COVID-19 vaccine, while 84.9 percent of faculty members received the doses; a threshold that is often considered to be herd immunity, according to the WHO."
We are still being told that the vaccines were never meant to stop transmission

COVID-19: Clinical trials need to shift focus of treatments, says B.C. researcher | Vancouver Sun - "Mills’ group, however, conducted the largest trial to show that ivermectin is not an effective treatment for COVID alone. Unfortunately, those promoting ivermectin as a treatment are doing so blindly, Mills said, while critics dismiss the treatment unscientifically as a “horse dewormer,” when it has plenty of uses in humans.  “It’s a fantastic drug for conditions like river blindness and parasitic infections,” Mills said.  And the reason he doesn’t believe ivermectin should be completely dismissed is because “we don’t understand the role of parasite co-infection during COVID,” Mills said, including places where there are a lot of parasitic infections that end up in the lungs of patients.  “If you’re genuinely treating those (parasite) infections, you probably are having an effect on the COVID outcomes”...   As for fluvoxamine, TOGETHER COVID found that 30 per cent of patients in a placebo-controlled study avoided hospitalization after treatment, versus 10 per cent in the placebo group, indicating its effectiveness."

Ivermectin shows ‘antiviral effect’ against COVID, Japanese company says - "Jpanese trading and pharmaceuticals company Kowa Co Ltd (7807.T) on Monday said that anti-parasite drug ivermectin showed an "antiviral effect" against Omicron and other coronavirus variants in joint non-clinical research."

Ivermectin: Much More Than You Wanted To Know - "This is from ivmmeta.com, part of a sprawling empire of big professional-looking sites promoting unorthodox coronavirus treatments. I have no idea who runs it - they’ve very reasonably kept their identity secret - but my hat is off to them. Each of these study names links to a discussion page which extracts key outcomes and offers links to html and pdf versions of the full text. These same people have another 35 ivermectin studies with different inclusion criteria, subanalyses by every variable under the sun, responses and counterresponses to everyone who disagrees with them about every study, and they’ve done this for twenty-nine other controversial COVID treatments. Putting aside the question of accuracy and grading only on presentation and scale, this is the most impressive act of science communication I have ever seen. The WHO and CDC get billions of dollars in funding and neither of them has been able to communicate their perspective anywhere near as effectively. Even an atheist can appreciate a cathedral, and even an ivermectin skeptic should be able to appreciate this website... Mainstream medicine has reacted with slogans like “believe Science”. I don’t know if those kinds of slogans ever help, but they’re especially unhelpful here. A quick look at ivermectin supporters shows their problem is they believed Science too much. They have a very reasonable-sounding belief, which is that if dozens of studies all say a drug works really well, then it probably works really well. When they see dozens of studies saying a drug works really well, and the elites saying “no don’t take it!”, their extremely natural conclusion is that it works really well but the elites are covering it up.  Sometimes these people even have a specific theory for why elites are covering up ivermectin, like that pharma companies want you to use more expensive patented drugs instead. This theory is extremely plausible... So “believe experts”? That would have been better advice in this case. But the experts have beclowned themselves again and again throughout this pandemic, from the first stirrings of “anyone who worries about coronavirus reaching the US is dog-whistling anti-Chinese racism”, to the Surgeon-General tweeting “Don’t wear a face mask”, to government campaigns focusing entirely on hand-washing (HEPA filters? What are those?) Not only would a recommendation to trust experts be misleading, I don’t even think you could make it work. People would notice how often the experts were wrong, and your public awareness campaign would come to naught. But also: one of the data detectives who exposed some fraudulent ivermectin papers was a medical student, which puts him somewhere between pond scum and hookworms on the Medical Establishment Totem Pole. Some of the people whose studies he helped sink were distinguished Professors of Medicine and heads of Health Institutes. If anyone interprets “trust experts” as “mere medical students must not publicly challenge heads of Health Institutes”, then we’ve accidentally thrown the fundamental principle of science out with the bathwater. But Pierre Kory, spiritual leader of the Ivermectin Jihad, is a distinguished critical care doctor. What heuristic tells us “Medical students should be allowed to publicly challenge heads of Health Institutes” but not “Distinguished critical care doctors should be allowed to publicly challenge the CDC”?  Then what about “believe statisticians”? I’ve never heard anyone propose this before, but re-centering the mystique of scientific-expertise in study-analyzers and study-aggregators rather than object-level scientists is…one way you could go, I guess."

Joe Rogan's COVID Treatment: Ivermectin Concerned CNN, Angering Host - "“Bro, do I have to sue CNN?” he said. “They’re making shit up! They keep saying I’m taking horse dewormer. I literally got it from a doctor. It’s an American company. They won the Nobel Prize in 2015 for use in human beings and CNN is saying I’m taking horse dewormer. They must know that’s a lie.” "CNN was saying I’m a distributor of misinformation""

Woman en route to Iceland isolates four hours in plane washroom after testing positive mid-flight - "Marisa Fotieo... was on her way to a European vacation with her brother and father when she developed a sore throat on the first leg of her Dec. 20 flight and, having packed several rapid tests, went to the airplane washroom to see whether she had COVID."

Struggling to book a PCR test? Here’s how to get one for $159 | The Star - "Palliative care physician Naheed Dosani said while the price of private PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests is an issue, the broader problem is the inequity of some people being able to pay for quicker access to potentially life-saving health care."
Apparently a PCR test for a low risk individual is "potentially life-saving health care". Clearly governments need to offer free, unlimited PCR testing for everyone, even the asymptomatic, or this is unjust. And overconsumption of healthcare is clearly a myth

Why coronavirus hits men harder: sex hormones offer clues - "preliminary observations from Spain suggest that a disproportionate number of men with male pattern baldness—which is linked to a powerful androgen—end up in hospitals with COVID-19... patients on androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT)—drugs that slash levels of testosterone—were only one-quarter as likely to contract COVID-19 as men with prostate cancer not on ADT, they reported in the Annals of Oncology (see table, below). Men on ADT were also less likely to be hospitalized and to die, although numbers were small."
The crowd who are very keen on tackling sex-based disparities (which are always due to "sexism") don't care about men

Past vaccine disasters show why rushing a Covid-19 vaccine now would be 'colossally stupid' - CNN - "Vaccine experts are warning the federal government against rushing out a coronavirus vaccine before testing has shown it's both safe and effective. Decades of history show why they're right. Their concern that the FDA may be moving too quickly heightened when FDA Commissioner Dr. Steven Hahn told the Financial Times that his agency could consider an emergency use authorization (EUA) for a Covid-19 vaccine before late stage clinical trials are complete if the data show strong enough evidence it would protect people... In 1976, scientists predicted a pandemic of a new strain of influenza called swine flu. More than 40 years later, some historians call it "flu epidemic that never was."... "Ford was being cajoled to put forward a vaccine that was hastily put together. When you have a brand new strain situation like that, they had to do it on the fly," Kinch said. Ford made the decision to make the immunization compulsory. The government launched the program in about seven months and 40 million people got vaccinated against swine flu, according to the CDC. That vaccination campaign was later linked to cases of a neurological disorder called Guillain-Barre syndrome, which can develop after an infection or, rarely, after vaccination with a live vaccine... Markel said people's mistrust of the system makes the idea that the FDA would rush this process before late stage clinical trials are complete "colossally stupid." "This is one of the most ridiculous things I've heard this administration say," Markel said. "All it takes is one bad side effect to basically botch a vaccine program that we desperately need against this virus. It's a prescription for disaster." FDA Commissioner Hahn said that the vaccine decision will be based on data, not politics, but Kinch shares Markel's concern. "This could do substantial damage," Kinch said. Kinch, who is a patient in one of the vaccine trials himself, said the clinical trial process needs to be followed to the end. A too-early EUA for a vaccine could cause a "nightmare scenario," for a few reasons.  One, the vaccine may not be safe. Two, if it is not safe, people will lose faith in vaccines. Three, if a vaccine doesn't offer complete protection, people will have a false sense of security and increase their risk. Four, if a substandard vaccine gets an EUA, a better vaccine may never get approval, because people would be reluctant to enroll in trials and risk getting a placebo instead of a vaccine. "People are going to die unnecessarily if we take chances with this," Kinch said. "We've got to get this right.""
Time to shut CNN down for "misinformation"

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