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Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Links - 9th March 2022 (2 - General Wokeness)

Genetic Attributions: Sign of Intolerance or Acceptance? - "Many scholars argue that people who attribute human characteristics to genetic causes also tend to hold politically and socially problematic attitudes. More specifically, public acceptance of genetic influences is believed to be associated with intolerance, prejudice, and the legitimation of social inequities and laissez-faire policies. We test these expectations with original data from two nationally representative samples that allow us to identify the American public’s attributional patterns across 18 diverse traits. Key findings are (1) genetic attributions are actually more likely to be made by liberals, not conservatives; (2) genetic attributions are associated with higher, not lower, levels of tolerance of vulnerable individuals; and (3) genetic attributions do not correlate with unseemly racial attitudes... Those who believe traits are under personal control are the ones who tend to hold less tolerant attitudes"
Liberals blame everything on socialisation, which is also not personal control anyway

Titania McGrath on Twitter - "So depressing to see Barack Obama criticising woke activism and cancel culture. No doubt this is because his mother was white, and he is therefore 50% problematic. #CancelObama"

Huthaifa Shqeirat on Twitter - "Something weird is going. Some media outlets seem to make it a point to post pictures of Muslims with their articles, even if the picture doesn’t necessarily correspond."
Weird. I thought "representation" is important. So Muslims should only have their pictures featured in "Muslim" articles?

conan gray on Twitter - "Many of you have brought to my attention my use of tan emojis. I apologize to anybody who was hurt by my use of emojis that you believe are too dark for me to use. I am mixed race and I chose to use the emojis that I felt best represented my skin tone."
This is why introducing racialised emojis was a bad idea. It created a whole new category of nonsense for SJWs to bitch about. When everyone used the same emojis they couldn't complain about "digital blackface"

Adam Ford on Twitter - "Nick Cannon says white people are "a little less," "closer to animals," "the true savages," "acting out of a deficiency so the only way they can act is evil." When does he get canceled?"

Meme - BLM @88anathema88: "I'm white and i don't think he said anything wrong, other right people are just pressed bc he pulled a reverse card"
Danielle: "The stuff about Jewish people though..."
BLM @88anathema88: "I just saw the stuff about white ppl"
Danielle @Daniell49544913: "Nick Cannon Unmaksed? Star Spreads Anti-Jewish Theories, Criticizing "Rothsc...""
BLM @88anathema88: "gross...nevermind then, I completely disagree with that shit"

Nick Cannon Gets His Job Back After Calling White People ‘Savages.’ - "Morgan Wallen is watching his career implode before his eyes as a consequence of a video that catches the country music star using a racial slur... The even more offensive and racist remarks were never acknowledged by most of the media, or by Cannon himself, or even by ViacomCBS when they initially condemned his statements. Cannon in fact has faced no consequence — not even a temporary consequence — for the rest of his racist diatribe, in which he claimed that white people have a “lack of compassion” because of their melanin deficiency. If that wasn’t enough, he also said that white people are “a little less” (inferior to people with darker skin) and that because they don’t have “the power of the Sun” (?) they have behaved “out of fear, out of low self-esteem, out of deficiency” and acted “evil,” robbing and raping in order to survive. White people, Cannon said, “are closer to animals” and are “the true savages“... This is by far and away the most racist thing that any celebrity of his stature has said in many years, and he never apologized for it...   Who, who has the privilege here? The man who said a bad thing, apologized, and lost his career anyway, or the man who said a worse thing, didn’t apologize, and quickly got his career back? You cannot say the first man has the privilege without removing all meaning from the word."

Karlyn Borysenko, LPNH nominee for Governor of NH on Twitter - "Social justice is a destructive, toxic, insidious cult that plays on the fundamentally good nature and positive intent most people have and makes them hate themselves and distrust everyone around them. That's all."

Diana S. Fleischman on Twitter - "It’s weird that women live beyond menopause. The "grandmother hypothesis" may explain why women outlive their fertility:"
"Discover Magazine deleted this tweet because of massive outrage. Is it indelicately put? Sure. But we’re animals that evolved to propagate our genes- the fact that this is deeply offensive, and that offense is encouraged, doesn’t bode well for a future of undersanding ourselves."

Fairy Gothmother, MD on Twitter - "David Lytle @davitydave blocked you"
"Blocking a woman?? Pssst! Your misogyny is showing"

Wilfred Reilly on Twitter - "The idea that the only possible explanation for any performance difference between any groups is bigotry, and that proposing any other explanation (culture, structural "age/region" variables, genes, luck) is grounds for firing is extraordinarily dangerous for social science.
(2) This isn't hyperbole. I'm a culturalist -as vs. hereditarian, etc- myself, but even those extraordinarily mainstream ideas seem to be under attack at least in academia. The doctor who said "systemic racism" was mostly class just 'resigned' from JAMA...
(3) Even more absurdly, the liberal professor who simply said that - at a school famous for practicing affirmative action - many Black students do well but many of "her" lowest performing students are Black was just fired. Wot?
(4) You can agree or disagree with the (accurate) claim that large-scale AA predicts academic failure: there has been a running CRT/culturalist/hereditarian debate about this stuff for 60 years. What's new today is eliminating 66% of the debaters and just declaring victory."
There goes Georgetown, firing Sandra Sellers and having David Batson resign. Both were adjuncts

Meme - Matthew Yglesias: ""Intent doesn't matter" seems like such an odd viewpoint for a media enterprise to take (especially given the centrality of the actual malice standard in US libel law) that the first time I saw it happen, I thought I was looking at a serious outlier. But perhaps not."
Noam Blum on Twitter - ""Meh, it's just colleges, not the real world."
"Meh, it's just people who deserve it that get cancelled."
"Meh, nutty media speech policies are just an outlier."
How many more lightbulbs does he have left to go off at this point?"

National Gallery worker alleged racism after being asked to wear badge to show she can speak Arabic - "A National Gallery worker who claimed she was racially discriminated against after being asked to wear a badge to show visitors she could speak Arabic has had her case dismissed by an employment tribunal.   Dana El Farra, who is British, and has parents who are also British but who are originally from Kuwait, attempted to sue her bosses at company Securitas after being asked if she could display the Kuwaiti flag on her work badge.   The request, made via email, said the badge was to 'identify your mother tongue with the appropriate flag' and that it was not mandatory, the London Central tribunal heard. The tribunal heard how she saw the request as 'racially motivated' while complaining that she was treated worse than her Spanish and Italian co-workers due to her ethnicity... Ms El Farra's duties included 'responding to queries, providing visitor information, selling and scanning tickets... working in the cloakroom' and 'providing information generally'.  The tribunal heard Ms El Farra, who describes herself as of Arab ethnicity, was offended on several occasions by comments made by colleagues relating to her ethnicity.  She described the comments as 'racial micro-aggressions'.  In one instance, the hearing was told an Italian manager had asked: 'What is this you are opening here, a market?', when Ms El Farra put her coat and bag on a bench beside her.  Ms El Farra argued the reference to a 'market' was 'a scathing stereotype about Arab culture'.  But the tribunal ruled the manager had made the comment 'before a morning briefing' and that it was 'directed at everyone'.  It further rejected that the remark was 'a stereotype about Arab culture'... the tribunal heard Ms El Farra responded in terms which 'made it clear that she would object to wearing any flag other than a British one', and that she 'would not wear a flag which reflected a country she had never been a national of'.  Ms El Farra also responded with a copy of her birth certificate, to which her manager replied that she had only asked the question because she had previously told her she spoke Arabic.  The tribunal ruled this was 'a clumsy way' of asking if Ms El Farra would be willing to wear a badge of a particular country, but acknowledged the manager's first language was not English... 'The manager asked them because she was responsible for compiling a spreadsheet of languages spoken by the VEAs. 'Ms El Farra had told her that she was born in Kuwait and spoke Arabic, so she wanted to confirm the position. Likewise, she knew that Faiza was from Algeria.'"
When inclusivity (badges to show visitors who can speak their language) is "racist"

Thread by @ZachG932 on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "white (and especially 'very') liberals are far more likely than all other ideological-racial subgroups to report being diagnosed with a mental health condition. Somewhat surprisingly, this difference further grows when we add standard controls... They are also robust to several potential confounds (e.g. job loss, pay-cuts, marital status)... It's possible that the disparities in self-reported diagnosis are simply or partly a function of white liberals being more likely to seek mental health evaluations. I don't have the data to answer this question. But given that they also tend to score higher on neuroticism (and, not to mention, score lower on life satisfaction/happiness), I think at least some of this difference is genuine... Overall, and with one exception (white moderates), those in 18-29 age group are more likely to report being diagnosed with a mental health condition. The differences among white liberals, though, are striking: almost half of white liberals in this cohort report a diagnosis... One of the things that concern me about liberal social engineering and norm-promotion efforts is that they ostensibly cater to those who are emotionally fragile or those with specific personality profiles. Those with different personality profiles or have higher emotional stability are just expected to shut up and deal with it... broken down by gender. Biggest gap within age x ideological groups is between white liberal men (33.6%) and women (56.3%) in the 18-29 category"
This provides evidence for the claim that liberalism is a mental health disorder

Over 50% Of Liberal, White Women Under 30 Have A Mental Health Issue. Are We Worried Yet? - "what about the choices we actively engage in? The behaviors we indulge, the beliefs and convictions we hold as more important than all the others? The people we spend our time with, the actions we devote our energy to, and the news we consume? Is that negatively impacting our mental health, or even more importantly, leading to medical diagnoses?... Dr. Lyle Rossiter, a board-certified psychiatrist who’s treated mental disorders for over 30 years... adds that white liberalism thrives on supposedly championing “workers,” “minorities,” “the little guy,” “women,” and the “unemployed,” who they continuously see as “wronged, cheated, oppressed, disenfranchised, exploited, and victimized” with little to no agency of their own (A view that often mutates into the infantilizing and patronizing of certain groups within a narrative). When those raised to think reality is subjective bump up against objective reality, there can be mental health consequences. The people responsible for these crimes? As Rossiter tells it: “poverty, disease, war, ignorance, unemployment, racial prejudice, ethnic and gender discrimination, modern technology, capitalism, globalization, and imperialism. In the radical liberal mind, this suffering is inflicted on the innocent by various predators and persecutors: ‘Big Business,’ ‘Big Corporations,’ ‘greedy capitalists,’ ‘U.S. Imperialists,’ ‘the oppressors,’ ‘the rich,’ ‘the wealthy,’ ‘the powerful,’ and ‘the selfish’.”  That’s pretty much an exhaustive list of every grievance and every perpetrator that progressives see as responsible for these injustices which plague our disenfranchised communities while moderates and conservatives seemingly sit idly by unconcerned with anything but their own privilege.  But as the study exemplifies, the champions of these causes (white women in particular) aren’t exactly living the liberated utopia they believe we all should be living... Progressivism is an ideology that supposedly demands equality for all, and one that keeps score to an exhausting degree. The privilege between social classes, between races, between men and women, between religious and non-religious, and more, all have to be constantly monitored, and “inequality” has to be exposed for the purposes of “accountability.” That kind of behavior isn’t just unrealistic, it’s unsustainable. In all honesty, it’s understandable that anxiety and depression thrive in these kinds of environments when we’re focusing on every minute, problematic issue in our world and not able to take comprehensive, productive action to solve all these problems. There's also the unrelenting focus on oppression, verbal violence, and micro-aggressions. We know that building resiliency against hardship is the best weapon against depression and anxiety, yet progressive ideology forces its followers to wallow in feelings of helplessness and victimhood. Instead of empowering women and minorities with self-knowledge, strength of character, and resilience to hardship, progressivism encourages victims to stay in a place of fear and helplessness. It’s not just significant that the women suffering from mental health issues are white (though we’ll get to that) but especially that they’re so young. The age range of those most affected was 18-29. These women are students, employees, moms, daughters, wives, and friends. They have goals and ambitions, yet who knows how hampered their day-to-day lives are by the conditions they’ve been diagnosed with.   But it’s also key that white individuals are usually at the forefront of these movements, whether or not they're the group being adversely affected. As most of us know by now, white guilt and savior narratives are pretty much as bad as any genuinely racist agenda because it robs the very group they’re trying to help of their own voice."

Meme - "Black people built Europe"
"When they going to build Africa?"

Indian teen accused of 'cultural appropriation' after skin turns white - "Aviral Chauhan, 19, was born in India before moving to America and had no idea he had vitiligo until he spotted a white patch on his eye lid, aged 11.  It soon spread to elbows and knees, and then turned almost all of the skin on his face and body white by the time he was aged 13.   Now Aviral, who’s from from Minnesota, US, looks completely different to his childhood photos, and has even been accused of ‘cultural appropriation’ when celebrating Hindu holidays with his family."

Black workers twice as likely to be working from bedroom with no desk - "Black, Asian and ethnic minority workers are nearly twice as likely as white professionals to be using their bedroom as a home office, without a proper desk.   The research, commissioned by People Like Us, also found that most ethnic minority professionals (58%) are working in a home that they share with two or more people."
Apparently minority professionals are prevented by "racism from buying a desk. Given that they can work from home, clearly they're not minimum wage The report can't be found on their website, which is suspect since many important questions can't be asked. For example, how many white professionals work in homes they share with two or more people, or whether only 2% of the BAMEs are not using a proper desk

Report: Anti-Christian Attacks in Europe Rose 285 Percent Since 2008 - "The number of officially recorded anti-Christian incidents in France has risen by 285 percent between 2008 and 2019, according to Ellen Fantini, director of the Vienna-based Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians in Europe (OIDACE)...   In its 2019 report, OIDACE chronicled the increase in Christian persecution throughout Europe, pointing to “a rise in the number of churches, Christian symbols, and cemeteries across Europe being vandalized, desecrated, and burned, compared to previous years.”  Moreover, the report states, across Europe, “Christians have been fired, sued, and even arrested for exercising their freedom of expression or conscience.”  “As we have noted in the past, Christians in Europe are not simply experiencing social discrimination, prejudice, or restrictions on freedom. Christians, including clergy, have been attacked or killed for their faith. As in previous years we have continued to see threats and attacks against Christian converts from Islam,” the report stated...   Another report compiling the anti-Christian acts perpetrated during 2019 revealed a range of profanation including arson, defecation, desecration, looting, mockery, Satanism, theft, urination, and vandalism.  The greatest number of acts of violence against Christian sites occurred in France, where churches, schools, cemeteries, and monuments “are being vandalized, desecrated, and burned at an average rate of three per day,” according to reports.  According to Wednesday’s CNA report, the French Interior Ministry registered 996 anti-Christian acts in 2019 — an average of nearly three per day — while noting that the true figure may be higher, since officials do not count fires of undetermined cause at churches across the country.  Last month, arsonists set fire to the Saint-Pierre cathedral in Rennes but were thwarted by firefighters who arrived in time to put out the blaze before serious damage was done. The 15th-century Nantes cathedral was not so fortunate, suffering substantial damage after it was set afire last week. Germany is not far behind, however, with attacks against Christian churches happening at an average rate of two per day. Meanwhile, attacks on Christian churches and symbols regularly occurred in 2019 in Belgium, the UK, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, and Spain as well."
Of course the media doesn't care, since it's Christians being attacked

KIELY: Europe’s Burning Churches - "The hatred of radical Islam for both the buildings and all they represent, and for the people who worship within them, might be easier to understand. I remember vividly walking around the graveyard of a Chaldean Catholic Church in the town of Karamles, on the Nineveh Plain in Iraq in 2017. Just a few miles from Mosul, coalition bombing could be heard in the distance. Karamles had recently been liberated and not only had the Church been burned and desecrated, with all the statues destroyed and every image of the Cross vandalized or pockmarked with bullet holes, but even in the graveyard the Christian bodies had been dug up by ISIS and thrown away. The Pastor, Fr. Thabet, explained to me that ISIS was attempting to not only destroy the Christian history and presence in Iraq, but to deny it had ever existed.  The aim of the radical left and those who are attacking Christian churches and symbols in Europe and increasingly now in the United States is, essentially, the same. It is a repudiation of Christian civilization, a denial of its validity and an attempt to wipe away all traces of that civilization. I remember asking a friend, an Iraqi Christian whose own family in the space of three generations had been exiled three times, why this peculiar marriage between radical Islam and the radical left existed? Very quietly she said to me that “they both have the same enemy — the Church.”  While European churches burn and daily attacks take place on Christian sites and symbols, the most troubling and curious phenomenon is the almost total silence of the Church and its hierarchy. With a few notable exceptions, including the impressive Archbishop of Paris, Michel Aupetit, both a medical doctor and priest, there is barely a mention of the wave of attacks and their increasing frequency. Silence, it is often said, equals consent; perhaps in this case it might be cowardice and the ubiquitous fear of various phobias, both real and imagined. Age-old Christian dogma teaches both the right to legitimate self-defense and the right to defend personal property. It also teaches the rule of law. Christians do not have to watch Christian civilization burn down.  In late 2014, the former Archbishop of Mosul, Amel Nona, stunned the few people who were able to read his words. They are applicable to both the Islamists and the extreme left who are burning and destroying. He wrote: “Our sufferings today are the prelude of those you, Europeans and Western Christians, will also suffer. Please try to understand us. Your liberal and democratic principles are worth nothing.”"

Report: Northern Ireland Suffers Attacks on Churches Every 3 Days

French democracy faces a crisis - "Emmanuel Macron’s ministers might argue that it is a shocking crime that should not be exploited for political ends. But to the French president’s many critics, it is yet more evidence of how the state has ceded control of the country to the forces of lawlessness and disorder. Earlier this year, retired generals and former officers wrote an open letter to Mr Macron warning of “civil war” if the authorities did not get a grip... France has in recent weeks been rocked by massive protests against a draconian Covid-19 health pass, which broadly seeks to exclude the unvaccinated from public places including bars and restaurants. Low turnout in recent regional elections saw some commentators fret that French democracy itself may now be in crisis.  Mr Macron took office promising to reboot his country and refashion its dysfunctional political system. It is a matter of regret that he has failed."

The Cost of Restoring Heritage Sites: How Much is Too Much? - "can we spend so much money on preserving heritage sites just because they represent parts of a country’s history, rather than using this revenue for social improvement? In that same month of the fire at Notre Dame, three black churches in Louisiana were burnt down in arson attacks. By comparison, the amount raised to rebuild these churches was £1.5 million a fraction of that raised for Notre Dame. As much as it is an internationally renowned and well-visited site, the fact that these churches did not receive more financial support for their restoration is disappointing.  An alternative use for some of this money donated to restore Notre Dame’s spire could instead be used for measures that combat climate change. Greta Thunberg argued for the cathedral’s restoration but only if the government increased its spending on environmental protection.  As much as we should preserve and restore cultural heritage to its former glory, there should be a limit to the money that is spent on this. We must not let social spending suffer because of excessive expenditure on cathedral reconstructions."
Given that leftist causes are the modern versions of religion, this is ironically fitting
Complaining about black churches in a different country is like complaining at someone's birthday party that kids in Africa don't get good parties, so he shouldn't either

Fears new Chelmsford Moulsham Street gin bar will create drink-fuelled racist attacks - "A gin bar and distillery planned for a building next to a central Chelmsford mosque could lead to an increased risk of drink–fuelled Islamophobia, objectors have claimed.  The concerns raised ahead of a licensing meeting next week to decide the application of a new bar in Moulsham Street come three months after concerns were raised over potential plans to transform a Great Baddow leisure centre into a mosque."
Maybe in 20 years alcohol will be banned in the UK because of the risk of "drink-fuelled Islamophobia"

Church Meme Committee - Posts | Facebook - "I can hardly imagine any politician bringing a nine-year-old on stage to discuss sexual attraction. Most nine-year-olds are curious about the taste of glue. Much less applauding it.  Yet, Pete Buttigieg encouraged a nine-year-old boy to "admit" he is gay on that stage and people applaud?  This. is. unreal.  Encouraging Nine-year-old sexual attraction isn't normal.  Much less encouraging/knowing you're gay at that age. Much less putting it on stage. Much less appluading it. MUCH LESS FROM A PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE. I'm at a loss."

Meme - Black Woman: "I'm NOT oppre-"
White SJW with purple hair: "SHH. Yes You Are. You Just Aren't Aware And Need Me To Whitesplain Your Oppression For You. You Are Feeble And Lower Than Me And Need Me To Be Your Savior. You Cannot Get By Without Me"

Gad Saad on Twitter - "Absolutely U.K. gardening culture has racism baked into its DNA.  It’s so integral that when you point out it’s existence, people assume you are against gardening, not racism.  Epitomised, for example, by the fetishisation (and wild misuse) of words like ‘heritage’ and ‘native’."
"Gardening is white supremacy."

Facebook - "Foreign student in S'pore criticised for photos of her pulling back eyes & 'ching chong' caption"
"Is this racism or is the "backlash" a sign of cis-systemic Chinese fragility? Either way, she has a friend in Prettipls!"
Interestingly she didn't capitulate to the mob

I support Communism because it's not homophobic like Capitalism - Consume Product - Don't Ask Questions, Just Consume Product and Then Get Excited for Next Products - ""They are worse than pedophiles"-Karl Marx
"It's a pathological bourgeois vice"-Joseph Stalin
"It's a Capitalist perversion"- Mao Tse Tung
"Homosexuality cannot be be revolutionary"-Fidel Castro
"Hardwork will make them real men"-Che Guevara"
"There is a cure against homosexuality"- Salvador Allende"

'Appropriation': Italian Fashion Brand Launches 'Unisex Hijab' for Muslim Men, Faces Flak
The flak was the opposite of what you'd expect from the headline

Black History Month website brands white people ‘genetically defective descendants of albino mutants’   - "A Black History Month website controlled by a white man featured taxpayer-funded adverts alongside claims that white people are the “genetically defective descendants of albino mutants”, a Telegraph investigation has found.  Adverts for organisations such as the police and MI6 ran alongside the anti-white propaganda, which also included the claim that a white man can “fantasise that he is genetically equal to the black male”.  The website removed some of the most problematic content after it was contacted by The Telegraph, amid fierce criticism from one of the founders of the Black History Month celebration... Linda Bellos, who was instrumental in launching the Black History Month celebration in the UK in the late Eighties, compared the website’s white ownership to “enslavement”...   Mr Thomas described the Black History Month celebration as a “grassroots” organisation, and his commercial website as the “glue” which had come on the back of a long history of working for racial equality.  He added: “I can’t help who I am [as a white man]. I just hope that there are people out there in the community that appreciate the work that I do.”...   He admitted that some of the anti-white content highlighted by The Telegraph was “dreadful” and removed a series of articles that had pledged to “broadcast the theories” of controversial American psychiatrist Dr Frances Cress Welsing, following her “tragic” death in 2016.  These included claims that a white man giving “gifts of chocolate candy with nuts” for Valentine’s Day can “fantasise that he is genetically equal to the black male” when their “sweetheart” eats them, and that the Holocaust was carried out “to illustrate to all non-white ethnicities that they are in peril of extermination”.  Mr Thomas did not remove a 2020 opinion piece by the Reach Society, which said that “Europeans have been encouraged to be morally monstrous to non-Europeans for so long, this behaviour has become second nature”.  “They’re a really respected body and that’s their view,” he said.   Dr Dwain Neil, the chairman of the Reach Society, also defended the piece.   Government organisations did not comment on whether their taxpayer-funded adverts for bodies including the Ministry of Defence and GCHQ would be pulled."
There're lots of racist black people out there who believe this shit anyway. Mr.Imhotepoff on Facebook is a great example. And the Reach Society nonsense is corroboration

Intel apologises for telling suppliers to avoid Xinjiang labour - "US chipmaker Intel has apologised to Chinese customers, partners and the public for telling its suppliers not to source products or labour from the region of Xinjiang, following a backlash in China.   The company recently published what it described as an annual letter to suppliers, dated December, that it had been “required to ensure that its supply chain does not use any labour or source goods or services from the Xinjiang region”, following restrictions imposed by “multiple governments”."
So they support slave labour? I guess the Chinese market is more important than their CSR rating

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