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Friday, March 11, 2022

Links - 11th March 2022 (2 - George Floyd Unrest: Kyle Rittenhouse)

The Post Millennial on Twitter - "Gaige Grosskreutz goes on CNN and claims his arms were raised when he was shot by Kyle Rittenhouse, contradicting his sworn testimony."

Steven Crowder on Twitter - "If you accuse Kyle Rittenhouse of “faking tears” from being forced to relive the trauma of having to shoot violent, armed child-rapists and arsonists, but claim PTSD from being called the wrong pronouns … you might be an asshole."

Meme - "Kyle shouldn't have been there that night, but protesters could..."
"He went looking for trouble. Despite no evidence of him doing so, we know his intentions were to provoke others..."
"Protestors had the right to commit arson (illegal), but Kyle didn't have the right to put out the fires (not against the law)..."
"He is a terrorist for shooting his "mostly peaceful" attackers!"

The Meme Policeman - Posts | Facebook - "The anti-Rittenhouse memes are legion and continue to spread disinformation, getting basic facts of the case wrong. It was one thing to get it wrong right after the fact when there was lots of confusion, but to make some of these claims now is willful deception.
Rittenhouse did NOT carry his rifle across state lines. The rifle was purchased and stored by a friend in Wisconsin, it never left the state and it wasn’t illegal. This has been known at least since Oct. 13 of last year, when the Antioch Police Dept and Illinois state’s attorney completed their investigation and declined to prosecute.
Still, in almost every social media comment section about the case you’ll see this claim made. It’s stunning how widespread it is, yet FB and other social media outlets seem to have no interest in dispelling it. At this point, it’s clearly defamation.
This meme’s claim that Rittenhouse didn’t know who owned the property he was protecting is also false. First, his father, grandmother, aunt, uncle and cousins all lived in Kenosha. It wasn’t some random place he decided to “cross state lines” to visit.
He met the owners of Car Source early in the day, a business that was a victim of the prior day’s riots. They had 3 lots they were concerned about protecting. They exchanged phone numbers with Rittenhouse.
Later, he met up with the owners. They thanked him for coming out to help and asked Rittenhouse to hop in their car. Which he did, and they drove him to one of their lots they wanted protected.
While there, the owners even gave Rittenhouse’s group the keys to the business, along with showing them where the power washers, hoses and fire extinguishers were in case they needed to put out any fires, along with the ladders to get on the roof. They left grateful and returned to another lot. This is all known to anyone who actually watched the trial. As is the overall context, which this meme and so many others completely omit."

Jury instruction may clear Kyle Rittenhouse on gun possession charge - "The judge in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial on Friday said he'll instruct the jury that unless the state proved the teen's AR-15-style rifle had an unlawfully short barrel, he can't be convicted of being a minor in possession of a firearm.  No such evidence was introduced, so it seems likely Rittenhouse will be acquitted on the one charge that seemed obvious to everyone but his lawyers who challenged it from the very start. It might not even get to the jury."

Meme - "Kyle is literally a Saint
Guys I'm not even religious, but how can this be anything other than divine intervention?
>Shoots a pedo in the dick
>Shoots a burgler in the arm
>Shoots a wife strangler in the lungs
Also: The guy who tries to kill him is named Grosskreutz, literally "big cross". Kyle literally defeated the cross, like Jesus did.
Kyle is from Antioch, which was part of the holy land in the crusades.
If you google "St. Kyle" there is a catholic saint which is also named Kyle that is called Saint Kennocha of Fife.
Also he cleared a malfunction in his gun and shot the bungler in the arm in under 2 seconds literally 1 second before being executed, all while on the ground and whilest turning around. Kyle is a good shot but that was a literal impossible shot.
Furthermore, after defending himself he gets up and walks away with his back turned towards the evil mob and noone dares to harm him. Someone was protecting him from above.
This can't all be a coincidence..."

Tim Pool on Twitter - "It wasn't military grade and it was legal
He works in Kenosha, his family lives there
Just some corrections. Hope it helps"
"Lol Dude blocked me for this"
How the left persists in their delusions - by blocking out facts and corrections

Tim Pool on Twitter - "Hollywood covered for Weinstein
Media covered for Epstein
And you're surprised celebrities are celebrating Rosenbaum?
Stop believing you share the same values"

Coleman Hughes - Posts | Facebook - "Everyone who is saying that Kyle Rittenhouse would have been found guilty if he were black should recall that Kenneth Walker (Breonna Taylor's bf) shot a cop (!) in self-defense and was cleared of all charges (and rightly so).  It's amazing how selective people's memories are."

Meme - Authoritarian left: Killed a pedophile and a sex offender
Authoritarian right: I Wanted to "Back the Blue"
Libertarian left: Crossed borders, only shot white people
Libertarian right: Defended private property with an AR-15"

Meme - "The State Lines Crooser
Thinks work is a valid reason to CROOS state lines
Doesnt even stay his home every day
No fear or guilt violating the Geneva convention's ban on CROOSING state lines
Has literally been to more than one state
Knows he's committing a war crime. Doesnt care
"bro the state line is just an invisible line we need to lower the state line"
His family haven't spoken to him since they found out he CROOSES
Illinois - Wisconsin"

Meme - "That kid can probably be killed. I mean, I'm not suggesting it by any means, but I'd wager he could be easily tortured and killed. The judge too"


Meme - "Went To Protect A Business Owned By These Guys *Indians*
Shoots These Guys *White guys*
Worst White Supremacist EVER!"

Campus Reform | UPDATE: Rittenhouse no longer enrolled in ASU Online ahead of protest demanding the 'violent blood-thirsty murderer' be removed - "Arizona State University students are pressuring the administration to “withdraw” Kyle Rittenhouse from the school’s online program, calling him a “violent blood-thirsty murderer”... Despite the not-guilty verdict, leftist students at ASU continue to slander Rittenhouse as a “racist murderer”. A Change.org petition started by ASU students to remove Rittenhouse from the school refers to his attackers as "victims" and calls for him to "pay for his crimes".  Echoing this sentiment, Students for Socialism at ASU announced an upcoming protest against Rittenhouse on Twitter, with demands attached."
Of course, if you're against a minority murderer (who actually murdered someone) being in the same online program, you're a white supremacist

太一 (Taichi) on Twitter - "#kenosha shooting - #fact check, if Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum did not intervene, 17yo far right Kyle Rittenhouse would have killed more people, taking an assault rifle heading to a crowd of antifascists and black ppl is not to be taken lightly. They saved people. #BLM"
"Are you serious?"
Liberal "facts"


License To Smirk - Posts | Facebook - "They encouraged violent mobs to riot.
They have defunded the police.
They want to ban guns.
They'll put you on trial for defending yourself.
They have made their intentions towards us very clear."

Rohan Criticized For Crossing State Lines To Defend Minas Tirith | The Babylon Bee - ""They crossed state lines to get here—and do they even have a permit for those spears?" asked one stunned Orc, Garflob Magobblegon. "They're basically just coming down here hunting innocent Orcs."  Indeed, Magobblegon produced reliable witnesses who claim Rohan had been collaborating with a Dúnedain ranger who uttered the slur, "Let's hunt some Orc," though others claim this account is apocryphal and is not reflected in the earliest accounts of the ranger's exploits... "Rohan shouldn't have been there in the first place," said GNN reporter Borin Storrter. "King Theoden had no business being across state lines armed with a spear. If he had only minded his own business, as our GNN analyst Wormtongue advised, all those innocent Orcs would still be alive.""

THE FALL OF IDEALS 15 YEAR CELEBRATION TOUR! on Twitter - "500 Wisconsin National Guard troops activated ahead of Kyle Rittenhouse verdict"
"Had they done this in the first place this trial wouldn’t be happening."
How terrible. Why would you deploy troops when there're only peaceful protests?

Meme - "The fact is, if you are right wing, you can kill whoever you want in this country. Right wingers are murderers, full stop, none of them are even remotely decent people. As soon as the left finally realizes this and starts retaliating, they'll whine about vigilantism and political killing, but for now, they're just happy they get to kill us. I hope someone takes Rittenhouse out on public television as soon as he walks free from this fake ass mock trial. You cannot be right wing and be a good person. You have had a fucking decade ish to care enough about other people existing to figure out what I mean, so I'm not even going to explain it to you. If Rittenhouse walks, I hope that city burns."
Imagine being this deluded and violent. I bet this person bitches a lot about "gaslighting"

Donut Operator 🍩 on Twitter - "KENOSHA, Wis. (AP) — Judge at Kyle Rittenhouse trial dismisses charge of possession of dangerous weapon."
"If Kyle Rittenhouse were Black, he would’ve been killed for holding that weapon. What’s a justice system without justice?!?!"
"Nice try *pictures of black people carrying guns in public*"

'That Boy Was Fake-Crying!' Says Man Who Bursts Into Tears Whenever Someone Lightly Brushes His Elbow | The Babylon Bee - "After seeing Kyle Rittenhouse take the stand and weep as he recounted having to shoot at bloodthirsty Antifa savages in self-defense, sportsball player LeBron James was quick to criticize Rittenhouse's tears as fake."

Rittenhouse ‘Should Be Acquitted,’ Sue Media For ‘Deliberate And Willful Lies,’ Harvard Professor Says - "Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz claimed that Kyle Rittenhouse should be acquitted in his murder trial this week, then sue media organizations for smearing him... The prosecution has ran afoul of the judge in the case, Bruce Schroeder, multiple times throughout the trial. On several occasions, Schroeder stopped the trial and sent the jury out of the courtroom to reprimand Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger during Rittenhouse’s testimony"

Gregory McKelvey on Twitter - "Employers, consider giving your Black employees a day or two off after the Rittenhouse verdict. Regardless of the outcome, it’s going to be hard for Black people to work and it isn’t fair to expect them to."
I'm sure he goes on about "white fragility"

Stephen L. Miller on Twitter - "So we're on the same page today, the media lost their shit at a Wisconsin judge saying "asian food" and wrote off the President saying "Negro""

Kyle Rittenhouse judge Bruce Schroeder faces backlash for ‘Asian food’ joke in murder trial - The Washington Post
The artificial controversy over Biden and ‘Negro,’ explained - The Washington Post
Of course, let's pretend that you can't lose your job for quoting someone else using "Negro"

PolitiFact slammed for fact-check on Rittenhouse legally owning gun - "PolitiFact has been slammed for a “fact-check” that claimed to readers that Kyle Rittenhouse’s possession of a firearm was illegal — after the judge presiding over his murder trial in Kenosha, Wisconsin, threw out the weapons charge against him...   “This fact check was always wrong, but now that the weapons charge has been dropped it’s officially PANTS ON FIRE,” RealClearInvestigations senior writer Mark Hemingway wrote on Twitter.   “Who fact checks the fact checkers?” Babylon Bee writer Frank J. Fleming added.  However, following the court decision, PolitiFact updated the post with an editor’s note that doubled down on its stance."
The Meme Policeman - Posts | Facebook - "Keep in mind, this was used as part of Facebook’s efforts to “combat misinformation” at the time, and was used as justification for flagging the original claim as misinformation on social media. There’s far more than just differences of opinion at play here."

Tim Pool on Twitter - "The Rittenhouse case is now a legal gun owner defending himself from a man who threatened to kill him twice and a mob who attacked him as he sought police assistance"

YouTube Cuts Off the Best Real-Time, Legal Coverage of Rittenhouse Trial and Immediately Regrets It - "Right after Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger began his closing statement in the Kyle Rittenhouse Trial, YouTube cut off channels that were beating legacy media channels. Coincidence? The Rekieta Law channel, which features multiple lawyers doing real-time analysis of the trial, often beat the number of people watching the PBS stream. The PBS stream is one of the more reliable ones available to YouTube users and was being used by several outlets.  After getting cut off, Nick Rekieta reminded YouTube that ten lawyers considered it a breach of contract... Ticking off channels featuring dozens of lawyers seemed like a bad business plan."

D a r t h C r y p t o (Kyle is FREE) on Twitter - "I’m going to do the #KyleRittenhouse defense’s job again and hand them their appear should it be necessary. Remember the judges “house of cards” comment?  The Amped FIVE video software used, itself, says not to use it for evidence, only investigation."

Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 on Twitter - "Two jurors holding decision up, outright citing backlash, per US Marshal in Kenosha
More: Worried about media leaking their names, what will happen to their families, jobs, etc
Including doxxing threats from ‘anarchist groups’"

Lomez on Twitter - "Taking your guns hasn't been a very effective political strategy, so the goal now is to make using them, for any reason, illegal"

Meme - "Last year the Vice President publicly raised money to bail out people who set our cities on fire. This year a boy who tried to protect his community can't raise a cent on major platforms for his legal fees. But yeah, bleating about free enterprise & socialism will save us."

They released HD drone footage of Kyle Rittenhouse shooting Joseph Rosenbaum and it couldn't be more clear what happened - "It couldn't be more clear. Rittenhouse was fleeing and Rosenbaum was persistently and aggressively pursuing him. He chased him across the screen!"

Kimberly Klacik on Twitter - "For years, I’ve asked why #BlackLivesMatter constantly ignores the violence perpetrated against black people in Baltimore? I was told, they only show up for police involved shootings. Now, I need someone to explain why #BlackLivesMatter is outside the courthouse in #Kenosha 🤔"

BLM protesters arrested outside Kenosha courthouse charged with felony, misdemeanors | The Post Millennial - "One of those arrested was Anthony Chacon, who was filmed assaulting a Rittenhouse supporter along with a journalist... Chacon has been charged numerous times before. In September of 2019, Chacon was charged with making terrorist threats, a felony, and disorderly conduct (use of a dangerous weapon... The second protestor arrested outside the courthouse was Shaquita Cornelious, who was filmed arguing with a police officer and resisting arrest. She is the co-chair of Black Lives Matter of Lake County, Ill. Cornelious, of Zion, Ill., and traveled across state lines to attend the protest outside the courthouse."

Hakeem Jeffries on Twitter - "Lock up Kyle Rittenhouse and throw away the key."
Hakeem Jeffries on Twitter - "The same people who rabidly scream Lock Her Up and worship insurrectionists at cult rallies now pretend to be defenders of due process and the rule of law? Get Lost."

Top House Democrat: ‘Lock up Kyle Rittenhouse and throw away the key’ - "Some commentators noted that Jeffries’s call to lock Rittenhouse up stood in contrast with his own long history of calling for criminal justice reform and an end to mass incarceration. In a June 2020 tweet, Jeffries called to "Defund The Prison Industrial Complex.""

Andrew Coffee IV cleared of murder charge in 2017 Alteria Woods death - "A Gifford man who claimed he was defending himself and his girlfriend when he fired shots at deputies during an early-morning raid in 2017 was acquitted Friday of charges that carried a life prison term.  A jury found Andrew “A.J.” Coffee IV, 27, not guilty of second-degree felony murder, three counts of attempted first-degree murder of a law enforcement officer by discharging a firearm and one count of shooting or throwing a deadly missile.  In a separate proceeding Friday, the same jury convicted Coffee IV of one count of possession of a firearm by a felon."
So much for black people never having the right to self defence
Of course the liberal cope is that since he was convicted of illegal possession of a gun, it shows the racism of the system

Billy Gribbin on Twitter - "Incredible that we’re waiting to see if riots break out because of media lies about a case from a riot that happened because of media lies."

Ben Shapiro on Twitter - "Young white man goes to city to defend private property against rioters, shoots three white people trying to kill him. Wrongfully prosecuted, correctly acquitted. Media: This is evidence that America hates black people."

Ben Shapiro on Twitter - "If a black guy walked into Kenosha from out of town with an assault rifle and killed two people while severely wounding another we would have had a very different verdict."
"If a black person had walked into a city being set on fire by rioters and then been forced to shoot two people of his own race in self-defense, this case never would have been brought to trial."

Tomi Lahren on Twitter - "The Rittenhouse trial has taught us that it is NOT OK to defend yourself or protect businesses & property, but if you loot Target and Walmart in the name of a thug who resisted arrest, you are the left’s equivalent of Mother Freakin Teresa!"

Facebook - "The jury got it right—finding Rittenhouse not guilty on all charges. The fact that charges were brought before any serious investigation is evidence that the government was motivated by politics, which itself should be considered criminal."

Rittenhouse protest in Portland, Oregon, declared a riot

Joy Villa on Twitter - "Joseph Rosenbaum died doing what he loved, touching minors without consent."

BREAKING: 'Jump Kick Man' who attacked Kyle Rittenhouse identified as violent career criminal | The Post Millennial - "Jump Kick Man was given the name during the second incident on August 25, 2020 that led to Rittenhouse fatally shooting Anthony Huber and wounding Gaige Grosskreutz. While running from a crowd of people, Rittenhouse tripped and fell. During this moment, Jump Kick Man allegedly ran up and stomped on the then 17-year-old's head... Jump Kick Man is a 40-year-old black male from Kenosha, Wisconsin. His name has been withheld "as he has not been criminally charged in connection with the Rittenhouse case"... The man has a criminal record that dates back decades, including felony convictions for car theft, drug possession, ID theft, and escaping custody."
Amazing how all the participants of the "peaceful protest" were criminals

Kenosha Protesters Call the Men Who Attacked Kyle Rittenhouse 'Selfless Heroes' - "Protesters standing outside the county courthouse on Monday held signs calling Joseph Rosenbaum, Anthony Huber, and Gaige Grosskreutz "selfless heroes" because, according to them, they helped prevent Kyle Rittenhouse from killing dozens of people."

Author faces backlash for book claiming Rittenhouse killed 'two Black men' while waging 'race war' - "University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) professor and author Kara Cooney faced backlash Wednesday over a passage of her newly released book, "The Good Kings," that falsely claims Kyle Rittenhouse shot two Black men.   In her book, Cooney asks readers to "consider 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse, who used his semi-automatic weapon to kill two Black men in Kenosha, Wisconsin, while waging a glorious race war on behalf of his inherited White power... Cooney received heavy backlash from social media users, who questioned her fact-checking and research for the book, leading her to acknowledge the error.   "On p. 341 of THE GOOD KINGS I state that Kyle Rittenhouse shot two Black men when instead he shot two white men," Cooney wrote on Twitter Wednesday. "That was my mistake, and I apologize. The response has been a hateful stew of ridicule and denial that America has a race problem at all."  Cooney said in her response that the aggressive and nasty feedback she's received over the factual errors was a symptom of White supremacy and misogyny, calling the Rittenhouse passage a "tiny detail of the book.""

Kyle Rittenhouse can't use his own name for online gaming because it may "harm others" - "Kyle Rittenhouse has apparently been canceled for using his own name as his gaming account username.  Rittenhouse posted a screenshot of what appears to be an email from Electronic Arts (EA) informing him that his username "breaks [their] Positive Play Charter because [he] may have used words or phrases that harm others or negatively disrupt the game.""
Meanwhile you can be a "p3dolover", "MaoZedong" or "KillTrump"

Rittenhouse Judge Under Police Protection After Receiving Hundreds Of Threatening Messages - "The judge has a reputation for being so stern on sentencing that many defendants request a different jurist at the outset.  But he also has a reputation for staunchly defending the rights of the defendants throughout the trial."
Threats made against judge in Rittenhouse trial in emails, letters to court - ""You have people from outside the trial, and throughout the litigation leading up to the trial, who as a layperson interprets certain rulings and certain court orders in a way, that they believe to be incendiary, that they believe to have certain implications, that are inaccurate"... She said his main focus, as it's always been, is to ensure a fair trial for the defendant."

The exploitation of Kyle Rittenhouse is bad for everyone - "All the peripheral questions, concerns, and debates – things like, "should he have been there," or "why does a 17-year-old have a weapon like that," or "those are fake tears he's crying," or "what did he think was going to happen," or the weirdest of them all, "why did he cross state lines" – were ultimately irrelevant to the question of whether he murdered those two men on the streets of Kenosha, Wisconsin. I should hasten to add that the charge from the Rittenhouse defenders that the two men he killed were violent criminals, one a child rapist, was also immaterial to the core question of whether the young man committed murder that night. In a world without cell phone cameras, drone video, and social media, perhaps some could be left to wonder whether the impartial jury had all the facts. But we don't live in such a world, and every piece of presented evidence, including the testimony of the third man shot by Rittenhouse that night, bore down heavily on the side of legal, permissible, justifiable self-defense.  For all its faults, the American legal system worked as it should in finding Rittenhouse not guilty... This is a now 18-year-old young man who undoubtedly has some serious psychological scarring to work through. Anyone who believes that his tears were real should recognize that the taking of another human life, no matter how justified it may have been, is not something that just blends in to the minutia of a person's daily existence. Someone who has experienced that kind of trauma doesn't need celebration, they need counseling... Why Howard, who markets himself as a preacher and campaigner against spiritual abuse, would abuse the truth in such a galling and flagrant way is curious if only because video evidence lays waste to his bizarre description of the two men killed. Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum were not "marching in a Black Lives Matter protest." They were participating in a street riot, before pursuing and attempting to murder Kyle Rittenhouse.  This is the type of divisive rhetoric powered by a racial tribalism that is exceedingly unhealthy for our society. It isn't advocating healing, it's fueling hatred. It's not promoting justice, it's profiting off division.  Which is the other reason why the exaltation and idolizing of Rittenhouse is such a bad idea. Beyond the callous message it sends and the damage it does to what will be a lifelong struggle for Kyle's own pursuit of a normal life, it provides unnecessary fodder for race-baiters and merchants of discord"

Meme - "Ya, Kenosha, WI will burn if he is acquitted. And rightly so."
"and It's all good we'll just send Kyle back out"

Aaron Pyne on Twitter - "This might be the most ridiculous reaction to the #KyleRittenhouse verdict yet.""Leave it to MSNBC to correlate this to slavery somehow"

The Independent Falsely Stated Rittenhouse Shot 3 Black Men
It's only fake news when it's right wing media

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