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Saturday, March 12, 2022

Links - 14th March 2022 (1 - General Wokeness)

Who gets to define what’s ‘racist?’ - "In the past, racism primarily denoted overt discrimination, bigotry, or racial animus... in contemporary U.S. society, one of the very worst charges that can be leveled against someone – especially a white person – is to accuse them of being racist... as a function of the increased social capital at stake when accusations of racism are made, and the diminishing opportunities to leverage that capital by “calling out” obvious cases of racism – the sphere of what counts as “racist” has been ever-expanding – to the point where it is now possible to qualify as “racist” on the basis of things like microaggressions and implicit attitudes. One particularly unfortunate aspect of this concept creep – justified under the auspices of empowering people of color – is that relatively well-off, highly-educated, liberal whites tend to be among the most zealous in identifying and prosecuting these new forms of “racism.”... a recent Cato study presented Americans with a series of canonical microaggressions and asked whether or not they were offensive. Hispanic and black respondents overwhelmingly said they were not. Yet, white college students and graduates were significantly more likely than the average black or Hispanic respondent to brand these statements as “offensive.” This effect was especially pronounced among white highly-educated respondents who identified with the left... More in Common found that highly-educated, upper-SES white urbanites were far more supportive of “political correctness” and political revolution than minorities tend to be. Looking at GSS and ANES data, highly-educated whites tend to be more ‘woke’ on racial issuesthan the average black or Hispanic; they tend to perceive much more racism against minorities than most minorities, themselves, report experiencing; they express greater support for diversity than most blacks or Hispanics; they report more favorable attitudes towards people of racial/ ethnic ‘outgroups’ over their ‘ingroup’ – and are the only ethnic or racial group to exhibit such tendencies. How can this phenomenon be explained? One approach might be to argue that relatively well-off and highly-educated liberal whites — by virtue of their college education and higher rates of consumption of ‘woke’ content in the media, online, etc. — simply understand the reality and dynamics of racism better than the average black or Hispanic. I would strongly advise against anyone taking a stand on that hill. What is more plausible is that many whites, in their eagerness to present themselves as advocates for people of color and the cause of antiracism, neglect to actually listen to ordinary black or brown folk about what they find offensive, or what their racial priorities are. White elites —who play an outsized role in defining racism in academia, the media, and the broader culture — instead seem to define ‘racism’ in ways that are congenial to their own preferences and priorities. Rather than actually dismantling white supremacy or meaningfully empowering people of color, efforts often seem to be oriented towards consolidating social and cultural capital in the hands of the ‘good’ whites.  Charges of “racism,” for instance, are primarily deployed against the political opponents of upwardly-mobile, highly-educated progressive white people. Even to the point of branding prominent black or brown dissenters as race-traitors. The politicized nature of these accusations is not lost on their intended targets. The blowback against a perceived overuse of “racism” charges seems to have significantly contributed to the rise of Donald Trump and other demagogic figures in the U.S. and Western Europe. It is primarily marginalized and vulnerable populations who tend to suffer when such figures come into power (upwardly mobile highly-educated whites, regardless of their political leanings, are still doing just fine). Indeed, evidence is growing that many fashionable formulations of “racism” (and antiracist activism) may be directly pernicious for people of color. For instance, a recent metanalysis on microaggressions found little empirical substantiation for the harm claims advanced in the literature. Yet there is abundant research demonstrating harm caused by heightened perceptions of racism, discrimination, racialized violence, and racial inequality. There are very well-established and highly-adverse impacts on the psychological (and even physical) well-being of people of color when they perceive more racism, racial inequality, and discrimination. That is, we have not (yet) been able to empirically verify that microaggressions are typically harmful, nor have we been able to effectively measure the extent of that harm. (Again, the vast majority of blacks and Hispanics find even the paradigm cases to be inoffensive). However, we have ample reason to believe that sensitizing people to better perceive and to take greater offense at these “slights” actually would cause harm. Similar problems emerge with respect to other popular approaches: training on ‘multiculturalism’ seems to reinforce race-essentialism among those who go through it; teaching whites about racial privilege seems to do little to change attitudes or behaviors towards African Americans — it merely increases resentment against lower-SES whites. Metanalysis after metanalysis fails to find strong empirical links between “implicitly racist” attitudes and actual racist behaviors “in the world.” It seems as though the primary effect of such training, among those who go through it, is higher levels of racial resentment. Yet entire industries have cropped up to help people understand and fight their implicit racial biases... these approaches — despite being demonstrably ineffective (or even counter-productive) — are relatively easy to execute. They allow institutions, and social elites, to gesture that they are “on board” with antiracism and “doing something” about racialized inequality without actually making major changes to the way they do business."
This is also related to the 'myth' of the slippery slope
Being obsessed by the "harm" of "racism" is a self-fulfilling prophecy

Christian barista allegedly axed by Starbucks for not wearing LGBT shirt - "One thing they absolutely cannot stand in this journey toward iNcLuSiViTy, however, is anyone with a slightly different worldview or religious beliefs on marriage, sexual behavior, and the nature of humanity that have been held by the majority of humanity for most of history.  That seems to be the case with Christian ex-employee Betsy Fresse, who says she was fired after refusing to wear a Gay Pride shirt... If Fresse's litigation is successful, she would receive back pay for being wrongfully terminated and set a precedent to make sure Starbucks – and others like them – do not fail "to accommodate the sincerely held religious beliefs" of employees in future cases."

Farewell to Cambridge’s disastrous Vice-Chancellor | The Spectator - "So farewell then, Stephen Toope. The undistinguished Canadian lawyer who has spent recent years trying to run Cambridge University into the ground has just sent an announcement to all faculty, alumni and students... his brief tenure at Cambridge has been an unmitigated disaster, a fact that has become increasingly clear. Among the highlights of his career at Cambridge have been:
Overseeing the trashing of academic freedom. During Toope’s tenure a mob of ill-informed students succeeded in getting a junior research fellow, Noah Carl, pushed out of his position because of an uninformed campaign claiming his research was ‘racist’. Later Toope defended the humiliating treatment of Prof. Jordan Peterson, who had a non-paying fellowship withdrawn based on an equally ill-informed campaign against him.
Next the university put forward a new set of standards to be imposed on all academics and students at the university. This included the demand that all students and staff should ‘respect’ the opinions of others. A group of sharp-eyed academics noted where this would lead and ran a campaign to change the wording to an expectation that people should ‘tolerate’ other people’s opinions. When this went to a vote last December the university voted overwhelmingly, and humiliatingly, against the proposal.
Yet Cambridge then introduced a new initiative that would encourage students and faculty to anonymously inform on each other if they felt that they had suffered a ‘micro-aggression’. The advice published online noted that an example of a micro-aggression would be any member of the university raising an eyebrow while any member of a minority was speaking. After I and others brought some negative publicity to this, Toope claimed that the advice had not been read to him before going out, that it had gone out early or that the dog had eaten it.
A small number of academics (namely Profs John Dennis, Tim Harper, Patrick Maxwell, Nigel Peake, Anna Philpott and Chris Young) tried to rally to Toope’s defence, arguing that these attacks on free speech were no such thing. As I wrote here in The Spectator at the time, they got nearly all of their facts wrong in the process of defending someone who had got his own idea of academic freedom wrong.
All the while there was not a woke cause that Toope did not try to import from his native Canada. For instance, in 2019 it was announced that Toope had appointed a committee to examine the university’s historical links to the slave trade. During the height of this ahistorical pandering exercise a bell was removed from one of Cambridge’s colleges because it was suspected of having possibly once been on a plantation.
Strangely, as The Spectator also revealed in a recent cover piece, while all this was going on Toope led Cambridge deeper and deeper into a highly compromising relationship with the authorities in China...
this is why Toope – and his fall from grace – matter. His rise seemed to demonstrate that there is only a benefit to be gained from trying to get ahead of the new authoritarianism. His fall demonstrates that there can be a cost to it as well."

Watch: College students LOVE the idea of diversity quotas... until it ruins their football team - "Students at the University of Florida are strong believers in the importance of diversity quotas but... not for everything... If the Gators' starting lineup consisted of individuals that reflected their school's demographic it would comprise of six White players, two Latino players, two Asian players, and one Black player. (While currently, most of the players are Black)"

University quotas will undermine education - "the influential education think-tank EDSK, rather surprisingly, called on UK universities to go at least partly down the American path. Indeed, in one respect it went further, saying the whole admissions process should be government-imposed from the top down, with all funding withdrawn from any institution that does not sign up... A good university is a place to read a subject you are interested in, not simply to be taught it to get a diploma. It is a place to study spontaneously and at times quirkily and without direction. It is not about clocking in for the student contact hours you have bought to achieve the learning outcomes in the course description. Unfortunately, regarding university education as a kind of prize to be distributed on equitable or social-justice grounds is likely to attract and promote exactly the latter kind of student."

Statistics Indicate an Ivy League Asian Quota - NYTimes.com - "Each year, American universities provide their racial enrollment data to the National Center for Education Statistics, which makes this information available online. After the Justice Department closed an investigation in the early 1990s into charges that Harvard University discriminated against Asian-American applicants, Harvard’s reported enrollment of Asian-Americans began gradually declining, falling from 20.6 percent in 1993 to about 16.5 percent over most of the last decade... the percentage of Asian-Americans enrolled at Harvard fell by more than 50 percent over the last two decades, while the percentage of whites changed little. This decline in relative Asian-American enrollment was actually larger than the impact of Harvard’s 1925 Jewish quota, which reduced Jewish freshmen from 27.6 percent to 15 percent.   The percentages of college-age Asian-Americans enrolled at most of the other Ivy League schools also fell during this same period, and over the last few years Asian enrollments across these different universities have converged to a very similar level and remained static over time. This raises suspicions of a joint Ivy League policy to restrict Asian-American numbers to a particular percentage.  Meanwhile, the California Institute of Technology follows a highly selective but strictly race-neutral admissions policy, and its enrollment of Asian-Americans has grown almost exactly in line with the growth of the Asian-American population. The last 20 years have brought a huge rise in the number of Asians winning top academic awards in our high schools or being named National Merit Scholarship semifinalists. It seems quite suspicious that none of trends have been reflected in their increased enrollment at Harvard and other top Ivy League universities.  Some individuals have suggested that Asian-Americans no longer apply to the Ivy League in large numbers and this explains their reduced presence. The prestigious University of California system routinely releases the racial totals for its college applicants, which allows the public to examine admission rates by race. During the 1980s, Ivy League colleges sometimes did so as well, but more recently have begun keeping these figures secret. If Harvard and the other Ivy League schools simply released their racial application totals for the last 20 years, we might easily resolve the disturbing suspicion that they have quietly implemented a system of “Asian-American quotas.”"

Nobel Academy Chief Rules Out Quotas For Women, Minorities Says Prize Will Go To ‘Most Worthy’ - "the Nobel committee faced criticism due to the lack of diversity among this year’s laureates and the historic underrepresentation of women and minorities among the list of awardees... Hansson said laureates will be chosen for making the most important discoveries instead of their gender or ethnicity as that is in line “with the spirit of Alfred Nobel’s last will.”  The Swedish scientist said the issue of gender quotas was discussed by the academy three weeks ago but was ultimately dismissed over concerns that it might detract from a laureate’s legitimacy... New Zealand physicist Laurie Winkless dismissed the academy’s claim about all deserving women getting a fair chance"
How long can they withstand the leftist tide?

Gwyneth Paltrow and “Niggas in Paris”: Is it ever OK for white people to use the word? - "Jay-Z, Gwyneth Paltrow, and when white people can say the word." - Slate, 2012
Slate Podcast Host Mike Pesca Suspended Following Internal Discussion About Use Of Racial Slur - 2021
The "myth" of the slippery slope!

Physicists Need to Be More Careful with How They Name Things - Scientific American - "The popular term “quantum supremacy,” which refers to quantum computers outperforming classical ones, is uncomfortably reminiscent of “white supremacy”...   The word supremacy—having “more power, authority or status than anyone else”—is closely linked to “white supremacy.” This isn’t supposition; it’s fact. The Corpus of Contemporary American English finds “white supremacy” is 15 times more frequent than the next most commonly used two-word phrase, “judicial supremacy.”...   In 2019, a short correspondence to Nature argued that the quantum computing community should adopt different terminology to avoid “overtones of violence, neocolonialism and racism.”... The linguist Steven Pinker weighed in to argue that “the prissy banning of words by academics should be resisted. It dumbs down understanding of language: word meanings are conventions, not spells with magical powers, and all words have multiple senses, which are distinguished in context. Also, it makes academia a laughingstock, tars the innocent, and does nothing to combat actual racism & sexism.”   It is true that “supremacy” is not a magic word, that its meaning comes from convention, not conjurers. But the context of “quantum supremacy,” which Pinker neglects, is that of a historically white, male-dominated discipline. Acknowledging this by seeking better language is a basic effort to be polite, not prissy."
Liberals getting upset after making up stuff to trigger themselves

Meme - "fellow white dietitians: please stop saying the mediterranean diet is the "healthiest" way to eat. this upholds white supremacy. #rdchat #rd2be"
"I don't drink olive oil for the anti-inflammatory properties or the taste. I drink it because I'm racist."

UN Deletes Tweet About 'Love' After Left Complains About Microaggression - "A United Nations organization deleted a Valentine’s Day tweet celebrating different forms of love after the left complained that a depiction of a black woman hugging herself was racist."

I tried ‘unconscious bias training’. Shockingly, it proved a woke fraud - "The whole thing started 20 years ago thanks to an exercise carried out by three academics at Harvard. The academics tried to see whether we could track or quantify unconscious biases that people may carry around with them. In the last two decades the rudimentary test has been taken online by millions of people. In time it became the basis of an industry, propelled by people pushing divisive ideas about identity politics. These people either believed or professed to believe that the exercise was scientific and could actually correct the brains and behaviour of anyone who had beliefs they disagreed with.  So far and fast did this run that soon the inventors of the monster realised what they’d created and tried to kill it. Two of the three Harvard academics responsible said publicly that the exercise was not capable of being used in the way it was being used. There are too many variables in peoples’ behaviour over any day, never mind over time, to quantify, pin down - let alone ‘correct’ anyone’s ‘biases’.   But that is where the opportunists came in. For in recent years another group decided to claim that these ‘tests’ had some laser-like precision. They began to charge hundreds of pounds to people to tell them that they were biased. A very nice racket to get into. For if anyone objected then this was simply yet more evidence of unconscious bias. Comrade Stalin would have admired the move. But for the racket to work, the dim and opportunistic needed customers: and found many among the cowardly. For across this country corporate bosses and civil servants, cowed by their junior employees, started to decide that giving everyone unconscious bias training was a way of showing that they were ‘doing something’. Insincere and ignorant activists got away with rolling out a programme that presumes not just to identify human biases but to rewire everyone’s brains. The presumption is quite amazing."

Debate emerges over racism and white supremacy in Oregon math instruction - "The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) recently sent a newsletter to math educators in the state. The newsletter contained information about a virtual micro-course in math equity instruction that teachers could sign up for. It was titled "Pathway to Math Equity Micro Course 2.0: Valuing and elevating student discourse in the math classroom." The course was provided by A Pathway to Equitable Math Instruction, an entity focused on dismantling racism in mathematics instruction... The group claims white supremacy culture can show up in the classroom in various ways, including when "the focus is on getting the 'right' answer," and when "students are required to 'show their work.'""

Meme - sara @dumpstrxrfire: "reminder to move away from using the word "marijuana" as it is xenophobic and rooted in racism
before you ask me if I'm joking or try to justify using this word consider these alternatives
using google (free)
using one of the other zillion words for marijuana (also free)
Also stop acting like I invented this for fun. There have been several BIPOC speaking on this topic, it's not my fault you have read about it or seen someone talking about it."

Meme - Altrey @aubviouslynot: "someone has now stolen my car battery lol I'm so tired, can I please catch a break"
Addison Angel **Wear a mask**: "Please do not call the police. You could put a BIPOC's life at risk by causing a police interaction. Just buy a new battery" Brado @Truth_ssbm: "No one said anything about race???"
Addison Angel **Wear a mask**: "Well we all know it wasn't a white person who took it. Whoever took it was in need, it's not like they're stealing diamonds"
Liberals think minorities are criminals

The Negro Rulers of Scotland and the British Isles - "Dr. Johnson's work has become vital for readers who seek an understanding of the origin of man, and Africa’s contribution to the Bible and Natural History. His research has polarized Africa as the birthplace of mankind, whom throughout the ages migrated to the remote regions on the earth. The author makes emphasis that during the great African migration, the concept of the wheel, mathematics, the alphabet, reading, writing, philosophy, science, astrology , astronomy, Fine Arts, family hierarchy, bureaucracy parentheses (government), king, queen, dynastic rule, huge universities, great cities and churches, were rudiments brought out of Africa and spread throughout the world; a marvelous accomplishment that led to the Ultra- structure of Western Civilization.This text highlights the earliest African rulers of Scotland, Southern Ireland and United Kingdom; a chronicle that focuses upon the Alpin Dynasty from Kenneth MacAlpin and his great-great-grandson Kenneth Dubh (Dub) or Kenneth the Niger (Black, Duff or Duffy ), whose descendants of different appearances continued to rule Scotland, England, Ireland and other nations of Europe, even until this day."
So much for those who care about "misinformation"

The Meme Policeman - Posts | Facebook - "This meme comes from a confused comment by one director of curriculum, in one school district, from one private meeting that was amplified by an NBC article. The district has since clarified this won’t be happening, but memes couldn’t resist the Texas angle, and piled on... In no way are teachers being told to “teach both sides of the Holocaust.” Even the district acknowledges this isn’t what the law says, it pertains to giving other points of view on current events and widely debated topics, not accepted history. ▪️Additionally, NBC quoted the spokesman for the Texas State Teachers Association, a Republican state Senator and 3 other Texas Educational policy experts who all agreed that this was a misinterpretation of the law. ▪️This was a simply statement that got blown out of proportion because there was confusion over what this bill means for approved books in the classroom, and one director made a poor off-the-cuff example in a private meeting. No teacher will be teaching “both sides” of the Holocaust."

Meme - "Not being transgender makes me privileged says Rep. Ocasio- Cortez"
"What's next? Being able to walk makes us privileged compared to those in wheelchairs?"

YouGov on Twitter - "73% of Britons see illegal entry to the UK via the Channel as a serious issue. This is the case for 97% of Conservative voters"
Nigel Farage on Twitter - "These figures show how out of touch our politicians are. Mainstream media even more clueless. People care about this issue."
Nadia Whittome MP on Twitter - "There is no “migrant crisis”. There is a crisis of exploitation: bosses of workers, landlords of tenants, the 1% of the 99%. And there is a government that lets them get away with it."
Meme - Kate Osamor MP for Edmonto...: "Sending solidarity to @benandjerrysUK Once again putting humanity before pure wickedness We see you #RefugeesWelcome"
Bin The Labour Party: LABOUR BACK THE MIGRANTS - "The migrant invasion via the English Channel is being welcomed by many in the Labour Party and any attempts to stem the flow is predictably being met with criticism.  Once again Labour shows its true colours and provides a timely reminder that however unable and/or unwilling this Tory government is to stop the boats - if Starmer was in Number Ten he would probably be offering to collect the migrants directly from Calais.  After all, in the eyes of the left these are the Labour voters of tomorrow.  On the Twittersphere many Labour MPs and activists are signalling their support for the illegals.  While Starmer himself has said little about the situation, his Shadow Home Secretary has written to Priti Patel denouncing the government's 'lack of compassion' for the migrants.  Nick Thomas-Symonds' letter can be seen below (click to enlarge).  It was retweeted by Starmer... The final destination for migrants will not be the communities where Labour MPs live.  The metropolitan elites who dominate today's Labour Party will not suffer the consequences of the actions they support.  It's the working classes who will compete for hospital beds, school places and jobs.  These are the people who are outraged at what is happening in the Channel and if the Tories don't get hold of this problem then Nigel Farage will fill a political vacuum - again.  Last weekend the Labour Party in Bath found out just how strongly people really feel about the situation.  They decided to take up the old communist standard of whipping up hatred against the rich, but their Twitter poll backfired spectacularly - yes, even on the predominantly left-wing platform of Twitter...  The final result of their poll is not available, because they deleted it.  Needless to say, overwhelmingly white and affluent Bath is not going to be a recipient of most of the so-called 'refugees' landing in Dover.  Make no mistake, a Labour government would open the floodgates - again."
Meme - Claudia Webbe MP: "Its ludicrous to suggest vulnerable migrants pose a threat to our security, economy or social life This is classic Tory divide & rule Attacks on working class come from the billionaire class who stash their wealth in tax havens, not refugees fleeing persecution, death & famine"
Sargon of Akkad - Posts | Facebook - "Public opinion vs Labour MP's."
How out of touch Labour is. No wonder they are unelectable

Gad Saad - Posts | Facebook - "Let me get this straight. A professor at University of Cambridge proclaims that white lives do not matter & she gets promoted to full professor. @NoahCarl90 is fired from the same university because "bruh intelligence research is Nazism." And @jordanbpeterson has a fellowship rescinded because Jordan is literally Hitler. If only I knew why this grotesque double standard exists. Oh wait I know. The genocidal hatred toward white people was expressed by a "professor of color" whereas Noah and Jordan are "disgusting white males." OK, move along. Nothing to see. Apparently, @Cambridge_Uni is really into protecting freedom of speech and academic freedom but only as a function of one's skin color and the target of the genocidal hate. Imagine if a white professor had uttered something similar but about a group other than white people. By the way, I SUPPORT the right of all of the latter parties involved to their views including the right of @PriyamvadaGopal to express her grotesquely racist views. Such is the messiness of a free society. I also support the right of Holocaust deniers (I'm Jewish)."
<Addendum: This is about Priyamvada Gopal
Keywords: racist against white people, racist against whites, gupta

Burnley fan behind 'White Lives Matter' banner sacked from job - reports
Sargon of Akkad - Posts | Facebook - "Say "White Lives Don't Matter" get promoted.  Say "White Lives Matter" get investigated by the police and lose your job. This sort of double standard is not only obviously wrong but irresponsible."

Facebook - "One of the problems with "silence = violence" is that we're no longer allowed to be reserved in judgement whenever a story about a heinous hate crime explodes into the national consciousness. Instead, we must rush to condemn, rush to publicly display rituals of solidarity, brandish a hashtag here and there, because we are simply too afraid of the passing mob's wrath, their call-outs eager to paint you as the next racist dismissive of injustice, of oppression. But if anything, it's what we need more than ever. Slow news. Time to gather facts.  So here we are with yet another Boy Who Cried Noose story, and worse, barely a reckoning from the media that fanned its flames and called it wrong. Some blue-checked journalists have even insisted on denying the FBI's investigation and doubling down (*cough cough* Jemele Hill). Whose interest is it to see racism animating every aspect of American life? To see nooses everywhere?  What will it take to acknowledge racial progress? What will it take to debunk their fundamental hypothesis? These are tough but important questions. Silence is ok, in fact, it's necessary, now more than ever. Anyone insisting you take a position is not allowing you to make up your own mind."

My favourite teen band lyrics now make me feel sick - "Where I once enjoyed indulging in some much-needed nostalgia (often in the form of revisiting mine and my then-boyfriend’s Taking Back Sunday ‘song’ when I was 14) it now seems to me that our guilty pleasures are in fact guilty of being sexist, and in some cases extremely derogatory towards women."

Doritos made this ad for the Mexican market where a dead guy's ghost comes back to tell his family he has a gay lover in heaven 😐 - "A company that took Mexican tortilla chips and turned them into hyper-American junk food is now trying to convince said Mexicans with an ad about how their dead uncle is gay. If you don't know, most Mexicans – and Latinos in general – aren't into this woke stuff. They're kinda into masculine men, feminine women, big families, and faith in God (and a whole lot of soccer)."

Calling female colleagues ‘love’ is not the same as calling men ‘mate’, tribunal told - "Calling female work colleagues “love” or “honey” is demeaning and is not the same as calling male co-workers “mate”, a tribunal has ruled.  Mike Hartley, a funeral home manager, was sacked after being accused of making inappropriate remarks to young women at work, including calling female colleagues “sweet”, “love”, “chick” and “honey”.   After he lost his job, Mr Hartley tried to argue that he was the victim of sex discrimination because he also gave men pet names such as “mate” or “pal”."

Facebook - "You’ve been called racist, now what? – Advice from a South African... As a white South African, I am more familiar than I’d like to be with the notion of collective guilt. For as long as I’ve been alive, the default assumption has been that whites are oppressors and blacks are victims, despite the fact that for close to 30 years now, almost all positions of significant political and institutional power have been held by a black elite.  Nonetheless, South Africa’s various social ills are still laid at the door of the white minority. In fact, due to the structure of public education, until early adulthood, I honestly believed that white South Africans had no culture of our own, except for what we stole from others. Now I see this same rhetoric taking hold in the West and it troubles me deeply, for as the West goes, so go us all. In consequence, I’d like to offer some observations and advice on what to do if you find yourself unjustly branded a racist. First and foremost, do not get angry. People who wish to publicly shame you with an accusation of racism often do so precisely because they want to provoke an angry reaction, thereby appearing more just and sensible themselves. If you know in your heart that you don’t carry hatred toward those different from you, then you have no reason to give these people a win. Don’t get tripped up by word games. Many budding activists will try to claim that racism isn’t identified via the common definition (bigotry or distrust based on physical differences) but instead by an equation. Racism = Power + Prejudice. This definition comes from the pseudo-academic field of critical race theory and its purpose is to reframe conversations and allow the user to overlook or ignore any hateful acts engaged in by non-whites, on the basis that they do not hold institutional power. Not only is this demonstrably false, it belies a kind of creeping supremacist attitude, under which white people are the only ones capable of individual agency. If you are ever confronted with this P+P=R nonsense, understand that the person saying it is no longer speaking to you, but the abstract negative concept of “whiteness” that you represent in their mind. Contemporary anti-racism is a cult and just like any other religious fanatic, nothing less than your complete and total submission will be acceptable to its followers. It’s no longer enough that you simply treat all people with an equal amount of courtesy, you will now be expected to make a public spectacle of your “anti-racist” efforts. Understand that once you give ground in this regard, it will NEVER be enough. Racism in white people is the anti-racism movement’s secular alternative to the Christian concept of Original Sin, without the possibility of redemption. There is no way for you to win this twisted game, no method to adequately prove your moral purity. Do not bend the knee to this destructive dogma or allow yourself to be beaten into serfdom. Never apologise for things you don’t believe in or did not do. Those who have fallen prey to this hivemind of madness deserve your pity, not your hatred. Remember that as you go about your business."

Scarlett Johansson's Lawyer Slams Disney's Misogynistic Response To Lawsuit - "Scarlett Johansson's lawyer has criticized Disney's "misogynistic" response to the ongoing Black Widow lawsuit"
Misogyny is anything that disadvantages a woman

D.Va's Thot Patrol - Posts | Facebook - "E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (Atari 2600): User Score 3.5"
"The Last of Us Part II (PS4): User Score 3.4"
"Imagine being worst than a game that's been considered the worst game of all time for nearly 4 decades and almost destroyed the video game industry."

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