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Thursday, March 10, 2022

Links - 10th March 2022 (2 - George Floyd Unrest)

An 'Anti-Racist' Mob Set Its Sights on Humble ‘Squampton.’ Here’s How the Town Fought Back - "even tiny Squamish managed to hold a rally that attracted hundreds, including members of our local government. Unfortunately, the town’s activists went further, and started tracking townsfolk deemed insufficiently committed to the anti-racist struggle. Since these social-justice champions typically were recent arrivals from large cities, they could leverage mobs of social-media followers against lifelong Squamish residents whose Facebook and Twitter networks were orders of magnitude smaller... As per the now-usual script, the completely gratuitous mob shaming of a small business was presented as a welcome morality play that could serve to edify the entire community... A few months later, they came for the donuts... “Thank you for your continued work to make Squamish a place where all feel safe and welcome, Nadi.” (She later deleted the comment.) And this goes to one of the worst parts of these mob actions: Not only are we supposed to cheerfully endure hectoring lectures about our supposed racism, but also then gush appreciatively, on the pretense that it all somehow improves our community.   Within days, the Sunflower, too, took a knee, agreed to shelve the “Squampton” pastry for good, and to work with Ms. Fantastic to “educate” other downtown businesses about how donuts can be racist. Ms. Fantastic, now very much playing the role of Good Cop, returned to Facebook, this time to praise and gloat: “*Positive Update* After meeting with all four owners of the bakery this morning and engaging in a healthy conversation of listening and sharing.” She also posted a photo of renamed donuts with the caption: “An example of societal evolution. ‘Squamish Crème.’” The message here was clear: Play ball with Nadi and things will go well. It’s effectively the woke equivalent of a storefront “fire insurance” protection racket.  More recently, Ms. Fantastic and her squad targeted the unsuspecting administrator of a Squamish “Buy and Sell” Facebook page. The administrator’s crime was that she’d defied the mob’s demand that she delete an ad for “Squampton” face masks. Ms. Fantastic duly mobilized her minions, informing them she was contacting the administrator’s employer (a well-known chain store). By this time, she’d dropped the pretense that this was about anything except power and retribution, and had disclosed that her actions were part of a template she was developing to pressure residents through their employers... Ms. Fantastic went on to call the targeted page’s administrator—a First Nations single mom, incidentally—”a garbage person all around.” Ms. Tracey (the one who’d initiated the first campaign, against the bike shop) chimed in, denouncing the administrator as an “asshat,” and urging others to report the Indigenous woman for “hate speech.” Ms. Walker (the one who’d accused the bike shop owner of being “cunty,” if you will recall) remarked that “their dumb ass thinks the charter of rights and freedom protects their ‘hate speech.’” She also likened the Squampton face masks to Nazi swastikas and KKK symbols. As with the previous dust-ups, this was a mob largely composed of people who’d only recently arrived in town, attacking those who’d built lives and careers in Squampton for years.  What’s more, Ms. Fantastic revealed that a local “task force” had been established to root out anyone accused of racism. “So this is when the task force would come into action,” she wrote, identifying the mobbing of this First Nations single mother as an edifying case study in community mobilization...   As anyone in this outdoor subculture knows, the renaming of “offensive” route names is an especially popular issue for social-justice enthusiasts. In the climbing world, it’s traditional that the first individual to ascend and establish a new route gets to name it. That means the names reflect the (pre-woke) era in which the terms were coined. And given climbing’s counter-cultural roots, it should come as no surprise that some names are cheeky, off-colour, a bit bawdy, or even downright raunchy—which, in my eyes, makes them all that more interesting... a group of self-anointed route-name enforcers in Squamish began poring over the local guidebooks, flagging any names they deemed objectionable. One of the first to be called out was “Women in Comfortable Shoes,” which was duly truncated to “Comfortable Shoes.” (The original name was thought to offend lesbians, who, according to a comedic meme, have a thing for comfy footwear.) Another route that got blacklisted was “Black Dyke,” which refers to a dark geological feature—quite literally, a basalt dyke—that sites up the face of the Chief. The whole thing quickly took on the air of Cold War church ladies compiling lists of filthy R-rated films they feared might play at the local Bijou... For those who actually do care about improving the world through their social-justice advocacy, Squamish is hardly lacking in real problems—such as the rampant commercial development that’s destroying wildlife habitats, or the chronic homelessness. But, of course, that would require actual work, the kind that isn’t glamorous and which requires you to roll up your sleeves instead of tapping on a keyboard. Verbally carpet bombing a café or harassing an Indigenous mother is easy—and you reap a nice harvest of hearts and emojis from the local media for your troubles.   There is some good news, however. Thanks to Etsy and Amazon and modern computer technology, you don’t need a store or a factory to print up a sticker. And a Squampton-themed cottage industry has sprung up in local months—Samizdat for a woke age. By my observation, in fact, there are more Squampton stickers around town than before this idiotic brouhaha broke out. And the controversy has at least alerted the town’s silent majority to the fact that, if we don’t stand up for ourselves, we’re going to continue being bossed around by preening moralists who, until about 15 minutes ago, would have believed “Squamish” was a Whole Foods turnip."

Optical company posts anti-police Facebook ad, claims "mistake" - "On the ad is a picture, with your typical Antifa-looking, purple-haired, pierced up the ying-yang person (honestly, we’re not sure if it’s male, female, or what they identify as).  This individual is holding a card which says, “Wishing you warmth this holiday season” with a picture of a black and white police cruiser on fire... The funny thing is for those who thought the post was just peachy keen, we don’t even need to describe for you exactly what most of them look like. Typical, antifa-looking soy boys or females (?) that…well, look for yourself.   As we said, we post this to inform. It is up to our readers to decide whether this was indeed an honest mistake, or whether this company got more than it bargained for when this post went viral. Given the current anti-cop sentiment, would it be surprising that this post was perhaps intentional? Only Zenni knows for sure. We have reported in the past about businesses such as Starbucks who employ anti-cop workers. This is not to denigrate the entire company, but Starbucks in particular seems to attract the anti-cop crowd...
we appreciate the position of Starbucks that the actions of one employee does not reflect the entire company or the rest of its employees.  With that in mind, we thank you for understanding that the actions of one Minneapolis Police officer, Derek Chauvin, is not a reflection on the other police officers coast to coast, in cities such as Seattle, Portland, Chicago, New York and others.  Because after all, consistency would dictate that what applies to employees of Starbucks should also apply to police officers, correct?"

New Jersey Starbucks worker fired after spitting in cops coffee - "  In November of 2019, an Oklahoma Starbucks barista was fired after writing “pig” on the label of an officers coffee cup. Then again in December of 2019 officers were denied service when entering a California Starbucks.   In an even more egregious act, Law Enforcement Today brought you the story in late June about a tampon that was found in an officers drink."

Meme - "*Gang Violence in the Black Community* shoots *Literally everyone but the intended target*
*Dead women and chuldren*
"Why did white supremacy make me do this?""

CA church includes BLM protest in Christmas Nativity scene - "A Nativity scene at a Los Angeles church shows Mary standing with Black Lives Matter protesters holding signs that read “Jesus Wept” and “I Can’t Breathe”... The church has a history of provocative Nativity scenes. In 2019, it locked Jesus, Mary and Joseph in cages to call attention to immigration reform, KABC reported.An earlier Nativity scene at the church depicted a homeless Mary in a sleeping bag at a bus stop"

Harry Shearer no longer voicing black 'Simpsons' character - "Another white “Simpsons” voice actor has stepped down from lending his pipes to a character of color.According to The Wrap, Harry Shearer, who is white, will no longer voice the black character Dr. Hibbert... “Family Guy” actor Mike Henry, who is white, announced that he was stepping down from voicing the black character Cleveland. Arif Zahir has since taken over that role.On Netflix’s “Big Mouth,” Jenny Slate stepped down from voicing Missy — Ayo Edebiri has since taken over the role — and Apple TV+ series “Central Park” re-cast bi-racial character Molly, who was originally voiced by Kristen Bell and is now done by “Umbrella Academy” star Emmy Raver-Lampman."
The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again!
Addendum: Actually all the non-white characters can't be played by whites anymore

Brain-washed whites convulsing from White Guilt make pledge of allegiance to black people - "White leftists in Maryland publicly humiliated and prostrated themselves by making a groveling pledge of allegiance to black people in a cult-like ceremony.Hundreds of white people convulsing from pathological White Guilt gathered in front of the Connie Morella Library in Bethesda, Maryland... they dutifully recited a pledge of allegiance to black people by mindlessly chanting the words spoken by their black master:“[I will not] allow racism, anti-blackism or violence. I will use my voice in the most uplifting way possible and do everything in my power to educate my community.” This spectacle is the latest in a string of bizarre incidents where self-flagellating white people infected with White Guilt grovel and kneel before black people due to the injustices stemming from slavery — an institution that countless white men died fighting to end 155 years ago."

Black History Month survey offends some PepsiCo employees - "The survey was presented on a flyer that read “Take the Black History Month Survey Monkey Trivia.”It was directing employees to follow the link to Survey Monkey, a popular online survey tool"
When you incentivise taking offence, you get more of it

Farce over ‘unfriendly’ statue makes a monkey out of Hartlepool - "A statue of a monkey in Hartlepool is due to have its origins explained with a new sign amid fears that it could be used to portray the town as "unfriendly to foreigners", after the Black Lives Matter protests.  According to legend, a monkey that washed ashore in the north east town following the wreck of a ship during the Napoleonic wars was hanged as French spy...   Historian Dr Zareer Masani has criticised the push to "cancel" the legendary monkey, saying: "This is an example of tragedy ending as farce, virtue-signalling gone crazy.   "As this legend is probably a myth, will we be searching the Greek classics next for xenophobia?""

Critical Focus on Racism and Misogyny Extends to Greek and Roman Classics, Says Rutgers–Camden Professor - "a student had equated homosexuality with pederasty – a romantic relationship between an adult male and younger male – that was socially acceptable in ancient Greece.  Jewell first made it clear that he didn’t stand for discrimination and addressed the student’s comments as homophobic and insensitive – “the kind of statement that has been used against people in the LGBT community for centuries; to accuse them of pedophilia, to marginalize them, and to exclude them from the community.”... [the class] discussed how historical judgments are influenced by one’s personal biases, experiences, and views.
Never underestimate the depths to which liberals sink, or the knots into which they twist themselves to justify their incoherence
Of course historical judgments based on liberal ideology are immune to examination

Race in Greco-Roman Antiquity – Confronting the Ironic Xenophobia of Juvenal’s Satire 3
Too late

Hartlepool’s monkey madness - spiked - "The legend has been embraced by the local people. Hartlepool FC has a monkey as a mascot, H’Angus, who also once served as the town’s only ever directly elected mayor."
Why do liberals equate blacks to monkeys?

Tom Brady Called 'Racist' on Social Media for Winning Super Bowl During Black History Month - "Many watched Tom Brady lead the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Super Bowl victory over the Kansas City Chiefs. The game marked the franchise’s second Super Bowl victory and Tom Brady’s seventh"

Democrat Rep. Clyburn to propose swapping US national anthem with black national anthem - "House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC), announced that he plans to propose a measure to make the 'black national anthem' the official US national anthem to promote "unity""

Shirley Oswald on Twitter - "@zein_ramadan @SportsCenter I don't remember the Uyghurs speaking about the importance of black lives."
At least he's not buying China's lies. He just doesn't care about anyone other than his constituency

John Cardillo on Twitter - "Teddy Roosevelt statue down in NYC. George Floyd statue up in Newark. This is where we are now."
The left loves criminals

Edinburgh University renames David Hume Tower over 'racist' views - "Edinburgh University has renamed its David Hume Tower over the philosopher's "comments on matters of race".  The building, which will be used as a student study space this academic year, will now be known as 40 George Square."
"When the University of Edinburgh changes the name of a building from one of the preeminent philosophers of the Enlightenment to 40 George Square in order to honour a drug addict criminal, it is a good day to stay in bed."

Baptisms, miracles taking place in revival at site where George Floyd died, Christian groups say
So much for him not becoming a hero. He's even a saint

Meme - "*George Floyd* The greatest black man to ever live"

James Lindsay - Posts | Facebook - "Just heard: A guy on NPR is comparing George Floyd's death to the crucifixion of Jesus. I can't."

Public Scrutiny and Police Effort: Evidence from Arrests and Crime After High-Profile Police Killings - "  After a spate of protests touched off by high-profile incidents of police use of force, there has been a renewed focus on whether public scrutiny shapes policing behavior, otherwise known as the Ferguson Effect. This paper shows that after police killings that generate significant public attention and scrutiny, officers reduce effort and crime increases. The effects differ by offense type: Reduced police effort yields persistently fewer arrests for low-level offenses (e.g., marijuana possession), but there are limited changes in arrests for violent or more serious property crimes. The increase in offending is driven by murders and robberies, imposing significant crime costs on affected municipalities. These findings are robust to numerous changes in empirical specification, transformations of the dependent variable, and varying levels of fixed effects that control for changes in state law and treatment spillovers. To disentangle the potential simultaneous effects impacting policing behavior following a high-profile, officer-involved fatality, I develop a theoretical model that provides empirically testable predictions for each mechanism. I find that the reduction in low-level arrests coincides with public scrutiny as the causal channel."

Black Lives Matter's Effect on Police Lethal Use-of-Force - "Has Black Lives Matter influenced police lethal use-of-force? A difference-in-differences design finds census places with protests experienced a 15% to 20% decrease in police homicides from 2014 through 2019, around 300 fewer deaths. This decrease was prominent when protests were large or frequent. Potential mechanisms behind the reduction include police agencies obtaining body-worn cameras to curtail force and depolicing following a so-called `Ferguson Effect.' Fewer property crimes, but more murders, were reported to agencies with local protests; in contrast, the property crime clearance rate fell. Demographic imbalance by protest status and limited variation in treatment timing warrant a cautious interpretation."
Since black lives only matter when police shoot criminals, this is good

A randomized control trial evaluating the effects of police body-worn cameras - "Police departments are adopting body-worn cameras in hopes of improving civilian–police interactions. In a large-scale field experiment (2,224 officers of the Metropolitan Police Department in Washington, DC), we randomly assigned officers to receive cameras or not. We tracked subsequent police behavior for a minimum of 7 mo using administrative data. Our results indicate that cameras did not meaningfully affect police behavior on a range of outcomes, including complaints and use of force. We conclude that the effects of cameras are likely smaller than many have hoped."
This suggests that there is no police misconduct

Meme - Count Dooku: "What if told you that 97% of the people killed by police in the US are male, proving that the police are sexist against men."
Obi-Wan Kenobi: "That's impossible. The reason men are killed more by the police is because they commit more cri-"
Count Dooku: *laughs*

PragerU on Twitter - "Not acceptable to the Left:
Splash Mountain
Aunt Jemima
Eskimo Pie
Cream of Wheat
Gone With the Wind
Paw Patrol
Mary Poppins
Acceptable to the Left:
Burning cities
Attacking police
When you don't fight real evil, you make up evils to fight."

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on Twitter - "Isaih Martin (@I_Martin44), a BLM activist at @TAMU, claimed in ultra-viral tweet that racist messages were left on his car. Video shows he placed them there himself. He is now refusing to cooperate w/police. @TAMUPolice are not pressing charges. #HateHoax"

Gad Saad - Posts | Facebook - #BlackLivesMatterUK @ukblm: "As Israel moves forward with the annexation of the West Bank, and mainstream British politics is gagged of the right to critique Zionism, and Israel’s settler colonial pursuits, we loudly and clearly stand beside our Palestinian comrades.   FREE PALESTINE."
"Please remember. Criticizing the ‘genocide apartheid state’ is fair game. Criticizing BLM is “racist” and can’t be tolerated."

Kurt Schlichter on Twitter - Mayor Bill de Blasio @NYCMayor: "Last night a far-right extremist group vandalized a statue of George Floyd in Brooklyn. A racist, loathsome, despicable act of hate.    The City Cleanup Corps is repairing the statue right now and a hate crime investigation is underway. We will bring these cowards to justice."
"I was informed - by you - that property damage is not a crime."

Jogger stopped by Volusia deputies to share his experience during Sheriff’s Office bias training - "Body camera video showed Volusia County Deputies stopping 28-year-old Joseph Griffin during his afternoon jog last week as they searched for a lawn equipment burglar who had a similar description, according to a witness.  “African American male, with a white tank top and black shorts, initially,” said Joseph Griffin. “Of course, it was pretty scary. I didn’t know what was going on at first when he approached me.”  Griffin started a Facebook Live video as one deputy put him in handcuffs.  “I figured if there were eyes on, then nothing bad would have happened,” he said.  In the video, the deputy told Griffin that he was not under arrest but was being detained because he fit the description. Another deputy held Griffin’s phone so it could still record.  “We’ll take care of you buddy, promise not going to let anything happen,” a deputy said.  The father of two said it took about 15 minutes before authorities cleared and released him. He said they also apologized for the inconvenience and thanked him for being understanding and respectful. "This is one of the best examples that I’ve seen as far as civilians being compliant and officers actually trying to assure the civilians that we’re not out to get you,” said Griffin... “The way we stopped Mr. Griffin is the way we would have stopped a white guy, a Black guy, a Hispanic guy or a purple guy”"

Why I am one of many former MPD officers - "  If you want to totally break down the morale and mission of police officers, hold them back and leave them hanging without any support. What you are left with is a department that sees almost one-third of its sworn personnel leave due to PTSD both diagnosed and undiagnosed. I am one of those.  It's hard to get up every day and be happy to go to your job feeling like damaged goods. I received over 4,000 voicemails of vitriolic hate, and I didn't have a phone left or a desk to put a phone on. My office had been firebombed.  The people now being touted as "peaceful protesters" hacked the city's e-mail and subscribed me to more than 1,000 online sites. "I" have done everything from signing petitions to abolish the death penalty to subscribing to the Harvard Law Review and Change.org. And my personal favorite: I am Cowgirl911 on FarmersOnly.com. Although I should thank the trolls for saying that I am a 30-year-old Gemini.   I got a call in the middle of the night when I was out with officers in the riots from a "friend of the police" who told me to immediately shut down my credit cards, as all my information was out on the dark web."

Breaking: Counter-protestors clash with police at pro-Trump rally in Washington DC | The Post Millennial - "Andy Ngo was able to identify one woman as Megan Mitra Smith, who was also arrested at the autonomous zone in Portland. "This is at least her third arrest in recent weeks at violent antifa protests," said Ngo"
More "peaceful protests"

WATCH: Milwaukee man mobbed by BLM activists—arrested for trying to defend his home | The Post Millennial - "Activists in Milwaukee, Wisc. staged a protest at a neighbour's home on Monday, alleging that he was racist. Police were called when the man could be seen holding a gun, and then he was arrested"

Police Shootings: Media’s Racial Narrative Runs Counter to Facts - "The Washington Post database suggests we have a violence problem in America and certainly a mental-health problem, but not — at least not on the face of it — a race problem...   Fake guns are a common element in police-involved shootings... Knives also make regular appearances, typically involving individuals with mental-health issues... One of the starkest disparities in police-involved shootings concerns how much attention is devoted to cases depending on the race of the person shot. Of course, police sometimes get it wrong in how they handle cases involving white people, too, but there is no activist and media apparatus devoted to finding and blowing up such cases, in part because it would run counter to the narrative of systemically racist police preying on black people."

Melrose police chief launches investigation into traffic message reading 'All Lives Matter'
Only left wing messages are allowed

Top federal judge resigns after calling black clerk 'street smart' - "The top federal judge in Los Angeles is stepping down after he apologized for saying that the court’s top administrative official, who is a black woman, was ‘street-smart.’  US District Judge Cormac J. Carney said he will no longer serve as chief district judge just less than a month after he began a four-year term"
You're not even allowed to praise "minorities"

Lethal Force in Black and White: Assessing Racial Disparities in the Circumstances of Police Killings - "African Americans are nearly three times as likely to be killed by police as whites. This paper examines whether this racial disparity is due in part to racial differences in the circumstances of police killings. To assess whether and how these circumstances predict the race of a decedent, I use machine learning techniques and a novel data set of police killings containing over 120 descriptors. I find that decedent characteristics, criminal activity, threat levels, police actions, and the setting of the lethal interaction are not predictive of race, indicating that the police—given contact—are killing blacks and whites under largely similar circumstances. The findings suggest that the racial disparity in the rate of lethal force is most likely driven by higher rates of police contact among African Americans rather than racial differences in the circumstances of the interaction and officer bias in the application of lethal force."
Yet more evidence that the US police killing black people unjustly because of race is a myth. It is racist to respond to criminal activity from certain races

Meme - "DID YOU KNOW? No One Said #AllLivesMatter Before They Heard #BlackLivesMatter. No One Championed #StraightPride Until There Was #GayPride. No One Cared About #WhiteHistoryMonth Before We Had #BlackHistoryMonth. No One Mentions #Men's Rights or # Egalitarian Until There's Talk About #Feminism. Let's Face It. You Never Cared About These Things Before. And the Only Reason You Bring Them Up Now Is Because Your Cozy Bubble Is About to Burst, and the Thought of Marginalized People Having the Same Rights That You've Always Been Able to Take for Granted Scares the Shit Out of You. Well, Sorry. The Good Ol' Days, When Women and Black People Knew Their Places - and Queer Was Just the Dirty Family Secret No One Ever Talked About - Are Over. Welcome to the 21st Century"
No one said black lives matter when it was black people killing each other

Meme - "If you search Derek Chauvin in Mandarin on Weibo, these are what will pop up. Give me one single reason not to welcome your Chinese overlords. The Chinese call Derek Chauvin Capital America, Superman or Demon Terminator."

Meme - Sasha Johnson: "The white man will not be our equal but our slave History is changing No justice no Peace #BLM #Brixton"
"She survives but she's a wheelchair bound vegetable. She finally gets her white slaves that sponge bathe her once every 3 days before putting her back in the corner of her room."

Chris' Journey | One year after a Confederate statue hit Chris Green in Portsmouth, he fights his way back from a traumatic brain injury. - "Chris Green suffered a traumatic brain injury when a Confederate statue fell on him during a protest in Portsmouth in 2020. He ended up in a coma."

Family speaks after local man nearly killed at protest - "A piece of the monument fell on the 45-year-old as protesters chipped away at the Confederate monument with sledgehammers while police were ordered to stand down... “This could have been prevented. I think that it had been talked about the statue being removed along time ago; nothing ever happened,” said his sister, Leslie Perkin... The day after Green’s accident, Norfolk announced plans to remove its own Confederate monument in the interest of public safety. The removal process began early Friday morning. "
Or, don't be a thug and destroy public property. But of course that is unacceptable

Meme - "Charles Wade, BLM Co Founder was arrested in 2016 for Child Sex Trafficking. In other words: He was arrested for Modern Day Slave Trading I hope the irony has not been lost on you"

Meme - "It's time to fight back against our oppressors!"
MEGACORP INC. *ignored*
Government Building *ignored*
*House on fire with BLM and Antifa graffiti and broken windows*"

Armed White Men Showed Up To A Black Lives Matter Protest In Indiana
Only black people have the right to be armed in public, apparently

Violence Breaks Out At Various Juneteenth Celebrations Across The Country - "Several shootings occurred at Juneteenth celebrations. The Juneteenth holiday, officially established on the federal level Thursday, was celebrated on Saturday."
Of course, this will be blamed on "white supremacy"

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