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Tuesday, March 08, 2022

Links - 8th March 2022 (2 - Covid-19: Mandates/Passports)

Harvard Epidemiologist Says the Case for COVID Vaccine Passports Was Just Demolished - "Harvard Medical School professor Martin Kulldorff said research showing that natural immunity offers exponentially more protection than vaccines means vaccine passports are both unscientific and discriminatory, since they disproportionately affect working class individuals.  “Prior COVID disease (many working class) provides better immunity than vaccines (many professionals), so vaccine mandates are not only scientific nonsense, they are also discriminatory and unethical,” Kulldorff, a biostatistician and epidemiologist, observed... Nor is the study out of Israel a one-off. Media reports show that no fewer than 15 academic studies have found that natural immunity offers immense protection from COVID-19. Moreover, CDC research shows that vaccinated individuals still get infected with COVID-19 and carry just as much of the virus in their throat and nasal passage as unvaccinated individuals...   Vaccine passports would be immoral and a massive government overreach even in the absence of these findings. There is simply no historical parallel for governments attempting to restrict the movements of healthy people over a respiratory virus in this manner.  Yet the justification for vaccine passports becomes not just wrong but absurd in light of these new revelations."
One vaxhole claimed that it was fake news to say that natural immunity was more protective than vaccine immunity. When challenged, he claimed that this was so since vaccine immunity combined with infection provided even more protection. I asked him if apples were more expensive than bananas, which were more expensive than cherries, was it fake news to say that bananas were more expensive than cherries (I probably used different fruits in my original comment)? He refused to answer

Scapegoating the unvaccinated for covid-19 vaccine failures - "THE LOGIC:
🛑 The unvaxxed are causing the bars to stay closed even though unvaccinated can't go there.
🛑 The unvaxxed are causing restaurants to limit capacity even though unvaccinated can't go there.
🛑 The unvaxxed are causing gyms to limit capacity even though unvaccinated can't go there.
🛑 The unvaxxed are causing universities to stay closed even though unvaccinated can't go there.
🛑 The unvaxxed are causing team sports to be cancelled even though they can't participate.
🛑 The unvaxxed are causing the public events to be cancelled even though unvaccinated can't go there.
🛑 The unvaxxed are being blamed for everything even though they are noticeably absent... When I hear people say, “well nobody ever said the vaccines would stop infection and transmission” my stomach turns. Not just because this is a provable lie, but because it speaks of such a high level of cognitive dissonance and groupthink that I worry if the level of fear, ignorance, and stupidity is just too much to overcome regardless of how much evidence is presented.  First of all, what was the point of any vaccine mandate or vaccine passport if the vaccine did not stop infection and transmission? We were told from the beginning that the vaccine mandates and/or passports were designed to “keep people safe at work or in public”. They had to tell us that, if vaccines could not do this then what possible justification could there possibly be for mandates and/or passports?... And let’s not blame Omicron, the vaccines colossally failed to prevent infection and transmission almost immediately. Just ask Iceland and Israel and the UK or people in care homes around the world. I have documented this many times and it is irrefutable—the vaccines failed to provide individual or herd immunity long before Omicron.  Anyone who denies this is either dangerously ignorant or dishonest. Remember, no matter what anybody says about vaccines reducing the severity of illness, that is a red herring, it is COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT when it comes to vaccine mandates and/or passports.  Nobody with a shred of intelligence would even try to justify mandating a vaccine that does not prevent infection or transmission or provide herd immunity;  this is why leaders are stuck repeating the same lie that “we are in a pandemic of the unvaccinated”—as over 80% of cases are in the fully vaccinated, or that “we need vaccines to keep us safe at work” - as fully vaccinated businesses and sports teams and airline flights are riddled with cases of COVID-19... We are now at a place where fully vaccinated people need to get tested to travel or play a sport, or go to work.  Why? Because everybody knows, from unequivocal data, that the vaccinated get infected and transmit—FREQUENTLY. You might recall that for a long time only the unvaccinated had to get tested as public health officials, in the face of overwhelming evidence, pretended that only the unvaccinated could get infected and transmit.  This is one of the ways they skewed the data regarding percentages of infections in the unvaccinated vs vaccinated so they could make the false claim that “we are in a pandemic of the unvaccinated”.  They lied—and many are still lying—there just is no way around this FACT. They are now doing the same with hospitalization data by the way."

Understanding the psychology of vaccine hesitancy could help to change minds - "people value autonomy and prefer to do things of their own volition and choice rather than due to an imposition of any sort.  Strong directives to get vaccinated, notwithstanding the importance of doing so, may ironically harden their resolve for autonomy and be perceived as an attempt to curtail their freedom to choose.  So differentiated treatment for unvaccinated individuals may achieve little in convincing people to consider getting vaccinated... evidence from persuasion literature shows that people respond better to "soft" influence tactics rather than "hard" influence tactics.  This seems quite intuitive as the use of pressure and power tends to leave us feeling defensive and uncared for."

GUNTER: Liberal vaccine mandates are all about political gain | Toronto Sun - "We seem to think if the unvaccinated’s refusal to be inoculated is what’s keeping the rest of us from getting back to semi-normal, then damn ‘em: Force them to get vaccinated or let the basds lose their jobs. Who cares about technicalities and niceties like the Constitution or the rule of law?  The Liberals understand this frustration and impatience and are pandering to it for political gain with their talk of ironclad vaccine mandates. Trouble is, nearly every legal opinion says 100 per cent mandates can’t legally be done. You can’t force people to accept something into their body if they don’t want it. So, if your goal is to prevent a recurrence of the infection, you have to find some other way to ensure the vaccine-hesitant are virus-free.  This has been the Conservatives’ point all along. Get as many people as possible vaccinated, then make it a requirement for the rest to have regular tests to prove they aren’t positive as a prerequisite to being admitted to public places and events. The federal Justice department has cautioned the Trudeau government that zero-tolerance vax mandates are unconstitutional; tests must be offered as Plan B... there is almost certainly no legal way the House of Commons’ board of internal economy can compel MPs to get jabs, and probably not their political staffs, either. The MPs work for their constituents, not the board or the House. And it’s important that voters retain ultimate authority over them.  The Trudeau government knows all of this, of course. But it assumes many Canadians don’t. So all it’s tough talk about MPs getting vaccinated is nothing more than virtue signalling for political gain – just like its vaccine mandate for “all” civil servants that lets 70 per cent of federal employees quietly skirt the requirement."
Covid apartheid was supposed to be the way to avoid more lockdowns. So much for that lie

Raymond J. de Souza: A compelling critique of Ontario's vaccine mandates - "Vaccine mandates and associated “passports” can be justified only as effective prophylaxis in a genuine public health emergency, but not as a punitive policy intended to coerce compliance... There are now some Ontario hospitals that have announced a ban on unvaccinated visitors. Not hospitals with overflowing ICUs, with other patients stacked up in the corridors. Hospitals that have few, if any, COVID patients at all. Hospitals that have on site the capacity for rapid testing. Nonetheless, patients in hospital, including the gravely ill, will be banned from having unvaccinated visitors, even if the patient is vaccinated and the visitor could easily be tested upon arrival.   Pandemic policy is a matter of balance. In Ontario, that balance has been elusive. Schools were closed for months on end, with all the attendant negative consequences for students, in health regions where there were fewer active cases than children in a typical classroom. Measures introduced to deal with rising case counts at a certain level were continued even under falling case counts at half or a quarter of that level...   Ontario’s pandemic policy has been largely driven by predictions by the Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table. It sketches out various scenarios, including a harrowing worst-case one, and then the government responds. This is how it works. Ford rejected the idea of vaccine passports in July. When he reversed himself six weeks later, the situation had not deteriorated. What happened? Enter the Science Table... “Even with the reopening of schools in September, daily cases have not reached 1,000, while ICU occupancy has not risen even to the Science Table’s best-case projection.” As for Ford’s reversal, Cardus writes: “ICU occupancy [due to Covid] is actually lower than it was at the time of your ‘hard no’ to passports... The Table’s updated forecast (Sept. 28) describes a much less grim scenario than the previous model — and is already too pessimistic, as ICU occupancy is again below the stated best-case scenario... "vaccination rates are already proportionate to the threat, and a coercive vaccination policy has the greatest effect on those who are statistically at least risk. Those who are at greatest risk gain little in the way of risk reduction, as they are already highly protected by the vaccines themselves.”"

She’s fighting B.C.’s vaccine passport in court, but says she’s no anti-vaxxer. Here’s her story | The Star - "Unlike some other provinces, B.C. does not allow medical exemptions to its vaccine passport. In Ontario, where a doctor’s note can exempt people from the vaccine-passport program, the exemptions approved by the College of Physicians and Surgeons are vanishingly small: Only severe allergic reactions or an instance of myocarditis, a rare heart condition, following the first vaccine qualify... Eliason is unvaccinated because a host of pre-existing medical conditions have her and her doctor worried that the jab could trigger a more severe reaction than is standard for healthy adults (who usually face no more than a sore arm and flu-like symptoms for a day). Included in her affidavit to the B.C. court was a letter from her doctor supporting her decision to remain unvaccinated... At the heart of the B.C. case is a reality with which any society using vaccine passports will have to reckon: The system comes with consequences, of socially ostracizing unvaccinated adults... Geraint Osborne, a sociology professor at the University of Alberta, sees such tension in a historical context.  “Human beings have long used the removal of individuals who are deemed a threat to the survival of the group as a sanction or form of social control,” said Osborne.  That brings with it a host of consequences — including mental-health issues... Having been chronically ill for two decades, Eliason was prolific at “physical distancing” before it was in most Canadians’ vocabulary. A kidney disease, autoimmune complications, and heart troubles have kept her mostly inside as a self-described “homebody” for 20 years — except when it comes to performances and events involving her two daughters... Now, she realizes the fact that she’s unvaccinated and doesn’t qualify for a vaccine passport may keep her from her daughter’s university graduation next year... Webb, who declined to be interviewed by the Star, is in a different sort of predicament. She received one dose of COVID-19 vaccine and had a severe reaction, prompting her doctor to recommend she not receive a second, court documents say... the B.C. case, which focuses on the specific circumstance of people who have been told by doctors that the vaccines may carry greater risks for them than the general population.  That hasn’t stopped some from labelling Eliason, Webb and their legal team as anti-vaccine, labels they all strongly refute."
Clearly these childish whiners are just afraid of needles and should just do their duty
Vaxholes tell us that covid apartheid is needed to protect the immunocompromised. I guess they also need to be "protected" from themselves
Of course, even in places which allow medical exemptions, that doesn't mean very much if doctors are afraid to give them because they're afraid of losing their licenses
The definition of "anti-vaxxer" grows steadily larger by the day

Vaccine passports could fuel Covid and cost venues millions, says leaked government report - "Vaccine passports could fuel the spread of Covid-19 by encouraging people to go to poorly ventilated pubs instead of large venues, the Government’s own impact assessment has warned.  The policy would also slash turnover for the organisers of events required to use vaccine passports, and necessitate the hiring of thousands of new stewards which may be hard to deliver, it was concluded...   Another talks about how Premier League clubs are already carrying out “spot checks” on Covid-19 certification and mentions fears of “unsafe” situations that could be exacerbated if they were brought in for all attendees.  The key line about spot checks reads: “Given existing queues and high flow rates at PL [Premier League games] this is clearly adding to the pressures of queues, potentially making PL games unsafe and operationally very difficult.  “If this was increased to mandate every attendee being checked, this would have significant impacts on the operational viability of the matches.”  Bringing in Covid-19 certification would cost the Royal Albert Hall around £1,050 extra for each event it hosts, according to estimates contained in the document. Meanwhile each Premier League club would have to pay around an extra £285,000 a season in stewarding costs.   The document also includes various estimates for the impact on turnover if Covid-19 certification is adopted, with a “low”, “mid” and “high” estimate given in each scenario.  The “mid” estimate said one month of Covid-19 certification would see turnover for the affected venues drop by £345 million - a 2.2 per cent reduction on pre-Covid 2019 levels.  The “mid” estimate for three months of Covid-19 certification was a fall of £1.034 billion in turnover (a 6.6 per cent drop in 2019 levels) and six months was £2.067 billion or (a 13.2 per cent drop)... a third of potential event attendees “would not visit unless all attendees had vaccine proof”."
Of course the vaxhole "solution" is to extend vaccine passports to even more venues. And when people then gather in private houses, they will then demand that you need a vaccine passport to leave your house
Weird how so many attendees don't believe the vaccines work. Or maybe they just want to punish the unvaccinated

Vaccine Passports Were Planned Long Before the Pandemic - "In a 2018 article on Medium, a group that partners with the United Nations, Microsoft and the Rockefeller Foundation, called ID2020 wrote that vaccination programs created a “huge opportunity to scale digital identity”."

No vax, no vote? Macron's vaccine passport plan sparks fury | The Spectator - "It will even be illegal to enter a hospital without such a pass, except in emergencies... an amendment specifically to exclude such a step was rejected by Macron’s parliamentary majority. Joachim Son-Forget, a deputy representing overseas French voters, and a physician, tweeted that his amendment was a big test of the government’s hypocrisy.  ‘If the government doesn’t demonstrate clearly that it has no intention to use the vaccination passport to exclude the votes of its political opponents, the doubts will continue,’ he warned... It’s a little remarked feature of the president’s crackdown on the vaccine hesitant that the one group he will depend on to enforce his new law has been specifically excluded from complying with it. Firefighters, nurses and teachers, and soon, children over 12, are all to be subject to mandatory jabs. But not, curiously, the police."
Vaxholes will claim that irresponsible people should not be able to vote. So next we can ban felons, those who don't pay income tax and those without a university degree from voting

The absurd theatre of vaccine passports | The Spectator - "Public Health England released data which shows that vaccination does not appreciably guard against Covid infection and transmission and protection worked out at around 17 per cent for the over-fifties. As I observed then, this would mean the vaxxed and unvaxxed pose a comparable danger to each other. All Covid apartheid schemes are therefore insensible.  Fresher information has fortified this conclusion of the summer. In every age group over 30 in the UK, the rates of Covid infection per 100,000 are now higher among the vaxxed than the unvaxxed. Indeed, in the cohorts aged between 40 and 79, infection rates among the vaccinated are more than twice as high as among the unvaccinated. PHE’s fruitlessly rechristened body, the UK Health Security Agency, frantically clarifies that the data ‘should not be used to estimate vaccine effectiveness’, a caveat which I include for the sake of accuracy. But the differences in the infection rates are drastic enough for you to draw your own conclusions... All this information is in the public domain. Yet due to doublethink, idiocy, mulishness, duplicity, derangement or all of the above, policy-makers are refusing to act on its implications. The absurd theatre of vaccine passports in continental Europe is worse than pointless. Gatekeeping of pleasure palaces promotes the wrong impression — statistically, the lie — that the unvaccinated riff-raff exiled to the pavement pose a far graver threat of communicable disease than the diners in the nearby banquette who, like you, have righteously got the shot. In truth, the double-jabbed airline passenger in 24A can be just as risky a seat-mate as the great unwashed banished from the flight. Officialdom’s stubborn refusal to register that vaccination does not rule out Covid infection or transmission has catastrophic consequences. As England’s adult social care sector has more than 100,000 vacancies already, the compulsory sacking of unvaxxed care-home staff could close up to 500 facilities that the nation can’t afford to lose. A vaccine mandate for NHS employees will likewise lead to significant staff attrition, when the service also suffers from about 100,000 unfilled jobs. Stopped for now by the courts, Joe Biden has bullied on with his edict that all American businesses with 100 or more employees require their whole workforce to be vaccinated, or submit to onerous weekly testing, with a whopping $14,000 fine per unvaxxed hire. Austria has just implemented a lockdown for its entire unvaccinated population of two million. Already barred from restaurants, hair salons and cinemas, now these poor pariahs can barely leave the house.  The myth of ultra-contagious anti-vaxxers dispersing plague like rats in the Middle Ages has fostered gratuitous rancour and division. A friend in New York declared recently that she hoped all the unvaccinated would simply die.  By spearheading the vaccine drives, governments have attached themselves to a product. They’re implicitly in league with the pharmaceutical industry, not by means of a conspiracy, but because of perceived common interest. Successful vaccine? Successful government. The mainstream media and swaths of the medical establishment have also attached themselves to the product. All these parties are in cahoots to maintain a Manichean social partition: you must be all in, or you’re all against. Any appreciation for the risks or limits of vaccines casts you as a dreaded anti-vaxxer. So any feel for nuance makes you stupid. Any short-of-fanatical devotion to the perfect benevolence of vaccines makes you crazy. Yet the product is a bit of a disappointment. It reduces death and hospitalisation, but can’t stop Covid from spreading. The virus continues merrily to sweep through heavily vaccinated populations. What we have here, then, is an advertising problem. The purveyors of products are inclined to overpromise. Adverts for a hair-loss treatment tend to boast not ‘Stimulates some minor follicular growth’, but rather ‘Cures balding!’ Having oversold their adopted elixir, governments won’t retreat from the cures-balding pitch. ‘Won’t keep you from getting sick or even from making other people sick, but prevents dying a lot of the time!’ makes for a lukewarm slogan.  I’m double-vaccinated — gladly so, on balance. But I’ve no fear of vaccine virgins. As the medical case for shunning the unvaccinated is unconvincing, vax passports and employment mandates function purely as blackmail. As a judge decreed when staying Biden’s edict: ‘The mandate’s true purpose is not to enhance workplace safety, but instead to ramp up vaccine uptake by any means necessary.’  Much western public health policy is now irrational. Governments need to detach from the product. Instead, they’ve detached from the facts."
The lies used to justify covid apartheid just promotes misunderstanding of the science. So much for following the science

Potential legal challenge looms for vaccine certificates | Toronto Sun - "The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms says it has sent a legal warning letter to the Ontario government on behalf of four clients demanding the vaccine passport mandate be revoked immediately"
Given how long cases take it's easy for governments to pass unconstitutional laws that will stand for a while

EDITORIAL: Here's how to make Canada's vax passports less divisive | Toronto Sun - "Ontario Premier Doug Ford was right to first oppose them on the basis that they would create a split society. Looks like he was right.  People are losing their jobs over these rules. And, most scandalously, hospitals are planning to let employees go over the vaccine rules. This includes some nurses.  Now is not the time to get rid of nurses. The whole reason Alberta, for example, just went into another round of restrictions is because of rising hospital capacity issues.  Firing nurses only makes this worse. Vaccine passports were supposed to help prevent lockdowns, instead they seem to be pushing us closer towards them.  The thing is, it didn’t have to be this way. Vaccine passports don’t need to be so rigid. The way France does it is that one needs to show proof of vaccination or a recent negative test. There are also jurisdictions that include proof of recently having had COVID-19, which is an acknowledgement of prior immunity.  This is a far superior way of doing things."

DIJKEMA: Let’s move away from Ontario’s vaccine passport system | Toronto Sun - "They disproportionately affect certain groups, especially Black and low-income communities where vaccination rates are lowest. These fellow citizens are the most likely to end up barred from restaurants, events or other places – unless, of course, they’re staff and don’t need to show proof-of-vaccination to work. But that has a perverse effect. “Proof-of-vaccination requirements mean that restaurants, indoor recreation facilities, cultural venues, and many other locations will be available to the vast majority of white or affluent Ontarians, while racialized people, the poor, and recent immigrants will be disproportionately excluded — other than to cook, serve and clean,” our letter notes.  Is this not deeply discriminatory?  Vaccine passports also erode public trust. Vaccines are highly protective, so why must we keep the unvaccinated away from the vaccinated? If allowing the unvaccinated to dine in a restaurant or attend a concert is risky, how can it be safe for them to serve customers in these same establishments? If the policy will be in place temporarily, where is the exit plan, and why is the government investing in a permanent digital application?... Quebec’s passport system was hacked and a private vaccine-passport app exposed the personal information of hundreds of thousands of users.  What’s more, Ontario’s COVID Science Advisory Table admits there’s no direct evidence vaccine passports affect viral transmission. They also don’t seem to help vaccination rates."

Is it time to end vaccine passports? Experts divided over whether they are still useful - "He worries, too, that passports are creating a “me-them” environment that could only grow worse if the pandemic persists. “We’ve seen it affecting families, splitting families apart.” Once vaccines became polarized, “all reason went out the window.”... Others believe vaccine certificates may even now be harmful, “because it makes people think that they are in a safe space — they were pre-Omicron, but no longer,” Toronto infectious diseases specialist Dr. Andrew Morris wrote in one of his COVID weekly emails.  “Vaccine certificates may prove valuable again at some point,” Morris wrote, “but the two main purposes — motivating people to get vaccinated and protecting people by keeping spaces confined to those at low likelihood of infection — are clearly no longer relevant.”  There is also a question as to how many people need to be excluded to prevent one transmission of SARS-CoV-2.   Quebec’s vaccine passport scheme will eventually require three doses to shop in government-run alcohol and cannabis stores, dine indoors or enter gyms, concerts and other venues. Israel has begun rolling out fourth doses for the 60 and older. There are talks of annual shots, like with seasonal flu. Streiner, a professor in the department of psychiatry and behavioural neurosciences at McMaster, sees risk of push back. “I think we’re in this stage of producing fatigue about it: Okay, I’ve got my two shots, my booster. Enough already. Let me go on with my life.” Streiner is senior author, the “eminence grise” of a pre-print study that estimated, in the pre-Omicron era, that at least 1,000 unvaccinated people likely needed to be excluded to prevent one SARS-CoV-2 transmission event in most types of settings.  “In the fall, when people were talking about implementing mandates, and some of my colleagues who were unvaccinated were facing termination, I thought to myself, what, exactly, is the risk reduction gained by terminating unvaccinated healthcare workers,” said lead author Dr. Aaron Prosser, a psychiatry resident at McMaster. “And that just led to a broader exploration for the actual numbers behind that.”...  “We are starting to look at our fellow citizens in a way that they are not equal citizens to us, because they have made decisions that we don’t agree with. And I think that’s a very dangerous thing to do.”"

Ontario’s top health official says it may be time “to reassess the value” of vaccine passport requirements - "Both NDP Leader Andrea Horwath and Liberal Leader Steven Del Duca have called on the province to update its vaccine passport system to require that individuals receive three doses, arguing that doing so will help boost the uptake for booster shots."
Electing liberals is a recipe for eternal lockdown and ever more fanatical covid apartheid

End of vaccine passports praised by ailing small businesses | Toronto Sun - "Their imposition was a move they said  — at the outset — would slow down operations at a time they were trying to recover from lockdown measures."

Toronto Transit Commission faces worker shortage over mandatory vaccine mandate | The Post Millennial - "The Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) faces a worker shortage over its COVID vaccine mandate, forcing them to recall retired workers to fill labour gaps possibly"

Exclusive: U-turn on mandatory Covid vaccinations for NHS and social care workers - "Changing the law to force scores of workers to get Covid jabs sparked controversy when The Telegraph revealed the plans last March. A legal expert at the time said that the only comparable UK laws dated from the 1800s, when newborns had to be given smallpox jabs."

1996 report says Canada's Health Department found 'immunization was not mandatory' | The Post Millennial - "According to the findings from a 1996 report, "immunization is not mandatory in Canada," said the department's Canadian National Report On Immunization. "It cannot be made mandatory because of the Canadian Constitution." The report noted even school immunization programs could not compel parents to vaccinate their children. "Legislation and regulations must not be interpreted to imply compulsory immunization," said the report by the Bureau of Infectious Diseases at the department's Health Protection Branch... Privacy Commissioner Daniel Therrien said compulsory vaccination was "an encroachment on civil liberties" that breaches the Privacy Act. His predecessor Commissioner George Radwanski testified at the 2002 hearings of the Commons justice committee that compulsory disclosure of medical information was a "massive violation of privacy.""

EDITORIAL: Mandatory vaccines are just wrong | Toronto Sun - "Federal Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos shocked Canadians on Friday by stating that the time will soon come to make COVID-19 vaccines mandatory... This is troubling stuff, but it’s consistent with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s recent record of vilifying the unvaccinated... We were told that vaccine passports would be our ticket out of this and that was clearly not true. Those living under the new lockdowns in Ontario and Quebec can attest to that fact. There is no reason to believe that mandatory vaccines will also be a silver bullet solution... mandating vaccines seems more about scapegoating a group of people. It seems more about hate and anger, than it does about facts. We feel bad for the people who have been misled into believing that vilification of the unvaccinated is somehow the solution to our woes."

Evidence does not justify mandatory vaccines - everyone should have the right to informed choice - "As doctors and health professionals, many of whom work in the NHS, we would like to express our opposition to anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccination being mandated for any group of people, including health and care workers. We agree with the House of Lords committee that the evidence is insufficient to justify this measure, but the government and Parliament do not appear to be listening and mandatory vaccines for NHS staff looks likely to be passed into law this week.   We do not dispute that covid-19 can be and has been a dangerous infection, and we agree that vaccines are effective in many situations. However, there is considerable uncertainty about the effectiveness of the covid vaccines, some serious short-term complications and a lack of data on long-term harms. In this situation, it is imperative that people are able to make a fully-informed choice about whether to have the vaccine or not... third and fourth ‘booster’ shots have not been tested in any randomised trials, and other data on the efficacy and safety of administering further doses are scanty.  In other words, data on the only outcome properly tested in randomised trials, the prevention of cases by two vaccinations, appear unreliable, possibly due to rapidly waning effects or other factors, and other outcomes and procedures have not been investigated in randomised trials, meaning there is no secure evidence either way.  As far as the safety of the vaccines is concerned, it is clear that rare but serious, and potentially fatal adverse effects occur, such as thrombosis and myocarditis, and that these took months to identify. Long-term harms will be difficult to detect due to the short duration of the randomised trials, and will only become apparent in coming years.   There are also no data on groups who might be particularly adversely affected by the vaccine, such as those with, or at risk of autoimmune disorders, and there is little data on adverse effects of booster shots, which is significant since there have long been safety concerns about repeated exposure to mRNA technology. Repeated booster vaccines therefore represent cumulative risk for untested benefit. For young age groups, in whom covid-related morbidity and mortality is low, and for those who have had covid 19 infection already, and appear to have longstanding immunological memory, the harms of taking a vaccine are almost certain to outweigh the benefits to the individual, and the goal of reducing transmission to other people at higher risk has not been demonstrated securely"

Opinion: Is it time to dispense with proof-of-vaccination? - The Globe and Mail - "we need to remember why we introduced proof-of-vaccination rules in the first place.  There were three reasons: The first was to reward the double-vaccinated, which at the time represented about three in four eligible Canadians; the second was to pressure the unvaccinated to get shots because virtually everyone hospitalized or in critical care with COVID-19 was unvaccinated; the third was to provide clear rules for businesses so patrons would feel safe in restaurants and other venues... dropping vaccine passports altogether – gives the unvaccinated a free pass, which feels like a slap in the face to the overwhelming majority of Canadians who have had their shots. It also puts those who are at greatest risk in society (the immunocompromised) in danger.  That is some cruel pandemic math. In recent days, politicians such as Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe and Ontario Premier Doug Ford have argued that the economic costs of vaccine passports outweigh public-health benefits. That’s a compelling argument on the surface, but we should be insisting – as any good math teacher would – that they show us their work"
When they admit that vaccine passports are meant to punish the unvaccinated. The mask is off. But of course they still spread misinformation about the vaccines reducing transmission (while simultaneously claiming no one ever claimed they did)
Apparently it is not cruel to punish a large portion of society
Weird how covid hystericists don't need to show their work

Texas governor bars all vaccine mandates in state | Toronto Sun
Discrimination is good when liberals approve of it
Of course they will still pretend the vaccines are good at reducing transmission

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