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Saturday, January 01, 2022

Links - 1st January 2022 (2 - Biden-Harris)

White CIS Jen Psaki flashing the white supremacist “ok” sign multiple times during today’s press conference : AntiHateCommunities

Biden secretly flying underage migrants into NY in dead of night - "The charter flights originate in Texas, where the ongoing border crisis has overwhelmed local immigration officials, and have been underway since at least August, according to sources familiar with the matter."

Reuters runs INSANE fact check asserting Biden did not use 'white power' gesture during CNN town hall | The Post Millennial - ""He made the hand gesture while saying corporations pay 'zero cents', in response to a question about tax rates," Reuters tweeted, linking the "fact check."... "Ridiculous from this historically great wire service," commented independent jouranlist Ky Chow, after Reuters embedded the viral Thursday night tweet of Washington Times columnist Tim Young's. "The users they quote are clearly being facetious and either the Fact Check team didn't bother checking out the accounts, or they wilfully ignored it to make this seem real," Chow added. "Biden flashed the white power sign while a black man was asking him a question. I’m literally shaking," jested Libs of TikTok, a comical Twitter account that exposes the insanity and nonsensical rhetoric of liberal TikTok videos... The myth that the "OK" gesture is a symbol of "white supremacy" is a long-running one on the left, and its signing has been weaponized against many prominent figures, including and especially ex-President Donald Trump. Take this article by none other than Forbes, for example. Or this article by the Rolling Stone.  The mainstream media appears to have no problem pointing out instances when individuals have used the "OK" symbol when they're Republicans, calling it emblematic of white supremacy. At no time had Reuters or other fact-checking mamoths ever fact-checked one of these far-fetched incidents.  In fact, the Washington Post infamously said in this 2019 article that the hand sign should, in fact, be considered a "real hate symbol." The Post, however, has, as of yet, not seen it fit to pronounce on Biden's recent usage of it. Biden stumbled several times, playing the fool at the CNN clown show.  When asked about his plans for the federal government to foot the bill for community college tuition, Biden veered into early childhood education before the moderator redirected the conversation. And for a while, Biden just awkwardly stood there on stage with his fists clenched, leading to a trove of memes."
It's only a white supremacist gesture when a non-liberal uses it

Biden/Fauci COVID Comms Advisor Locks Twitter Account Following Exposé of Anti-Asian, Anti-White Tweets. - "Following a National Pulse exposè revealing racist tweets from Clarke Humphrey, President Biden’s Deputy Digital Director for his COVID-19 Response team, she locked her Twitter account.
Among the anti-white tweets exposed by The National Pulse were calls to “ban white people,” instructing people to “don’t get in a car with white ppl,” and insisting “we truly do gotta get white men all the way outta here.”Additionally, National Pulse Investigative Reporter Natalie Winters shared two old posts from Humphrey referencing Asians on Twitter... The self-avowed “greatest online fundraiser in american history” has been involved in Democratic politics since 2014, beginning at the DNC before working for the Hillary Clinton campaign, then bouncing back to the DNC before departing for the Biden campaign."
Criticising black racism is "anti-blackness"

Psaki cuts off reporter when pressed on Biden's 'racism' culpability - "The Post asked Psaki at her daily press briefing about Biden’s own role in establishing federal laws in the 1980s and ’90s that disproportionately jailed minorities... Biden described the US as systemically racist in an address to the nation Tuesday night after the Chauvin verdict...   Activist and then-Harvard University professor Cornel West said during the presidential campaign, “Biden is going to have to take responsibility and acknowledge the contribution he made to something that was not a force for good.”  West said that Biden’s 1994 crime law in particular contributed to mass incarceration and that he was upset Biden chose to deny it. “When he says it didn’t contribute to mass incarceration, I tell him he has to get off his symbolic crack pipe”...   Psaki also declined to say at the Wednesday briefing if Biden will honor his campaign-trail pledge to release “everyone” in prison for marijuana.  Although Biden can do so unilaterally by granting clemency, Psaki told The Post, “What you’re asking me is a legal question. I point you to the Department of Justice.”"

FLASHBACK: Kamala Harris called for police reform after refusing to debate police reform bill | The Post Millennial - "Vice President Kamala Harris' speech calling for the Senate to pass a bill on policing in the wake of the Chauvin trial has many pointing out her past refusal to pass a policing act when serving as Senator... not even a year ago Harris voted to kill a bill that would work on reforming law enforcement...     Not only did Kamala Harris vote to block police reform last year, she voted to block DEBATING it. "

Uncovering The Truth on Twitter - "@MeidasTouch Can I get a FUCK DONALD TRUMP?????"
Uncovering The Truth on Twitter - "A Southwest Airline pilot said “Let’s go Brandon” on the airplane’s public speaker. Very unsettling to have a MAGA lunatic flying an aircraft with people’s lives at stake. A pilot cursing the President of the United States is borderline terrorism. Southwest, please fire this man."
"Terrorism" is meaningless nowadays

Meme - Cassandra - Peta Kills Animals: "I don't think I ever saw whole stadium chant "fuck trump" - just saying."

Meme - Palmer Report @PalmerReport: "Thanks Biden. Thanks Obama. Fuck Trump."
Palmer Report @PalmerReport: "The "F Joe Biden" crowd is pure garbage."

Meme - "All these tRump supporters saying they're leaving the country. #youlostgetoverit. #Election2020"
"How the fuck am I going to work?? I drive my car for a living #gasshortage"

THIS IS REAL: Georgia Dem Asks ‘How the Hell Does a Coyote Bring a Whole Human Across the Border?’ - "Comments by Georgia State Representative Dar’shun Kendrick went viral on social media during the final presidential debate Thursday night after the Democrat asked how a Coyote “could bring a whole human being across the border?”  The President was commenting on human trafficking when he mentioned “Coyotes,” a widely acknowledged term for a person paid by illegal immigrants to safely guide them across the US-Mexico border. “Did @realDonaldTrump just say 545 kids they can’t find their parents for came over through ‘cartels and coyotes’?! How the hell does a coyote bring a whole human across the border?! Lord—–stop talking,” posted the Georgia Democrat. “Chief Deputy Whip of Georgia House Democrats”"
The press will just go on about Marjorie Taylor Greene

Meme - Angela Beleamino: "He's the worst president* EVER! Who agrees? #WhylDontLikeTrump Fuck Trump."
Angela Beleamino: "Dudes chanting "F Joe Biden" definitely haven't gotten laid in a long, long, time."

Garry Kasparov on Twitter - "I supported Biden over Trump without reservations in 2020. He had the chance to set America back on the path of standing for good, for the values of its founding. Instead, he is charting a course for the most defeatist and defeated US foreign policy in memory."

Biden says there would 'not be another foot' of border wall built under his administration - August 2020
The Biden administration says it may restart construction of the border wall to fill 'gaps' left by Trump - "The Biden administration may restart building some of the wall along the United States' southern border, despite President Joe Biden pledging to cease all construction of former President Donald Trump's keystone project. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas this week told colleagues that some construction may be resumed along the border wall in order to plug some "gaps" in the barrier between Mexico and the United States" - April 2021

Kamala Harris Finally Visits the Border—800 Miles From Where the Action Is - "In her first five months in office, Vice President Kamala Harris has learned at least one important lesson about immigration: You can run to the border, but you can’t run from the border.  That’s because sooner or later the border will find you. That’s especially true when you’re a U.S. elected official in 2021, whether you’re pandering to white nativists who want to keep out Central American refugees, or Latino activists who want to let more of them in.  This week, the border found Harris. The California Democrat — who never showed much interest in immigration while representing a border state in the U.S. Senate — finally made it to the U.S.-Mexico border... What Harris seemed to understand intuitively was that no good could come from an awkward photo-op of the Vice President of the United States standing, with a clueless expression on her face, in front of a storage containers holding dozens of refugee kids.  That’s the scene this likely future Democratic presidential candidate was desperate to avoid. That’s what took Harris so long to get to the border, and why her aides have tried frantically over the last few months to change the subject. Team Harris has been desperate to spin her migration assignment as residing south of the border in faraway countries like Guatemala. They argued that that’s where she needed to tackle the “root causes” of the migration crisis. Yes, because Harris’ recent foray there went so well, didn’t it?  Root causes, huh? For many Guatamalans — who have already suffered plenty due to violent gangs, hurricanes, poverty and corruption — having Harris show up recently only to instruct the desperate people down there to “not come” to the United States was probably as painful as a root canal...  in another way, Harris’ great border stall worked out pretty well. It gave the Department of Homeland Security — which was never equipped to run day-care centers for thousands of migrant youth — enough time to get out of the business of housing the nearly 20,000 unaccompanied minors who have been apprehended at the border in the first half of this year. Several weeks ago, DHS passed that hot potato over to The Department of Health and Human Services, which has dispersed the minors to makeshift holding facilities across the Southwest. So, by the time Harris arrived for her tour of the U.S.-Mexico this week — with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas in tow — there was nary a minor in sight. Mission accomplished... The main reason that the Border Patrol facility in El Paso was so safe, secure, and sanitized, was because it was the wrong Border Patrol facility. The real action is 800 miles away in the Rio Grande Valley. If Harris had been politically brave enough to visit the U.S.-Border Patrol station in McAllen, Texas — where you find the agents who act as the first responders to the migration crisis — she would have gotten a first-hand look and left with a whole different perspective."

Kamala Harris calls LGBTQ violence 'root cause' of immigrants fleeing Guatemala

Joe Biden, Who Called Trump a 'Xenophobe' for China Travel Ban, Bans Travel from India but Leaves U.S.-Mexico Border Wide Open - "Between the border, the COVID vaccine, fiscal policy, and now travel policy, Joe Biden has managed to totally discredit his own policies in the span of just 100 days. It’s a remarkable achievement.  The border is a massive and dangerous mess, and Biden is abetting crimes there every single day including human trafficking, trespassing, grand theft auto, and more.  Joe Biden undermined millions of Americans’ confidence in the COVID vaccine when it was politically expedient for him, but has since taken the vaccine and claimed it’s a policy victory for him.  On fiscal policy? Well, inflation is on the way and Biden has already jettisoned his unbelievable promise not to tax anyone making less than $400,000."

Unbiased America - Posts | Facebook - "DHS: 172,000 MIGRANTS CROSSED THE BORDER ILLEGALLY IN MARCH, THE MOST IN 20 YEARS, INCLUDING 19,000 UNACCOMPANIED CHILDREN, THE MOST IN HISTORY.. Only about a third of migrant parents and children traveling together were expelled, according the Reuters, “undercutting a claim by President Joe Biden that most families are being sent back to Mexico.”  The other two-thirds were allowed to stay and placed in U.S. immigration proceedings. On March 25th, Biden falsely claimed that “We’re sending back the vast majority of the families that are coming.”"

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "The influx of illegal immigrants is the highest this century. This is happening during the hot days of summer when illegal immigration is usually down from spring highs."

Facebook - "Not covered by mainstream media. Isn't it obvious that if your administration signals that it won't be as hard on illegal immigrants as the Trump one, all you're doing is encourage more to try? The correct approach is signaling a hard line, but quietly being humane behind the scenes."
They wanted to virtue signal to liberals, but illegal immigrants got the message too

Politico orders staff not to call the Biden border crisis a ‘crisis'/a> - "reporters got President Joe Biden to describe the US - Mexico situation as a “crisis that ended up on the border with young people.” A gaffe that left White House officials needing to play janitor... Biden wasn’t the only one to slip-up. Back in March, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki called the situation at the US - Mexico border a “crisis” seemingly on accident. After a reporter pointed that out to her, Psaki backtracked."

Texas border facility expands in size in under two weeks - "James O’ Keefe and Project Veritas today published a new video showing the massive construction feat completed by border officials in Texas."

WATCH: Psaki admits that the Biden admin is dropping off migrant kids in cities without notifying officials - "Lee accused the Biden administration of cutting off transparency and emboldening "one of the worst human trafficking crises we’ve seen at our border in the last 20 years," after officials demanded answers. "Tennesseans deserve to know who is coming into our state""

Revealed: Biden administration holding tens of thousands of migrant children - "The Biden administration is holding tens of thousands of asylum-seeking children in an opaque network of some 200 facilities that the Associated Press has learned spans two dozen states and includes five shelters with more than 1,000 children packed inside.  Confidential data obtained by the AP shows the number of migrant children in government custody more than doubled in the past two months, and this week the federal government was housing around 21,000 kids, from toddlers to teens... Attorneys say sometimes, even parents cannot figure out where their children are... HHS declined to say whether there are any legally enforceable standards for caring for children housed at the emergency sites or how they are being monitored. The Biden administration has allowed very limited access to news media once children are brought into facilities, citing the coronavirus pandemic and privacy restrictions... One reason so many children are now arriving without their parents dates back to a 2020 Trump administration emergency order that essentially closed the US-Mexico border to all migrants, citing public health concerns about spreading Covid-19.  That emergency order still applies to adults, but the Biden administration has begun allowing children traveling without their parents to stay and seek asylum if they enter the country. As a result, some parents are sending their kids across the border by themselves."
Naturally "cage" doesn't appear in the article, much less "kids in cages"
So much for the liberal view that people don't respond to incentives

Meme - 2019: ""We can disagree and still be friends" means liking a different kind of ice cream, not if it's ok or not to put kids in cages!"
2021: "First of all, they're called immigration overflow facilities. And I really don't have time for this. I'm going clubbing tonight and need to hit the tanning booth."

DATA: Joe Biden is Detaining 18,000 Minors. Trump's Peak Number Was Just 2,600. - "The most recent data dump means the Biden regime is detaining nearly seven times as many unaccompanied minors as the Trump administration.  The unearthed numbers also undercut President Biden’s narrative that the current border surge is part of a seasonal migration pattern.  Meanwhile, AOC and her ilk are still silent"

Joe Biden Settles into Hiding After Build Back Better Dies - "President Joe Biden settled back into hiding at the White House on Monday as he cleared his schedule of any public events.

Analysis: VP Harris Less Popular than Pence, Biden, Cheney, Gore - " In the Times’ latest average, Biden’s favorable rating is 46 percent, and his unfavorable rating is 51 percent — “a positive net of about -5 percentage points.” “That puts Harris’s rating under Biden’s by -4 percentage points”... The Times tries to blame others for the decline, including an interview with NBC’s Lester Holt where Harris was pressed about not visiting the border where hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens have come over the U.S. southern border with Mexico since the 2020 election. The Times also tries to tie Harris’s low numbers to sexism by claiming, like other female politicians, she is the target of online abuse."

Report: Dems Strategize How to Escape Biden's Poor Polling Numbers

Texas keeps beating the Biden administration in court on immigration - "The Biden administration has lost another court battle to Texas over immigration, this time over its decision to end the Remain in Mexico program, or the Migrant Protection Protocols. It’s a losing streak that stretches back months."

Biden Moves to Destroy Religious-Based Childcare - "To hear the Biden administration talk about it, there’s something for literally everybody in the 2,000-plus pages of the $1.8 trillion Build Back Better spending packages. After all, you’ll get tax breaks if you want to buy an electric bike, and there will be federal money available to you if you work as a doula, as my PJ Media colleague Rick Moran pointed out recently... We’ve moved past “bake the cake, bigot” to “we’re going to withhold federal funds from you unless you play by all of our rules, bigot.” The left has made the LGBTQ agenda a sacred cow, and as a result, they’ve doubled down on promoting it through culture, higher education, and K-12 schools. Now they want to use the power and purse strings of the federal government to ensure that they can push their sexual agenda to American preschoolers."

‘Time for Grandpa’s nap’: Anger over Biden avoiding media questions - YouTube

'Saturday Night Live' Mocks Joe Biden as No Longer 'Lucid' in Cold Open

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