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Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Links - 29th December 2021 (1 - Covid-19)

Opinion: Vaccine passports pose an equity problem - The Globe and Mail - "current initiatives to require vaccine passports ignore the reality of vaccine segregation, and how they could reinforce inequities in society – and how they might not actually encourage vaccination nor stop the spread of the disease... fear of compromising privacy has already fueled vaccine hesitancy among the undocumented, and digital vaccine passports (which require users to download an app to their phone, and to scan a QR code provided by the venue which they are visiting) has only added to their fears. Additionally, in British Columbia, the vaccine passport requirement has been applied so stringently that even people who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons will have their freedom of movement restricted. Gabrielle Peters, a disability rights advocate in British Columbia, is among them. “[People with disabilities] were completely ignored and now we’re completely thrown under the bus because of concerns about other people,” she said in a recent interview. “How is it that you can make an age-based exemption, but you can’t make a medical exemption?”...  there’s also the matter of understandable mistrust in governments. A person thinking about getting vaccinated also has to trust that those organizing vaccinations have their best interest at heart. But many governments have victimized various people at various times, both in the past and to this very day. How can Black Americans place full trust in vaccinations when they’re being promoted by a government with a profoundly cruel history of medical experimentation on Black communities throughout the country’s history? Which Puerto Rican would not think twice about the shot, given the memory of forced sterilizations on that part of the U.S.? Who among the Indigenous people in Canada would uncritically accept any announcement from a federal government with its own history of forced sterilization and residential school programs? Technical barriers also underlie the failures that have plagued vaccine passport rollouts... IBM – the developers of New York’s Excelsior passport app – have already been musing about adding even more private information to the passport, including health insurance and driver’s licenses. Yet, there has been no parallel effort by legislators to safeguard users’ privacy with legal protections against information-sharing among third parties, or penalties for misuse."
Weird. We were told that vaccine passports would not discriminate against the medically exempt, and that they would only be used for covid-19. When the slippery slope slips again, the Ministry of Truth will memory hole everything

Israeli Health Minister Caught on Live Mic, Says Vaccine Passports Exist to ‘Influence’ the Hesitant - "The comments were recorded by Israel’s Channel 12 News in a candid conversation between Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz and Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked before a weekly meeting of the Israeli Cabinet on Sept. 12...   The portion of the conversation recorded showed Shaked telling Horowitz, “I also think you can remove the Green Pass for outdoor restaurants,” according to Times of Israel. Horowitz agreed, computing the idea as, “Epidemiologically it’s correct,” adding his opinion that passport requirements should also be removed from pools...   The Health Minister continued, saying that he, however, did not want to make exceptions to passport requirements “because then they will say — if not pools, then why water parks?”...   Intelligence Minister Elazar Stern, who is listening to the conversation, then chimed in, “It’s irritating that [the unvaccinated] are taking up beds.”  In August, the Medical Director of Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem, the city’s third largest hospital, which describes itself as “Israel’s foremost center for geriatric, respiratory, mental health and psychotrauma care, treatment and research,” told Channel 13 TV to the contrary that 95 percent of the hospital’s severely symptomatic COVID-19 patients were vaccine recipients.   The Director also told the outlet that 85 to 90 percent of all hospitalizations were vaccinated individuals...   The admission that vaccine acceptance is devolving into a propaganda push is not isolated to Israel. In the United States, leadership at a North Carolina hospital was exposed in a leaked Zoom call discussing ways to pad statistics in their official COVID-19 propaganda to include those who had recovered from the disease for the purpose of trying to invoke public fear and stimulate vaccine uptake."
Oops. So much for protecting others from covid
Since Israel's vaccination rate was 61% at this time, that suggests the vaccines may not be working well there

Covid vaccine conspiracy theories and myths debunked - "The minister for the Cabinet Office Michael Gove also ruled out introducing vaccine passports and also said he wasn’t aware of any discussions taking place on such an idea."
From Dec 2020. It's only a "conspiracy theory" until it's true. Then the slippery slope slips, and it gets memory holed

Waxed and Vaxxed-Erect BlueWave 2024 on Twitter - "🌊🛁🌊🌊This is what needs to be said. Unclean aka unvaccinated need to stop trying to pull us into the ground. Thank you, Claire. Hugs and cookies"
Sahdah Tay🐝 on Twitter - "Lemme tell y'all something, I'm not about to be guilted into feeling bad for the death of unvaxxed plague rats. I'm fresh out of compassion for the folks dragging this pandemic out. I'm over the selfishness and the willful ignorance."
"When the Vermin are Dead...," Der Stürmer Antisemitic Cartoon - "The poster features a Nazi officer with a extermination pump and several rats. The officer stands next to a tree with the German crest carved into the bark of the tree.
Title: "When the Vermin are Dead..."
Caption: "When the vermin are dead, the German oak will again flourish." Der Stürmer was published by the Nuremberg Nazi leader Julius Streicher. It was the most vicious antisemitic newspapers among all those the Nazis published and combined racist stereotypes with pornographic material to accuse the Jews of race defilement."

Unvaccinated People Need to Bear the Burden - The Atlantic - "a no-fly list for unvaccinated adults is an obvious step that the federal government should take... Flying is not a right, and the case for restricting it to vaccinated people is straightforward: The federal government is the sole entity that can regulate the terms and conditions of airline safety...
Juliette Kayyem, a former assistant secretary for homeland security under President Barack Obama, is the faculty chair of the homeland-security program at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government. She is the author of Security Mom: An Unclassified Guide to Protecting Our Homeland and Your Home."
Weird. I was told discrimination against the unvaccinated was a conspiracy theory and that there were no parallels at all with what the Nazis did
Strange how an unvaccinated and uninfected person should not be able to fly, but a vaccinated and infected person is perfectly fine
You Know Who Else Opposed Vaccine Mandates? Hitler. Amazing

Unvaccinated West Point cadets getting bullied and punished, families say - "All but around three dozen of the 4,500 students at the centuries-old New York training academy have been vaccinated — with a spreadsheet showing the cadets’ status getting widely circulated...   Those not vaccinated are derided as “diseased” and “dirty” and treated as outcasts — and punished for violating mask and social distancing mandates, even after statewide restrictions have been lifted...   Some cadets complain that they are unable to take any leave this summer because a seven-day enforced quarantine eats up any available time.   “It’s like solitary confinement — for a disease we don’t have"...   West Point confirmed the authenticity of the circulated spreadsheet, saying it had been “inadvertently” disseminated, and also acknowledged some heckling of cadets over their vaccine status"
No link at all with In the Name of Public Health — Nazi Racial Hygiene - "in Nazi Germany, national or public health — Volksgesundheit — took complete precedence over individual health care. Physicians and medically trained academics, many of whom were proponents of “racial hygiene,” or eugenics, legitimized and helped to implement Nazi policies aiming to “cleanse” German society of people viewed as biologic threats to the nation’s health. Racial-hygiene measures began with the mass sterilization of the “genetically diseased” and ended with the near-annihilation of European Jewry. The concept of racial hygiene had deep roots in Germany. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, growing numbers of medical and public health professionals decried Germany’s declining birth rate and the perceived biologic “degeneration” of the nation and proposed reforms to improve the quantity and quality of the population. Rapid industrialization and urbanization had created overcrowded cities, with attendant conditions of extensive poverty and crime; the spread of tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, and other contagious diseases; and expanding numbers of persons identified by psychiatrists as mentally ill or retarded, who required special care... The sterilization of mentally retarded and ill persons continued in some parts of Scandinavia and Canada after the war, and sterilization remained part of social policy in Virginia, North Carolina, and Georgia into the 1970s... The history of Nazi racial-hygiene policies and eugenics reminds us of the importance of maintaining democratic checks and balances in the application of biomedical research and of always guarding against the use of genetics for the purpose of discriminating against persons or groups"
Clearly anything that is a health and safety order is good and must be obeyed, and obviously in 50-70 years time people will judge today's health and safety orders to be good, just as we judge the health and safety orders of 50-70 years ago to be good...

Do we need to update Godwin's Law about the probability of comparison to Nazis? - Los Angeles Times - "It still serves us as a tool to recognize specious comparisons to Nazism — but also, by contrast, to recognize comparisons that aren’t... By all means cite GL if you think some Nazi comparison is baseless, needlessly inflammatory or hyperbolic. But Godwin’s Law was never meant to block us from challenging the institutionalization of cruelty or the callousness of officials who claim to be just following the law. It definitely wasn’t meant to shield our leaders from being slammed for the current fashion of pitching falsehoods as fact"
From 2018. Of course, Godwin's Law only applies when it's the "right" trying to learn lessons from history.

If you are over the age of 16 in Vermont you are now eligible for the vaccine. Unless you’re white. - "Also unless you're Asian, which I guess is the same thing these days."

Environmental risk factors of airborne viral transmission: Humidity, Influenza and SARS-CoV-2 in the Netherlands - "The increase in humidity during the outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 in the Netherlands may have helped to reduce the risk of regional COVID-19 infections. Policies that lead to an increase in household specific humidity to over 6g/Kg will help reduce the spread of respiratory viruses such as influenza and SARS-CoV-2."

Weird. We're told that we can't trust doctors and other experts (ie who have those degrees) who disagree with the narrative. For example, this NPR article is by Geoff Brumfiel whose qualifications are a Master of Arts (M.A.) in Science Writing from The Johns Hopkins University and a Bachelor's degree in English and Physics from Grinnell College. Yet, he is saying that his opinion and Google research (about "the best science and medical standards of care for treating COVID-19") are MORE valid than what Dr. Simone Gold (who the article criticises) and other doctors who he disagrees with. Note that Simone Gold has both an MD and a JD

Singapore tightens COVID-19 curbs after seeing record infections - "Singapore said on Friday it will tighten COVID-19 curbs to limit social gatherings to two people and make working from home a default, in a bid to contain a spike in infections and reduce pressure on the healthcare system.  Despite a rapid vaccination drive, the city-state has been seeing more than 1,000 daily cases this week, including 1,504 on Thursday, the highest number since the start of the pandemic. In a statement on Friday, the health ministry said: "many COVID positive individuals with mild symptoms are seeking medical attention at our hospitals when it might not be necessary."  With 82% of the population fully vaccinated, about 98% of the coronavirus cases in the past four weeks had no or mild symptoms, it said in a report a day earlier."
Looks like Singapore doesn't dare to live with covid. Like other covid zero "successes" it will be stuck in purgatory for years after the rest of the world has moved on since it is unable and/or unwilling to bite the bullet

Getting a mild infection after Covid-19 vaccination gives best protection against future variants: Expert - "Getting infected but not sick is the best thing that could happen to someone who has been vaccinated, as this could protect him against any coronavirus variants that might emerge in the future, said Professor Ooi Eng Eong of the Duke-NUS Medical School...   Current vaccines teach the body to recognise the spike proteins on the surface of the virus, but that could change as the virus mutates. Getting an infection, on the other hand, teaches the body to recognise all parts of the virus, including the core that cannot change, and is thus effective against any mutation"
Weird how "irresponsible" this "expert" is
Once again, the drive to ignore natural immunity and decree only vaccination counts is suspect.
This also has implications for covid zero havens - since they have been so "successful" at controlling covid, it means they will take forever to open up as few have been exposed to infection and developed better immunity

Thai study looks at CoronaVac vaccine vs. natural immunity to SARS-COV-2 variants - "The percentage of detectable NAb titer values in individuals vaccinated with CoronaVac was found to be lowest compared to naturally infected individuals. Based on the statistical analysis of the entire cohort, a significant decrease in the mean NAb titer was observed against the four VOCs when compared to the WT.  In the case of the Alpha and Beta strains, no significant difference in the levels of the NAb titers was found. However, the NAb titer against the Delta variant was the lowest and was significantly different from the rest."
This suggests that for the Delta variant, natural immunity is better than vaccine immunity

Scientists keep getting Covid-19 predictions wrong: Here's why - "If scientists have learnt anything about Covid-19 over the past 20 months, it is that they don't know enough.  The disease is so different from anything humanity has ever dealt with that it is important for people to adopt flexible mindsets, and be open to changing course once new data emerges, said National Centre for Infectious Diseases executive director Leo Yee Sin."
Strange. The "science" is supposed to be "settled" and anyone who disagrees with the "experts" is, as we know, a far right conspiracy theorist anti-vaxxer

No more lockdowns – Britain will treat Covid like flu, says Chris Whitty - "The chief medical officer said that up to 25,000 people die in a bad flu year without anyone noticing and that accepting some Covid deaths would be the price of keeping schools and business open and allowing people to live a "whole life"... "We want to get as close as we can [to zero] but the question is how do you balance that against other priorities?" he said. "What are people prepared to put up with? What we've demonstrated in the last year is we don't have to have flu at all if we don't want to, because the things we’ve done against Covid have led to virtually no influenza.  "If next year we say 'we can deal with flu, everyone lock down over the winter' I think the medical profession would not make itself popular with the general public.  "We need to work out some balance which actually keeps it at a low level, minimises deaths as best we can, but in a way that the population tolerates, through medical countermeasures like vaccines and in due course drugs, which mean you can minimise mortality while not maximising the economic and social impacts on our fellow citizens."   Prof Whitty said although there would always be more measures that could be put in place to save lives, such as shutting schools and universities or preventing relatives visiting the elderly in care homes, such restrictions prevented people from living a "whole life"."
From April. So much for that

She left Canada to attend a family wedding — then COVID arrived and closed the border behind her | The Star - "With the global pandemic looming, she immediately applied online for her visitor visa last March, which, in normal times, would take no more than two weeks to process. But within days, India was in a national lockdown and everything was closed, visa offices included. By the time Panchal got a notification from the immigration department to submit her passport for the visitor visa stamp, it was Nov. 19, a week after her bridging work permit had expired. Her visa application was refused in February, because she no longer had a valid work permit to come back to.  Now, she’s stuck in India. She tried to get a written authorization to be exempted from the border restrictions under family reunification with her fiancé, but that, too, was refused in March."
The high cost of useless measures

Scott decries 'racist response' to BIPOC vaccine eligibility - "Vermont Gov. Phil Scott on Monday condemned the “racist response” to his administration’s decision to make Black, indigenous, and people of color of any age eligible for a coronavirus vaccine before residents of other races.  The state granted preferential vaccine access April 1 to the BIPOC community and anyone living in their households."
Classic liberal gaslighting and projection

Snowden Warns Governments Are Using Coronavirus to Build ‘the Architecture of Oppression’ - "As authoritarianism spreads, as emergency laws proliferate, as we sacrifice our rights, we also sacrifice our capability to arrest the slide into a less liberal and less free world. Do you truly believe that when the first wave, this second wave, the 16th wave of the coronavirus is a long-forgotten memory, that these capabilities will not be kept? That these datasets will not be kept? No matter how it is being used, what’ is being built is the architecture of oppression."

Epidemiologist Slams U.S. Coronavirus Response: 'Close To Genocide By Default' - "A Yale epidemiologist pulled no punches with his searing assessment of the United States’ botched handling of the coronavirus pandemic, suggesting it is now “getting awfully close to genocide by default.”  “How many people will die this summer, before Election Day?” tweeted Gregg Gonsalves, co-director of Yale’s Global Health Justice Partnership"
Apparently "genocide" doesn't need to be targeted. Since lockdowns kill more people than covid, almost every country in the world has engaged in covid "genocide"

Sturgis bike rally revs back bigger, despite Covid variant
Thousands expected in Washington, D.C., to march for voting rights

Rob Gill on Twitter - "I plan on laughing at the anti-vaxxers that are forced to eat in the rain, from the comfort of inside a restaurant."
What can men do against such reckless hate?
“The surest way to work up a crusade in favor of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behavior 'righteous indignation' — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats.”  ― Aldous Huxley

AydenBentley♡ on Twitter - "Was asked by one of my students what I'd like for Christmas, so I gave them an honest answer. I'd like the unvaccinated to drop dead, and let those of us who care about our health and others live life free of disease. It was so cute, they just smiled and said "Me too." 💕"

Toronto Star front-page design exacerbated division between readers. Greater care should have been taken | The Star - "Things went wrong when editors used the tweets for a large display on the newspaper’s front page.
“If an unvaccinated person catches it from someone who is vaccinated, boo-hoo, too bad."
“I have no empathy left for the wilfully unvaccinated. Let them die.”
“I honestly don’t care if they die from COVID. Not even a little bit.”...
Many readers thought the statements were the Star’s view, like a front-page editorial; others thought it was the headline to the story.  No wonder they were confused. I was too.  It wasn’t obvious where the comments were drawn from. There were no quotation marks to clearly signify that these were the comments of others.  The fact that these were taken from Twitter was only noted in fine print at the bottom of the comments and below the fold of the newspaper, and thus not immediately apparent.  The text stated that it was a “polarizing debate.” Yet the selected tweets presented just one side of this debate. Detached from the story, there was virtually no context.  Even among those who discerned the source of the comments, there was strong dismay that the Star would give front-page prominence to such hurtful statements. “I worked through all of the previous COVID waves. I do not want to work through a wave of hate,” said one, who identified herself as someone who worked in an intensive care unit.  Another reader wondered what message the Star was trying to convey.  “At a time when we should all be coming together, whether you’re vaccinated or not, you as a paper, source of news and influence should not be encouraging division,” wrote a reader. “Your front page says, ‘Simmering divide.’ Clearly you are trying to make it boil over.” There was anger that the highlighted comments took aim at all those who are not vaccinated and failed to acknowledge those who cannot get a jab because of medical conditions."
Imagining wishing the death of any other "minority" group
If it bleeds it leads

The Race For Vaccines: Lessons From History | HistoryExtra Podcast - HistoryExtra - "‘Vaccine reticence and the attendant conspiracy theories have, have commanded an enormous amount of news coverage over the past six months, but as you've just pointed out, are not new to COVID-19, are they? I mean, was Jenner exposed to quite a lot of this?’
‘Jenner was during his lifetime. It was actually after he died that the anti vaccination movement really picked up. That latter revival if you like, or resurgence of interest in anti vaccination in England was really partly the fault of the Vaccination Acts which were brought in, in the 1840s. So about 15, 20 years after Jenner died, and they made vaccination first of all desirable and then compulsory. And it was making it compulsory that really caused a lot of the damage. So people lost trust in the government in the way in which they were trying to enforce vaccination. Again, there are lessons therefore, the way that vaccination is gonna be handled in the current crisis… there were lots of religious objections. Doctors, many doctors actually took against vaccination, for two reasons. One was that they saw their income being threatened by this new discovery. And whereas variolaters were making big, big money out of giving smallpox to prevent smallpox, along comes Jenner and he publishes this thing, anybody that bought a copy of the inquiry could then set themselves up as vaccinators. So Jenner was into open access of medical information as we call it today. And unlike doctors of the time, he did not want to keep the secret, he wanted as many people as possible around the planet to benefit from it. So there are lots of jealous, threatened doctors who spread false information about vaccines. There are also a few who are concerned about its genuine risks. And one of the great maxims of medicine, if you like is that if something works, if it does any benefit, then it will do some harm. And the hope in bringing forward any new medical treatment is that the risk benefit ratio is always good. In other words, its benefits will far outweigh its risks. In the case of Jenner’s vaccine, it was billed as something that could spread blood poisoning, syphilis, cancer, diabetes, madness, all sorts of things, a long, long list, and that did frighten people. There was even a rumor that if your child was vaccinated, that your child could turn into a cow. And there was an astonishing series of articles published in medical journals by people with medical degrees. They usually published under pseudonyms, but these were accompanied by pictures of children beginning to grow horns and looking like cattle. It was quite quite amazing. But people did believe that the problem was that there was a grain of truth in that. And initially when cow pox was collected, it was essentially a farmyard procedure. So all the bacteria that normally live on the cows’ udders got injected as well as the cow pox. So there were plenty of cases of people getting blood poisoning and even dying from it. And the other thing is, it could actually spread a form of syphilis, which affected newborn babies. And when people went to vaccinate a community, they would, first of all, vaccinate the youngest child, on the grounds that it would be innocent and wouldn't have met any other illnesses. And back then, it was possible for the child to have been infected in the uterus by its mother who had syphilis. And if that first child had syphilis, then when the vaccination team went back 10 days later, to collect the vaccine fluid from the vaccination blister on that child, that fluid would not only contain cow pox, it would also contain the bacterium that cause syphilis. And that, so there are hazards there that were genuine. Overall, the risk of harm was much, much less than the risk, than the benefit than the protection the vaccine would bring. But one of the problems with that is that from the start people who were in favor of vaccination, really plugged the benefits and ignored the harm that was done. And this was where the erosion of trust in vaccines and doctors really originated. So you had plenty of important doctors denying for example, the possibility that cow pox vaccination could spread syphilis, even when they knew damn well that it could’"
In other words, when vaccines were invented, vaccine hesitancy was increased by the medical establishment downplaying vaccine risks / harms and authorities trying to coerce people into getting vaccinated. Ironic. We don't learn from history.
Then again, for covid hystericists, vaccine hesitance is a feature, not a bug, since they need those who they freely label "covidiots" to define themselves against. And the establishment needs scapegoats when their pointless measures fail and the slippery slope needs to slip again

Facebook - "There's some media and Wikipedia hysteria going on against a particular drug, Ivermectin, which seems remarkably similar to the hysteria raised against hydroxychloroquine (prior to embarrassing studies that indicated effectiveness, replicated in Singapore as well). A lot of noise about it being a "horse anti parasite medication", which is true... just like that warfarin in blood thinning medication to prevent Grandpa keeling over from heart attack or stroke is actually rat poison. From what I can glean from non-hysterical sources about its mechanism of action, Ivermectin apparently works like a "jammer" that prevents viruses from getting where they want to go during an infection. HOWEVER, this effect has only been spotted IN VITRO (*outside* the living human body). If it is to work the same way *inside* a living human (in vivo) and as treatment for viruses like Covid, concentrations will apparently need to be much higher than what has been previously approved for use in humans (its also an established anti parasite drug). Lots of things that might be beneficial in small doses can kill you in large ones. Even water does that. Therefore there is ongoing research to find out if it is a possible treatment  option. Trouble is, some people (desperate for an affordable option?) are jumping the gun by taking Ivermectin meant for horses, which are likely much higher in dosage (horses, due to their larger mass, typically need a higher amount of the drug vs a human) and possibly mixed with other drugs meant for horses and untested in humans. This poisons them. Best thing to do is wait for the research on dosage needed for in vivo humans to tell if it works, or if the dose needed for an effect ends up killing the human."

🧊 ran on Twitter - "remember when college debt people said things like "we need a plague to kill off the boomers" and then a really mild one came and they were all huge pussies about it"

Hank on Twitter -  "A Black girl is dead because the cops brought a gun to a damn knife fight. If you don’t know how to de-escalate teen girls who are fighting, you should not be a police officer. I said what I said. #MakhiaBryant""As an elementary school teacher I was trained to disarm someone holding a knife without injuring them. Why can’t police receive the same training?"
"So teachers are stone cold badass when it comes to disarming knife-wielding teenagers, but they are incapable of teaching in person because COVID has a 99% survival rate."

Meme - The Smirk Order: "Less than a month ago they said all we had to do was get the jab and we could go back to normal lol."
"They said the quiet part out loud. Oops."
CNN: "Vaccination alone won't stop the rise of variants and in fact could push the evolution of strains that evade their protection, researchers warned. They said people need to wear masks and take other preventative steps until almost every is vaccinated."

Facebook - "Twitter recently suspended the account of a Luigi Warren for violating its rules, which superseded his views on whether the spike protein is shed by people vaccinated with mRNA vaccines.  Twitter forced him to delete the tweet to regain access to his account. Luigi Warren is the President and CEO of Cellular Reprogramming, a biotechnology firm. He has worked extensively with Derrick Rossi, the co-founder of Moderna. In 2010, Luigi and Derrick were the first to describe mRNA-based reprogramming in a pathbreaking paper in Cell Stem Cell. The work was named a top 10 scientific breakthrough of 2010 by the journal Science, as well as a top 10 medical breakthrough of the year by TIME. Dr. Warren is literally one of the pioneers of the mRNA technology used in the Moderna vaccine.  And yet when he spoke out of turn, some fact checker decided to shut his account. I can’t speak enough (I’m sure you noticed) on the topic of censorship and how awful it is for public discourse. Whether the spike protein sheds or not goes a long way towards explaining side effects, pathology, and future sequella.  This conversation *IS* an important dialogue to have regardless of how much some people don’t wish to have this talk. They would rather speak from a position of false authority, declare the matter settled and shush 🤫 anyone who dares question them. It should be obvious by now that this is not how science works it’s how dogma dictates…"
And of course now it is common knowledge that vaccinated people can transmit covid. But liberals will justify this by claiming the "science" changed, despite justifying censorship by claiming the "science" is settled

Clifton Duncan Finally Has a Podcast. on Twitter - ""The science changes" Yes, it keeps changing into things people said months ago and got banned for"

Chris Selley: O'Toole's 'let's get back to normal' pitch is solid, but not enough - "many [Conservatives] broadly support shifting Canada’s health-care system to something with more private-sector involvement, abandoning the ludicrous myth of “one-tier” health care and focusing on outputs and outcomes rather than ideological purity. All the countries remotely like Canada that did well against the pandemic, and better than us in general on health-care outcomes, have “two-tier” systems that are unthinkable to most Canadian Liberals. In a health-care panel discussion at the Strong and Free conference, Joanna Baron, executive director at the Canadian Constitution Foundation, argued the pandemic experience has “overwhelmingly helped” the organization’s fight to support private options within Canada’s universal health-care system. The myth of Canadian health-care exceptionalism dies hard, but by rights it should never have been more vulnerable than it is now.  And yet a wildly oversimplified narrative is taking hold in the media that eliminating for-profit or privately run long-term care is somehow Job One, despite 86 per cent of homes in Quebec being publicly owned. Journalist Nora Loreto’s database of long-term-care deaths shows that four of the five Canadian facilities with the highest overall death toll, all in Quebec, were in the public sector."

NYC contact tracers will ask about dining, not protests - "The city’s coronavirus tracing program will start asking people if they’ve been at outdoor bars and restaurants to help understand the spike in cases among those between the ages of 20 and 29 — even though health officials never asked if people attended the George Floyd protests...   The city’s Dept. of Health found that the proportion of 20-somethings diagnosed with COVID-19 doubled during the second half of June. The new cases were less likely to live in the Bronx and more likely to reside in wealthier neighborhoods in Brooklyn and Manhattan including the Financial District and Greenwich Village... Dr. Jay Varma, Mayor Bill de Blasio’s senior adviser for public health, said, “There’s nothing that we can see that directly links the protests to the rise that we’re seeing right now among younger people.”...   Dr. S. Patrick Kachur, a professor at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, defended the city’s position about leaving demonstrations out of tracing questions.  “Asking about protests might alienate some people — and it might not generate that much useful information."...   But a former associate commissioner for the federal Food and Drug Administration slammed the approach.  “When President Trump says if we stop testing we’ll have fewer cases, the Mayor calls out the hypocrisy,” Peter Pitts said."
This is brilliant. Then you can claim there is no data linking [woke] protests to covid

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