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Sunday, January 02, 2022

Links - 2nd January 2022 (1 - Covid-19)

WARMINGTON: No patients at Sunnybrook's COVID field hospital? | Toronto Sun - "If Ontario’s hospital ICUs are overflowing, why is the temporary COVID field hospital at Sunnybrook empty and unused? And why are patients being sent out of town to other parts of the province...   Even if the spin is these are not ICU beds, then the question is why build them in the first place? Or why not build more inside the hospital?   It’s not like COVID-19 modelling for April didn’t warn that things could spike.  No matter the excuse, if rising COVID cases are resulting in patients being transferred for care at hospitals hours away, then it would be wise to work every second to get this field unit up and running now. There did not seem to be any sense of urgency Wednesday."
So much for collapsing healthcare systems

Black, racialized communities removed from Phase 2 of Ontario's coronavirus vaccine priority list due to 'error'
Prioritising healthcare by race is apparently anti-racist

Facebook - "We've been under lockdown for almost 13 months. Millions of people have lost businesses that they spent their entire lives building.  Kids have lost important educational and developmental markers.  We are social distancing, washing our hands, wearing masks.  And this is for a virus that has roughly a 97%+ survivability rate (if not higher).  I'd like to see what we'd do if a worse virus would ever spread.  How much longer could this reality be sustained?  How much longer will people subcontract their personal agency to governmental overlords? It is truly astonishing the extent to which human beings are built to either be dictatorial (even in its soft form) or blind and meek sheep.  And no, raising this issue does not make me an anti-science white supremacist insurrectionist."

"This is how it works. No school for the children of peons, but private school for the elite. Defund the police for the commoners, but hire private security for the rich and powerful."

Communist: *upset*

Andrew R on Twitter - "At a recent Rage Against the Machine concert, a bunch of people who were required to be double vaccinated, required to wear masks and show their papers to enter - were all singing “f*** you I won’t do what you tell me” A piece of me has died"

High-risk Covid gene more common in South Asians - "University of Oxford scientists have uncovered a gene that doubles the risk of lung failure and death from Covid.  They say around 60% of people from South Asian backgrounds and 15% of people of European ancestry carry the high-risk version of the gene... They estimate the risky version of the gene is present in about 2% of people from African-Caribbean backgrounds and 1.8% of people of East Asian descent."
Damn racism and white supremacy causing minorities (but not East Asians) to be more vulnerable to covid!

The Disappearance of Influenza - "Everything suggests that Corona has displaced influenza. Even if we can’t identify or even really conceive of the mechanism, Corona begins to resemble an invasive species that has disturbed the ecology of human-infecting respiratory viruses. Nobody will talk about this, because they are eager to claim any victory they can for mass containment. The absence of flu must be ascribed to lockdowns, even though flu is gone even in countries that have not locked down. Respiratory viruses all have regional and seasonal features. That is to say, they rise and fall according to complex, intertwining, regionally varying temporal patterns. Throughout the northern hemisphere, mild yet robust rhinoviruses have a dual fall-spring seasonality. They surge before the winter viruses and after influenza, as if to avoid these heavier hitters. Most other commonly surveilled respiratory viruses, including human coronaviruses, peak around the winter solstice or just after. Influenza, finally, surges just as all these deep-winter viruses are receding, infecting the greatest number of people around March. These patterns shed curious light on the second and third waves of the Corona pandemic. The second, winter wave had typical human coronavirus timing, receding almost everywhere after December or early January. The third wave filled precisely the seasonal niche of influenza, with a March/April peak. It's almost as if Corona is playing two roles, its own and that of its defeated predecessor.  A lot of basic matters are poorly understood in the field of virology, and one of them is why waves of infection seem to spontaneously collapse, rather than continuing indefinitely until all susceptible have been taken ill. One reason seems to be that some viruses interfere with other viruses, such that the rise of one compels the decline of another. Plainly, not all pathogens are at odds with each other. Co-infections are common among the overlapping deep-winter viruses. Some viruses, however, definitely seem to exclude others, at least some of the time and in certain places. Influenza and Corona are two of these mutually exclusive viruses. Since it has killed the flu, Corona can operate both in the vacant flu season and in its own natively preferred dark winter months. Some months ago, I suggested that Corona's victory over influenza could well represent a permanent change in the order of respiratory viruses – a revolution, perhaps a very rare one. The only conceivable historical precedent would be the Spanish Flu of 1918. While we have historical reports of influenza-like illness going back centuries, we don't have any sequenced viruses predating the second wave of this great 1918 pandemic. Before 1918, we can't be sure that seasonal flu-like illnesses were caused by influenza viruses at all. For all we know, coronaviruses were the dominant scourge prior to 1918, and their centuries-long reign was interrupted by the anomalous and highly destructive avian influenza that entered humans in that year. Perhaps the ensuing century of influenza was an unstable equilibrium, an anomaly, and Corona has restored a prior, more ordinary world.  All that's speculation, but we do know that the ensuing seasonal flus for decades afterwards were descended, directly or indirectly, from that first 1918 strain... What happened in 1918 was unusual. The culprit was an avian H1N1 influneza A virus, but no good analogue has ever been found in birds, and no plausible animal source ever identified. The flu infected pigs just as easily as humans, and its descendents continued to afflict swine even after the reassorted H2N2 'Asian Flu' of 1957 displaced the direct progeny of the 1918 virus in human hosts... Historical records don't clearly attest to the regular occurrence of seasonal influenza before 1918. If my suggestion of a broader viral ecology is remotely tenable, it's possible that much of the seasonal ebb and flow of respiratory viruses is a characteristic of the world influenza A crafted for itself in the wake of 1918. Corona has so far obeyed the patterns of that world, but maybe it won't always. Someday we will awaken from the Cult of Mass Containment with a greater openness to observing the world as it is. We will notice that reports of allergies and asthma have grown much less frequent, and that masks aren't really a plausible explanation for this. We'll notice that almost no children are dying of seasonal respiratory illnesses for a change, and we'll notice that seasonal Corona mortality has to be weighed against the missing deaths of seasonal flu. We’ll notice that, with every passing month, Corona grows less deadly, as resistance in the population grows, and we’ll begin to ask ourselves how the unstated policy goal of eradication is even remotely sensible. Destroying Corona would almost certainly mean bringing back influenza A, after much of our immunity has faded."

Fluvoxamine: Cheap, generic anti-depressant called Luvox may reduce severe Covid-19 disease, study finds - ""Fluvoxamine may reduce the production of inflammatory molecules called cytokines, that can be triggered by SARS-CoV-2 infection," Reiersen said in a statement. The drug may also reduce blood platelets, which may affect the clotting effects of coronavirus infection... "A 10-day course of fluvoxamine costs approximately $4 even in well-resourced settings"... "Given fluvoxamine's safety, tolerability, ease of use, low cost, and widespread availability, these findings might influence national and international guidelines on the clinical management of COVID-19," they concluded. A related drug, Prozac, or fluoxetine, is also cheap and even more widely available, and the researchers said this drug should be studied to see if it might help."
So much for the theory that pharmaceutical interests are what suppressed other cheap treatments

Errol Webber on Twitter - "2020: Anyone claiming there’s a plan to implement vaccine passports is a conspiracy theorist, and their dangerous misinformation must be stopped!
2021: Anyone opposed to vaccine passports is a conspiracy theorist, and their dangerous misinformation must be stopped!"

Jeremy Kauffman 📚 🦔 on Twitter - "Unvaccinated people should be removed from proper society
Don't let them use the public schools
Don't let the police go to their houses
Don't let them join the military
Don't keep them safe from illegal drugs
Don't let them pay taxes"
Liberals love this apartheid
Some unvaccinated would actually welcome this

Herd immunity a ‘mythical’ goal that will never be reached, says Oxford vaccine head - "Herd immunity “is not a possibility” because the delta variant can spread among vaccinated individuals, according to experts including the director of the Oxford Vaccine Group... Professor Sir Andrew Pollard warned that herd immunity is a “mythical” concept and should not inform the design of vaccination programmes in the UK or across the globe... Sir Andrew’s comments were echoed by several other experts offering evidence to the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on coronavirus.  Paul Hunter, a professor of medicine at the University of East Anglia, said herd immunity is now “unachievable” while Devi Sridhar, a professor of global public health at Edinburgh University, warned it is unlikely that we will hit a “magical threshold” were the spread of Covid-19 “disappears”... Data published last week by Public Health England found there is little difference in how much virus is present in vaccinated and unvaccinated people who test positive for Covid-19, suggesting the shots do not suppress viral replication as much as hoped. Scientists had believed that a lower viral load would prevent onward transmission...   “One of the strongest arguments that has been repeated is to vaccinate children to protect adults,” said Sir Andrew. “[But] vaccinating children is not going to completely block transmission, so it doesn’t achieve that goal.”  He added that, instead, leaders should use available vaccines to protect as many of the most vulnerable people across the globe as possible...   Francois Balloux, director of the Genetics Institute at University College London, added: “It is not so much anymore a ‘duty to others’ to get vaccinated but a protection for oneself. There won’t be any ‘herd immunity wall’ to hide behind.  “There is an important fraction of the population who for all sorts of reasons are immunocompromised. “For the vast majority of them, they still benefit from being vaccinated. Some won’t. Widespread vaccination reduces the risk of exposure to them, but only very marginally so.”"
Of course covid hystericists will blame "anti-vaxxers" for this
Looks like China is going to be cut off from the rest of the world for the rest of time
The experts' testimonies won't stop liberals from demanding infants get vaccinated and vaccination be made mandatory to "protect others"

Meme - "The "Delta Variant is terrifying" starter pack
*Democrats unmasked on plane escaping state*
*AOC unmasked in crowd*
*Obama and guests unmasked at party*"

John Legend called 'hypocrite' for attending Obama's 'maskless' bash after posting about Covid - "A tweet posted by John Legend about safety measures to follow during the Covid-19 pandemic is being slammed after he and his wife Chrissy Teigen attended former President Barack Obama’s 60th birthday bash over the weekend. The bash was largely maskless.  On August third, the 'All Of Me' singer wrote in a series of tweets, "Public service announcement! We were so happy to announce new tour dates today! The tour moves to mostly indoor venues as we get further into fall though. Please keep in mind that the Delta variant of Covid 19 is highly transmissible and doesn’t give a shit about our fun plans!” Legend announced to his fans last week. “If you plan to be in a large group of people (like hopefully our concert!) in October, you have plenty of time to get fully vaccinated before you come. Every city and venue will have different rules, but we don’t need the mayor or governor to tell us what’s safe. Being unvaccinated and/or unmasked at a large indoor gathering is like literally begging to get COVID. Please don’t do that to yourself, your family or your neighbors.""

Meme - "Show this picture next time someone asks where your mask is. *Obama and guests - all unmasked*"

New York Times reporter saying Obama's 60th low COVID risk because sophisticated vaccinated crowd - "A clip of Annie Karni, a White House correspondent for the New York Times speaking on CNN quickly spread on social media with critics berating her for justifying the party using such terms.... Dr Anthony Fauci was blasted for saying he was worried about the Sturgis Motortcycle Rally in South Dakota as a potential superspreader event, but made no mention Barack Obama's controversial 60th birthday party... President Obama's party was due to have a guest list of more than 500 but it was 'scaled back' due to concerns over the spread of the delta variant.   However, pictures from the party showed only those working at the party to be wearing masks while guest, who partied the night away under massive tents, did not."
Motorcycle Rallies are outdoors too

COVID-19 survivors may possess wide-ranging resistance to the disease - "Recovered COVID-19 patients retain broad and effective longer-term immunity to the disease, suggests a recent Emory University study, which is the most comprehensive of its kind so far."
Won't stop the moral panic to force them to get vaccinated too

The unvaccinated can expect COVID reinfection every 16 months, study finds
Those who didn't read past the headline won't realise this was based on a model and similar coronaviruses rather than data on covid itself. It also doesn't compare the presumed waning immunity from natural immunity with vaccination immunity - for all we know the vaccinated can expect covid reinfection even more often

Op-Ed: Quit Ignoring Natural COVID Immunity - "There are multiple highly encouraging research reports showing that blood cells in our body, so called "B cells and T cells," contribute to the cellular immunity after COVID-19. If SARS-CoV-2 immunity is similar to other severe coronavirus infections like SARS-CoV-1 immunity, that protection could last at least 17 years. However, tests to measure cellular immunity are complex and expensive, making them hard to get and preventing their use in routine medical practice or in public health surveys of the population... Given that 90% to 99% of people who recover from COVID-19 develop detectable neutralizing antibodies, doctors can use the correct test to inform people of their risk. We can counsel patients that those who have recovered from COVID-19 have a strong protective immunity, protecting them from repeat infection, disease, hospitalization, and death. In fact, that protection is similar to or better than vaccine-induced immunity. Putting that together, people who have recovered from prior infection or those with detectable antibodies should be considered protected, similarly to someone who is vaccinated."
To vaxholes, SARS-CoV-1 is not the best analogue for SARS-CoV-2 immunity, since they're obsessed with forcing everyone to be vaccinated
Of course, vaxholes will dismiss this clinical professor of preventive medicine and internal medicine resident based on the excuse that they are not epidemiologists, when Bill Gates isn't even qualified in the field

Neil Clark on Twitter - "If a ‘friend’ says they’re going to ‘unfriend’ you because you haven’t taken a new-on-the market vaccine with no long term safety data & when we know that the vaccine doesn’t prevent you getting ill or transmitting to others, then they weren’t really your ‘friend’ to begin with."

Nick Foy on Twitter - "My son woke up with a scratchy throat today and I'm really angry about it because not many people are wearing masks and nobody is wearing well-fitting N95s people are so selfish and it went away after breakfast and he's fine now but do you know what we've been through 🧵 (1/236)"

Exclusive: 'Covid graphs were wrong in suggesting daily deaths would soon surpass first wave' - "Official projections which pushed the country into a second lockdown have been quietly revised to no longer suggest deaths could soon overtake those at the peak of the first wave...   The revelation prompted former Prime Minister Theresa May to question the Government's use of statistics and ask whether "figures are chosen to support the policy rather than the policy being based on the figures".   On Thursday night, leading scientist Professor Carl Heneghan, of Oxford University, said the graphs presented at the weekend had been found to be "riddled with errors", raising concern that a desire for lockdown had seen forecasts "systematically" exaggerated...   On Thursday, the UK statistics watchdog criticised the Government for a lack of transparency about the data driving its lockdown policies, warning that the failings could create confusion and undermine public confidence...   Prof Heneghan, the director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine at Oxford University, raised concerns that incorrect data was "systematically" being used to drive the country into lockdown, saying: "It really worries me that, on matters that are this important, we are finding that the data is absolutely riddled with errors.  "I don't know if the data is being rushed through or if what we are seeing is bias being introduced, but what we are seeing looks systematic. All the mistakes are consistently in one direction, so you have to ask whether it is being done on purpose to suit the policies, like lockdown, they want to impose.""

Lockdown reverses 40-year decline in smoking
Smoking makes you more vulnerable to covid so this is brilliant. Lockdown becomes self-perpetuating

Florida Ruled To Be In Violation Of Science For Not Having More People Die | The Babylon Bee

Deaths 20 per cent higher than normal – but more than half not related to Covid - "more than half are not related to Covid and may be due to waning immunity to other infectious diseases." And when you take into account that not all who die with covid die of covid...

Noam Chomsky says the unvaccinated should just remove themselves from society - "MIT professor emeritus and political activist Noam Chomsky said he believes that while unvaccinated people have the right to refuse a COVID jab, they should “have the decency to isolate” from the community for the safety of others... Chomsky said that for the unvaccinated people who are segregated from society, how they obtain groceries should be left up to them. “How can we get food to them?” asked Chomsky. “Well, that’s actually their problem.”"
Given his defence of the Khmer Rouge, this is no surprise

'Look at the bigger story': Biden dismisses unvaccinated losing their jobs - "The problem for Biden is vaccine requirements are a divisive issue. Polling suggests a majority of people support the measures, but a disproportionate number of minority respondents, who tend to be Democratic voters, do not. And with COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths trending downward, Biden's argument for the policy is becoming less pointed."

Federal court temporarily blocks Biden’s vaccine mandate for larger businesses

Biden vaccine mandate: White House tells business to go ahead despite court pause
The rule of law doesn't matter when it conflicts with liberal priorities

FDNY firehouses shuttered over vaccine staffing shortages - "The FDNY shuttered 26 fire companies citywide on Saturday due to staff shortages caused by the COVID-19 vaccination mandate, according to furious elected officials, who ripped the move as “unconscionable” — and warned it could have catastrophic consequences...   “If someone dies due to a slower emergency response, it’s on Bill de Blasio and his overreaching mandates. I hope this fool fixes it ASAP!” she tweeted. Some residents rallied outside of the Ladder Company 149 in Dyker Heights to support the firefighters...   Fire officials said last week that they were prepared to close as much as 20 percent of the companies citywide."

Delta Air Lines ditches 'divisive' vaccine mandate for employees | The Post Millennial - ""We're proving that you can work collaboratively with your people, trusting your people to make the right decisions, respecting their decisions and not forcing them over the loss of their jobs," Bastian stated.  Bastian went on to talk about how delays and cancellations of flights, which have plagued other airlines, haven't touched Delta, and that their operational statistics closely resemble those of 2019, saying: "Delta's done a great job all year long with making certain that we're managing supply and demand in equilibrium.""

SCOTUS rejects legal challenge to vaccine mandate for Maine healthcare workers | The Post Millennial - "This is the third time it's happened as such measures are enacted throughout the country."
Doesn't stop liberals slandering the "Republican" justices as stooges

Brandon Friedman on Twitter - "And, if necessary, the 10th Mountain, 82nd Airborne, 1st Cav, 3rd Infantry—whatever it takes to restore order. No quarter for insurrectionists, anarchists, rioters, and looters."
"Feel like this shouldn't have to be said, but here we are: If active duty Army units are mobilized against U.S. citizens on U.S. soil and officers are given the order to provide "no quarter" to Americans, then they should immediately turn on their political leaders."

Brandon Friedman on Twitter - "Anti-vaccine demonstrators have taken over a Portland Public School board meeting.  Officials have left the building to conduct the meeting virtually after some protestors refused to wear masks.  Far-right demonstrators are now conducting their own meeting in the building."
"This sort of thing has to be crushed mercilessly or else it will spread rapidly. If cops are unavailable because they're sympathizers, then states will need to mobilize the National Guard. Freely and fairly elected public officials must be allowed to govern."

How Safe Is Air Travel In COVID Time? A JAMA Article Says It's Safer Than You Think - "It is safer than shopping in a supermarket, riding on a train, or going to work in an office. Why? It's all about the air quality in the cabin. People are generally poor at evaluating relative risk. They will drive long distances – something that is certainly relevant now – rather than fly, even though the risk of a fatal auto accident is much greater than that of a plane crash. They fear a flu vaccine but not the flu."
Covid hysteria is irrational in the first place, so

Draconian travel restrictions at this stage aren't just pointless, they're ruinous - "The only point at which shutting borders and grounding planes would have worked to contain this pandemic was more than a year ago, before it escaped China. Since then, the knee jerk reaction of almost every country on Earth at each stumbling block has been to re-bolt its stable doors long after the horse has bolted.   This is not just a pointless exercise, or a victimless crime. The UK’s tourism sector employs more than three million people. Further afield, there are countries in Africa, the Caribbean and Asia whose entire economies rely on it."
From January 2021

Why the travel ban must be lifted - "The British Academy warned last week that the pandemic’s effects will linger for a decade. That should give us a jolt. Respiratory pandemics have hit throughout history – as in 1889, 1918, 1957 and 1968 – but haven’t ever imprinted on whole decades before. No one claims that the Spanish flu affected the 1920s up to the Wall Street Crash, although it killed 20millon to 100million (estimates vary) from a population one quarter of today’s. Covid-19’s toll to date is 2.5million. The Black Death of 1347-1349 did change society. But that was of a different order, killing half Europe’s population. Even so, ‘Old Normal’ returned: only 10 years separate the Black Prince’s victories at Crecy (1346) and Poitiers (1356). If Covid-19 is so consequential, it is because of our new unwillingness to accept the nature of our coexistence with pathogens, not the virus itself, which is largely a threat to the frail"

Canada's Taking It Slow On Reopening Its Border To Travelers From The U.S. Here's Why - "many Canadians who have been vaccinated the longest are older adults like his own patients. And, he warns, "We may be depriving them of limited remaining life moments, to have them wait for everyone else to have the opportunity to be vaccinated before we reopen settings to them based on vaccination status.""

The Oregonian on Twitter - "Masks, vaccines could stop COVID delta variant spike within two weeks, CDC director says"
When your predictions are wrong, just blame the unvaccinated"
"Two weeks to flatten the curve". Pepperidge Farm remembers

🇺🇸ProudArmyBrat on Twitter - "99% of scientists believed that dirt caused Malaria in 1900. Two doctors didn’t believe that. They were Walter Reed and George Goethals. They believed that mosquitoes were the parasitic carriers. They were right. All the others were wrong."
"This reminds me of Dr. Barry J. Marshall, 54, and Dr. J. Robin Warren, 68, for their discovery of the Helicobacter pylori bacterium and its role in gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. it was difficult for them to convince the world of H. pylori’s role in ulcer disease."

More children in Chicago have been shot than died from COVID - "More children have been the victims of gun violence in Chicago this year than have died from COVID-19 across the entire country, according to police and the Centers for Disease Control and Protection."
Clearly infants must be vaccinated to protect them from covid

Corona Realism 🟢 on Twitter - "Something really odd is going on: In Europe we are seeing surges at many places where most of the population has already been vaccinated. At the same time, the 15 least vaccinated countries don‘t seem to face any problem. At some point, denying this problem will get painful."

Some Scots Covid powers 'could be made permanent' - "The Scottish government wants some emergency Covid-19 powers to become permanent, including the ability to impose lockdowns and close schools.  Most pandemic powers are due to expire in March 2022, but ministers are consulting on making some permanent.  This could include changes which make it harder for tenants to be evicted and the power to release prisoners early.  Deputy First Minister John Swinney said some changes made due to Covid-19 had a "demonstrable benefit to the people".  However, the Conservatives said the move showed Scottish ministers were "unwilling to give up their control over people's lives"... Scottish Conservative MSP Murdo Fraser said the powers were "intended to be temporary measures", and that attempts by ministers to make them permanent were "a clear sign they are unwilling to give up their control over people's lives".  He said: "With the vast majority of Covid restrictions having now been eased, Scots will be asking serious questions over why these laws would need to remain in place permanently.  "It is a dangerous route to go down to allow ministers to implement sweeping powers upon society on a whim.""
The "myth" of the slippery slope!

Meme - "People who propose weaponizing healthcare to punish and control people they don't like are usually from the "healthcare is a human right" crowd"

Facebook - "Just had a lunch with BlueAnon people. Apparently if everyone doesn't get vaccinated immediately and wear N-95 masks everywhere, we will all die within five years, therefore camps are completely justified. Freedom is freedom from the virus and death. I'm aghast. I told them I'd rather die than live in a world where I'm forced to accept these injections, and they told me I can feel that way if I want but will kill others, so I don't have that freedom really. It did stall them out for a solid minute, though. They also told me that DeSantis is killing almost everyone in Florida, is stupid, and probably belongs in prison. I didn't ask their opinion on Andrew Cuomo. I asked them how everyone will die from a virus that has greater than 98% survival, and greater than 99.8% survival below life expectancy age, and they said the new variants will keep coming until we're all dead. I asked them about natural immunity, and they said it doesn't exist. Herd immunity isn't possible that way because of the variants. You'll get it again and again, and it will be worse every time until it kills you. Vaccines are the only way. And they'd work if everyone had them. They also informed me that I used to have an educated mind that could think scientifically but stopped short of saying directly that I no longer have such a thing. They haven't quite lost all decency, I suppose! I let them pay for lunch.
PS: They also told me the postmodern left and all these Critical Theories are crazy and go way too far, except Critical Race Theory because racism is real. I asked them if they think vaccine passports are racist and explained the CRT, and they said no bc everyone should be forced"

Fewer Children Died in 2020, Despite the COVID-19 Pandemic | Time - "Demographers, pediatricians and public-health experts say it’s possible that lockdowns and quarantines have prevented children from succumbing to deadly injuries and illnesses. But they also point out that other effects of the pandemic, such as lower vaccination rates and reduced prenatal care may increase childhood mortality rates going forward."
This doesn't advance covid hysteria so it must be fake news

Kurt Schlichter on Twitter - "My 8-year-old son said to an unmasked elevator passenger "Your refusal to wear a mask is genocide against me and demonstrates your lack of validation of BIPOC trans lives." The passenger asked “Are you going to handle your brat or am I? I was stunned and literally shaking."

Nicole Arbour on Twitter - "Watching 90% of celebs heckle half of America all day while people are losing their businesses due to covid, we have record suicide rates, and most are generally having a rough go, while finishing their jabs with “it’s time to heal” Is why I can’t be on their side. 💁🏼‍♀️"

Meme - SomecallmeJohnny @Somecallmejon: "Fully vaccinated. But the mask will stay on during sex."
When you're in a cult

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