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Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Links - 29th December 2021 (2 - Feminism)


Animals, Awkward and Birds: No, Drake, no - FML - "Today, my girlfriend and I were walking near a pond when we saw a drake forcefully mating with a duck. She burst into tears and demanded I stop them. When I told her no, that it’s just nature and thats how they breed, she dumped me for supporting and "enabling rape." FML"

15-Year-Old Boys' Soccer Team Demands Equal Pay For Beating U.S. Women's Team | The Babylon Bee - ""End pay discrimination now!" he added, clapping on each word for emphasis."

U.S. Women’s Soccer Players Refused The Same Pay Structure As Men. Now They’re Claiming ‘Sexism’ Led To Difference. - "The U.S. Women’s Soccer team is appealing a court decision to throw out their pay discrimination claim, arguing that a “pervasive atmosphere of sexism” was the reason the women’s team is paid less than the men’s team... U.S. District Judge R. Gary Klausner dismissed the women’s pay discrimination claim because they had rejected to be paid using the same structure as the men’s team. “The WNT was willing to forgo higher bonuses for benefits, such as greater base compensation and the guarantee of a higher number of contracted players,” Klausner wrote in his ruling. “Accordingly, plaintiffs cannot now retroactively deem their CBA (collective bargaining agreement) worse than the MNT (men’s national team) CBA by reference to what they would have made had they been paid under the MNT’s pay-to-play terms structure when they themselves rejected such a structure.”...  the women’s soccer team brings in less money because it has fewer viewers than men’s soccer. The only time this changes is when the women’s team makes it to the World Cup, something the U.S. Men’s team hasn’t done.  The women’s team also receives a higher percentage of revenue than the men’s team, though the revenue is lower... The women’s team also receives a base salary and benefits, which the men’s team does not."

Pay Gap: This Church Softball Team Doesn't Make Nearly As Much Money As The New York Yankees | The Babylon Bee

Survivor star claims contestants contracted UTIs from dirty underwear - "A contestant on the US version of the popular reality show Survivor has claimed that producers made the stars wear the same underwear throughout filming, which caused her and other women to contract urinary tract infections (UTIs).  Lauren-Ashley Beck, who completed in "Island of the Idols", the 39th season of the long-running show, made the claim in a recent TikTok video - revealing the filthy act that producers pulled when she was finally given a clean pair.  Beck, responding to a question about the "whole 38-day panty situation", told her followers that contestants did have to wear the same underwear for the length of their time on the show." "Equality"

Matt Kirshen on Twitter - "Mansplaining is short for man explaining"

Don't mansplain things to me - "IF ANYONE LOSES ELECTRICITY THIS IS HOW TOU CAN CHARGE YOUR PHONE #HurricaneIrma2017 #IrmaHurricane #Irma"
Michael Hirsch Ph.D. @sci_vision: "This can actually discharge phone faster instead of charging because 9V battery voltage collapses under heavy phone discharge"
Terena Cardwell: "I seriously did not need this mansplaining."
Michael Hirsch Ph.D. @sci_vision: "Adjunct Professor ECE, Scientific Engineering strategy consultant"
Once again, mansplaining is when a man says something a woman disagrees with

Meme - "Women Are Tweeting the Most Obvious Things That Were Mansplained to Them"
"Is There a Term Called Womansplaining for When Women Say Dumb Shit?"
"Yes, It's Called Feminism"

Gad Saad on Twitter - "So good to see the UN tackling the real challenges that women face globally. Child brides, honor killings, FGM are nothing compared to the horrors of mansplaining."
Feminists will claim that just because there're bigger problems doesn't mean you can't look at smaller ones. But at the same time, they'll claim that attention to men's issues means women suffer so we can't pay attention to men's issues

Crime Library Singapore - Posts | Facebook - "Security cameras in Singapore homes have been hacked, with the footage stolen and shared online... The videos, which can last from under a minute to more than 20 minutes, feature couples, breastfeeding mothers and even children. Most of them are in various states of undress or compromising positions. Many faces can be clearly seen in locations such as the living room and bedrooms. Some are seen using the toilet with the door ajar. In one video, time-stamped March 2020, a teenage girl can be seen in a white T-shirt and panties with school books around her. One of them is an O-level Ten-Year Series book used by students preparing for the exam... The footage appears to be from Internet Protocol (IP) cameras that are common in homes here. They are installed for security purposes or to remotely monitor children, the elderly, domestic workers and pets. A closer check of the videos revealed that a group dedicated to hacking IP cameras was behind the hacking. The group, which can be found on social messaging platform Discord, has almost 1,000 members across the globe. As of Saturday, it has claimed to have shared more than 3TB of clips with over 70 members who paid a subscription fee of US$150 (S$203) for lifetime access. The victims appear to be from various countries, including Thailand, South Korea and Canada. A 700MB "sample", containing about 4,000 videos and pictures from the hacked footage, is provided free. A significant portion of the clips seemed to be from IP cameras in Singapore. Mr Clement Lee, the solution architect for Asia-Pacific for Check Point Software Technologies, said many IP cameras are at risk as they are typically installed to be accessed remotely via the Internet. "Hacking of IP cameras is possible if they are accessible from a central cloud service or exposed to the Internet," he said. "Usually, it is the result of poor password management."... "Where the victim is under the age of 16, the material may be considered child pornography, and such offences attract a higher range of sentences...
The public are advised to take these precautions to secure their IP cameras:
Use an IP camera from a trusted brand offering reliable security features;
Update the software for the IP camera as soon as it is available; and
Use a strong password, and change it regularly. Do not use the default password that came with the IP camera."
Victim blaming!

Teen pleads guilty to having sex with underage girlfriend in classroom - "In July 2019, when the girl was 13 and he was 15, the boy suggested going into a classroom to have sex"
In Singapore, when a boy and a girl who both cannot consent to sex have sex, clearly the boy is the guilty party. This must be what AWARE calls "patriarchy"

Facebook - "“Elizabeth Holmes told the jury in her criminal fraud trial on Tuesday that she personally put the letterhead of pharma giants Pfizer and Schering-Plough on documents sent to potential business partners and investors without the companies' consent.”
Ellen Pao - 💁🏼‍♂️ “Is this evidence of systemic sexism in the tech industry?” 🦋"

Twitter users discuss a possible reason why many men don't want to pay child support - ""My theory about why men hate child support so much isn't about the amount of money they spend but rather because under the patriarchal rules they ascribe to, providing financial support should come with the promise of control. Control they don't have over their exes," she tweeted. "This is also why so many men abandon their families after a breakup but become providers to new partners and new kids. Because in those new situations they still have the control they feel that providing material support should guarantee." Shakia went on to state that this is also why most men don't want to file for custody."
Pretty sure this person believes taxpayers should have a say over what their taxes go to

Meme - "Telling women that they have to feminine to bag men (whatever that means) is deeply unfair & prejudiced. Society is obsessed with changing women to suit men's and by God, it is EXHAUSTING."
"Telling men that they have to have an income source to bag women (whatever that means) is deeply unfair & prejudiced. Society is obsessed with changing men to suit women's and by God, it is EXHAUSTING."

Rock The Icon on Twitter - "Did they seriously make a film called ‘King Richard’ about the success of Serena and Venus Williams - but it’s about their dad, Richard?"
"So you're mad that *checks notes* Venus and Serena chose to name the movie they produced about their family after their dad? Their actual dad, whom they both credit as the reason they are in the position they're in. And that position is producers of this movie, about their dad"

Woman Escapes The Patriarchy To Find Freedom In Grueling 80-Hour Work Week | The Babylon Bee

Schoolboys made to apologise for 'stuff we didn't do' during assembly about sexual assault - "  A boy who was made to apologise to female classmates for the "behaviours of (his) gender" says he was forced to "apologise for stuff we didn't actually do".  During a whole school assembly at Brauer College in Victoria, Australia, all male students were told to stand up, turn to a girl in their class and say sorry... Another student, Vini, said many pupils left the gathering feeling upset and confused.  "I had girls behind me crying""
What the feminist demonisation of men leads to

Bullied Girls Are Growing Up to Have Serious Health Problems as Adults - Jezebel
Marjorie Taylor Greene Targets AOC One Again, In Racist Rant - "Marjorie Taylor Greene Targeting AOC Isn't Just Harassment, It's Dangerous" - Jezebel
Feminist Rag Jezebel Says It's Okay to Bully Kyrsten Sinema in a Bathroom Stall - "Jezebel might be the worst piece of feminist garbage out there. It’s truly pathetic. But as bad as it is, I didn’t see this one coming. If they had any credibility left (and that’s debatable) it would be gone after this article and tweet, which they still haven’t deleted, though I’ve archived it for posterity: “Absolutely Bully Kyrsten Sinema Outside Of Her Bathroom Stall.” I would like to remind the editors of Jezebel that Sinema is an LGBT senator, a self-described bisexual woman who, by that definition, should be off-limits to “bullying.” But she made a fatal mistake: not allowing Democrats to push her around. Because of her reluctance to vote for a spending bill that is an outrageous waste of taxpayer money, the gloves are off and there are no limits to what protesters can do to Sinema.   Jezebel is taking their marching orders to defend the filming of a senator in a bathroom from Joe Biden... Imagine for a moment what the media would be doing if AOC were followed into a bathroom and heckled through the stall. She’d be on “60 Minutes” the next day talking about how she was almost raped and the people who did it would be in solitary confinement"

Boston University Professor Already Under Fire for Racial Comments Mocks White Rape Victim - "Saida Grundy, a newly hired sociology professor at Boston University, posted several inflammatory tweets that gained a lot of attention in the news...
^^THIS IS THE SHIT I AM TALKING ABOUT. WHY DO YOU GET TO PLAY THE VICTIM EVERY TIME PEOPLE OF COLOR AND OUR ALLIES WANT TO POINT OUT RACISM. my CLAWS?? Do you see how you just took an issue that WASN’T about you, MADE it about you, and NOW want to play the victim when I take the time to explain to you some shit that is literally $82,000 below my pay grade? And then you promote your #whitegirltears like that’s some badge you get to wear about how really really awful you feel about racism? YOU BENEFIT FROM RACISM. WE’RE EXPLAINING THAT TO YOU and you’re vilifying my act of intellectual altruism by saying I stuck my “claws” into you?... ^^YOU DON’T HAVE TO KNOW ME. What you SHOULD know is that you don’t know more about this issue than marginalized women. And instead of entering this conversation with an iota of of humility about that, you have made it a celebration of your false sense of victimization. Now go cry somewhere. Since that’s what you do."

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "Did Pepe LePew add to rape culture? In every cartoon he grabbed, kissed, and even attempted to hold hostage the object of his desire.  Yet, he never succeeded. Every time he failed in embarrassing fashion. The underlying message was: “This isn’t how you get a girl.”"
This is like liberals who want to ban To Kill A Mockingbird because they think it's racist

Facebook - "#MeToo *Pepe LePew*"
"This was 'normal' childrens entertainment. We taught these values to generations"
Comments: "I never tried to "get rich quick" as you might find on Ed, Edd, and Eddy. I never felt the need to create crazy over-the-top science experiments via Dexter's Laboratory. I am not a womanizer because I watched Johnny Bravo. I didn't grow up violent watching Tom & Jerry. I knew my limitations on a skateboard, despite all the epic tricks on Rocket Power.."
"imagine being unable to differentiate reality from fiction and blaming cartoons for your life being miserable"
"But as a small child who watched these CARTOONS, I knew that it was not real. I did not jump off cliffs or run into mountains. I knew anvils hurt and I grew up that NO ONE could do whatever they wanted to my body. Cartoons did not teach values, adults did. Just like music and entertainment today does not teach values but reflects the society we live in. The above cartoon did change society in that we now recognize abuse more clearly."
"Ugh. It’s the equivalent of saying cartoons taught generations to smoke, take a baseball bat to beat others, how to spank or a shotgun in the arm to frighten off wabbits - because kids are really going to take note of that nonsense! Kids see the comedic value in cartoons, that’s the entire point in them."
"So many women here think that this taught boys to act like this?? But in reality, as a little boy watching this, it taught me that girls don’t like boys that act like this!!"
"The cat usually got revenge at the end - she was portrayed as the innocent character and he was portrayed as the creep who didn't get it. The message should have been that what he was doing was wrong and inappropriate. That's what I took away when I watched it. You're supposed to feel bad for her and feel anger at him"
"By that logic we should expect animals to talk too"
"A relic of a time when people knew such cartoons were fluff entertainment, and not models for living. Also bear in mind that these cartoons were originally directed at adults at movie theatres, not kids via Saturday morning TV."
"Except it was depicted as a bad thing. Id 100% agree if it was depicted as a good or even ok thing. But it was made clear he was a bad guy. Hed often get hurt due to his actions. You might as well argue that the bad guys in all tv shows are a bad influence and we should only make shows about 100% good people that are good 100% of the time for kids. Does roadrunner teach us that we should go chase and trybto eat birds? Does elmer fudd make people want to be a hunter? No in fact they make you want to be the opposite and make you not want to be on thier side"
I'm old enough to remember when liberals were mocking conservatives for their media moral panics

Meme - "Feminism in a nutshell"
"Don't objectify me!" - woman flashing a group of men

‘Feminist’ writer begs for therapy donations after her attack on white woman's Asian cookbook backfires - "A journalist and self-described “feminist writer” called on her readers to help pay for $130-per-session therapy costs after she was criticized for harassing a white female author who dared to pen a cookbook about Asian cuisine.  Roslyn Talusan – a Filipina Canadian who has written for Vice, Refinery29, and the A.V. Club, among other publications – sparked social media controversy after she publicly called out white author Pippa Middlehurst for writing a book about dumplings and noodles.  “Why did a white woman write a cookbook about dumplings and noodles,” Talusan tweeted to her over 10,000 followers on Sunday, along with a photo of Middlehurst’s face – an act which triggered a storm of hateful and racially-charged messages toward the white cook.  Talusan’s post quickly came under fire and the journalist was accused by many of harassment and racism toward Middlehurst, who attempted to defend herself in a thread saying she was “not going to justify” her career to people online. Instead of apologizing or attempting to iron out the ‘cultural appropriation’ drama, Talusan attempted to portray herself as the victim of harassment from “Nazis” and even profit from the incident."
As usual, anti-racism is just hating on white people because of their race (i.e. racism)

White Woman Tears Got A Liberal A Bestseller | by DarkSkyLady | Age of Awareness | Medium - "People arguing she can write what she wants are also correct. She can. That does not mean she is exempt from criticism. Claiming white people should profit from writing, cooking, acting, and so on in cultures not their own because we should all embrace each others’ cultures, ignore that the ideal and reality are worlds apart. The reality is that white people are sought first for everything, while those who have lived experience are shoved aside to make room for them. It’s cultural gentrification. Nor does it lessen the harm in any of those communities. Her cookbook is not going to make violence against Asians and Asian-Americans decrease. That’s the same as saying if everyone race and ethnicity mixed there’d be no racism. People have mixed for decades and we are still here. That she says she gets it, but knowingly chooses to profit from it, makes her lower than a Republican. It’s precisely why white liberals are such a threat. They will only fight as long as their comfort is centered, and with praise of course. She says nice things and has links so she’s “experienced.” This wasn’t even the first time her book was called out. It was called out by another Asian woman last year. Since white is the default, they have no understanding of boundaries and limitations. They think everything is there for them to exploit. That’s why, in Pippa’s mind, having a couple of Asian women call her out for making a book on Asian cooking recipes is wrong. Having an endorsement from some doesn’t mean squat. Especially since she knows it’s wrong too. So endorsements, support and racists buying your book doesn’t change that you’re wrong or that you, Pippa, are also racist. It’s precisely why you behaved the way you did. Deep down you consider yourself superior and how dare an Asian woman “attack” you for intentionally profiting from a system that harms her and others. Those racists bought the book because they support their own. Those are likely the same ones who are flooding Roslyn’s tweets and emails with threats of violence. Any threats like that are wrong, but the blast back against Black people and people of color will always be significantly worse and far more dangerous. She intentionally sent harm Roslyn’s way, then claimed cluelessness and pointed out she’s a victim too. White women like Pippa are the most insidious and dangerous because they will easily send a flock of racists your way if you make them feel bad for being racist."
Yet so many white women continue to be suckers, supporting an ideology that hates them

Perma Banned - Posts | Facebook - "I mean its a relief that things turned out the way it did, but the fact that this keeps happening in your country is really fucking annoying:
1. be American journalist who works at VICE, AVclub and Refinery
2. sees a dumpling cookbook, gets upset and tries to get a Twitter mob to attack the cookbook writer by [Publicly] smearing the writer
3. reason: the writer of the cookbook's skin colour
4. many people came out to defend the cookbook writer, and some finding out that the writer actually did a lot of work to have the skills and experience to write a dumpling and noodle cookbook
4. internet as always...digs up old tweets, showing her being very fucking racist in the past and comparatively recently. (link in comments because too spicy for zucc)
5. her attempt at getting a mob to harass the cookbook writer backfired, and people dunk on her.
6. realising that her attempt at creating misery for another person blew up in her face, she [plays the victim, calls the critics istaphobes, AND links to her paypal account to e-beg]
Like I said, its relieving that it turned out the way it did...but I'm sure lots of you realise this kind of behaviour is the norm and not the exceptions, with these "journalists"."

'Legalising gay marriage has caused a surge in divorce rates among lesbians' - "Government figures last week showed that divorces among lesbian couples last year were about three times higher than those among gay men. It came as the overall number of divorces in England and Wales saw their largest rise for nearly half a century... Ms Drew, 45, whose own same-sex marriage ended last year, believes the breakdown of many lesbian relationships today is caused by couples rushing into traditional married life that they may be unsuited for. ‘I don’t think the law should have changed from allowing gay people to have civil partnerships to actually getting married,’ she said.  ‘The legalisation of gay marriage has done more damage than good. It hasn’t done lesbians any favours.’"
Since most divorces are initiated by women, this is no surprise. But of course, since there is no man to blame it's naturally the fault of the "patriarchy"

Is 'Opting Out' The New American Dream For Working Women? - "84% of working women told ForbesWoman and TheBump that staying home to raise children is a financial luxury they aspire to. What’s more, more than one in three resent their partner for not earning enough to make that dream a reality."
Of course, the gender pay gap shows that sexism against women is rife

I gave up my career as a TD executive to become a florist Women earn less because they choose the wrong degrees, study finds - "“Most of the initial gap can be explained by university subject choices, with women less likely to study subjects that lead to high-paying jobs,” researchers at the IFS explained.  “Women make up just a third of graduates in economics, the subject with the highest financial returns, and two thirds of graduates in creative arts, the subject with the lowest returns.”...   Women are more likely to graduate from university with a first class or an upper second class degree than men...  taking a degree in economics at university boosts women’s pay by 75 per cent by age 30. This is more than ten times the return to studying creative arts (7.2 per cent)." It wasn't too long ago that men were more likely to get a first. But feminists can still use the pay gap to claim women are oppressed

Katy Faust - Posts | Facebook - "You know what? Boys need encouragement too. They need to be celebrated. They need to be empowered.  The one-sided focus on girl power and  girl achievement sends an implicit message to boys- you have nothing special to offer the world.  And we wonder why male suicide rates are 5x higher than girls and why guys are vastly outnumbered on college campuses."
Dr. Jill Biden: "Together, we will build a world where the accomplishments of our daughters will be celebrated, rather than diminished."
Considering girls do better than boys in school...

Meme - "How it started: "Votes for women"
How it's going: "so glad I've made myself unmarriable by selling pictures of my asshole to many many men. fuck u patriarchy"

Mum furious after nursery changes Father's Day to 'Special's Day' - "A mum has blasted her daughter’s nursery for changing Father’s Day to ‘Special’s Day’ to be inclusive of children who do not have dads.  Karla Gardner, 36, said she fears her daughter Daisy is being taught ‘men don’t matter’ after the Father’s Day card she made at school was changed to read ‘Happy Special’s Day’...   Karla said the nursery did not apply the same rule to Mother’s Day, when she received a card from her daughter without issue. "
When will Mother's Day be renamed?

California and Lego embrace gender neutral toys. Parents need to get with the program. - "Lego is committed to changing these ingrained narratives by promoting inclusive play and removing gender messaging from their products. But we can’t stop there. Thankfully, the state of California isn’t. Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a law Saturday that requires large department stores to display toys and child care items in gender-neutral ways. While the law doesn’t remove traditional boys and girls sections from department stores, or apply to clothing, it does call for inclusive marketing for children’s products. hile California is the first state to sign a law like this, other organizations around the world are also working to remove gender stereotyping from toys. The U.K.-based Let Toys Be Toys is a grassroots award-winning campaign dedicated to encouraging the toy and publishing industries to stop limiting children’s interests by marketing their products according to gender."
Since Lego is privately owned they don't need to worry about shareholders complaining about reduced sales

How did Lego become a gender battleground? - "The Danish company was heavily criticised for Lego Friends, a range aimed at girls launched two years ago. It features five women who live in the fictional area of Heartlake and includes a salon, a vet, swimming pool and convertible car. Critics attacked the pastel colours and life of leisure led by the characters. They said the range lacked the educational "construction" element of equivalent products aimed at boys... Others say that Lego should return to its 1970s and 80s approach of not targeting by gender. A piece earlier this year in Huffington Post generated a surge of interest when it compared the marketing posters of previous decades with the marketing for Lego Friends. In those earlier days, the posters showed girls in baggy clothes holding complicated constructions with catchlines like "Look what I built with Lego!" Feminists argue the emphasis has gone from construction to hair and beauty... David Robertson, a former Lego professor of innovation at Switzerland's Institute for Management Development, says such criticisms are unfair. "If Lego was still marketing sets the way it used to, it'd be out of business."... Today it is the fastest growing toy firm in the world"
From 2014. Looks like they forgot the lesson on becoming the fastest growing toy firm in the world

•Revenue of the LEGO Group from 2003 to 2020 (in billion euros)
Revenue from 2003 to 2007 was pretty stagnant ($0.8-1.1 billion) but it suddenly started accelerating - from 2007 to 2011 it more than doubled, and from 2011 to 2015 it almost doubled

Despite social pressure, boys and girls still prefer gender-typical toys - "For decades, studieshave shown that boys and girls generally prefer playing with toys typically associated with their biological sex: toy trucks for boys and dolls for girls, to give a rough example.  These results have remained remarkably stable over the past 50 years, according to a 2020 meta-analysis of research on gender differences in toy preferences. Published in Archives of Sexual Behavior and titled “The Magnitude of Children’s Gender‐Related Toy Interests Has Remained Stable Over 50 Years of Research,” the analysis examined 75 previous studies, 113 effect sizes, and a range of toy preference measurements...   A letter to the editor in the same journal sought to challenge these findings in a separate analysis, which concluded that children actually spend less time playing with gender-typical toys these days.  The authors of that analysis speculated that the reason for this decline “might reflect social pressures in recent times for children to be less gender-typical in their behavior.” In other words, the decline stems from parents wanting to be more in line with progressive ideas about gender fluidity... does society really want kids to play with less gender-typical toys? Some research suggests the answer is yes. A 2017 survey from Pew Research Center found that a majority of Americans considered it a “somewhat or very good thing” to steer kids toward toys and activities traditionally associated with the opposite gender (though respondents were less enthusiastic about doing so for boys than girls)... But no matter what society wants, it’s worth noting that there seem to be some biological drivers behind children’s preferences for gender-typical toys.  For example, studies have shown that babies tend to prefer toys oriented to their own gender, a finding that suggests their preference is innate because they’re in the pre-socialization stage of development. Supporting that argument are studies showing that baby monkeys also display gender-typical toy preferences."
Clear proof of the power of "patriarchy" since there is no evidence of a dose-response effect, and that we need even more feminist indoctrination education!
Too bad for California and Lego

Hey fellas, think you’re an ally to women? Consider a vasectomy
Imagine the uproar if a man were telling women what to do with their bodies

Oxfam training guide blames ‘privileged white women’ over root causes of sexual violence - "An Oxfam staff training document says “privileged white women” are supporting the root causes of sexual violence by wanting "bad men" imprisoned...   Accompanied by a cartoon of a crying white woman, it adds that this “legitimises criminal punishment, harming black and other marginalised people”... the charity was warned on Wednesday night that the document, compiled by its LGBT network and seen by The Telegraph, could breach equality laws as it suggests reporting rape is "contemptible".  The four-week “learning journey” recommends that staff read Me Not You: The Trouble with Mainstream Feminism, a book by Alison Phipps, a professor of gender studies at the University of Sussex... “White feminist tears deploy white woundedness, and the sympathy it generates, to hide the harms we perpetuate through white supremacy.”  Naomi Cunningham, a discrimination and employment law barrister, says the document may breach the Equality Act, which bans harassment in the workplace on the basis of sex."
The end result of intersectionality

Meme - "People need to stop victim blaming"
"Suicide is the biggest killer of men under 30, can we have more mental health support?"
"Men's problems are created by men, it's the patriarchy"

Meme - "The Fempire Strikes Back"
"Apparently, the irony of likening your movement to an army of evil space nazis who are hellbent on stomping out freedom across the galaxy is lost on a leftist."

Friend cheating on husband advice: The “reparations” argument for extramarital sex. - "She keeps insisting that women should be allowed to cheat, almost as “reparations” for the history of gender politics in the world"

Sexist body terms like Adam's apple should no longer be used doctor says - "Australian doctors are calling for people to stop using terms named after 'men, kings and gods' to describe body parts - such as Adam's apple and Achilles heel.  Queensland specialist obstetrician, gynaecologist and anatomy lecturer, Dr Kristin Small, teaches students to phase out irrelevant and misogynistic medical language... 'I think we have a personal choice to decolonise our language and these historical terms will fade out'... Surgical instruments and tactics are also named after men, such as the Pfannensteil incision, which was named after a man who published a paper on incisions in 1900.  The speculum - used by gynaecologists to perform a pap smear - was named after an American slave trader."

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