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Thursday, December 30, 2021

Ridiculous Zuccs: Pig Fat

Guilherme Martin's comment goes against our Community Standards on harassment and bullying.
Guilherme Martin commented on your post: "Federica Lai pork fat*"

Replying to someone and mentioning him with the comment "pork fat" (the screenshot was of a post that's since been zucced, but the original post on which the comment was zucced was a reply to someone saying ironically that some "disgusting" food should be deep fried in butter - so Guilherme Martin was saying that the item should've been fried in pork fat instead) is sufficient to get you zucced.

This is why mentioning someone on Facebook is very bad idea, since you have no idea if the algorithm will think you're trying to insult him and then zucc you.

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