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Friday, December 24, 2021

Links - 24th December 2021 (2 - General Wokeness)

Texas Newspaper Refuses To Give Description Of Suspect In Mass Shooting Because Of ‘Stereotypes’ - "A newspaper in Texas said on Saturday that it is not publishing the description that local law enforcement gave of a man suspected of shooting 13 people on Friday night because it “could be harmful in perpetuating stereotypes.”... The Austin American-Statesman reported that law enforcement had “zeroed in on two suspects” believed to have been involved in the shooting.  At the bottom of the Austin American-Statesman’s report, the newspaper explained that it was not going to give the description that law enforcement provided of one of the suspects"
Clearly it is more important to ban guns for everyone than to catch criminals

R.Meme - R.A.D. @Sensational_Dre: "So a person with a felony can't vote but they still counted on the census and if they manage to find a job they'll still have to pay taxes....didn't someone make a big fuss about taxation without representation one time or am I tripping?"
"Almost like this was done of purpose to keep certain groups of ppl from voting"
"When Black people say that racism is systemic this is what we mean. By being over policed we are in constant danger of being disenfranchised."
Presumably a sex offender register is a violation of privacy
Why do liberals equate criminals and black people?

Meme - "Mon mari avait autorité sur moi, parce que c'est écrit dans le coran, si je n'obéissait pas, il me battait"
"Dur, doucement sur l'islamophobie par contre"

Meme - Jean Guerrero @jeanguerre: "Democratic outreach to Latino voters on the California recall election is not working. I've been speaking to young Latinxs and almost none of them have any idea what is going on. This is really, really bad."
President-Elect Sandwich @darkprince_56: "LaTiNx is just as retarded as saying Filipinx, Chicanx, etc Jean Guerrero ....a ver cuando se te quita lo pendejx"
The last seems to translate to "Let's see when the asshole is taken away from you"

Theatre takes fright at using 'spooky' this Hallowe'en over fears it could be racist - "The word 'spooky' has been censored at Hallowe'en by a major theatre company over fears the term could be seen as racist.  The National Theatre of Scotland said it would “always interrogate language choices” for “historically oppressive connotations”... Prof Sir Geoff Palmer, Scotland’s most prominent black academic, claimed the publicly-funded charity was “doing more harm than good” and that he had never heard 'spooky' used as a racial slur.   A source told The Sunday Mail that while nobody had complained to the National Theatre of Scotland about the word, there were concerns that its continued use might cause problems in future. It was identified by the organisation as an offensive term... Prof Palmer, 81, who was installed as the new Chancellor of Heriot Watt University in Edinburgh at the weekend, described the arts body’s intervention as "an irrelevance" and claimed it had no right to interfere with our use of language... "if it is not a racial slur that is part of our culture, these people have just ensured that it becomes one. I think there are enough negative images around race without looking for more.”"
Self fulfilling prophecies!

Passengers did nothing during rape on Philadelphia train: cops - "A homeless man raped a woman this week on a commuter train in suburban Philadelphia in full view of other passengers –who cops said didn’t lift a finger to help, or even dial 911... They arrested Fiston Ngoy, 35"
The bystanders were smart. Why risk having your life ruined by being tarred as racist? And that's assuming he doesn't kill you first like in the 2017 Portland train attack

Philadelphia train rape suspect had been considered for deportation in 2018 but was given second chance - "The man accused of raping a woman in a moving train in Pennsylvania was previously considered for deportation... He has previously been held for multiple arrests and two misdemeanour convictions, including one count of sexual abuse and for controlled substances"
Luckily no one did anything or they'd be tarred as xenophobic and hating immgirants as well as being racist

Philadelphia passes bill barring cops from minor traffic stops - "Lawmakers in Philadelphia have passed legislation barring cops from making minor traffic stops that critics say unfairly target minorities — becoming the first major US city to do so...   The Philadelphia City Council voted 14-2 on Thursday to pass the Driving Equality Bill — designed to reduce “unequal police practices” against minority motorists, or what’s been called “driving while black,” for minor offenses such as busted tail lights or expired inspection stickers."

Stop Calling The Police On Black People - "A few years ago, police were called on a group of Black people after neighbors thought they were committing burglary on the AirBnb rental house they had been staying in... who could forget Teresa Klein, the White woman in Brooklyn, New York who called the police on a 9-year-old boy for allegedly grabbing her behind"
The author got her wish - if you think a black person is doing something wrong (even if it's sexual assault), don't call the police or you're racist

Poly throuple makes history: 3 dads on a birth certificate - "A gay, polyamorous California throuple made history in 2017 when they became the first family in the state to list three dads on a birth certificate.   Their reproductive journey and legal battle to become fathers to Piper, now 3, is detailed in “Three Dads and a Baby” (out March 9, Cleis Press), written by one of her dads, Dr. Ian Jenkins.   Jenkins and his partners, Jeremy Hodges and Dr. Alan Mayfield, don’t see their family — which now also includes their son, Parker, 1 — as unusual."
The "myth" of the "slippery slope" strikes again

Critical Spectator - Posts | Facebook - "OK everyone, public housing in Singapore is racist!  Apparently the double Ivy League educated former The *ECONOMIST* man is so blinded by looking for racism everywhere that he skipped the lessons of supply and demand and is unaware of the fact that the selling price for one person is another one's buying price. He decries the fact that Chinese-owned apartments may fetch higher prices, ignoring the fact that it also means that Chinese buyers have to pay more than minorities too. Is that not a "racist outcome" against the Chinese? Fortunately someone did call him out on this, what led him to post a hastily put together post-script where he quite poorly tries to defend his entire theory, without any evidence. If, as he claims, Chinese-owned apartments offered greater returns, then the gaps between them and minority-owned apartments would grow ad infinitum, producing much greater differences. We know that's not the case... this highlights the simple GENIUS of the HDB policy, which ensures that each ethnic group can purchase comparably affordable housing in relation to their incomes, through free market forces, which are, however, constrained by the ethnic quota, for the protection - not exploitation - of the most vulnerable. In a completely free market everybody would pay the same price - so Chinese and Indian residents, who are wealthier on average, would enjoy better housing options than the Malays. Quota policy prevents that from happening, fulfilling the goal of broadly equal access to the most fundamental need - i.e. having a roof over your head. Since the function of the HDB policy is to provide affordable housing to the local population, the lower acquisition price in the secondary market means an easier access and more options for the minorities. And since the property price appreciation is not demonstrably different, the intergenerational outcome isn't either... If you begin with an idea that Singapore is a racist country, you're going to try to find proof of that alleged racism everywhere you look, ignoring all evidence to the contrary. There are two sides to each coin but race hustlers always see only one."
When the conclusion (racism) is decided beforehand...
Ironically OP always only sees one side of the coin too (whatever makes Singapore look good)

Toronto panned as trashy for putting Pride flags on city garbage trucks
Grievance mongers will never run out of things to bitch about. Which is why virtue signalling is pointless
Why don't grievance mongers get upset at rainbow crosswalks? Stepping on the rainbow is homophobic after all

Jamie Oliver to stop using the term ‘Kaffir lime leaves’ in his recipes due to racist connotations - "Jamie Oliver is to drop the term “Kaffir lime leaves” in his recipes in favour of “lime leaves”.  His decision comes amid concerns that the term has historically been used as a racial slur in South Africa... In South Africa, “Kaffir” is a highly charged racial slur that refers to black Africans. It was used widely in the apartheid era and is now commonly referred to as the “K-word”."
I made a joke about this years ago (with regard to its ultimate origin in Arabic) but didn't expect the slippery slope would slip in my lifetime

Waitrose renames kaffir lime leaves after complaints about racist connotations - "Waitrose has now announced it is to abandon the term and rename its Cooks’ Ingredients lime leaves as Makrut Lime Leaves...   It is thought it became known as kaffir lime in reference to the Kaffirs ethnic group in Sri Lanka who traditionally smeared it on their legs and feet to ward off leeches.  However, the word kaffir also became a term for a non-Muslim, or disbeliever, in Arabic, which was in turn applied to sub-saharan Africans who did not practice Islam. From here it became a racist insult used by South African white people against the country’s indigenous population."
It's good to erase Sri Lankan culture to avoid offence against South Africans. Time to ban Buddhist swastikas too
When is Black Pudding going?

Florida Pride parade truck crash was an accident, officials say - "A member of a men's chorus group unintentionally hit his fellow members at a Pride parade in South Florida Saturday, killing one chorist of the group and seriously injuring another... The man killed, James Fahy, 75, was a member of the 25 strong Gay Men's Chorus Family. The two injuries were to 67-year-old chorus member Jerry Vreough, who was discharged from the hospital, police said, and Gary Keating, 69, who was treated for minor injuries."
I remember so many leftists ranting about how this was a horrible hate crime

Velma of 'Scooby-Doo' has a history of pushing identity boundaries. Not everyone is happy about it. - "Though some on Twitter made openly racist comments about Kaling’s new venture, some shared concerns that the portrayal of the nerdy Velma as an Asian American plays into the model minority myth that Asians are inherently hardworking and studious... Fans on Twitter also noted that not only should Velma be a person of color but she should also be queer... Yuen acknowledged how important the character of Velma is to fans, herself included, but encouraged fans to put the debate in perspective.  “It’s a fictional character,” she said. “Scooby-Doo and the gang — it was a talking dog. For someone to say, ‘That character is meant to be this,’ I mean, come on.”"
This is a kind of horseshoe theory. The age old liberal obsession with "stereotypes" and the puerile contrarianism of opposing them strikes again, with the new queerwashing
Of course whitewashing fictional characters is still wrong because liberal logic

VIDEO: Dad Says 'Why Didn't You Stay in Mexico' To Immigrant Parent Complaining About Racism - "“I remember when I went into his bedroom to say goodnight and he was crying because of the abuse he has endured in this school system,” Adrian Iraola says while standing with a microphone, presumably talking about his son. “Then why didn’t you stay in Mexico,” an unseen parent says, off-camera.   The camera then pans to the new speaker, who is seated a row back, as the room room collectively gasps in horror.  Iraola swings around, mouth agape, as if he has suffered a physical blow.  “That’s indicative of what our kids are experiencing,” another man yells, pointing a finger at the seated parent. “That’s indicative of what our kids are experiencing, comments like that. He’s sharing a story right now, and that’s indicative of what our kids are experiencing.”  The entire room eventually starts yelling at the seated parent.  “He asked me a question,” Iraola says. “He asked me a question, why didn’t I stay in Mexico. This is the greatest country in the world.” The crowd erupts into applause.  “But you’re complaining about being here,” the seated parent says."
The US is the most racist country in the world. Yet so many people are desperate to move there and stay there. But that doesn't mean that the countries they came from are shitholes, because that's racist

Woke Girl Scouts are about to spend $500,000 on movement-wide audit to ensure the organization is "antiracist"

Progressive Believer Ensures Survival Of Christianity By Denying Every Major Christian Doctrine | The Babylon Bee

Linda Sarsour on Twitter - ".@ReverendWarnock ’s church hosted Fidel Castro. He celebrated Jeremiah Wright & he’s funded by George Soros.  @ossoff  has embraced Bernie Sanders & has ties to Communist China.  Georgia — they are true radicals. We must defeat them."
"I think Kelly wins the award for most racist dog whistles in one tweet."
Comments: "I love it how pointing out radical politics of Democrats is synonymous with racist dog whistles to the left."
"Lmao so basically everything that isn't communist is racist."
"if you say or think anything the left doesn’t like, it’s racist."

Trolls attack British Islamic organisation after it tweets misleading picture to announce marriage - "A Nottingham, England-based Islamic Da'wah Centre is being trolled on social media after it tweeted a misleading picture, accompanied by a confusing caption to announce the marriage of a couple.  In the photo shared by Nottingham Islam Information Point on their official Twitter account, two men could be seen standing next to each other and flashing a small smile at the camera.   "Mabrook, congratulations to John and Zulkiful for getting married earlier this evening. Alhamdulillah, we conducted their Nikah and issued the certificate.  May Allah accept their marriage and keep them united throughout their lives...ameen. Thank you for the wonderful food."  As Zulkiful appears to be a unisex name, social media users mistakenly presumed that the Centre had performed a same-sex marriage — something which is forbidden in Islam... the two men in the picture represent the groom and the Imam who performed the Nikah, as sharing women's pictures on social media is not appropriate. "Please note: Sister Zulkiful is not in the picture because we don't flaunt our women on social media. The Imam is on the right, congratulating the groom on his Nikah"
Homophobia is bad. Unless it's Islamic Homophobia. Then if you criticise it you're a Troll (and presumably Islamophobic too)

Nottingham Islam Slammed After Slandered Groom and Imam As Couple - "Clarifying Misconceptions: We do not conduct same-gender marriages as our beautiful religion does not teach us of doing such things. Some names can be neutral gender thus confusion can begin. Verification is crucial in Islam and that is the best way. O Allah save us from slander."

James Lindsay - Posts | Facebook - "Reparations as a Public Health Priority — A Strategy for Ending Black–White Health Disparities"
"New England Journal of Medicine recommending reparations while also saying they won't achieve their intended goal, meaning they're not enough. Such. a. grift. Every editor encouraging this should give away all they own or recuse over conflict of interest."

Woman caught driving without seatbelt says they are 'racist to fat people' - "The anonymous woman from New Zealand said she finds it difficult to strap herself in because she is overweight.  She tells others in the car: ‘I can’t fit it, so what’s the point in wearing it if I can’t fit it. If they’re going to give me a fine for not fitting my seatbelt, that’s just being racist, to the fat people.’... the driver insisted: ‘I could actually sue, like what if I crash, and something happens to me because the seatbelt couldn’t go around me.’"

Gad Saad - Posts | Facebook - "Dear Taxpayers: I'd like to pursue a degree in Queering Theology & Intersectional Architecture at @Wellesley. It will cost $80,000 per year and the job market is next to nil.  When I default on my loans, I'll expect you to pay for it.  If you disagree to this, you are right wing. It is my human right to pursue an education that is worthless and it's my human right that random strangers pay for it. I must now head off to study for my preparatory course titled Why Hitler Is Less Bad Than Trump.  Please work hard and save for my education, bigots."

The Black Woman’s Purple Pill 🇺🇸 on Twitter - "Clearly, Harvard has chosen to not mention certain things, like how some turn a blind eye to cheating in some Asian cultures. How can you ace the admissions process if you only speak 10 English words? Anyone can pay someone to write an essay."
The Black Woman’s Purple Pill 🇺🇸 on Twitter - "Asians represent approx. 5.6 of the U.S. population but think they’re entitled to dominate Harvard & other Ivy League schools? You guys were already given an advantage over other POC in America, although you did the least amount of fighting/protesting. Don’t rock the boat. 🤷‍♀️"
Of course, criticising anti-Asian racism by blacks is "anti-blackness"

Meme - "Muir Woods, Queer Woods
Muir Woods is highlighting queer ecology and the new perspectives it gives us in this forest!
Queer ecology isthe study of reimagining how people think about nature. It studies gender, sexuality, and behavior in the natural world. Queer ecology questions the way people categorize nature. Oftentimes, these boxes don't account for how diverse nature is. Things are rarely as simple as either 'A', 'B' or 'C'. Nature is more of a blend of them al! Some boxes queer ecology challenges are male/female, natural/unnatural, and human /nature.
As you explore the woods today, we hope you find new ways to view the world around you. When was a time you saw something in a new light?"
Nothing is safe

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "In the months following Donald Trump’s 2016 election fear that he would destroy American civil liberties the ACLU saw donations rise 30-fold and membership rise over 450-percent. With the sudden influx of money came an increase of nearly 70% more staff lawyers and a shift in the group’s culture. Since then statements from the organization indicate that they would no longer defend the civil liberties of those they found abhorrent — a break from their tradition of defending free speech and due process for unsympathetic clients such as the neo-Nazis in the famed Skokie decision.  Recently one of the ACLU’s more prominent attorneys called for the corporate and private censorship of a book critical of gender assignment surgeries and related hormone treatments for minors — one of the primary hot button topics in public policy discourse today.  We need the UCLU to remain a staunch advocate for free speech rights. When open dialog is stifled, advocates shift to coercion and violence to change public policy."

Bryan Leyva, MD⚕️ on Twitter - "Just FYI: we can tell if you’re homophobic, even if you never say or do anything explicitly homophobic. #gaymedtwitter"
"Just FYI: we can tell if you are racist even if you never say or do anything explicitly racist. We look at what you don’t do. Moreover, even if your clinic is #antirracist, healthcare is still racist bc it produces racist outcomes. Racism can be both interpersonal and systemic."

JLBarrow on Twitter - "How privileged is your life where wearing a mask is the most oppressed you’ve ever felt?"
#MarchMiniLessonsOnRace | Beyond Words Psychological Services - "I’d like to give you some personal examples of white privilege vs. disadvantages minorities face based upon my own life experiences. I was born in India, and adopted and raised in the U.S. I am fully aware that every time someone sees me for the first time, they see a woman with brown skin. This leads them to ask questions such as: -“Do you speak English?”"
Ironically the people who champion mask wearing usually get very upset when there're dress codes

Glenn Greenwald on Twitter - "White progressives training their fire on women and women of color who are under consideration to lead the nat sec departments makes me deeply uncomfortable about their allyship for those communities.  Especially when the nat sec community is dominated by white men."
"The more contempt there is for rancid, poisonous, manipulative discourse like this, the better. People have every right to scorn warmongers, imperialists & militarists regardless of their demographics. The neoliberal scam of exploiting identity politics to hide its evil is over"

Preferred Terms for Select Population Groups & Communities | Gateway to Health Communication | CDC - "Language in communication products should reflect and speak to the needs of people in the audience of focus. The following provides some preferred terms for select population groups; the terms to try to use represent an ongoing shift toward non-stigmatizing language...
Drug / Substance Use
Instead of this…
Drug-users/addicts/drug abusers
Persons taking/prescribed medication assisted treatment (MAT)
Persons who relapsed
Try this…
Persons who use drugs/people who inject drugs
Persons with substance use disorder
Persons with alcohol use disorder
Persons in recovery from substance use/alcohol disorder
Persons taking/prescribed medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD)
Persons who returned to use
People who smoke
Healthcare Access & Access to Services and Resources
Instead of this…
Underserved people/communities/the underserved
Hard-to-reach populations
The uninsured
Try this…
People who are underserved by [specific service/resource]
People who are underserved by mental health/behavioral health resources
People who are medically underserved
People who are uninsured/people who are underinsured/people who do not have health insurance
Note: Underserved relates to limited access to services that are accessible, acceptable, and affordable, including healthcare. Do not use underserved when you really mean disproportionately affected...
People Who are at Increased / Higher Risk
Instead of this…
High-risk people
High-risk population
Vulnerable population
Priority populations
Try this…
People who are at increased/higher risk for [condition]
People who live/work in settings that put them at increased/higher risk of becoming infected or exposed to hazards...
Instead of this…
Rural people
Frontier people
Try this…
People who live in rural/sparsely populated areas
Residents/populations of rural areas
Rural communities...
Working Partners & Community Collaborators
Instead of this…
It never ends. The euphemism treadmill is relentless

White Wake Forest student cries racism, but liberal university refuses judicial case - "A conservative Wake Forest University student has accused the school of bias after it declined to pursue a "school judicial case" against fellow students who photoshopped his face onto a saltine cracker and handed him a box of the salty snacks after he spoke at a campus event 16 months ago."
Some races are more equal than others

Gardening, sewing and the politicisation of absolutely everything - "Is gardening racist? That’s the question British culture war Twitter was pondering at the weekend, after BBC Countryfile presenter and ethnobotanist James Wong said that ‘UK gardening culture has racism baked into its DNA’. Citing his own experiences in horticulture, Wong said requests for ‘wildflowers’ that are ‘more in keeping’ with a given area are ‘predicated on often unconscious ideas of what and who does and does not “belong” in the UK’...   That word, ‘exhausting’, comes up a lot in woke discourse. But it’s also a good description of how the vast majority of us feel when debates like this spiral out of nowhere every couple of days.  Interestingly, this isn’t the first time Countryfile has been dragged into the culture war. Back in June, a Countryfile segment explored whether the British countryside was a ‘white environment’, to much bemusement.At this point, it seems no area of life is safe from our incessant ‘is BLANK racist?’ discourse. In recent years everything from microwaveable rice to white people sporting cornrows has sparked days of absurd discussion. It’s like someone, somewhere, is just picking topics out of a hat...   Professional sport – one area of life many once thought impervious to identitarian wittering – has of course also been plunged into testy debates about knee-taking and the like in recent years, most recently in the UK with the now infamous Millwall incident.   This politicisation of absolutely everything is bad for politics and for culture.  So much of what passes for anti-racist politics these days is just inane arguments over language, cultural interpretation and offence. The idea that ‘decolonising’ horticulture will materially improve the lives of ethnic-minority people is, to put it politely, barmy – but that is apparently what many influential people believe these days. Meanwhile, as these rows afflict more and more areas of cultural, non-political life, the public is denied any reprieve from the kind of identitarian hectoring that has long played an outsized role in our politics.   Of course, politics, culture and sport have never been hermetically sealed off from one another. Art has always dealt in political ideas, and sporting events have often been stages for political statements and controversy.   The difference today is that versions of the same virtue-signalling ideas are just being repeated, ad nauseam, everywhere. And what is often presented as edgy and challenging is often just rigid and conformist.  What’s more, the undertone of it all is that people are bigoted and ignorant and must be ‘educated’ at every possible opportunity – whether it’s during a razor-blade advert or during Last Night at the Proms. The issue is not that art and culture are being politicised so much as they are being used to transmit what the identitarian elites deem to be the ‘correct’ message, in the ‘correct’ fashion, all the bleeding time, with practically no room for dissent.   The row over the Millwall fans is a case in point. That fans booed players taking the knee, but at the following match applauded players unfurling an anti-racist banner, would suggest they took umbrage with Black Lives Matter (the movement synonymous with knee-taking), rather than anti-racism itself.  Still, for failing to show fealty to the great and good’s new pet movement, they were reflexively smeared as a bunch of racists."
So invasive species aren't bad anymore?

Shitlords United - Posts | Facebook - "Tumblr teens became Twitter young adults and they’re even more rabid now. ~Svetlana"

Meme - "the tumbler teens are gonna continue to try to out woke each other until we build a totally segregated society."
"Reminder to put your race in your bio (especially if you're white)! /gen"
"BIPOC might not want to interact with white people"

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