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Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Links - 21st December 2021 (1 - Critical Race Theory)

Open letter to Lianhe Zaobao from Singapore scholars (June 13, 2021)
Of course, there are those who claim that Singapore, being in Asia, won't follow the Anglo world down the path of grievance politics. But when over 100 academics endorse Critical Race Theory in Singapore...

How the Nazis “Normalized” Anti-Semitism by Appealing to Children - "The exhibit features a 1938 book, whose first page states: “Just as it is often hard to tell a toadstool [a poisonous mushroom] from an edible mushroom, so too is it often very hard to recognize the Jew as a swindler and criminal.” The book, aptly titled The Poisonous Mushroom, adds, “The God of the Jews is money.” The exhibited book opens to an illustration of a blond boy, with basket in hand, holding a mushroom as a woman, evoking Renaissance depictions of saints, points to the fungus."

California makes race studies compulsory in state high schools - "Californian teenagers will not be able to graduate from high school unless they complete a controversial race theory course.  The legislation, which critics have branded racist, requires schools to offer ethnic studies courses from 2025. It will be a condition of graduation by 2030...  More than 90 per cent of American children are educated in state-run schools and the curriculum has emerged as one of the biggest fault lines in US politics...   Florida’s Republican governor and potential 2024 presidential candidate Ron DeSantis has gone further, signing a law requiring children be taught about the “evils of communism”."
Proof that Critical Race Theory is not being taught in schools, naturally
Of course all the liberals who claim that history needs to be taught in school, including its unpleasant aspects, are very upset that Florida will be teaching about the evils of Communism

Survivor Of Mao’s China: Critical Race Theory ‘Is Racist,’ China Used ‘Wokeness’ To Install Communism - "Xi Van Fleet, whose impassioned speech to a Virginia school board went viral earlier this week, joined Fox News host Sean Hannity on Thursday night to further elaborate on the similarities between what happened in China and what is happening in the U.S. right now. “Okay, I just want to let the American people know that what’s going on in our school and in our country is really a replay of the Cultural Revolution in China, and I want people to see the similarities and the similarities are terrifying,” Van Fleet said. “They use the same ideology, and same methodology, even the same vocabulary. And with the same goal. The ideology is Cultural Marxism. And we were divided into groups as the oppressor and oppressed. And here we use race, and they’re the use class. And the people here who have a different review, were labeled racist. But in the Cultural Revolution, the label is counterrevolutionary. So it is a hat that fits all. And once the hat is on your head, your life is ruined.” “And the take out methodology is also very similar. It’s cancel culture, we basically canceled the whole Chinese civilization pre-communism,” she continued. “And we changed our school names, street names, store names; we changed even our personal names. My name is Xi and I was named after the city I was born, Xi’an. She means West; it also refers to the imperialism. So I wanted so bad to change my name because I want to be more communist. I’m glad my parents convinced me not to. And the vocabulary is even the same wokeness. And to be specific, we use class wokeness. In Chinese it is [phrase spoken in Chinese], your level of wokeness determine your chance to get the promotion or to get benefit and who decide your level of wokeness and is the party leaders.”  A couple of minutes later, Van Fleet warned that “freedom is fragile, and we can lose it anytime if we don’t defend it.”"

Facebook - "Critical Race Theory views "whiteness" as a Marxian superstructure that controls society and separates it into oppressed ("people of color") and oppressor ("white" and "white-adjacent") groups."

Netflix Creating Animated Kids Series Based on 'Antiracist Baby' by Ibram X. Kendi - "For the left-wing Netflix, it’s never too early to start training your children in critical race theory...   Kendi has called for the creation of a new federal government branch called the Department of Anti-Racism, which would be responsible for approving all local, state, and federal public policies “to ensure they won’t yield racial inequity.”...   The Boston University professor also injected himself in the presidential election, declaring in November that the term  “legal vote” is “functionally racist.”...   Netflix has an ongoing production deal with former president Barack Obama and Michelle Obama. The company’s top executives — Reed Hastings and Ted Sarandos — are among Hollywood’s most active Democratic boosters.  The streamer was reportedly one of several Hollywood studios to employ lobbyists to win lockdown exemptions from California politicians, including Gov. Gavin Newsom (D)."

Black Mom Sues School After She Says Biracial Son Received Failing Grade In Sociology Class for Refusing to Confess His 'White Dominance' - "  Gabrielle Clark and her son William Clark filed a suit in U.S. District Court of Nevada against public charter school Democracy Prep Agassi Campus in Las Vegas on Dec. 22, alleging a violation of constitutional free speech and due process rights.  William Clark claims that in the class “Sociology of Change” taught by Kathryn Bass, who is named as a defendant in the suit, he was harassed and punished for refusing to attach derogatory labels to aspects of his identity.  Clark, whose deceased father was white, is “generally regarded as white by his peers,” according to the complaint, and has “green eyes and blondish hair.”... a U.S. District Court judge said at a Feb. 26 temporary restraining order hearing, “I think William is likely to succeed on the merits’ of his compelled speech claims,” saying that “defendants will have to find a way to justify the Critical Race Theory curriculum under a strict scrutiny test,” adding, “that’s a high bar to meet.” In the class taught by Bass, a self-described “white, Irish, American citizen,” Clark was allegedly forced to reveal his race, gender, sexual and religious identities and attach labels to the identities, which the lawsuit claims violated his right to privacy.  An instructional slide included in court documents displays dominant groups in American culture as “white,” “male,” “middle/upper class,” “heterosexual,” and “protestant/Christian,” while “everyone else” is categorized as “submissive.”   Labels like “white” are associated by Bass with “privilege,” while words like “female” and “working class” are associated with “oppressive.” The Clarks’ suit makes several explosive claims about Bass. It said she referred to the students as “social justice warriors,” and also informed them that they would have to “undo and unlearn” beliefs, attitudes and behaviors associated with oppression... Clark and other objected to the instructor’s ideals, but that wasn’t well-received by Bass, court documents show. When Clark said “everyone can be racist” and “that prejudice anywhere from anyone can harm others,” Bass “terminated the discussion,” the lawsuit says... the school encouraged other forms of protest like “occupying a cafeteria,” but that the same privilege seemed to not extend to Clark.  Slides from the curriculum also linked “Family,” with concepts like, “reinforce racist/homophobic prejudices,” while “religion” was characterized as “homophobic prejudices” and “right versus wrong judgment.”  The complaint also states that the school forced Clark to complete the class as a graduation requirement, instead of allowing him to replace it with another course. He ultimately received a failing grade in the class"

Teachers Reward Students Who Testify on Anti-Critical Race Theory Bill - "At least two teachers in Rhode Island who support the teachings of critical race theory did not receive the outcome they expected after they offered bonus points to students who chose to offer testimonies on an anti-critical race theory state House bill.  According to documents gathered by Parents Defending Education (PDE), two teachers in Barrington, Rhode Island, offered five extra points to each student for their next exam if they testify by word of mouth or offer a written statement on the legislation. The legislation aims to prevent the teaching of critical race theory, which includes concepts that “an individual, by virtue of their race or sex, is inherently racist, sexist, or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously,” “an individual, by virtue of their race or sex, bears responsibility for actions committed in the past by other members of the same race or sex,” and “meritocracy or traits such as hard work ethic are racist or sexist, or were created by a particular race to oppress another race.”   One social studies teacher, Alison Grieco, claimed that she would be unable to accurately teach “the unit on Race or Gender” should the legislation pass and “strongly urged” her students to take part.   Greico also stated that “every opinion is valuable in my classroom as long as it is respectful,” saying “good civics discourse only happens when multiple sides of an issue is discussed.” Previously, Greico claimed “this bill essentially states that there should be no discussion of race or gender in classrooms.”   According to Parents Defending Education, “Every Barrington High School student who testified did so against the bill.”... 'Barrington High School teachers used classroom assignments – including earning extra credit points – to organize students in a coordinated campaign to influence legislation in Rhode Island. Their assignments were a thinly-veiled attack on the legislation. That was obvious in the email by a teacher who explicitly sought out students voices to support her testimony against the bill. This campaign by the Barrington High School teachers underscores a disturbing national trend in which school teachers, officials and administrators are exploiting their power to indoctrinate – not educate – students.' Following the news that bonus points were being offered for testimony on the legislation, School Superintendent Mike Messore told a local newspaper that students were not forced to testify any certain way and claimed, “the teacher wasn’t looking to make a political statement.”  According to PDE’s report, “it appears from the documents that the administration was completely unaware both that students had been asked to testify on a specific bill related to education, and that they were pressured to adopt a specific viewpoint about the bill.”"

Why Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Is the Current Gold Standard of Psychotherapy
Culturally Biased Therapy? (Part 1) Epistemic Violence and CBT  – RACE REFLECTIONS
Comment: "Critical Theory goes directly after Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, more or less so that the precise mental illness it induces can't be undone."
Grievance mongers want problems to become worse, not better, since tha benefits them

VIRGINIA: Nation’s Best High School To Embrace Critical Race Theory, Scrap Admissions Tests - "Fairfax County, Virginia’s School Board is planning to scrap admissions tests at the elite Thomas Jefferson High School in favor of a “merit lottery” system meant to admit more “diverse” students... The release bemoaned the fact that despite hiring a specialist to recruit minority students and previously altering admissions standards in 2011, a “significant impact” has yet to be made on “student demographics.”... lottery pathways will be awarded to students based on geographic location to help create a student body the board finds more racially desirable... In addition to scrapping admissions testing, the board plans to overhaul social studies courses district-wide, injecting so-called critical race theory into the classroom. District officials say that “anti-racism” and “anti-bias” materials added to coursework will “focus on diverse perspectives, invite students to use their voice, and activate their own perspective, and also empower students to examine bias.”"
"Merit". And "Lottery". Hmm.
Good luck examining the bias of "anti-racism"

Meme - Cara Jackson @cara_ _jackson: "I regret ever wishing that education got more attention in political campaigns."
Autumn Perkins @AMS Perkins: "Teachers: Parents aren't involved enough.
Parents get involved & advocate for change.
Teachers: That's not what we meant."
Of course liberals approve when parents are against creationism being taught in schools

A Minnesota school board is forcing residents to publicly reveal their home address if they want to comment at meetings - "It would, of course, be ridiculously easy for the school board to simply require speakers to submit their home address on paper before speaking rather than publicly revealing their address to the assembly (and anyone watching the livestream)."

Jason Stanley on Twitter - "Ironically, Critical Race Theory is exactly the framework you need to explain why Critical Race Theory is the exact boogeyman for Republicans to employ to win elections."
From a tenured Yale Philosophy professor in one of the most elite Philosophy departments in the world
"The Bible is true because it says so in the Bible"
The feminists did it first, of course: "the backlash to feminism shows why feminism is needed"

Bree Newsome Bass on Twitter - "This liberal framing that “white people have been duped into thinking CRT is taught at schools” is a convenient way of not addressing an active fascist campaign to expel Black educators, texts and histories from classrooms."
So she admits that CRT is taught at schools? And she is proclaiming that CRT is pushed by Black educators, texts and histories? Oh boy

Woke Walmart trains staffers in critical race theory - "Woke Walmart has trained more than 1,000 employees in critical race theory, denouncing the US as a “white-supremacy system” — and telling staffers to accept their “guilt and shame” and stop thinking “white is right,” according to leaked documents.  The retail giant confirmed to The Post on Friday that it has been working with the Racial Equity Institute, a North Carolina company devoted to “creating racially equitable organizations.”...   Racial minority employees are told they suffer from “constructed racist oppression” and “internalized racial inferiority” — creating “self-hate,” “anger,” “rage” and “lowered self-esteem.”...   all but one of Walmart’s nine top executives are white, with the top six making a combined $112 million in salary in 2019. The training is particularly driven by Chief Executive Officer Doug McMillon, whom the whistleblower described as a “true believer” — and who wants every Fortune 100 company to adopt the woke training... the course is mandatory for executives and recommended for hourly wage store staff."
More whistleblowers the left hates

Whistleblower Teacher Says She Faced ‘Retaliation’ for Exposing CRT - "A teacher who exposed her school district’s “radicalized” Critical Race Theory (CRT) curriculum alleges she has faced “escalating retaliation” and will be the subject of a “pre-disciplinary administrative hearing” on Wednesday.  Ramona Bessinger, the Providence, Rhode Island, English teacher who described in July how her school district’s “radicalized curriculum” actually “created racial tensions among students and staff where none existed before,” tweeted the notice she received for her “pre-disciplinary administrative hearing.” Bessinger said the new CRT program, based on the Marxist cultural ideology, was “the most racially divisive, hateful, and in large part, historically inaccurate curriculums I have ever seen in my teaching career.”... 'Everything in school now is about race'"
"Accurate history" strikes again

PROOF: Video of Critical Race Theory being taught in 6th grade class in Ohio emerges | The Post Millennial - "In the case of Franklin Woods Intermediate School,  evidence has emerged that critical race theory ideology is being taught in the classroom. This despite the Superintendent’s previous vows to parents this wasn’t the case. Specifically, the notion that people who aren't radical anti-racist activists are themselves a guilty party... At a June 2021 school board meeting held over Zoom in the South-Western City School District, in Grove City, Ohio, a concerned parent highlighted concerns over the teaching of critical race theory entering the school curriculum. Julie Liskany, a parent of a child in the district, was reassured by Superintendent Bill Wise that that wasn’t the case. She then proceeds to say despite the reassurances, students are being assigned reading material from far-left ideologues who espouse that mindset. Liskany says what was offered on paper as an effort at being more diversity minded in classroom teaching has in practice ended up with activist teachers pushing their personal politics on the children they teach."

What Is Critical Race Theory, Really? - "As the debate over the teaching of various critical theories in U.S. public schools has heated up, major papers have published wave after wave of articles denying that critical race theory is taught much at all outside law schools, while other writers have drawn the most technical of distinctions between “CRT” and other academic specialties like critical theory, whiteness studies, critical pedagogy, intersectionality, white fragility, white privilege theory, and so on.  This debate over semantics might provide an interesting basis for a panel at a scholarly conference, but it’s of little use or interest for parents concerned that their children are being taught partisan nonsense. While technical differences exist between the various critical paradigms, virtually all of them share three baseline assumptions: that racism is “everywhere,” and supposedly neutral systems, such as policing or standardized tests, are set up to oppress minorities; that to prove the existence of this oppression one need only note that large groups perform at different levels; and that the solution to this problem is equity—or proportional representation of all groups across all endeavors.  None of this is an exaggeration. The quote about racism being “everyday” and constant comes from Richard Delgado, one of the founders of critical race theory. The claim that group differences must indicate racism or other prejudice comes from no less a critical eminence than Ibram X. Kendi, who has famously said that the only possible explanations for such gaps are either oppression or literal genetic inferiority. Kendi has also proposed a federal-level Department of Anti-Racism. Along with these core ideas of “systemic racism” generally come a basket of other woke concepts like white privilege, “cultural appropriation,” “intersectionality,” the Black Lives Matter take on policing, and the idea of constant interracial conflict and crime... the most common age for a black American, which could be fairly called the modal average, is 27; the most common age for a white American is 58. Simply adjusting for these differences in age (and thus work experience), and for a few other traits like the regions people live in and their scores on standard aptitude tests, closes black-white gaps in income to almost nothing. In fact, either seven or eight—depending on how you count South Africans—of the top ten income-earning groups in the United States these days are made up of “people of color.”  Most of the ideas associated with the major critical paradigms collapse as easily and totally as their core concepts. After years of flattering mainstream media coverage of Black Lives Matter, a large recent study revealed that the majority of “very liberal” Americans believes that in a typical year police kill anywhere from “about 1,000” to “more than 10,000” unarmed black men. Last year, the actual number of blacks killed in this manner was 18. A serious look at the data on interracial crime and conflict reveals similar patterns...   Facts matter, but so does context. Critical theorists say some things that are essentially true, but meaningless—and likely to mislead unless one has a nuanced understanding of history or other disciplines. For example, it is undeniably true that slavery once existed in the United States. However, it is also undeniably true that almost every other powerful nation in history held slaves as well... ocusing lesson plans and curricula on the horrors of slavery without ever mentioning the universal nature of the practice or the fact that it was ended by Western countries is hardly “just being honest.”  Just being honest: that phrase really sums up what parents demand—not, generally, a jingoistic system of education, but also not a reflexively critical one. Parents want an honest, fair, and reasonably apolitical curriculum that depicts the United States as it was and is, warts and all."

Critical race theory: the concept dividing the US - "As a curriculum subject, critical race theory is largely the purview of university law schools and graduate programmes. The concepts, however, have influenced historians, journalists and educators in school districts across the US who say they want to do more to teach the public about the US struggles with discrimination rooted in race... How the concepts translate into a public-school curriculum and teacher training have become the flashpoint of the CRT controversy.  An elementary school in Cupertino, California, for instance, asked third-graders to label their own power and privilege in an "identity map". At least 30 schools recommended that students should read Not My Idea, a children's book that called racism "a white person's problem and we are all caught up in it". Its author, Anastasia Higginbotham, has argued that "any place where there are white people has violent white supremacy embedded into it" and is not shy about labelling her discussions on race as "CRT"... The CRT debate doesn't fall neatly along political lines, however. The town of Cupertino, where parents objected to their school's race education programme, is overwhelmingly liberal. And those expressing concern at town halls and school board hearings aren't all conservative - or white.  Andrew Sullivan, a polemicist and public intellectual, summarised the criticism of CRT as "illiberal".  "Liberalism assumes that we are all individuals, capable of reasoning with each other as equals," he argued in a recent blog post, whereas CRT assumes that "we are mere representatives of racial constructs which are part of a permanent struggle between the oppressors (white) and oppressed (non-white)"... Hochman says he saw friends made more racially aware - and intolerant - by such teaching.  "We're teaching young people to hate the country they're going to inherit," he says. "This is a historically unprecedented experiment, and it can only go ugly places."... In Illinois, a white teacher is suing her school district, alleging that its teacher training and classroom lesson plans violate US civil rights laws by discriminating against her and her students on the basis of their race."
The liberals didn't manage to gaslight the BBC into believing that CRT wasn't taught outside of law school. Given Anastasia Higginbotham's admission that her book is CRT that would be amusing

Rutgers Law Students Require All Student Groups To Hold Critical Race Theory Or Diversity Programs - "We recently discussed the controversy at Rutgers Law School over the reading of the “n-word” from a state supreme court opinion.  Now there is a potentially serious conflict brewing over the right of the student government to demand that all student groups hold at least one event featuring critical race theory or diversity issues. The requirement (for any group receiving more than $250) presents some interesting questions in the conflict between free speech and diversity programs at such schools...   In 2018, the Supreme Court handed down Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Council 31, No. 16-1466, 585 U.S. ___ (2018). That decision overturned Abood v. Detroit Board of Education and held that union fees required from non-union members in the public sector violate the First Amendment.  The Court held the “freedom of speech ‘includes both the right to speak freely and the right to refrain from speaking at all.’”"

Zaid Jilani on Twitter - "The problem with telling people something isn't happening in the Internet age is that it requires them to disbelieve their eyes."
"Should 2nd grade teachers (example from Union 38 School District in MA.) receive professional development training on anti-racism and culturally responsive education?"
"Identity & White Privilege"
"Why Talk About Whiteness?"
*Weekly indoctrination sessions*

Jamil Jivani: Global Affairs Canada pushing racist idea that hard work is incompatible with non-whites - "Canada’s federal government has brought remixed racism to Global Affairs Canada under the guise of anti-racism training . Canadian officials in Ottawa are being taught that perfectionism, a sense of urgency, individualism, worship of the written word, and objectivity are characteristics of white supremacy culture. In other words, the Government of Canada is using taxpayer dollars to teach that race and culture are one in the same, and certain ideas associated with hard work, science, and democracy are incompatible with non-white cultures. Does this racism sound familiar? It should. Social Darwinism was based on similar notions that some races were of a lower “intellectual standard” because of cultural differences. Government of Canada anti-racism training also reflects the paternalism found in colonial writings, such as British politician Thomas Macaulay’s 1835 memo titled Minute on Indian Education. This memo argued Indians were in need of white saviours because they were culturally incompatible with science, due to their “monstrous superstitions” and “false history, false astronomy, false medicine.” What exactly does Global Affairs Canada think is going to happen when their diplomats and officials carry this paternalistic attitude with them overseas? Picture Canadian representatives telling the nations of Africa and Asia that the foundational idea of civil rights, individualism, is white supremacy. Or imagine Canada’s trading partners being informed that they might be white supremacists if they demonstrate a sense of urgency or fondness for objective reasoning. And what might the world’s Christians, Muslims, and Jews who believe in holy scriptures think of the Government of Canada labelling worship of the written word as “white.” Canada’s struggle with remixed racism doesn’t stop in Ottawa. The City of Hamilton has brought us back to the “anti-miscegenation” era of pre-1967 USA with its decision to distribute COVID-19 vaccines in a manner that would divide families and households by race... The New Yorker is also in on the remixing. Quoting a sociologist from the University of Oklahoma, the magazine’s recent attack on Christianity went so far as to argue that “the greatest ethnic dog whistle the right has ever come up with is ‘Christian,’ because it means ‘people like us,’ it means white.” Subordinating Christianity to racial politics is a familiar theme from the 1800s and prior. Conflating the Christian identity with white identity is something you’d expect from colonial forces and slave owners. It even harkens back to 20th century racism, recalling the scene in The Godfather where mafia bosses argue Black Americans don’t have souls. But when you remix it for today’s woke audiences, one of the world’s largest magazines has no problem peddling prejudice."

Karlyn Borysenko, most dangerous knitter alive 🧶 on Twitter - "Oh look, White Fragility author Robin DiAngelo saying a bunch of really racist stuff, including admitting that she herself is a racist. If you want to know what Critical Race Theory means when it's applied in the real world, here you go."

AG Took Word of National School Boards Assoc. to Target Parents - "The NSBA requested Biden utilize legislation such as the PATRIOT Act to investigate whether parents should be identified as “domestic terrorists”"

Pavlich: DOJ's outrageous assault on parents - "Garland's memo comes after Virginia parents in Loudon and Fairfax counties regularly confronted leftist school board members about teachers unions refusing to go back to in-person learning, draconian coronavirus restrictions, pornographic material in school libraries and the implementation of destructive, divisive critical race theory (CRT). It also comes on the heels of a letter to President Biden from the National School Board Association asking him to classify parents as "domestic terrorists."  "Neither the Attorney General's memo nor the full Justice Department press release cites any significant, credible threat," Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow Christopher Rufo tweeted in response to the memo. "This is a blatant suppression tactic, designed to dissuade citizens from participating in the democratic process at school boards."  Parents aren't engaged in "harassment" or "intimidation." Instead, they are simply engaged in holding public school officials accountable for indoctrinating their children with pornographic images and hate-fueled CRT. Parents showing up to verbally question and criticize public school officials isn't "violence" or "intimidation." It's their right and duty to do so, especially as taxpayers into the public school system.  "It has a chilling effect. It's really confusing when you look at this memo. What is harassing? Is it a mean, snarky tweet? What's intimidation? Is it going to speak at a school board meeting and raising your voice?" former DOJ official and Executive Director of Fight for Our Schools Ian Prior said during an interview on Fox News."What you're seeing is unprecedented. When I was there they would go after MS-13. Now I guess they're going to go after moms of 13-year-olds."  Further, contrary to the leftist narrative that those opposed to CRT are "white supremacists," the fight against the indoctrination of young children with the poisonous ideology has been led by minority parents.  "I am a Muslim woman. I'm a single mom. I'm an immigrant to this country. I have chased terrorists around the world, actual terrorists, and for you to dare to try to smear parents as domestic terrorists just reflects just how tone deaf school boards and school administrators have come about the pleas of parents on behalf of their children," Activist, journalist and Northern Virginia mother Asra Nomani said in response to the National Association of School Boards classifying her as a domestic terrorist. "We are not the enemy. We are parents who brought children into the world and we take serious responsibility for all that happens to our children."  While in the minority, congressional Republicans have an obligation to conduct DOJ oversight and they're starting to ask questions.  "During the COVID-19 pandemic, parents are taking notice of what and how their children are being taught in the classroom, hot-button social issues being weaved into the curriculum, and what safety protocols their child is supposed to follow while attending school," over 60 lawmakers wrote in a recent letter to Garland. "While some of these meetings may get heated, most of the parents who have been demanding these meetings have simply voiced their passions and concerns for their children and their futures."  "While we agree with you that any threat of violence against these government officials should be condemned and investigated, no government official has the right to claim that a citizen may not peacefully speak out against government policies""

PA School Group Breaks from National Org. Calling Anti-CRT Parents ‘Domestic Terrorists’ - "According to education researcher Corey A. DeAngelis, the PSBA’s memo indicated the “national controversy … suggesting that some parents should be considered domestic terrorists was the final straw.”  “This misguided approach has made our work and that of many school boards more difficult”"

Florida School Boards Association Rejects FBI Intervention at Local Board Meetings - "The [NSBA] said parents at local school board meetings were also spreading “propaganda” about the teaching of concepts of CRT in K-12 schools, “despite the fact that critical race theory is not taught in public schools and remains a complex law school and graduate school subject well beyond the scope of a K-12 class.” In September, however, the United States Conference of Mayors adopted a resolution during its annual convention in which its members pledged to support the teaching of CRT in K-12 schools.  “NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the nation’s mayors support the implementation of CRT in the public education curriculum to help engage our youth in programming that reflects an accurate, complete account of BIPOC history,” the mayors stated. In July, the National Education Association (NEA), the nation’s largest teachers’ union, also moved to openly promote the teaching of Critical Race Theory in K-12 schools and to oppose any bans on instruction in both the Marxist ideology and the widely discredited New York Times’ “1619 Project.”  The union agreed to “research the organizations attacking educators,” doing what it referred to as “anti-racist work,” as well as to “use the research already done and put together a list of resources and recommendations for state affiliates, locals, and individual educators to utilize when they are attacked.”...   “The FSBA affirmed that dissent isn’t domestic terrorism,” Pushaw said, according to Fox News. “Protests are not threats. A citizen’s criticism of their elected officials is not harassment.”  “But in the rare instances that disputes may cross the line into threatening territory, Florida law enforcement are well-equipped to protect Floridians, whether they are elected officials or concerned citizens,” she continued. “There is no reason for the federal government to intervene in local issues and attempt to criminalize free speech.”"

Ohio School Boards Assoc. Breaks with NSBA over Targeting of Parents - "  School choice champion Corey A. DeAngelis tweeted Tuesday the school boards associations of 22 states have now distanced themselves from the NSBA following its request to Biden for federal law enforcement to intervene in local school board meetings and possibly label some parents voicing concerns as “domestic terrorists.”... The NSBA’s own board of directors renounced the letter to Biden sent by Garcia and Slaven, writing on Friday they “regret and apologize” for its content... Emails obtained last week through a public records request by Parents Defending Education indicated Garcia and Slaven worked with the White House prior to sending their September 29 letter to Biden requesting federal law enforcement use the PATRIOT Act to target parents as “domestic terrorists.”"

Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ on Twitter - "There are an alarming level of threats against local officials, and the threats tend to be directed at people who lack resources for personal security. If law enforcement investigates and prosecutes threats, good. If it attempts to prosecute protected speech, it will lose."
"@DavidAFrench Last year, you said Trump sending the FBI to stop the riots in Portland was the "death throes" of "local autonomy." Now you want to mobilize the FBI against parents who oppose CRT. Care to explain how the parent protests are a more serious federal threat than the Antifa riots?"

Florida Mom Calls for 'Mass Exodus' from Public Schools, Gets Ovation

Maher: McAuliffe Saying Parents Shouldn't Decide What's Taught Is 'Applause Line with Teachers,' Dems 'Are So Used to Talking to Teachers' - "Bill Maher stated that education will be the big issue in the 2022 elections because “Parents vote, and they don’t like what’s going on in school.” And that Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe’s (D) statement that parents shouldn’t be telling schools what to teach happened because “Democrats are so used to talking to teachers. This is a mic drop applause line with teachers, not so much with parents.”"

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