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Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Links - 22nd December 2021 (1 - Demi Lovato)

Demi Lovato Says Their Gender Journey Isn't Over - "The musician, who came out as nonbinary back in May, recently spoke out about their experience exploring their gender and what the future looks like for them... "There might be a time where I identify as trans...there might be a time where I identify as nonbinary and gender nonconforming my entire life. Or maybe there’s a period of time when I get older that I identify as a woman""
When she needs more attention, she'll change how she identifies
I'm pretty sure genderfluidity was initially meant as a joke

Sorry, Demi Lovato: You Can't Fight Sexism by Opting Out of Womanhood - "Lovato is the latest celebrity to jump on the non-binary trend. Last year, Juno star Elliot Page (née Ellen Page) announced a new identity as transgender and non-binary—this after coming out as a lesbian in 2014. Courtney Stodden, a reality TV star who rose to fame following a marriage to an actor three times older, announced a new non-binary identity on Instagram in April. Singer Sam Smith began identifying as non-binary in 2019. Lovato says that her friendship with Smith helped inspire her own “revelation.”... Non-binary identities have been on the rise for at least a decade, and have become especially popular among young LGB women. A 2019 study of “LGBTQ” teens done in collaboration with the Human Rights Campaign found that girls were over seven times more likely than boys to identify as non-binary; and that, of these girls, over 70 percent were lesbian or bisexual.  When young women adopt a non-binary label, it often comes with public expressions of relief that they no longer feel pressured to conform to gender norms. From what I have observed personally, these women also are disproportionately likely to be survivors of male violence, sexual trauma, and serious mental health issues. In 2019, I wrote about my three roommates who, over the course of a single year, all began to identify as non-binary. Ranging in age from 19 to 23, they were bisexual (or what they call “queer”) women with histories of sexual violence, body-image issues, and a tendency toward drug abuse. They each struggled with the expectations society placed on them as women; and, like most women I know, felt confined by the stereotypes of femininity. For two of them, the journey toward identifying as non-binary began with a simple act of rebellion: cutting their hair. When describing the motivations behind her new identity, Lovato ticks off many of these patterns... It’s true that hair is a definitive socially-constructed characteristic of femininity (and masculinity) in many cultures... For Lovato and many other young people who crave external validation, living “authentically”—which includes not being held back by gender roles—apparently becomes possible only once they take on an identity that justifies this transgression. Being a woman with short hair, or opting to not perform every aspect of femininity on any given day, apparently was impossible for Lovato until she became part man... The most logical way of fighting back is to point out that these stereotypes and expectations are misguided and unhealthy. To instead simply flee the category of woman through a trick of language, on the other hand, isn’t really brave or progressive. Lovato and all the other non-binary-identified women are simply throwing the rest of us under the bus by validating the idea that being a woman requires you to be comfortable with feminine stereotypes. In doing so, they unwittingly contribute to the real sources of female oppression... Giving lip service to someone’s self-conceived identity would appear to be the polite thing to do, so long as no one gets hurt. But while many women who identify as non-binary change little besides their hair cut and pronouns, there’s some evidence that a growing portion of this cohort are opting for gender “nullification” surgeries and hormones in an attempt to appear more androgynous. Page, for example, has undergone a cosmetic double-mastectomy (euphemistically referred to as “top surgery”). At least one of my three roommates who identified as non-binary in 2018 has since started taking injections of testosterone to appear more masculine... This is internalized misogyny, in other words—the inherent acceptance of the paradigm that created “woman” as “feminine,” and “feminine” as “lesser,” in the first place. This is why “non-binary” women will ultimately end up disappointed. While changing your pronouns and hair may feel like a solution, it’s just a superficial fix that forestalls the hard work of coming to terms with the reality of being female. There, Demi, is where true healing and authenticity lies."

Demi Lovato: Radio host ‘quits show’ rather than stopping jokes about non-binary pop star - "After joking about Lovato’s announcement on his Boston radio show Matty in the Morning, presenter Matty Siegel, 71, told his listeners that he was walking away from the programme due to complaints from his management... “I can’t do what I just want to do, which is be a funny comic who tells it like it is about what he’s thinking. So I’m ending my portion of the radio show right now. I don’t care what Demi Lovato does, but now we have to worry about [if] you might offend someone.”"

Demi Lovato Says We Should Stop Calling Extraterrestrials 'Aliens' Because It's Offensive - "This despite the fact that the term has been used for many decades and is referring to beings that arguably don’t even exist."
The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again

‘The Whole Experience Was Triggering’: Demi Lovato Attacks L.A. Frozen Yogurt Shop For Offering ‘Sugar-Free’ Products - "Lovato attacked The Bigg Chill Frozen Yogurt shop in Los Angeles, California, for being alleged “diet vultures.” The store is known for its wide variety of low-fat, sugar-free frozen yogurts and treats. Lovato claims it was “triggering” for her to walk past the sugar-free cookies... The frozen yogurt vendor responded to Lovato’s story arguing that they are not diet vultures, they are merely serving the needs of customers who prefer sugar-free alternatives... In a long-winded response, Lovato argued that the specialty store should provide regular frozen yogurt so as to not harm individuals with eating disorders... Lovato has made headlines in recent weeks following the release of her new YouTube documentary. In an effort to promote her documentary, the pop star went on the Drew Barrymore show where she claimed that she cut her hair short to protest gender and sexuality norms in the Christian South. On the Joe Rogan podcast, Lovato announced that she is now “sexually fluid” and “pansexual,” meaning that she is attracted to “anything, really.”"

Demi Lovato accidentally promotes diet culture after blasting frozen yogurt shop - "Demi Lovato is in hot water with fans over a recent photo of the star holding a Dr. Pepper Zero Sugar-branded microphone — just a month after the singer went to war with a frozen yogurt chain over its “triggering” sugar-free offerings... Lovato asked fans to stop complimenting them on any weight loss because it was a trigger."

Demi Lovato under fire for working with trans activist who called little girls 'kinky' - "Singer Demi Lovato is receiving criticism for her work with Alok Vaid-Menon, a transgender activist who posted about little girls being “kinky” while defending the idea of men using women’s bathrooms"

Demi Lovato Sings To Ghosts To Help Them Overcome Trauma Caused By Sexism - "Lovato has been exploring their interest in supernatural life in recent docuseries Unidentified With Demi Lovato.    In one clip, we see Lovato join their friend Matthew Scott and paranormal investigator Chris Smith to visit Vulture City, an old ghost town in Arizona, United States.   According to Peacock TV, the trio came across ‘a spirit who has past trauma with men’ while in an abandoned brothel, having set up an EMF detector - a special device that lets out a noise whenever communication is made."

Demi Lovato Reveals She Has Brain Damage After Having Three Strokes Due to Her 2018 Overdose
That explains everything

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