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Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Links - 29th November 2021 (1: George Floyd Unrest)

A Composer Condemned Arson. Now No One Will Hire Him. - "Until last year, Daniel Elder—a 34-year-old musician who lives in Nashville, Tennessee—had a promising career ahead of him. The theme of the prize-winning composer's work, truth through emotion, is evident across his catalogue of choral music, including his debut commercial album, The Heart's Reflection.  Elder isn't composing very much these days. And even if he were, no one in the industry is willing to buy his work. His publisher has blackballed him. Local choral directors refuse to program his music for fear of provoking a backlash. They won't even let him sing in the choir...   The young composer is hardly the first person to suffer significant professional consequences after causing a social media firestorm: Virtually every day brings more examples of people saying slightly offensive things that stoke the fury of some mob. The problem is now so exhaustively covered in the media that "cancel culture" has become a top issue for many Republican voters... Elder was criticizing the activists who had set the courthouse on fire. He did not malign their cause or their ethnicity (and in fact, the perpetrator was white). He did not attack the Black Lives Matter movement or criminal justice reform. He implied that the militants had good motives ("well-intentioned") but were oblivious ("blind") when it came to the self-defeating nature of their tactics.  These sentiments are not racist; in fact, they are correct. Social science research and voter surveys show that violent and destructive protests tend to backfire, eroding support for the cause in question. While a small number of far-left agitators support these tactics, the overwhelming majority of people oppose looting, riots, and arson. That is especially true of those who live in communities of color.  One might not have expected Elder's mild declaration to attract much attention. But when he woke up the next morning, critics were spamming his Facebook and YouTube pages with comments accusing him of being a racist and a "white supremacist piece of garbage." He began to receive nasty emails as well. Some were anonymously authored, expletive-laden, and ugly from start to finish. Others confessed a previous appreciation for Elder's music but noted that they could never listen to him again...   Within 24 hours, the controversy had garnered the attention of GIA Publications. In the world of choral music, GIA is not merely a publisher; it is the major publisher of religious content, thanks to its association with the post–Vatican II Roman Catholic Church. GIA was Elder's publisher, and an important source of his income. On the morning of June 1, GIA President Alec Harris and media editor Susan LaBarr contacted Elder about posting an apology.  This apology had already been written by GIA; all Elder had to do was post it...   Elder wasn't inclined to make such a groveling apology, and was dismayed to see his colleagues siding with his critics.  "I chose to be that guy who didn't issue the apology," he says. "Things went from there and it wasn't good."  Within hours, GIA issued a denunciation of Elder...   Note this PR statement endorses the view that Elder had made an "incendiary" statement. Neither Harris nor LaBarr responded to a request for clarification as to which aspect of Elder's anti-arson agenda they oppose.  GIA also announced that the company would no longer publish Elder... the experience has positively impacted Elder in one way, he tells me: It has made him less ideologically narrow-minded.  "Because I was exiled, I started listening to voices on the right and the center, especially these classical liberals who have been exiled from the leftist movement," he says. "The strange silver lining is this shook me out of my prejudices a little bit.""
Weird. Liberals told us that no one supported riots, only peaceful protests. Yet they cancel those who condemn riots, and those who condemn violence. It's almost as if liberals are pro-riot and pro-violence...
This suggests that many people who espouse liberal ideology don't really believe in it, and just want to save their skins

Andy Ngô on Twitter - "New York: #BLM protesters tell white people dining outside to “get the f— out of New York” & that their white-owned taquerias aren’t welcome. The crowd chant along."

3 charged for involvement in confrontations at Pittsburgh restaurants during protest - "Three people are facing charges for their involvement in confrontations caught on video at Pittsburgh restaurants during a protest over the Labor Day weekend.  Charges were filed Monday against Shawn Green, who goes by Lorenzo Rulli, as well as Kenneth McDowell and Monique Craft. One of the incidents occurred in front of Sienna Mercato on Penn Avenue. A social media video showed Black Lives Matter protesters yelling and cursing at people eating outside the restaurant. One woman walked up to a table and drank someone’s drink while several other people smashed glasses on the ground.  In another video, demonstrators became aggressive toward a manager inside a McDonald’s restaurant. According to a criminal complaint, McDowell used a megaphone to scream obscenities at diners sitting outside Sienna Mercato... Craft admitted that she chugged the couple’s beer, the complaint stated."

BLM supporters post hateful messages on Facebook of mom shot dead after saying 'all lives matter' - "The Facebook page of a young mom who was shot dead after she said: 'All lives matter' to a group of Black Lives Matter supporters in Indiana has been flooded with hateful messages from trolls.    Jessica Doty Whitaker, 24, was killed early on the morning of July 5 while out on a walk with her fiancé, Jose Ramirez, and two friends in Indianapolis."

Matt Walsh on Twitter - "The average child in the inner city grows up without a father, listens to music that overtly glorifies crime and self-destruction, and lives in a community where murder is a daily occurrence and drug dealers rule the streets. But yes, his biggest problem is the police. Okay sure."

Meme - "When a President holding a Bible makes you angry but a person setting fire to a church doesn't, then it might be time to look at what feeds your soul."

Mark Dice on Twitter - "Police have charged a 25-year-old man with first-degree murder after they say he shot and killed a 5-year-old boy last week in Wilson, North Carolina."
"Notice they only mention the race of those involved when the murderer is white and the victim is black."

Phoenix police release new video of officers fatally shooting James Garcia - "The video shows an officer yelling multiple times that he’ll shoot if Garcia lifts the gun. Garcia appears to respond by yelling “shoot me” with his face close to the window... police said Garcia twice gave officers a false name, and detectives had to use fingerprints to identify him.  Police said investigators also found out later there’d been a warrant issued for Garcia for violating probation on an unspecified felony, and he wasn’t legally permitted to possess a firearm. According to online court records, a 28-year-old named James Porter Garcia, the same full name and age as the deceased man, had his probation revoked in March."
Naturally, there were protests

Scott Greer 6’2” IQ 187 on Twitter - "Why even remain a cop? This system hates you and only needs you to enforce mask regulations. Get a job that won’t send you to jail for doing your job"

College professor berates student for calling police 'heroes' - "An adjunct professor teaching her first-ever course at a California college was placed on leave this week after she ripped a student during a class presentation because he said he regards police officers as  “heroes.”  The unidentified Cypress College educator was apparently triggered Wednesday during 19-year-old business major Braden Ellis’ Zoom presentation on cancel culture in the US, in which he noted how even animated kids TV shows such as “Paw Patrol” have come under fire from unhinged cop-haters...   When Ellis asked the professor if she would call the police if she were in trouble, she insisted she would not.  “I don’t trust them. My life is in more danger in their presence,” she said, ending the discussion before she could be queried further... Ellis told The Post the situation was reflective of the far left’s influence on campuses nationwide.  “Liberal ideology is bad right now and people need to expose it and fight back — with gentleness and respect. Imagine if we don’t fight back now? What will they teach us in 10 years? It would be pure hatred,” Ellis said. “I have another [teacher] who is just as bad. These teachers just spew divisiveness and hatred toward our country.” The college, which is outside Anaheim, said Friday the professor would not be returning."

MSNBC's Chris Hayes Roasted After Old 'Master Race' Tweet Resurfaces - "In the tweet, which was made just two days before the inauguration of President Barack Obama in January 2009, Hayes expressed hope that people of color would never leave the nation’s capital."
Black Lives Better, doubtless, is still a far right conspiracy theory

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "The internet has taken notice of a Holocaust museum that is hosting an exhibit on the George Floyd killing.  Museums face the challenge of creating exhibits that keep people coming through the door. The featured photographer for this exhibit is highly talented and the subject matter is a popular draw.  But is the exhibit appropriate for a Holocaust museum? It does not deal with Germany killing millions of ‘unwanteds’. The museum writes: “When someone faces an act of antisemitism, racism, or any form of identity based hate, whether it results in death or not, there is an uprising of many emotions. We felt it was important to bring the human experience of the aftermath to our museum.” On one hand, there is no evidence that George Floyd’s killing was due to ‘identity based hate’. On the other hand the killing of George Floyd was largely viewed as a continuation of extra-judicial killings of blacks by law enforcement — a multi generational problem that existed in this country. The exhibit is focusing on the aftermath and how it’s interpreted by the community.  This was a killing by a government employee, but it wasn’t sanctioned by the government. Quite the opposite as the involved officers are facing serious charges for Floyd’s death.  Society today has been watering down the atrocities of Nazi Germany by equivocating modern events to horrors of the past. The facts in Floyd’s killing pale in comparison to Germany’s sanctioned extermination of whole classes of individuals.  A more on point exhibit would have been on China’s abuses of the Uighurs — but it wouldn’t draw in the number of visitors, who would then be exposed to rest of the museum. What good is a museum if nobody sees it?"
"Inappropriate" Holocaust comparisons are only wrong when it's not liberals making them

EmillySwaven🇨🇦 on Twitter - "I really wish people would stop calling #GeorgeFloyd he, him, etc. George might have LOOKED cis, but you never, EVER know if there there's a small chance of a person being LGBTQ+"

BLM Protesters Storm Beverly Hills Neighborhood: 'Eat the Rich!'
Clearly a movement to hold the police accountable
"I guess all that virtue signaling didn’t do much to put you on the mob’s good graces"

Tim Dillon on Twitter - "It is now right wing to believe you (1) have the right not to be stabbed to death"
Presumably about Ma’Khia Bryant

Lacey Crisp on Twitter - "“Ma’Khia had a motherly nature about her. She promoted peace,” said the 16 year-old girl’s mother, Paula."
Peaceful stabbings

The New York Times - Posts | Facebook - "Adults tend to view Black girls as more threatening, more aggressive, more mature and less innocent than white girls of the same age, robbing Black girls of the freedom to be children, according to a 2017 report by the Georgetown Law Center on Poverty and Inequality."
Black girls need the freedom to stab each other!

Facebook - "In 1983, avouch Communist Susan Rosenberg planted a bomb outside the US Senate chamber to assassinate Republican senators. House Judiciary Committee Chairman Democrat Rep Jerry Nadler  got Pres. Clinton to pardon Susan Rosenberg.  She’s now a board member of Black Lives Matter Network, Inc."
Too bad she didn't commit a real act of violence, like tell protesters to peacefully march on the Capitol like Trump did

CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Big brawl explodes between 2 groups at Miami Airport!
No one tried to end it because that'd be racist

Iconoclasm as a Prelude to Woke Horrors? - "Iconoclasm has been a prelude to the woke spasms of today. The mass looting and arsons were preceded by physical attacks on conservatives, which were preceded by popular depictions of the murder and decapitation of President Trump, which were preceded by mob attacks on Confederate monuments. Like the other terrors which came before Wokeness, the greatest sin of today’s iconoclasts is often reducing infinitely complex characters to just one thing. Just as Muslims who revere Jesus as a prophet were reduced to intolerable heretics, a comparatively weak and benign king and queen were reduced to insufferable tyrants, and great discoveries were reduced to “Jewish science”, the Woke reduce historical figures to their worst common denominator. To them, a statue of Columbus is not a monument of a great explorer but an homage to an abuser and murderer of Native Americans; the Jefferson Memorial is not a temple for the man who penned some of our noblest ideals but an endorsement of his slave ownership; a stone on a modern street corner once used as an auction block for slaves is not a public reminder of past wrongs but a perpetual psychic aggression towards minorities. These modern iconoclasts intentionally confuse and confound the reason for the monument’s existence with the darkest of its crimes."

Nathan Monk on Twitter - "I don’t know who needs to hear this but Jesus was an unarmed person of color that was wrongfully arrested and executed. If you are siding the with oppressors instead of the oppressed you aren’t standing with Jesus. #JesusHadARapSheet"
I didn't know Jesus attacked the police and beat up women
Reply: "The man predicted his own death and was actually cleared of charges but he wanted to be executed, or do we not care for historical accuracy anymore?"

Leonydus Johnson (leave/me/alone) on Twitter - "The very first narrative I saw this morning about Deon Kay was that was just an innocent boy, not a threat, murdered by the cops who shot him in the back But even the notoriously right-wing, pro-cop WaPo says he was 18, ran from the cops and then pulled a gun from his waistband
I'm just curious, how many criminals are we planning on canonizing into sainthood before this year is over? Maybe BLM should change it's name to CLM because literally the only people they ever care about are the criminal population. Or maybe TLM? Thug Lives Matter. Tired of it."
Addendum: Rioters Storm DC Police Station, Mayor's Neighborhood After Cop Shoots Man With Gun - "The crowd of approximately 100 people hurled profanities at the officers and raised their fists in the air as they demanded “justice” for the death of the armed suspect"

Facebook - "The first 2 genuinely useful links I've found to understand deaths of young male, highly drugged or in manic episode, predominantly black, persons in police custody. I.e. the cause of police brutality claims that underline the BLM movement.  This first link is about the cause of the deaths, excited delirium, which presents itself as hyperaggressive, paranoid behaviour with elevated temperature, immunity to pain (and thus typical police methods of restraint), and approximately 10% mortality rate... 2nd link is a metastudy (in layman's terms, it's a study of studies, to get a "big picture" overview) of excited delirium cases with possible methods of handling patients in a prehospital stage."

No matter how many times I watch this video I still can't believe it's not satire - "we've got this group of attractive folks blocking a gas station with their raised fists protecting them from all forms of oppression, when a big truck pulls up like "Hey, I need some gas." Springing to action, the brave protesters band together by holding hands in a surefire effort to block the brand new Ford Super Duty F-250 diesel from entering... The chain of dweebs decides that chanting louder might stop the torque monster that can pull down a house from moving them, so they keep yelling "NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE, NO RACIST POLICE!" at the dude trying to get gas... At 0:34 one of the brave warriors yells out, "WE ARE CHILDREN! WE'RE F******G CHILDREN!""

Popeyes is nothing without black lives. : CorporateFacepalm

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "Last week another driver was attacked by protestors. The Portland man was pulled from his vehicle and beaten into unconsciousness. It took police officers 10 minutes to get there. Past incidents include:
• The Minneapolis, Minn. truck driver pulled from his vehicle and beaten to where he was sent to the hospital.
• The Alamosa, Col. man in a pickup truck who was shot in the back of his head by a protestor.
• The Aurora, Col. man in a Jeep who had six shots fired at him, hitting two other protestors.
• The Austin, Tex. protestor who was shot when he pointed a military rifle at an armed driver.
That’s at least five drivers that have been assaulted by protestors in the last few months."
On Adam Haner who tried to stop a trans woman being robbed and then got accused of being a white supremacist

Portland attacker Marquise Love sentenced to nearly two years in protest beating - "The Portland demonstrator captured on video beating another man during a protest was sentenced to 20 months in prison, authorities said Monday.   Marquise Love, 26, pleaded guilty to third-degree assault and felony riot, the Multnomah County District Attorney said.   Love, who also goes by “Keese Love,” was seen repeatedly punching and kicking Adam Haner during an Aug. 16 protest in the downtown area before knocking him out cold."
Weird how the court doesn't mention that he was a Proud Boy doing a false flag

Meme - "Black Olives Matter"
"Zara Al-Bukake MP.: 'Disgraceful. An important message is hijacked and demeaned by a puerile vandal. Shame on you Britain. DO BETTER.'"
"It's vandalism. A criminal act."
Only leftist vandalism is good

Facebook - ""A 13-year-old Chicago boy appears to have dropped a handgun and begun raising his hands less than a second before a police officer shot and killed him last month, footage released Thursday under community pressure shows."
Notice how the AP headline blatantly misleads the reader into thinking an unarmed kid was executed for no reason, when it is more likely than not a split second  judgement call by the cop shooting an armed person half second too late. And you won't get that unless you click on the article. As I said, some "journalists", including supposedly reputable ones like from AP, need to go back to relearn their ethics."

Adam Toledo Police Killing Prompts New Foot Chase Policy - "The policy tells officers they are not allowed to pursue someone suspected only of committing a minor traffic offense, or suspected of committing a low-level misdemeanor, unless the person poses an “obvious” threat to the community."
I saw many liberals still upset about the pro-crime policy, because they claimed the police would just lie now

Chicago police union chief: Cop who killed boy was 'justified' - "“Time-lapse video shows that that officer had eight-tenths of a second to determine if that weapon was still in his hand or not. Period,” he said.  “There’s no way a rational person can say they can process that and their muscle reaction would be less than one second. The officer does not have to wait to be shot at or shot in order to respond and defend himself. There is no obligation whatsoever.”"

New reaction-time study addresses what’s ‘reasonable’ in armed-suspect encounters - "You are confronting an armed suspect, no cover available. He faces you, with his gun at his side, pointed at the ground. Your gun is aimed at him and you’re ready to shoot. He ignores your commands to drop his weapon.  Are you justified in pulling the trigger before he makes any move to point his gun at you?  According to conclusions reached by researchers in a unique new reaction-time study, your preemptively shooting under such circumstances may well be considered reasonable by the standards of Graham v. Connor.  If the offender suddenly points his gun in your direction, you are highly unlikely to get a shot off to defend yourself before he shoots, the researchers documented. Even under ideal circumstances, you probably can fire no faster than simultaneously with the attacker.  These findings “serve to illustrate the extreme danger that armed suspects present to police officers,” the researchers report. “Even when a police officer has his or her gun aimed at [an armed] suspect and the suspect is not aiming at the officer, the officer is still in extreme danger...."

Meme - "Light ray: CRIMINAL

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