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Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Links - 30th November 2021 (2 - Biden-Harris)

Joe Biden on Twitter - "Donald Trump's "Remain in Mexico" policy is dangerous, inhumane, and goes against everything we stand for as a nation of immigrants. My administration will end it." [Ed: Added this later]
Facebook - "Scoop: Biden restarting Trump's "Remain in Mexico" policy" "Turns out, governments too can get mugged by reality.  Just don't forget that these policies that were were maligned as "white supremacist" and "racist" under a different tribe, are now suddenly totally fine when enacted by the "right political team.""

Biden claims first job offer from Idaho lumber company, 'no record' of it - "President Biden said at a wildfire-focused event in Idaho Monday that his “first job offer” came from the local lumber and wood products business Boise Cascade, but the company says it has “no record” of that being true.  Biden, who is known for sharing memories that did not happen, said he regularly mentioned the job offer to his Senate colleague from Idaho, the late Democratic Sen. Frank Church... The Post was unable to locate any prior record of Biden mentioning the company — including in news clippings archived by the Nexis and Factiva databases.  Biden’s 2007 memoir “Promises to Keep” does not mention the company or a desire to move to Idaho.  It’s unclear where the Idaho application would fit in the president’s Delaware-centric legal and political career... Biden has a record of inaccurate or embellished claims. He dropped out of his first presidential campaign in 1988 due to a scandal involving plagiarism of speeches and a law school paper and controversy about claims he made about his academic record.  But as the nation’s oldest-ever president, Biden’s mental acuity also is a frequent matter of public debate.  Biden this month falsely claimed that he remembered “spending time at” and “going to” the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh after the October 2018 mass murder of 11 people. After the synagogue said he did not visit, the White House said he misspoke and was referring to a 2019 phone call with the congregation’s rabbi.  In one infamous misstatement, Biden in 2020 claimed he “had the great honor of being arrested” in South Africa when he was “trying to get to see [Nelson Mandela] on Robbens Island,” where Mandela was in prison until 1990. He said Mandela thanked him for it. Later, he admitted that it was untrue."

Watch | Facebook - "Joe Biden locks onto a kid and creepily follows him, gropes him, and then wanders off like a demented idiot."

Jacobin on Twitter - "It’s good that Donald Trump lost. But the Left now needs to pivot immediately to opposition to the Joe Biden administration."
The circular firing squad of the left

Gad Saad on Twitter - "I often try to engage supposedly smart people about Trump. I ask them to explain their positions using policy arguments. You know, issues that matter. It is ALWAYS the same reaction. They just viscerally hate Trump. Hence by definition, @joebiden is "better." The more that I study human decision making, the more I'm disillusioned by people's shallow thinking. Again, this has nothing to do with Trump. I use him as a vehicle to demonstrate how emotions can hijack our cognitive system. Read The Parasitic Mind."

Joe Biden on Twitter - "You won't have to worry about my tweets when I'm president."
The Post Millennial on Twitter - "White House photo-op inadvertently revealed identites and locations of intelligence officials operating in the Middle East."

Joe Biden on Twitter - "We're eight months into this pandemic, and Donald Trump still doesn't have a plan to get this virus under control. I do."
Of course, liberals just blame the unvaccinated

Liberals Grow Impatient With President Biden’s Foreign Policy Decisions - The New York Times - "“I would take this in the Biden White House as a giant, blinking red light that maybe what I’m doing is not right because Jared Kushner is finding ways to praise it,” said Benjamin J. Rhodes, a deputy national security adviser under President Barack Obama who worked closely on the 2015 nuclear agreement... After seeing Mr. Biden deliver a transformational $1.9 trillion stimulus bill, progressives are asking why his foreign policy feels so conventional. They worry that Mr. Biden and his largely centrist team of national security officials will disappoint the liberal wing’s desires for a new American foreign policy that relies far less on military power, de-escalates tensions with rivals like Iran and China, and places greater pressure — under threat of cooler relations — on allies like Saudi Arabia and Israel... as Mr. Blinken and Mr. Sullivan meet on Thursday and Friday with senior Chinese diplomats, some liberals also chafe at the Biden team’s hawkish stance toward Beijing, again warning that it has Trump-inflected confrontational tones and noting that Chinese cooperation is essential to fighting climate change... Ms. Lee is also among those weary of extended deadlines for withdrawals from Afghanistan like the one Mr. Biden hinted at on Wednesday.  “We’ve got to bring our troops home,” she said, “and we’ve got to do that quickly.”"
Naked tribalism - anything related to Trump must be bad
So much for someone who's been in politics for 40 years being revolutionary everywhere (though his domestic policy is a lot more radical)
Pretty sure many of those who were bashing Biden for delaying withdrawal from Afghanistan are now defending him and saying if he had withdrawn earlier the situation would've been even worse

Joe Biden is letting India down - The Spectator World - "What a slap in the face to a very crucial ally in a time of need. This is precisely the kind of America First jingoism that former president Donald Trump was constantly excoriated for, yet when it came to such a brazen example of nationalism from the current administration in response to a devastating crisis, the US media was largely silent."

Cernovich on Twitter - Harris: "Our Kwanzaa celebrations are one of my favorite childhood memories. The whole family would gather around across multiple generations and we’d tell stories and light the candles.   Whether you’re celebrating this year with those you live with or over Zoom, happy Kwanzaa!"
"Yes I’m sure that a mixed Indian and Jamaican household that *lived in Canada* was celebrating a holiday that didn’t even come into vogue until the early 2000’s."

Meme - "Last Week: "Why the idea we would coordinate behind the scenes with social media platforms to censor our political opponents is absurd! - Jen Psaki
This Week: "We're coordinating behind the scenes with social media platforms to censor people who spread medical disinformation." - Also Jen Psaki"

Biden flubs answer on foreign policy work, falsely says you WON'T get COVID if you have the shot - "Joe Biden overinflated the efficiency of vaccines, especially against the Delta variant, during his gaffe-filled town hall on Wednesday where he claimed the jab will prevent Americans from contracting coronavirus... Biden struggled at some points during his town hall to complete statements coherently as he lost his train of thought on multiple occasions... At one point, when talking about getting vaccinations approved for children under the age of 12, the president said: 'That's underway, just like the other question that's illogical. And I've heard you speak about it because you always – I'm not being solicitous – but you're always straight up about what you're doing.' 'And the question is whether or not we should be in a position where you uh, um, are – why can't the, the, the experts say we know that this virus is, in fact, uh, um, uh, it's going to be – or, excuse me, we, we, we know why all the drugs approved are not temporarily approved by permanently approved. That's underway too. I expect that to occur quickly,' Biden continued as he fumbled over his words...

Charlie Spiering on Twitter - "Joe Biden says his multi-trillion dollar spending plans will reduce inflation "in the years ahead""

WATCH: Biden jokes about running over reporter after being questioned on Israel - "For four years, the mainstream media accused former President Donald Trump of "inciting violence" against the media for cracking jokes about them and criticizing them."

The Biden Administration Just Failed its First Science Integrity Test - "the Biden Administration announced “a return to science” in the form of “evidence-based estimates of the benefits of reducing climate pollution.” Technically, such estimates are called the social cost of carbon (SCC). The SCC is a quantification of the economic consequences of the emissions of carbon dioxide for use in benefit-cost analyses of proposed Federal regulations... rather than a “return to science,” the Biden Administration has continued a long-standing charade that not only violates its claim to uphold scientific integrity, but leaves its carbon price extremely vulnerable to legal challenge... a much more fundamental and immediate problem with the Biden administration’s current estimates — it is based on climate scenarios that are not just badly out of date, but reflecting a set of fictional worlds. Consequently, any SCC derived from such implausible scenarios simply cannot be justified as reflecting “best available science and data.” The Biden administration’s touting of the scientific quality of the estimate invites a legal challenge... The scenarios underlying the SCC estimates of the Biden administration envision cumulative carbon dioxide emissions that are far, far in excess of any plausible current expectation about the future. In fact, to even approach these massive amounts of cumulative emissions, the world would have to make it a policy goal to burn as much coal as possible over the coming centuries. That seems unlikely."

RNC Research on Twitter - "Joe Biden stumbles through introducing Germany’s Angela Merkel: “Second largest...longest serving chancellor”"

Is This Meandering Quote From Biden Real? - "During a CNN town hall, Biden said: "And the question is whether or not we should be in a position where you are — why can't the experts say we know that this virus is, in fact — is going to be — or, excuse me — we know why all the drugs approved are not temporarily approved, but permanently approved. That's underway, too. I expect that to occur quickly.""
I expected Snopes to call this "mostly false" and come up with some bullshit logic

Common Sense Extremists on Twitter - "“Elect Biden for a return to normalcy!!”
Biden selects a transgender to help make US health policy...."

Ronny Jackson on Twitter - "Prices are rising at the “fastest pace in nearly 13 years.” Meanwhile, the Biden Administration and Democrats in Congress plan to ram through trillions in reckless, unilateral spending this year. Inflation will only get worse, CRUSHING the middle class!"

Escape The Echo Chamber - Posts | Facebook - "Trump’s bust in the Oval Office of the deeply flawed Andrew Jackson has been replaced by the deeply flawed Cesar Chavez, a man who shared Trump’s distain for illegal immigrants."

Meme - "The Biden admin's major economic success was dropping the cost of your 4th of July BBQ, but we can't even afford to drive there."

Pam Keith, Esq. on Twitter - "One of Biden’s first Executive Orders should be to prohibit the airing of FoxNews, Newsmax or OANN in any federally owned property or any military unit or installation, and to remove it from any cable plans that are offered in government owned business or housing complexes."
Imagine if Trump had banned CNN

Jen Psaki admits Biden taking impromptu reporter questions is ‘not something we recommend’ - "Biden held his first solo press conference on March 25, the 65th day of his term, following heavy criticism from the usually supportive media for not holding one. This marked the longest a president had gone without a news conference after taking office since former President Calvin Coolidge in the 1920s. Biden has also been known to consistently leave announcements, speeches and other events without answering questions from reporters"

Biden brood already cashing in on Joe's presidency: Goodwin - "Biden family members are oblivious to conflicts and criticism because they’ve been swimming in swamp corruption for decades. The two brothers, Frank and Jim, and Hunter have made millions and millions based on selling the perception of access to Joe’s power... Any remaining doubts about Joe’s knowledge were erased by Tony Bobulinski. The former college wrestler and decorated naval officer went public about Hunter’s work with a Chinese firm and said he had two meetings with Joe Biden in 2017. As Bobulinski told me, Joe knew everything about the deal in the works, which, if true, supports his claim that our new president was to get a secret 10 percent cut. Bobulinski also said Hunter often referred to his father as the “big guy.”"

Lance Gooden on Twitter - "Kamala Harris: "Extreme progress” has been made at the border.
Border Patrol: 911% spike in illegals on trains in Del Rio Sector.
Choose who you want to believe."

Harris’ hopeless ‘root cause’ prescription for the border - "It’s worse than we thought: Vice President Kamala Harris just identified the “root cause” of the surge in illegal migrants at the southern border: climate change...   Not a mention of the corrupt governments that prevent economic progress — and are sure to pocket the bulk of any foreign aid meant to develop those economies or make their farms more “resilient.”  Nor did she touch on the gangs that terrorize the common people there, giving them more urgent reason to flee.  Seems like the Biden administration’s strategy isn’t to back more competent leadership and tie aid to real-world results. It will be to pour even more cash into the Green New Deal and throw another billion at bad governments."

Harvard poll: 80% see border disaster, want Trump closure restored, reject teaching critical race theory - "In a new Harvard/Harris poll, an overwhelming 80% said that illegal immigration is a serious issue and one that needs more attention than what President Joe Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris are giving.  What’s more, 68% said that signals from Biden’s White House are encouraging illegal immigration, and 55% believe that former President Donald Trump’s border closing policies should have been left in place... And despite liberal media efforts to dismiss the debates in school districts around the country over the teaching of critical race theory, the poll found that it too was a hot issue.  “On schooling and education, another sleeper issue, 61% do not believe students should be taught that America is structurally racist and is dominated by white supremacy”"

Biden Cabinet Is Historically Diverse Compared To Trump, Obama : President Biden Takes Office
Liberals: judging people by the colour of their skin etc

Thread by @RealSpikeCohen on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "You asked for it, so I'm giving it to you:
My review of @JoeBiden's Cabinet Picks!
SPOILER ALERT: they're what you would expect from Jim Crow Joe, one of the architects of every oppressive policy to come out of DC for the past few decades."

There's a better way than Biden's unrealistic, expensive climate pledge - "For the past 30 years, the global approach to climate policy has been making grand promises and later mostly failing to live up to them. At his World Leaders Climate Summit, President Biden promised to cut about twice as much carbon as what Obama promised, which was hailed as decisive and bold climate action.  This is equivalent to decreasing an additional 1.5 billion tonnes of greenhouse gas annually by 2030 beyond Obama’s commitments. But what would this achieve? Let us assume that Biden and future presidents manage to get emissions cut as promised by 2030. And let us assume miraculously that the many future presidents from 2030 to 2100 manage to continue that feat.  If we use the standard UN climate model, it turns out that Biden’s new promises will reduce warming by the end of the century by a rather small 0.07°F — from say 7.2°F to 7.13°F. Biden told us that his climate policy would make Americans more prosperous. That is implausible. If climate policies really were making us richer, everyone would scramble to shed fossil fuels and pile on the renewables. Instead, his own summit showed the need for arm-twisting even just to make a few of the participants promise expensive new policies...   The President’s own price sticker is $2 trillion on climate policy over his first term. This is equivalent to spending $1,500 per American every year on climate, while one survey shows that most Americans are unwilling to spend even $24. That is not politically viable long term. However, the real story from the climate summit isn’t Biden’s 0.07°F reduction, but China, India and other developing nations’ unwillingness to promise new carbon cuts, because they are more focused on development and getting their populations out of poverty. These countries matter, because they will make up three-quarters of this century’s emissions, and they cannot spare trillions for climate policy."

Stephen L. Miller on Twitter - "Biden’s @MoomersIceCream  order: double-dipped waffle cone with vanilla chocolate chip."
"FWIW this is right after we found out that Russia perhaps hacked the RNC and Biden said he had no idea about it."

Gad Saad on Twitter - Biden: "A Cabinet that looks like America."
"Yes! Yes! Yes! Using immutable traits as the key means by which we celebrate our politicians. I do feel somewhat unsafe though in that I am not seeing anyone who looks like me (a Lebanese Jew of my height and skin tone with green eyes)."

Dr. Jill Biden on Twitter - ""How did you get this number?" Those were the first words I spoke to Joe when he called me out of the blue on a Saturday in 1975. I’ll be speaking tonight at the #DemConvention. I hope you’ll tune in!"
The choice of feminists!

James Lindsay - Posts | Facebook - "I'm to understand that for Sam Harris to consider Biden a threat on par with Trump, he'd have to tweet support for a conspiracy theory. Black Lives Matter is demonstrably a conspiracy theory, called liberationism, built on a tower of transparent lies... Biden explicitly connects Covid-19 to systemic racism. This is a conspiracy theory. It is a conspiracy theory that has led our schools of public health and many public officials to declare "systemic racism" a "public health threat" demanding immediate action. Here, Biden tweeted a left-wing conspiracy theory about Russia and our elections. We spent millions of dollars and years of insanity-inducing time indulging this conspiracy theory... Biden flirts with, as he often does, a conspiracy theory that Trump is encouraging and enabling the production of a dangerous or bogus Covid-19 vaccine."

Energy Secretary Granholm on Colonial Pipeline Disaster: "If You Drive an Electric Car, This Would Not Be Affecting You" Voters are correct: Biden is to blame for inflation - "Inflation is soaring, and voters blame President Biden. A Morning Consult poll in late October showed 62 percent of registered voters believe Biden’s policies are to blame for rising prices on everything from turkeys to gasoline to apartment rents... supply chain problems persist, for sure. But when the main culprits driving inflation are energy (up 30 percent from last year), accelerating rents and ongoing worker shortages, sourcing difficulties are not the whole story. Policy blunders perpetrated by the Biden White House have made a bad problem worse. For instance, oil prices are higher for two reasons. First, U.S. production has declined by about two million barrels per day since 2019, even as demand has recovered from the COVID-19-induced downturn. Oil markets are global, so the fall-off in output would not necessarily jack prices up, but our declining output needs to be offset by an increase elsewhere. Enter OPEC, which has not restored output to the level necessary to bring down prices, despite repeated pleas from Biden. Meanwhile, Biden has done a lot to discourage a resurgence in U.S. drilling and production. He has cancelled pipelines, threatened oil and gas producers with higher taxes, taken promising acreage out of play, such as the Arctic Natural Wildlife Refuge, slow-walked leasing and new drilling permits and, most recently, imposed new methane-curbing rules that make drilling more expensive. What sensible person would invest in the oilfield in the face of such unrelenting hostility?... Another boost to inflation came from housing. With “shelter” accounting for some 40 percent of the CPI, economists have warned that fast-rising home prices would eventually seep into higher inflation readings... One reason home prices have been increasing at nearly 20 percent per year is that the Federal Reserve has continued to buy up $15 billion worth of mortgage-backed bonds each month, keeping mortgage rates artificially low. The result has been a booming market, driving home prices, and now rents, higher... Biden does not control the Fed, but he has made no secret of his preference for the easy money policies that have helped prop up the economy, and the stock market. Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s term ends in February; Biden has recently interviewed not only Powell but also Fed Governor Lael Brainard, a known dove and Obama appointee, for the position. That these are the only two candidates he seems to be considering sends a clear signal. He will choose growth over stability, even if it means that inflation continues to accelerate. Unhappily, Powell is listening. Finally, Biden has not only encouraged monetary excess, but has also endorsed big-spending packages that have put money in consumers’ pockets but also kept workers on the sidelines. The biggest shortage we have in this country today is labor. The labor participation rate is mired at 61.6 percent, 1.7 percentage points below the level in February 2020. Studies have shown that the slew of benefits contained in the Cares Act and subsequent relief bills, including incremental unemployment benefits, expanded child tax credits and rent moratoriums, have offered Americans up to $100,000 per year while not working. These payments may have been necessary early in our recovery from the pandemic, but no longer are needed. A recent analysis of Biden’s proposed Build Back Better bill shows the legislation could create even more disincentives to work, sidelining millions of Americans. This would drive the cost of everything even higher."
One Biden supporter claimed that since Biden was continuing old policies, it wasn't his fault and we should blame Trump. Apparently if the situation changes and Trump's policies are no longer a good idea, we should blame Trump when Biden continues them

Crude-Oil Futures End Up 2% on Keystone Progress - WSJ - "Oil futures rose 2% Wednesday after TransCanada Corp. said the southern leg of its Keystone XL pipeline is nearly complete"
From 2013
Biden supporters tell us that less than 8% of Keystone was completed when Biden cancelled it so Biden's cancellation can't have affected oil prices. Apparently the oil futures markets hadn't gotten the memo that Keystone had to be completed for news about it to affect oil markets back in 2013, when even less than 8% of the pipeline had been completed"

EDITORIAL: Biden's playing pipeline politics | Toronto Sun - "His first act on becoming U.S. President was to scrap the Keystone XL Pipeline, a move that massively damaged Canada’s energy sector. Last month, however, he gave the green light to Europe’s Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline when he lifted sanctions imposed by Donald Trump, who worried it would hand too much influence to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Eastern European countries such as Poland fear Russia will use the pipeline as a political weapon and give it even greater influence in the area. They say there are already four pipelines in place that could adequately supply Europe, but Russia is deliberately withholding supplies in order to gain approval for the Nord Stream project. Britain is suffering a crippling energy crisis and last week accused Putin of “choking supply to win approval of the pipeline,” with Prime Minister Boris Johnson suggesting it would have “security implications for the continent.” So not content with undermining Canada’s energy security, Biden has now created a European crisis as well. This comes at the same time this country has been forced to invoke a 1977 treaty to force Biden to the table for talks on Enbridge Line 5. This critical piece of pipeline infrastructure ships Canadian crude, refined products and natural gas liquids to the U.S. Citing concerns that the line runs under the Straits of Mackinac and could leak into the Great Lakes, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer revoked Enbridge’s right to operate the pipeline and ordered the company to halt the flow by May. Enbridge has ignored that order. Most legal experts side with Canada, saying the 44-year-old treaty clearly gives this country the right to keep the pipeline flowing. Enbridge and Michigan were in court-ordered mediation until Michigan halted that process in September. Biden needs to decide who his friends are. He must come to the table and end his shameful betrayal of Canada – America’s biggest trading partner and oldest ally. Instead, the President plays nice with a Russian dictator."
To liberals, out of sight [in Europe], out of mind

As Millions of Americans Wait in Gas Lines, These Hollywood Celebrities Are Protesting Pipeline Construction - "The cyberattack on the Colonial Pipeline has highlighted the vital role oil pipelines play in meeting the energy needs of Americans. If left-wing Hollywood celebrities get their way, more of them would be shut down for good, potentially throwing the country into an energy crisis. A-list stars including Leonardo DiCaprio, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, and Jane Fonda are among the numerous celebrities who have recently backed the closures of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines — both of which former President Donald Trump tagged as vital components to energy independence... Biden administration secretary of energy Jennifer Granholm admitted during a press briefing on the Colonial Pipeline cyberattack Tuesday that the best way to transport fuel across parts of the country is through pipelines."

CBS News reporter pleads with Biden at White House: 'When will you take our questions?' - "President Biden left the White House podium again Tuesday without taking questions, a familiar scene for frustrated reporters, except this time they let him know how they feel... Several journalists shouted questions at Biden to try and get him to turn around, and one reporter's voice stood out. "When will you answer questions about your meeting with Xi Jinping and other leaders?," CBS News Radio correspondent Steven Portnoy pleaded as Biden walked out of the room. "When will you answer our questions, sir?" It's been a week since Biden's summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping, but the former has yet to remark on what was discussed in their meetings, Portnoy noted in a follow-up on Twitter... Biden has previously avoided taking questions after press conferences on the chaotic withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, poor job reports, the rise in inflation, and the Democrats' reconciliation bill and what it will mean for the U.S. economy Instead of staying for questions on the multi-trillion-dollar package last month, Biden told reporters, "I'll see you in Rome," before jetting off for summits in Europe."

Premarket stocks: Why Joe Biden can't do much to ease gas prices - CNN - Julia Horowitz
Premarket stocks: Oil prices are finally falling. Thank China and Joe Biden - CNN - Julia Horowitz

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