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Friday, August 27, 2021

Links - 27th August 2021 (2)

Boy, 16, was given estrogen at L.A. juvenile hall, suit says - Los Angeles Times - "A 16-year-old boy being held at a Los Angeles County juvenile hall developed enlarged breasts after he was prescribed estrogen to treat a behavioral disorder, a move that baffled doctors who said the treatment defied medical logic"

Larinzo on Twitter/a> - "Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you."

Cruel twist of fate for single woman who froze her eggs in her 30s to ‘free her career’ - "In an age when egg freezing has become so popular that hip employers such as Apple and Facebook cover it as a perk and grandparents help finance the procedure as they might a down payment for a house, there’s surprisingly little discussion about what happens years later when women try to use them. Fertility companies tend to advertise egg freezing — “oocyte cryopreservation” — in scientific terms, as something that can “stop time.” And many women believe they are investing in an insurance policy for future babies.But the math doesn’t always hold up. On average, a woman freezing 10 eggs at age 36 has a 30 to 60 percent chance of having a baby with them, according to published studies. The odds are higher for younger women, but they drop precipitously for older women. They also go up with the number of eggs stored (as does the cost). But the chance of success varies so wildly by individual that reproductive specialists say it’s nearly impossible to predict the outcome based on aggregate data... The four women’s experiences underscore the incredible uncertainty involved in egg freezing. James Grifo, a fertility specialist at NYU Langone Health who is one of the pioneers of the procedure, calls the whole notion of being able to “control” your fertility — perpetuated by the media and embraced by feminists — destructive.“It’s total fiction. It’s incorrect,” Grifo said. “Your whole life it’s beaten into your head that you’re in control and if you can’t have a baby, you blame yourself. There has to be more dialogue about what women can be responsible for and what they are not responsible for.”"
One reason why Singapore regulates egg freezing

BraveHeart on Twitter - "Only in America do you find a kid wearing $150 tennis shoes, drinking a $5 cup of coffee, typing on his $1,000 cell phone complaining on social media that he is oppressed and that capitalism has failed him."

Matt Taibbi on Twitter - "Former CIA Director John Brennan says "I'm increasingly embarrassed to be a white male these days," which prompts MSNBC's Nicole Wallace to laugh"
"The ultimate example of woke-washing. Man who oversaw torture, surveillance, and drone assassination programs says what embarrasses him is... this?"

Matt Walsh on Twitter - "White kids are taught to hate their whiteness. Boys are taught to hate their masculinity. Girls to hate their femininity. Children of all races and both sexes are taught to hate their country. We push self-loathing onto our kids and then wonder why they are depressed and suicidal"
"I also think non-white kids are being taught to hate themselves by being told an insurmountable evil system is stacked against them, and that no matter how hard they try, they’ll never be good enough or accepted."

Meme -
"You are"

White author won't translate Amanda Gorman's works after criticism it was inappropriate - "A Dutch poet will not translate Amanda Gorman's work after criticism that it would be inappropriate for a white person to do so.Marieke Lucas Rijneveld announced on Wednesday that they would be translating the works on Twitter which Gorman had retweeted.However, Rijneveld, the youngest author ever to win the International Booker Prize for the novel, 'The Discomfort of Evening,' decided to step down from the role on Friday."
Who thought SWs were going to stop at "whitewashing"?

Pigeon arrested in India suspected of being spy for Pakistan

Confused Pigeon Nests A Box Of Cadbury Chocolate Eggs In Tesco

4 travellers in China ate 30kg of oranges in under 30 minutes to avoid excess baggage fee

New bus trip will take you from Delhi to London - "Described as the "first-ever hop-on/hop-off bus service" between the two destinations, Bus to London will ferry 20 passengers on a modified luxury bus, inspired in part by the Hippie Trail buses that crisscrossed the world in the 1950s and 1960s. The bus will cross 18 countries over a period of 70 days, with passengers hopping off to marvel at the pagodas of Myanmar, hike the Great Wall of China and wander historic cities including Moscow and Prague."

Police Bust Condom Recycling Facility In Southern Vietnam"

Someone tell Bill Gates. Even people desperate for food won't touch the fake meat. - "Shelves are empty, people are starving, but plenty of Beyond Beef and Impossible Burgers to be had."

Bill Gates wants you to "shift entirely to synthetic beef." He's also now the biggest owner of farmland in America. Ain't that a coinkydink? - "Gates – who coincidentally is a primary investor in a synthetic meat company called Memphis Meats and has financial ties with other plant-based companies – wants the U.S. and other "rich nations" to eat only lab-grown meat."
Conflict of interest is only an issue if you disagree with someone

UN Watch on Twitter - "No joke: Ahead of U.N. review of U.S. rights record, China—which herded 1 million Muslims into camps to kill their religion & culture—asks: “What measures has U.S. taken to eliminate systematic racism, racial discrimination, white supremacy, religious intolerance and xenophobia?“" "Happening now: We are live tweeting as 🇺🇸 the U.S. record on human rights is now being reviewed at the U.N.'s Human Rights Council by Cuba, Belarus, North Korea, Syria, Iran, China & other champions of human rights."

AOC says she might quit politics because the Democrat Party is not guano-crazy enough for her

Facebook - "AOC took her district by twenty points less than Biden took it.
But the far left would have you believe she's the future of American politics"

Female protester arrested in NYC for spitting in cop's face once interned for U.S Rep Jerry Nadler - "The foul-mouthed female protester who was arrested Wednesday for spitting in the face of an NYPD officer once interned for a high-ranking House Democrat.Devina Singh, 24, spent about a month in 2018 working as a social work intern for U.S. Representative Jerrold Nadler, who chairs the House Judiciary Committee... Singh, of Brooklyn, was among the 57 people arrested in New York City on Wednesday night after she was filmed in Manhattan's West Village neighborhood screaming 'f**k you fascist' at an NYPD officer before spitting in his face."

Internal Google document reveals campaign against EU lawmakers | Financial Times - "Google is planning an aggressive campaign targeted against French commissioner Thierry Breton and other regulators in Brussels over their plans to introduce new laws to curb the power of big tech, according to a leaked internal document... The leak of the internal document lays bare the tactics that big tech companies employ behind the scenes to manipulate public discourse and influence lawmakers. The presentation is watermarked as “privileged and need-to-know” and “confidential and proprietary”."

McDonald's ice cream makers are broken because... RACISM!! - "'a programmer has reverse-engineered the McDonald's app to track inoperable ice cream machines across all 14,000 locations in the U.S.... McDonald's locations were overrepresented in white areas while locations with broken ice cream machines skewed Black and low-income.' Wait a second... You're telling me that low-income areas aren't as likely to have the most well-maintained, efficient ice cream machines in all the land? Golly, I bet you'll tell me they're more likely to have car parts on their front lawns and Rottweilers behind chain-link fences, too!"
Liberals claim income is the real factor when they want to make minorities look good, but they claim race is the real factor when they want to cry racism

A Bot Tracking McDonald’s Ice Cream Machines Finds Troubling Racial Disparities - "most of these machines probably aren’t “broken” per se, but rather temporarily turned off because they need to be cleaned."

Former McDonald's worker reveals ice cream machine appears broken as staff do not want to clean it - "Will Doyle claimed that the soft-serve machines take hours to clean and this makes staff reluctant to serve ice-cream... Another former worker said it was 'always working' but just 'took too long to clean' so they told people it was broken... 'Unless you work for the company you don’t understand. It seems dumb but it’s genuinely easier to lie to avoid having the same conversation 10000 times a day.'   Former employee Megan Wojcik said: 'Or someone would accidentally press the weird heat button which spoiled the ice cream/shakes so it had to be cleaned.'"
Looks like Vice is the one being racist, given the staff in minority neighbourhoods!

Parrots removed from UK wildlife park after they started swearing at customers - "A group of parrots at a zoo had to be put back into isolation when they all started swearing at customers after coming out of quarantine.The five African grey parrots were adopted by Lincolnshire Wildlife Park on August 15 and put into a room together.But it appears they used their time in isolation teaching each other foul language, which left park staff in hysterics - but swift action had to be taken when they started using obscenities with guests.Steve Nichols, CEO at the Friskney park, said the birds were put into a 'time out', but admitted over the last 25 years he's taken in many parrots "that have sometimes had a bit of blue language"... The park has also made headlines around the world after a video of Chico, a parrot at the park, singing Beyonce ’s ‘If I were a boy’ went viral. Mr Nichols said people have come to see Chico and then heard about the fouled-mouthed parrots, meaning both have been good for business."It is quite an unusual place where you are walking around and people are swearing at aviaries trying to get a parrot to swear back at them."He joked the site has become an "adult theme park"."

Islamists Block Construction of First Hindu Temple in Islamabad - The New York Times - "A Hindu temple planned for Islamabad, the city’s first, was supposed to be a symbol of tolerance. Instead, violence and controversy have turned it into an emblem of Pakistan’s troubled relationship with its religious minorities.When Pakistan’s former government allotted land for the Shri Krishna Mandir, or Krishna temple, in 2018, Muslim demonstrators quickly camped out on the plot, refusing to allow a Hindu structure to be built in their nation’s capital. But the temple’s Hindu advocates seemed to prevail, and when the temple’s first foundation stones were laid last month, government officials proclaimed it marked the start of a new, tolerant chapter for Pakistan. Days later, Prime Minister Imran Khan ordered the government to provide about $1.3 million for the temple’s construction, roughly a fifth of what is needed... Muslim clerics stepped in again, and things started changing.Several clerics ruled that no Hindu temple should be built, because Pakistan is a Muslim country. Citizens denounced the government for using their taxes to provide funding for the temple. And media outlets openly campaigned to shut the project down. Under mounting pressure, the government on Friday backtracked from its initial pledge to donate money to the temple’s construction, instead asking for guidance from the Council of Islamic Ideology on whether to give the grant... The fever pitch around the temple finally erupted on Sunday when a group of men destroyed the partially constructed wall around the temple’s land, claiming it was their Islamic duty to do so. They gleefully filmed their exploits and posted it on social media. None of the vandals have been arrested. In a matter of two weeks, the hope surrounding Islamabad’s first Hindu temple was derailed, as were any aspirations that the government of Mr. Khan would deliver on the religious coexistence he had promised when he won elections in 2018."
Another Islamophobic story!

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