Citizen_Troll đșđž on Twitter - "Hereâs a year of Parents magazine. Not a single issue has a Mother & Father on the cover."
Comment (elsewhere): "The agenda is obvious, remove strong masculine men from the equation. Society should be furious, but too many people have been dumbed down by media and pop culture."
Meme - "No! You can't watch porn it dehumanizes women."
"Noo! You can't watch hentai. The unrealistic proportions in it harm real women!"
"Nooo! You can't be in a normal relationship. This helps to perpetuate the patriarchy wich harms women."
"NOOOOOOO0OOOO! You can't just not have sex. You're an incel! Guys! Guys! Look at this pathetic incel!"
Feminism is just misandry
Facebook - ""Found the incel" *Fat woman at laptop*"
Who is feminism for? Probably not you. - "If feminism doesnât include intergalactic space toads, then itâs not real feminism. And if it doesnât include prostate owners who canât get pregnant, mothers who donate semen, and people who are terrorized by hairdressers asking what their genitals look like, then, again, again, thatâs not real feminism. If you exclude these groups, can you even call yourself a feminist? The answer is âno.â So who is feminism for?... Who can be a feminist, you ask? Well, if your feminism doesnât include ladies with hairy testicles, alien abductees, men who helm influential media companies, people who have blisters on their feet from breaking in new shoes, and those who oppose the Canadian seal hunt, then you are not a real feminist. Are you confused yet? Thatâs okay. Feelings of confusion just mean that youâre queering the cis-supremacist-hetero-patriarchy inside your mind. This is hard emotional labour. Your confusion is valid and so are you. Now, letâs talk about talking about feminism. If your feminist rhetoric doesnât include clappy hands (emoticons only, always refrain from real life clapping to be inclusive of the neurodiverse) between every word, then No (CLAP) One (CLAP) Can (CLAP) Hear (CLAP) You (CLAP). Only bigots donât clap between words because they secretly know they are bigots and donât want to draw attention to what they have to say. Real feminists know this. These are some words that constitute dog-whistles for anti-feminist hate speech: vagina; vulva; uterus; woman; mother; and biology. Watch out for these, feminists know they are bad words and wonât ever use them. Also watch out for AFABs (assigned females at birth) who reject their cis-ness. They are TERFs."
The Anti Feminist Bank - Posts | Facebook - "Girl writes essay on why the wage gap isn't real. Feminist professor responds by telling her, Do NOT use business sources. They blame women."
Comment: "Do not use objective, accurate sources. Pre-select only sources that are overtly and laughably biased. The state of modern academia is nothing short of appalling"
Richard Cooper on Twitter - "People tell men "Do what's right" People tell women "Do what's right for you" There is a lesson there."
Judith on Twitter - "Feminism is really simple. If a woman gets her way, she's empowered. If she doesn't get her way, she's oppressed. Meaning that a woman's success is her own while her failures are always some else's fault."
Meme - "Boy bib: "Mr Mess"
Girl bib: "The Future is Female""
How coronavirus is widening the UK gender pay gap - "Part-time work, the caring stereotype, the motherhood penalty and slow career advancement contribute to the continuing problem of unequal pay... In Europe and North America, working women contribute between 35% and 45% of their countryâs GDP. Countries that plan economic recovery without truly taking the realities of womenâs economic position into account are setting themselves up for failure... About four years ago, the British government did something extraordinary, by stipulating that all businesses with more than 250 employees would soon be required to reveal their gender pay gap online... Of all the companies, airlines and banks were the worst offenders. The airlines had men flying planes and women serving drinks, with the former paid very well and the latter paid rather poorly. As an example, 94% of the pilots at easyJet were male, compensated at ÂŁ92,400 on average. Flight attendants were 69% female, compensated at an average of ÂŁ24,800. The airlines seemed to think this gender split was perfectly normal. Had they been asleep in the cockpit since the Equal Pay Act of 1970?... Company representatives trying to defend the gender pay gap in 2018 also spent a lot of time mansplaining the limits of the governmentâs reporting requirements to outraged women. They complained that the governmentâs method of calculating the pay gap was too simplistic to reflect the complexity of their payrolls. The truth was that the âsimplisticâ formula, while making all businessesâ numbers comparable and keeping the reporting burden to a minimum, did not allow employers to massage the pay gap out of their numbers... some economists pursue an ideological agenda by âcontrolling variablesâ in national data sets until the gap in pay between men and women disappears. They conclude that if women made the same smart choices as men â especially avoiding responsibility for children â there would be equal pay. They then put the studies out to the media, who gleefully tout the news until everyone has heard something about the gender gap being a fiction. You can make any statistical effect disappear if you control for the right variables. These analysts control for terms such as âworks part-timeâ, âworks from homeâ, and âworks in healthcare, education or retailâ, which describe women so much more often than men that theyâre really just another way of saying âfemaleâ. When analysts control for these factors, they have not discovered that the pay gap is a fiction. What their manipulated data really says is: women were paid the same as men once we removed all the factors that enforce and reflect gender bias in the workplace... If, in the aggregate, women are more qualified but not getting promoted, then widespread sex discrimination must be happening, and consistently. That is the only way to reconcile those facts. So where are the lawsuits? The BBC looked at court statistics at that time, expecting to find masses of equal pay lawsuits clogging the employment tribunals, but was surprised to learn that not a single equal pay case had been decided since 2010. Not one."
Feminists want equal pay for unequal work
If working women contribute 35-45% of the country's GDP and working men 55-65%, presumably according to feminist logic they need to be paid the same or it's sexism
Once again "mansplaining" is when a man says something a woman doesn't like
I like how correcting for relevant factors is "pursuing an ideological agenda". Feminism is totally devoid of reflexivity - only pursuing the feminist agenda is neutral and value free
Titania McGrath on Twitter - "The day my intersectional feminist poetry earns me as much as a male banker is the day the gender pay gap can be declared a myth."
Struggling since I started passing as a man : MensLib - "Iâm a very quiet, thoughtful and sort of emotionally sensitive trans guy who has been struggling since I started passing as a man.
-I always was scared to talk to people for fear of coming off as âcreepyâ or weird or predatory before I started passing, but now itâs doubled.
Iâm horrified of being this image I see in my head of this autistic guy who tries to talk to people even though no one likes him... as a girl, I took for granted that people would still think Iâm ok or not creepy no matter what I do.
-Iâm very egalitarian and donât like the idea of âmen having to pursue womenâ or men having to be more dominant, but am struggling realizing ill literally be forever alone if I donât do these things.
-I feel like men only âmake itâ in the world if theyâre talented in some way, where if I stayed as a girl I wouldnât have to worry whether I did nothing because I would still be liked and appreciated.
I donât regret starting testosterone at all because i feel way less dysphoric about how I look now, but at the same time, I have horrible social anxiety and itâs just 5000x harder to live as a guy with social anxiety. Fuck."
Looks like this person can't deal with "male privilege"
The #MeToo Backlash - "[In 2018] more than 10% of both men and women said they thought they would be less willing than previously to hire attractive women. Twenty-two percent of men and 44% of women predicted that men would be more apt to exclude women from social interactions, such as after-work drinks; and nearly one in three men thought they would be reluctant to have a one-on-one meeting with a woman. Fifty-six percent of women said they expected that men would continue to harass but would take more precautions against getting caught, and 58% of men predicted that men in general would have greater fears of being unfairly accused... in early 2019 [there was] a bigger backlash than respondents had anticipated. For instance, 19% of men said they were reluctant to hire attractive women, 21% said they were reluctant to hire women for jobs involving close interpersonal interactions with men (jobs involving travel, say), and 27% said they avoided one-on-one meetings with female colleagues; only one of those numbers was lower in 2019 than the numbers projected the year before"
Men now avoid women at work â another sign we're being punished for #MeToo - "Itâs worth noting, I think, that the Harvard Business Review article previewing the studyâs 2019 results is headlined The #MeToo Backlash. You see that phrase a lot and that framing subtly implies that #MeToo went too far, that a backlash is only natural. Itâs yet another form of victim-blaming; another way to quietly put women back in their place."
Guardian logic: saying that there was a backlash means you're justifying the backlash. How convenient
Tellingly, she didn't mention false accusations at all, despite the article mentioning that a majority of men were worried about that. Natural, given that that would undermine the "men know what they're doing wrong and are afraid of getting caught" narrative. And of course, women engaging in similar behavior is dismissed as "internalised misogyny"
Meme - "Judith @Judith_Char: It never ceases to amaze me how toxic feminists can be, and how embolden they are by their followers. And they think my biggest concern as a woman should be the non existant patriarchy and not their toxic behavior.
"Calling out women is misogyny, calling out men is justice."
Being told I'm seeking male validation by a girl with 5$ a month onlyfans is a special kind of delightful irony."
The Guardian on Twitter - "Iâd rather the police investigate a crime of misogyny than a burglary | Suzanne Moore"
Meme - "Women see themselves as perpetually oppressed because I they only compare themselves to high status men and don't even see low status men as human"
Meme - "Men should be slaves"
"me and alot of other male feminists would gladly become slaves if it is what it takes to stop misogyny"
"Before I transitioned (MtF), me and my wife's boyfriend would simulate the sleeping conditions of an 18th century Atlantic Slave ship by having my wife and shit on us whilst we lay in wooden boxes (ngl it kinda made me aroused... I wonder if the Slaves felt the same way"
RADFEM HITLER đŠâđȘâŒïž on Twitter: - "I think walking and coffee dates are particularly cringe to me because it comes from such a scarcity mindset. You're scared. You're assuming it won't work out because women don't often like you so you're stingy. It's huge beta vibes. You're broadcasting you think you're a loser.
Fundamentally this is why it's such a turnoff when a guy asks you out for a four dollar cup of coffee or a walk in some public park where homeless people sleep
This man is starved, desperate, and lowkey bitter. Stingy with his wallet equals stingy with his heart.
Being suspicious and particularly discerning in the getting to know you stage is for women. This is feminine behavior as we are the weaker, more vulnerable sex. When you are terrified of taking a woman out to dinner, you are now the female in the dynamic.
It's just all so deeply unsexy. PUA and redpill types are coming from the same place psychologically too. At the end of the day they're no different than reddit bros who cry about spending 20 bucks on a girl for dinner. They're all little children scared of getting cooties."
WilliePete on Twitter - Madonna: "The Patriarchy continues to try to crush my neck with their heavy boots, cut off my life force and take away my voiceâEven those who call themselves artists..............You know who you are!!! DEATH TO THE PATRIARCHY! Now and Forever. #riskwhatyouvalue #valuewhatyourisk"
"Nothing exemplifies American feminism more than a woman worth $850 million whining about how oppressed she is."
Meme - "Can I play?"
"This game is too difficult. Can we change it?"
Meme - "Inclusivity cheat sheet
Step 1: Identify the problem and call it out.
Men at women-only space: "Over there! Bigots!"
Step 2: Add some men
*Women at new women-only space*
Step 3: Add some more men
*More women at new women-only space*
Step 4: Keep adding men until space is fully inclusive
*old female-only space is mostly male*
Step 5: Repeat Step 1"
It's ironic that this is framed as a critique of men, when SJWs use this playbook. Maybe this is really "transphobic"
Feminism is about gender equality so hating men isn't feminism and the hatred for men often leads to transphobia"
Brilliant. The left devours itself
Jane NoBullCis Gender Critical FTW on Twitter - "If I say I love women, and I do, not a peep from anyone. If I say I love men, and I do, itâs fucking carnage."
"I will defend the GC men, but I see no point in proclaiming either love or hate for men in general. As a class, they oppress women. The good ones get that. Pointing out that good men exist doesn't accomplish anything and it's hard for some of our sisters to hear. So why bother?"
Meme - Saira Rao: "PSA: Men don't get to decide what's sexist."
"So a particular group of people cannot have an opinion on something due to their gender. I am almost positive there is a term for this ill - "
Woke Watchdog - Posts | Facebook - "I donât know who needs to hear this but there is a thing that white millionaire babymen do when they donât get they attention want and itâs called âfake folksinessâ and slobbery and doing it today is a purposeful decision to shift attention away from women and history."
"Purposefully looking like a slob at a historical inauguration for women is a form of misogyny"
"Ice cold feminist take: I love Bernie, really I do, but sir: emotional labor is not beneath you. Not feeling it? Fucking pretend for one minute, like [most] women do every minute."
"The problem is, I canât even laugh at the Bernie photos because can you imagine if Hillary or Liz Warren showed up dressed like that and acting like that? Or even Obama? White men get endless latitude and forgiveness other Americans arenât afforded."
On the Bernie with mittens meme
When feminists just hate (white) men so much they hate on them at every chance
Facebook - "I hate Men - Pauline Harmange" "New feminist book out. It's strange how the most men hating of feminists often look like, well, men."
Sharon Godwin on Twitter - "I never learned to cook because my mom would always say âlearn to cook so you can cook for your husbandâ and just the thought of cooking for a man angered me. Now Iâm 24 and starving"
Meme - "Jessica Valenti: Cause far as & can see, no "menâs rightsâ folks have had to leave their homes, increase security & completely change their lives in fear."
"Jessica, meet Erin Pizzey. Erin fled from two countries due to excessive death threats from feminists. The Santa Fe Bomb Squad processed her mail. One of her dogs was shut, two others were stolen. All because she reported her observations on domestic violence honestly"
The Screen - Posts | Facebook - "If girls who are attracted to girls can remain calm around other girls who wear skirts, maybe the skirts aren't the problem"
"Actually, looking at perpetration rates, lesbian women rape other women more than men rape women."
Another way this is phrased: "If girls who like girls can control themselves around other girls, maybe what she was wearing isn't the issue"
Women Raped by Women - Lesbian Sexual Assault - "a 2005 survey by the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA) concluded that one in three lesbian-identified participants had been sexually assaulted by a woman, and one in four had experienced violence within a lesbian relationship. Eight years later, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) conducted the first-ever national survey of intimate partner violence by sexual orientation and discovered that lesbians (and gay men) experience equal or higher rates of partner violence than the straight-identified population... "Friend groups can become divided and the survivor may fear losing her only LGBTQ support network," Kauffman says. "This can be especially challenging for survivors who live in areas where the community is small or there is a more hostile climate towards LGBTQ people." There are larger, cultural implications of naming a same-sex attacker. Even as LGBTQ rights are on the ascent, "there's a fear that accusing someone of assault within your community, which is already marginalized, will give society cause to fear or marginalize you further," says Trilling. Queer women's historical legacy as "deviant" is not that far behind. In a climate where more and more openly queer women are assuming public rolesâand gaining acceptance in straight communitiesânaming one of your own isn't just interpreted as a charge on them. It's an attack on your community's hard-won progress to be seen as equal... When female victims of female assaults do pursue legal action, gender bias can severely hinder their ability to accurately report sexual violence. "Oftentimes, women in abusive same-sex relationships tell us that even when they do call the police, they are treated dismissively," recounts Kauffman. "'Women aren't violent.' 'This is just a girl fight, this is a waste of our time,' is a common attitude.""
Damn "patriarchy"!
Identity politics poisons everything
Of course, feminists are partly to blame by demonising men, which means people don't think women can be aggressors
When Intimate Partner Violence Meets Same Sex Couples: A Review of Same Sex Intimate Partner Violence - "Over the past few decades, the causes of and intervention for intimate partner violence (IPV) have been approached and studied. This paper presents a narrative review on IPV occurring in same sex couples, that is, same sex IPV (SSIPV). Despite the myth that IPV is exclusively an issue in heterosexual relationships, many studies have revealed the existence of IPV among lesbian and gay couples, and its incidence is comparable to (Turell, 2000) or higher than that among heterosexual couples (Messinger, 2011; Kelley et al., 2012)... Life-time prevalence of IPV in LGB couples appeared to be similar to or higher than in heterosexual ones: 61.1% of bisexual women, 43.8% of lesbian women, 37.3% of bisexual men, and 26.0% of homosexual men experienced IPV during their life, while 35.0% of heterosexual women and 29.0% of heterosexual men experienced IPV. When episodes of severe violence were considered, prevalence was similar or higher for LGB adults (bisexual women: 49.3%; lesbian women: 29.4%; homosexual men: 16.4%) compared to heterosexual adults (heterosexual women: 23.6%; heterosexual men: 13.9%) (Breiding et al., 2013). Messinger (2011) highlighted that all forms of abuse were more likely to occur in homosexual and bisexual couples than in heterosexual ones. Moreover, he hypothesized that a higher percentage violence was caused by unique risk factors linked to minority stress that is experienced only by LGB people. In addition, the study highlighted that lesbian women were at higher risk of being involved in IPV, followed by heterosexual women, gay men, and heterosexual men. Furthermore, bisexual people appeared to be the most abused group compared to the others; bisexual women, specifically, were more likely to be victims of every type of IPV, excluding psychological IPV... Nonetheless, public opinion considers LGB abuse as a rare phenomenon: this opinion is particularly strong with regard to bisexual and lesbian women, often idealized as being in peaceful and utopian relationships, far from the violence and aggression that is commonly associated with âtypicalâ male virility (Glass and Hassouneh, 2008; Barnes, 2010). Such a stereotype can be an obstacle to lesbian victims in recognizing that a partner behavior is abusive and not normal (Seelau and Seelau, 2005)."
We know that not only does partner violence includes partner sexual assault, but the 2 are correlated. If you want to posit that while lesbians face more rape, physical violence, and/or stalking from partners (43.8% vs 35% for heterosexual women), but that this is not due to more rape, then it must be due to more physical violence and/or stalking. Then you need to find evidence for that too, and explain why only these 2 are different but not the first.
Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals at Increased Risk for Sexual Assault - "Gay, lesbian, and bisexual men and women may have increased risk of being sexual assaulted compared to heterosexual people. Several factors could account for the higher risk, among them that these groups have fewer rights and are more discriminated against. A new study led by School of Public Health researchers has found that across 75 different research reports, lesbian and bisexual women may be up to 3 times as likely as heterosexual women to report having been sexually assaulted in their lifetime, and gay men appear to be about 15 times as likely as heterosexual men to report the same."
Sexual Violence, Stalking, and Intimate Partner Violence by Sexual Orientation, United States
More precise data: in Table 3 on Page 18, the point estimate for contact sexual violence by a partner among heterosexual women is 16.4%. Among lesbians it's 19.4%. While the 95% CIs intersect, all the other data point in the same direction. So the excuse that men are targeting lesbians more than heterosexual women doesn't hold.
Sexual Coercion in Gay/Lesbian Relationships: Descriptives and Gender Differences - "Duncan (1990) reports that approximately 31% of lesbians had sex against their will compared to 18% of heterosexual women. Approximately 12% of gay men were forced to have sex compared to 4% of heterosexual men. Baier and colleagues (1991) reports that 37% of their sample of gay/bisexual students (includes both gays and lesbians) and 19% of heterosexual students were victims of sexual coercion... A greater proportion of lesbians report being victimized by their past female partners (56.8%, n = 136) than prior male partners (41.9%, n = 169)
There is some evidence (cited later) that men are abusing the lesbians (even if it doesn't jive with other research above).Yet, gay men are more sexually abused than straight men. The excuse there can't be that homophobic straight men rape them. So presumably the fallback needs to be blaming "patriarchy"
Durham University student's union leader, 21, is self-declared 'man-hater' - "A Students' Union leader at Durham University has described herself as a man-hater.Nailah Haque's Twitter profile until recently included the declaration: 'Misandrist till I die.' A misandrist is a person who despises men... Her appointment comes as it was revealed that Durham Students' Union is viewed with 'hatred' and 'mistrust' after it axed funding for an award-winning university newspaper.The international relations student from East London has encouraged union staff to detail which personal pronoun they use in their emails, and lobbied for the introduction of 'pronoun badges' for students and staff to wear. In July she presented a manifesto to Durham bosses on how to 'decolonise' the university.She has also called on the university, which has an extensive collection of artwork, to 'sell a Picasso and fund the work people of colour have been asking you to do for years'... the union is 'undemocratic' and gripped by a 'toxic culture'... '''The student newspaper has been printed for 72 years. Now the team have been told there is no budget for paper and ink. This is wrong, wrong, wrong''.'He added that the current 'indignation' from students upset about the axing was also fuelled by a the belief that 'the sound of a newspaper being printed is the sound of freedom'.Mr Vine also recalled how in the 1980s when he was studying English literature at the university, the tension between the newspaper and the union was 'so real you could smell it'.He added: 'It became clear to me the studentsâ union was full of people who were basically doing a full-time degree in hating Mrs Thatcher.'Student politics was never very grown-up, and I kept out of it. 'The problem comes when a student newspaper is funded by a student body. When I was editor, we ran regular exposĂ©s on the people who ran the studentsâ union â ardent Left-wingers who all seemed to become management consultants on graduation.'On one occasion they had been angry at the university authorities and resigned en masse. When I declared this was ''not a big story'' and relegated it to an inside page, they were furious. The penny dropped. They thought we only existed to tell the rest of the university how good they were.'... just 29 per cent of Durham students who responded to a national survey said the union effectively represented their academic interests â the lowest score across all 137 UK universities... Among the complaints of those who protested in the February election is that the union's assembly â where clapping is banned because some students may be sensitive to noise â passes 'politically divisive' motions and fails to engage with the 'real issues' facing students.Motions passed over the past year include calling for a boycott of Barclays bank because of its holdings in fossil fuel companies and declaring the university 'institutionally disablist' â suggesting it discriminates against disabled people.And recently the union's Women's Association renamed itself Durham's Womxn's Association. Woke organisations claim that 'womxn' is more inclusive of trans and non-binary women... One student, who asked not to be named, claimed the union's chief executive Gareth Hughes, a former Labour student activist who describes himself as a socialist on social media, is the 'driving force' at the union and that the student officers are 'in thrall' to him.'He's the person setting the agenda and calling the shots,' the source said.James Parton-Hughes, a former member of the Durham University Conservative Association, said: 'The union is like a private club with a cancel culture and political correctness. I don't think there is a single student who would say it should suspend printing of the newspaper. The union should be open to being held to account.'"
Richard Cooper on Twitter - "Women love feminism because "fighting the patriarchy" is easier than learning culinary skills, losing weight, being pleasant, and taking ownership."
Disco clothing, female sexual motivation, and relationship status: Is she dressed to impress? - "The relationship between a female's clothing choice, sexual motivation, hormone levels, and partnership status (single or not single, partner present or not present) was analyzed in 351 females attending Austrian discotheques. We digitally analyzed clothing choice to determine the amount of skin display, sheerness, and clothing tightness. Participants selfâreported sexual motivation, and we assessed estradiol and testosterone levels through saliva sampling. Results show that females are aware of the social signal function of their clothing and that they in some cases alter their clothing style to match their courtship motivation. In particular, sheer clothingâalthough rare in the studyâpositively correlated with the motivation for sex. Hormone levels influenced clothing choice in many groups, with testosterone levels correlating positively with physique display. Infernales who had a partner but were at the disco unaccompanied by the partner, estradiol levels correlated positively with skin display and clothing tightness. Significant differences were not found, however, for clothing choice across the partnershipâstatus groups."
Feminists will protest this study claiming that it says that women in skimpy clothing are "asking for it"
Kevin Sorbo on Twitter - "âNo sorry we canât play Baby itâs Cold Outside because that song is sexist.â âBut anyways hereâs WAP by Cardi Bâ -the left"
Facebook - "I've been seeing a lot of people talking about Chris Evans's accidental upload the other day. And I get it, you're curious. Fuck, I'm curious as hell, too. He is a very handsome man who plays a super hero that is the boyfriend a lot of us have just wanted forever. Shit, I wanna husband Steve Rogers. Or Chris Evans. I'm not too picky here. Chris Evans has a great body. AND from all accounts I've heard, he's genuinely a GOOD PERSON. Who wouldn't be curious? But here's the thing: a lot of feminists were up in arms about actresses whose nudes were leaked, and now I'm seeing a lot of the same women saying, "Anybody got a copy of that picture?" So it feels like a lot of people were less incensed about consent violations than they were about not being able to participate. All I'm saying is if you're the kind of person who values consent and bodily autonomy, but is still sharing, receiving, or saving the compromising screenshots/videos of Chris Evans, you should sit and think about what exactly it is that you're doing."
Meme - "If it bothers you to see a pregnant person drinking alcohol, does it bother you equally when your bros who are fathers are out drinking with you instead of being with their kids?"
"Nothing says âsmash the patriarchyâ like giving your kid fetal alcohol syndrome"
Meme - "so i really wanted to go on a walk and then i remembered i am a girl and will get s3x tr@fficked"
"If you can't hear someone backing up their flatbed to abduct you that's your fault"
Grievance mongering has real consequences. How many women have suffered trauma due to the lies of feminism?
Shitlords United - Posts | Facebook - "Male lifes dont matter apparently. Read an article about how in 2018 womens homicide rate rose 10% in Mexico to the point they are calling it Femicide. I did some digging to notice the homicide rate for males was over 32,000s in 2018. Compared to nearly 900 in females. (Some are calling it femicide but multiple news sources like the ones I posted believe cant decide if its homicide or femicide) Yall. This is why numbers are important. Murder is terrible regardless however the fact they are ignoring the fact men make up over 97% of homicides is down right depressing."
Ben Shapiro on Twitter - "US Soccer's Megan Rapinoe at the White House: "I've been disrespected and dismissed because I am a woman. I've been told that I don't deserve any more than less because I am a woman. Despite all the wins, I'm still paid less than men who do the same job that I do.""
"If you do the same job, join the men's league and prove it. After all, gender is just a social construct."
The #MeToo campaign versus the presumption of innocence - "In the US, the Democratic Party and its celebrity and media allies, through the vehicle of its #MeToo campaign, are waging a battle against the presumption of innocence. By seeking to whip up hysterical moods surrounding allegations of sexual misconduct, they are trying to popularize the idea that those accused of sexual assault should be presumed guilty. This campaign is, in its essence, reactionary and should be opposed. The proponents of this view have put forward four primary arguments:
1. All accusers must be believed, and doubting any accuser is tantamount to âvictim blamingâ or ârape apology.â...
2. The impact of such crimes on victims is so devastating that basic protections for the accused are obstacles in the way of justice, not only for the particular accuser, but for women as a whole. Hawaii Democratic Senator Mazie Hirono recently said the presumption of innocence âis what makes it really difficult for victims and survivors of these traumatic events to come forward.â
3. It is a mark of unfairness and gender bias that the accused have the right to cross-examine their accusers, which #MeToo proponents such as the International Socialist Organization call âput[ting] rape victims on trial.â
4. The presumption of innocence is not a democratic principle but a mere legal technicality, and as such it applies only in a criminal prosecution...
When considered in a historical context, the anti-democratic character of these arguments emerges. For centuries, proponents of the democratic right to the presumption of innocence have fought against powerful moods, based on appeals to emotion, mob justice and irrationalism, which view the presumption of innocence as an obstacle in the way of exacting immediate revenge against the alleged perpetrator. Proponents have always insisted that the principle is meaningless unless it applies universally, even to (and especially to) individuals who find themselves in the crosshairs of official public opinion... The right to the presumption of innocence until proven guilty is among the foundational principles upon which many other significant legal protections depend. If the accused are presumed guilty, then the right to counsel, the right to cross-examine witnesses, and the right to remain silent would be substantially weakened... the presumption of innocence came under attack in the late medieval and early modern period. During the Inquisition, many European Jews were accused of sexually assaulting Christian women and were burnt or otherwise killed... In the 18th century, the revolutionary European and American bourgeoisies were determined to deliver a blow against centuries of feudal backwardness and arbitrary dynastic rule. Their chief ideologists, schooled in the ideas of the rational Enlightenment, recognized the presumption of guilt as a characteristic of tyranny that is wholly inconsistent with democracy and the rule of law... during the French Revolution, Quintard-MorĂ©nas explains that the third estate viewed the monarchyâs use of torture and its belief in the presumption of the guilt of its subjects as an indication of the regressive character of the Bourbon dynasty... When hundreds of people were dismissed from government jobs or positions in Hollywood based on allegations they were spies for the Soviet Union because of sympathies for left-wing politics, they were provided no opportunity to challenge their persecutors... Supporters of the #MeToo campaign presumably have no objection to this regime, since after all, these were not criminal proceedings and the presumption of innocence does not apply... By hollowing out the presumption, #MeToo is paving the way for future frame-ups and convictions, in particular of the millions of poor and oppressed who are often caught up in the gears of the criminal system and become the victims of prejudicesâracial and otherwiseâof juries who do not understand the presumption of innocence... According to the Tuskegee Institute, 3,446 African-Americans were lynched from 1882 to 1968. The instigators and participants of lynch mobs acted under the belief that the legal system failed to believe accusers and slowed justice by providing unnecessary protections for the accused... Thousands of victims of police murder in the US do not receive the benefit of the presumption of innocence. They are presumed guilty as a result of living in âhigh-crime areas,â where the police shoot first and ask questions later. Instead, police on the beat, armed with the latest weaponry from the battlefields of North Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia, serve as judge, jury and executioner and are hardly ever punished... The abandonment of progressive attitudes toward due process and the presumption of innocence is most pronounced among affluent sections of the upper-middle-class. For this privileged layer, identity politics and postmodernist philosophy have become key theoretical vehicles for the attack on the presumption of innocence... In a recent comment in support of the #MeToo campaign on their blog, the ex-radicals Alex Steiner and Frank Brenner sum up the reactionary marriage between identity politics and postmodernism."
Has the DNC Ditched #MeToo?. Bill Clintonâs Democratic convention⊠- "Actress and outspoken #MeToo movement advocate Rose McGowan blasted the Democratic Party on the final day of the Democratic National Convention last week in a series of tweets.
âI was raped by a TOP Democratic donor. Hillary Clinton shut down NBCâs exposĂ© of HW [Harvey Weinstein] with one call from her spokesperson. I strongly believe Joe Biden is a rapist. [The] DNC [Democrat National Convention] had Bill Clinton, serial abuser of young women (Epstein & others) speak,â McGowan tweeted, adding: âYou want me to be pro-Dem? I know more than you will ever know about their evil. You can hide behind your convenient morality. I wonât.â
McGowan continued to criticize the âfailuresâ of the Democratic Party. âWhat have the Democrats done to solve ANYTHING? Help the poor? No. Help black & brown people? No. Stop police brutality? No. Help single mothers? No. Help children? No. You have achieved nothing. NOTHING. Why did people vote Trump? Because of you motherf******,â McGowan fumed on Twitter... Only hours before Clintonâs speech at the DNC, photos were released of the former president receiving a massage from one of Jeffery Epsteinâs known victims... Many party progressives are anxious to leave behind the moderate politics of the Clinton era."