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Friday, August 27, 2021

Links - 27th August 2021 (1) (Trans Mania)

Meme - "When someone calling you by the wrong name causes you to have a breakdown and seeing yourself in the mirror causes unending mental anguish but you definitely don't have a mental illness so the solution is to cause irreparable harm to your body through mutilating surgeries and hormone iniections"

Michael Knowles on Twitter - "People keep calling Serena Williams the greatest female athlete of all time, as if Caitlyn Jenner didn't even exist. Not only did Caitlyn win the decathlon, she even beat all the men!"

Neurodivergent Rebel 🧠 ️‍ on Twitter - "I really dislike all this “male and female autism” talk. It completely ignores nonbinary and gender nonconforming people (who are a VERY large percentage of the autistic community). #ActuallyAutistic #nonbinary #gender #genderfluid" Given the relationship between being autistic and being trans...

Seven sex attacks in women’s jails by transgender convicts | News | The Times - "Transgender prisoners are five times more likely to carry out sex attacks on inmates at women’s jails than other prisoners are, official figures show... Nicola Williams, director of the campaign group Fair Play For Women, told The Mail on Sunday: “These new figures are another warning about something everyone knows: Allowing males into female prisons is dangerous for women.” The group says that half of all known transgender prisoners have at least one previous conviction for sex offences. Male-born trans prisoners who have legally changed their gender have been automatically sent to women’s prisons since 2010. Those transitioning have been allowed to seek a transfer to women’s jails in England and Wales since 2016. Last year 14 prisoners sought to move to a prison of opposite gender, with seven men allowed to... Transgender inmates make up about one per cent of the 3,600 female jail population but are responsible for 5.6 per cent of sexual assaults in women’s prisons... Rory Stewart, a former prisons minister, said last month that there had been “situations of male prisoners self-identifying as females then raping staff”"

Unisex changing rooms put women in danger | News | The Sunday Times - "Unisex changing rooms are more dangerous for women and girls than single-sex facilities, research by The Sunday Times shows. Almost 90% of reported sexual assaults, harassment and voyeurism in swimming pool and sports-centre changing rooms happen in unisex facilities, which make up less than half the total.Gender-neutral changing is growing as councils seek to cut staff costs and cater to transgender people. But one MP said it risked becoming a “magnet” for sex offenders and increased the danger to women and girls.At least two-thirds of all sex incidents in public pools and leisure centres, whether inside or in the grounds, happen in unisex changing areas. Only a handful occur in single-sex changing rooms... David Davies, MP for Monmouth, said the data showed it would be “wrong and dangerous” for the government to pursue controversial plans for transgender people to “self-identify” as women."
Of course trans activists will purposely misconstrue this as alleging that bona fide trans people are the attackers (though the UK prison data does suggest that as a possibility if you believe in the primacy of self-identification)

Tulsi Gabbard on Twitter - "Title IX was created out of a recognition of a biological distinction between men & women, & the need to make sure women & girls have equal opportunities to compete on a level playing field in sports. My bill upholds the original intent of Title IX, & strengthens it. That’s all."

What's to become of the Lib Dem 'cockroaches'? - "The story of the Lib Dems in 2020 can be told in two numbers. The first is 2 – that’s the percentage of voters in Wales who backed the Lib Dems in a recent poll.  Dismal, but hardly inconsistent with the party’s general standing... The other number that explains the state of the party today  is 998. That’s the number of words in the official party definition of transphobia that the Federal Board of the Liberal Democrats (more about party structure in a minute) recently adopted as the party’s official position on what constitutes discrimination against trans people, and people who suport them... Really, the various Lib Dem sub-groups and working parties who laboured over this epic could have saved themselves a lot of time, because those 998 words can be expressed in just three: everything is transphobic. Still, the words do merit some attention here, because that statement says rather a lot about the Lib Dems today. How on earth does a party that can count JS Mill among its forebears end up seeking the outlaw the use of the phrase “biological man”?   To be clear, I am not suggesting that the Lib Dems are tanking in the polls because they are staunch supporters of trans rights, or that the British public is deserting them as a result. I’m suggesting that the Lib Dems are tanking because they’ve become fixated on things that are of no urgent interest to the majority of that public. British voters, by and large, are neither pro- nor- anti-trans: they’re just more interested in stuff like the pandemic, the NHS and the fate of the economy.  People aren’t even that interested in Brexit: the most recent Ipsos Issues Tracker showed barely a third of voters mentioned it as a top priority. Whatever the outcome of the Brexit process, voters have mostly moved on, and Keir Starmer has proved it... The new Lib Dems were delighted when Swinson promised to “cancel Brexit”, but the old cockroaches weren’t so sure. British history might have been rather different if Swinson had listened to Lib Dems like Norman Lamb, then the MP for North Norfolk, who warned that the “cancel Brexit” stance would help to polarise politics and “open the door” to Boris Johnson to win big.  But the Lib Dems didn’t listen, and actually rushed to open that door: it should not be forgotten that the 2019 election only happened because Swinson believed it was in her party’s best interest to allow Johnson to go the country.  Today, Brexit is not done but, endorsed in a referendum and a general election, it is a settled fact of British politics. That has left the Lib Dems, once again, searching for a purpose. That brings us back to transphobia, and the identity politics that seem to be all the party has to offer... Once, not too long ago, the Lib Dems were the most effective think-tank in British politics, an outfit relentlessly churning out policy ideas that were perfectly sensible but just a little too far ahead of their time for bigger parties to embrace... A fair bit depends on what Starmer does, but all the signs are that he’s listening to his very clever policy chief Claire Ainsley and trying to reconnect Labour with the values of the voters it lost to Johnson last year: Rule Britannia, VE Day and even Get Brexit Done.Some Lib Dems may think that leaves a gap in the market for a truly progressive party: more rainbow flags and BLM slogans, and rejecting voters who believe the “wrong” things. In other words, offering sort of politics that Americans call “liberal left”."

Meme - "Hope I'm not to late for the bandwagon. Tried to get as close to me as could. *Cute anime girl*"
"First time posting on this sub *Very unconvincing MTF*"

I’m a woman, not a ‘person who bleeds’ - "Have you ever heard the word ‘chestfeeding’? What does it make you think of? To me, it sounds like something out of a low-budget horror film. It definitely doesn’t sound like feeding a baby. Yet this week La Leche League, an organisation which promotes breastfeeding, said it ‘supports all breastfeeding, chestfeeding and human-milk-feeding families’. ‘Human-milk feeding’ sounds similarly alien.At the weekend, tampon manufacturer Tampax referred to its female customers as ‘people who bleed’. Sands, a stillbirth and neonatal death charity, described mothers as ‘birthing parents’. These companies have come under fire for using gender-neutral language, even though having periods and giving birth are distinctly female experiences... Many brands and organisations seem to have adopted a politically correct PR strategy. They seem far more interested in falling in line with trendy memes on social media than in trying to reflect people’s lives authentically. It’s also part of a push to sound inclusive. But this kind of language is totally alien from how women actually see themselves. Women don’t refer to themselves as ‘the birthing parent’ or ‘chestfeeders’ or ‘people who bleed’. The language is jarring and even a little insulting. These words lack any true resonance, not least because these words are never used in everyday conversation.There is nothing bigoted about recognising that birth, breastfeeding and menstruation are things women do."

Sai Accused of Lying About Getting Kidnapped After Videos Go Viral - "A Black trans woman, who was feared to be in grave danger following a series of cryptic videos they posted, is reportedly safe. And they have been accused of lying about the ordeal."
When you incentivise victimhood

How young is too young: ethical concerns in genital surgery of the transgender MTF adolescent - "During the last decade, the age of youths presenting for gender confirmation has steadily fallen. Transgender adolescents are being treated with gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues and subsequently cross-sex hormones at early or midpuberty, with genital surgery as the presumed final step in treatment for female-affirmed (male-to-female) individuals. Despite the minimum age of 18 as eligibility to undergo irreversible procedures, anecdotal reports show that vaginoplasties of female-affirmed patients under 18 have been performed by surgeons, thereby contravening the World Professional Association for Transgender Health Standards of Care."
Clearly, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health's Standards of Care are transphobic
Yet more proof that trans mania is resulting in kids being unethically "treated", contrary to official guidelines
Of course trans activists will still deny that 13 year old girls are getting double mastectomies

Double Mastectomy at 15, Detrans 16-Year-Old Now Seeks Reversal - "Penny was just 11 years old when she decided that people online were right — that she was “transgender.” At 13, she was prescribed hormone blockers, and by 15, she’d had a double mastectomy. Now, at 16, she’s raising money on gofundme for a breast reconstruction... "From the very start , people online told me that if I was uncomfortable with my body, I was probably trans.”... "When I was 13 I was put on hormone blockers, which keep the estrogen from producing. This is what was recommended and it made me happy because I thought I was sure. After this, I gained around 40-50 pounds due to hormone imbalances, making my body issues worse"... A young detrans voice, who had a double mastectomy as a teen, responded to J.K. Rowling with gratitude for highlighting what’s going on, and said, “countless trans people have told detransitioners to shut up and sit down because we were ‘never trans’ and we ‘should have known better.'” A year after her surgery, she generously shared her story online — That she’d attempted suicide the year prior because she didn’t want to admit that she needed to detransition... On censorship, Charlie, a desister in her late 20’s, writes about Reddit banning a DT/D online forum, on July 10 — “13.6K detrans/desisted men and women have just had their community taken away from them. 13.6K people who’s only crime was to suggest that maybe there might be some things wrong with the way we view gender and transition, based on our own experience.” While the Reddit page was restored, an account holder warned, “make no mistake, it will be gone again soon. We no longer have the option to be silent.” This follows Reddit’s June 29 removal of a “Radical feminist” subreddit, “Gender Critical,” which is the site’s “most active feminist community” with “nearly 65,000 subscribers.”... “My doctors didn’t take into account my autism, body issues, or other mental illnesses when allowing me to transition. My therapist agrees that I was too young at the time…” — Peggy... the American Psychological Association, among others, now has guidelines that cram “TGNC” (transgender & gender non conforming), into a single category... The medical field, along with “LGBTQ” organizations, have intentionally conflated a number of terms, not least of which, the most basic, “sex” (biology), and “gender” (stereotypes expected based on sex)... the same system that has a long precedence of waiting till age 30 for various procedures, such as a hysterectomies, collectively decided to forget why that long-standing precedence exists"
More proof of reddit liberal bias

Meme - ""Most people detransition because of transphobia or social pressure to do so" interesting because I actually lost almost ALL my trans friends including best friends that I had for years once they found out I was detrans. It's almost like you guys don't ever listen to us! #detrans"

Meme - "While I was on reddit convincing myself and others that I totally had male brain structures that lead to innate dysphoria my genius therapist was probably like "well she has short hair and kinda looks like a guy already so clearly she's better off as a man" and called it a day"

Biden's transgender policy could threaten women’s sports - "Let’s say Biden’s granddaughter shows up to run the 880 in the high school track championships. She has trained for years to qualify, which she easily did.But when she arrives, she looks down the starting lineups to sees a muscular, 6-foot-4 competitor who now “identifies” as a female.That big, strong ex-male easily wins the regional championship. This passes Biden’s smell test? His sense of fair play? This conforms with any enlightened, reasonable person’s sense of right from wrong? This is good for what ails us?Ah, but to protest such lunacy one risks being called and branded all sorts of names for the intolerant. Heck, your home may be picketed or worse by those who demand tolerance, of course. Already, women’s athletic groups that have protested this have been condemned as intolerant, backward bigots.In 2018, two males, also-rans on their boys’ Connecticut high school track team, declared that they’re transgender females before easily winning girls’ local high track and field championships, eliminating girls from advancing. Biden would applaud that? Really?“I promise you,” Biden said while campaigning for president, “there is no reason to suggest that there should be any right denied your [transgender] daughter. … None. Zero.” And he immediately kept that promise."

Facebook bans Christian prof. opposing Biden’s trans policies - "A Christian university professor has been suspended from Facebook for voicing disagreement with President Joe Biden’s executive order allowing trans-identifying individuals to serve in the U.S. military.Robert Gagnon, who teaches New Testament theology at Houston Baptist University and is a renowned scholar on the subject of sexuality, was locked out of his Facebook account for 24 hours on Tuesday after he posted a comment in defense of a friend who posted a satirical commentary about Biden's executive order.Facebook suspended Gagnon's account for what it deemed as “incitement” to violence.In his post, Gagnon said the executive order will endanger women, and noted that those who promote transgenderism are allowing males to invade women’s athletics and shelters. He also likened transgender ideology to a “religious cult” and said it “is indeed a pseudo-science,” in that it forces people to reject basic biology. That Facebook suspended his friend for similar comments proves the cult-like dimension, he said.Facebook subsequently sent Gagnon a notice, informing him that his words violated their “Community Standards on violence and incitement.”... “Only one point of view is being allowed,” he continued. “Trump was not the great danger to the Republic. Left-wing canceling is.”... Conservative critics of Biden's executive order have said that the change in policy imperils military readiness and that it's tantamount to “social engineering.” Opposition to the order, however, spans the political spectrum.In comments sent to CP earlier this week, Miriam Ben-Shalom, the first lesbian to ever be reinstated to the U.S. Army after being dismissed from service on the basis of sexuality, said she would “bet that no one thought to ask military women how they'd feel having an intact [male] in their barracks, showers, etc.”“Military women already face difficulties when they serve — witness the recent spate of murders and the shocking statistics on rape in the military. Now, men have had the lack-witted brainlessness to add to the burden of military women. And wait until a female to trans wants to serve in the men's barracks. What will the military do when such a woman is raped or assaulted — or killed?” she said... “This is pandering to a community that has many, many problems in terms of mental health and stability. This is pandering to Big Medicine, Big Pharma, and Big Money”"
Criticism of liberal ideology is violence

Court Blocks Obamacare Transgender Surgery Mandate - "A federal court blocked an Obamacare mandate that would compel doctors to perform gender reassignment surgery.An order of Catholic nuns challenged the mandate under the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, arguing that it forces doctors to violate their consciences and medical judgment. A North Dakota district court judge ruled on Tuesday that nuns and other religious health care providers were harmed by the law."

Model admits to falsely coming out as transgender to avoid backlash - "A model who falsely claimed to be transgender to deflect backlash over past transphobic social media comments now says she takes “full responsibility” for her remarks.In May, Carissa Pinkston, a model for Rihanna's Savage X Fenty lingerie line, posted a series of remarks to her Facebook account, where she went by the name Rissa Danielle... Pinkston claimed that she lied about her gender identity because she was receiving death threats."

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