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Sunday, August 22, 2021

Links - 22nd August 2021 (1) (Trans Mania)

The woke war on lesbians - "By 2020, we were supposed to be wearing silver jumpsuits and eating food in pill form or getting around on hoverboards, not fighting against the establishment for the right to be open about who we love. And yet thanks to the publicly funded LGBT charities and their lucrative training schemes, lesbianism is once again ‘the love which dare not speak its name’... In recent years, without any consultation, Stonewall has redefined the term ‘homosexual’ to mean same ‘gender’ attraction rather than same-sex attraction, so as to be inclusive of those who identify as transgender. But the upshot is that you can fall foul of the Stonewall stasi for objecting to the claim ‘some lesbians have penises’. Naturally, this has come as a surprise to actual lesbians. Allison argues that lesbian, gay and bisexual people should be ‘free to organise and campaign around sexual orientation and not trans rights without apology or permission from Stonewall or anyone else’. Her employers clearly disagree: four lever-arch files of data requested by Allison revealed that Stonewall and Garden Court Chambers had colluded in ‘eliciting complaints… from third-party organisations’, in effect building a case against her. Righting wrongs takes cash, and so on Friday 26 June Allison turned to the popular crowdfunding platform, CrowdJustice, in order to raise the money to pursue a claim at the employment tribunal. Within a day she had raised £60,000 – clearly a testament to how many ordinary people are fed up with being dictated to by the likes of Stonewall. But with predictable alacrity, as soon as her fundraising campaign was launched CrowdJustice began to receive complaints from trans activists. The fundraising page was then unpublished... Identity top trumps can be pretty odious, but it seems relevant to note that Allison Bailey is a black lesbian from a working-class background who is simply fighting for the right not to be discriminated against for her beliefs. To have the weight of the woke, and overwhelmingly white, middle-class establishment come crashing down on her for stepping out of line reveals the power and influence of the transgender lobby. The idea that transgender people are a persecuted minority is ludicrous. It is a great if unacknowledged truth that most people in the UK don’t really care how people dress, what they believe or what they call themselves. But when the rights of one group are prioritised above others, you can expect some people to resist.The motto of Garden Court Chambers is ‘do right, fear no one’ and it seems that recently ordinary people are starting to do just that. To date the National Theatre, a number of county councils and even the Girl Guides have been taken to task over their Stonewall-influenced equality policies. Most of those trying to raise funds to challenge these policies are lesbians and parents concerned about the impact of misleading advice on children.The fact that people have to resort to crowdfunding in order to protect their rights makes it quite clear which groups in society actually have power."

Stonewall turns its attention to children with SEND and autism - our full report on Stonewall schools guidance since 2015 - "it’s as if Stonewall wants schools to do everything within their power to influence and convince autistic young people to believe they are trans...   Another major safeguarding red flag is the insistence on keeping secrets, which this guide advises repeatedly. The transition of a child in school, the child’s use of the facilities of the opposite sex, the access to trans ‘support groups’ and even referral to the Tavistock GIDS (Stonewall provides the helpful information that parental consent for any treatment is only needed for under 16s) may be going on at school without the parents’ knowledge. The school may be “required” to deceive the parents by “using the child’s legal name and their sex assigned at birth when contacting parents, carers or others”...        In Stonewall schools guidance words don’t mean anything anymore. The words ‘man’, ‘woman’, ‘lesbian’, ‘gay’, ‘bisexual’ – all could mean anything...   What Stonewall schools guidance actually does is train children to believe in a controversial political belief – stated prominently on Stonewall’s website – that “transwomen are women”. This is in breach of the Education Act 1996 which forbids political indoctrination of children in schools.  Stonewall is not a democratically elected body and yet they have been allowed to dictate policy throughout government and public bodies"

Stonewall: the state's favourite consultancy firm - "  Stonewall was founded in 1989 as a campaign group calling, quite rightly, for the state to stop interfering in gay people’s lives. Unfortunately, it has since become increasingly right-on, and especially focused on trans activism. It is also now very much part of the woke capitalist establishment, with a commercial income from membership and consultancy estimated at £3million per year.   One organisation that signed up to Stonewall as a ‘diversity champion’, undertaking to support its agenda and pay it a substantial membership fee, was the Crown Prosecution Service. In 2019, the CPS, having consulted Stonewall, produced a now notorious pack for teachers called Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans: Bullying and Hate Crime. This was aimed at children aged between 11 and 16; interestingly, their parents were at first refused access to it, apparently on the basis that it was too sensitive to be allowed to get into the wrong hands. Not only did this document – coming from the body officially charged with enforcing the criminal law – propagate as incontrovertible truth controversial ideas, such as gender is a social construct, or that any opposition to LGBT ideology was a product of ‘homophobic attitudes’. It also propagated a long list of what it saw as hate crimes and hate incidents (not always carefully distinguished). And it even insinuated that children could get into trouble with the state for: ostracising or excluding people from friendship groups for reasons of sexual orientation; any anti-LGBT+ posting on social media; or, in one example given, objecting in strong terms to a person using lavatories designated for the opposite sex."  

Stonewall now actively campaigning for policies which will kill and cripple women - "World Rugby has announced that it is reviewing its transgender policy.
"The latest peer-reviewed research confirms that a reduction of testosterone does not lead to a proportionate reduction in mass, muscle mass, strength or power. These important determinants of injury risk and performance remain significantly elevated after testosterone suppression… This presents a clear safety risk when transgender women play women's contact rugby”. Of course, this announcement has sent the trans lobby into a tailspin. Ignoring the women whose opportunities are being stolen and whose safety is being jeopardised, trans groups and their enablers are wringing their hands over the potential exclusion of males from women’s rugby. Unsurprisingly, Stonewall is leading the charge, proving beyond doubt that their trans agenda is more important than women’s lives. They claim that the trans-identified males currently playing on women’s teams are “the most vulnerable people in the community”... Stonewall have turned off the comments on the above tweet, perhaps to avoid those pointing out that there is a 20%-30% greater risk of injury to a female player when she is tackled by a male... And why? If World Rugby do go ahead with the ban, transwomen will not be excluded from playing. They will still be at perfect liberty to play on sex-appropriate teams with other males. Or they could form their own teams, as women had to. Women’s rugby is still in its infancy. The first official Women’s Rugby World Cup was held only 22 years ago. Funding is precarious and opportunities to play professionally are rare. But still, Stonewall and the Munchausen Mums of Mermaids are advocating that women give up their places and opportunities to males.  Sure enough, Stonewall’s tweet is being mercilessly slapped around on Twitter at the moment."    

Titania McGrath on Twitter - "BRAVO @stonewalluk!!! The idea that there are biological differences between trans women and cis women is a transphobic myth. I defy anyone to identify the trans women in these photos."
Stonewall deleted their tweet    

Standing for Women founder arrested - "when the group Standing for Women tried to assemble at Victoria Square in Leeds to discuss the proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act (2004) (GRA) their meeting was broken-up by the police. Three of the sixteen women were arrested, including the event organiser Kellie-Jay Keen. A lengthy risk assessment had been completed and submitted ahead of the event to ensure the group were Covid-19 compliant, and the police were kept fully appraised of the group’s plans... Despite the current draconian regulations prohibiting public gatherings, there is an exemption for political events. Thanks to this, protests such as Black Lives Matter have been allowed to go ahead unimpeded. But according to West Yorkshire Police, women’s rights are not a political cause. A police officer told Kelly-Jay Keen that Standing for Women “failed to meet the legal definition of a political organisation”, though he himself seemed unable to explain what the legal definition of a political organisation was. The socially distanced crowd then divided into smaller groups of six to comply with Covid-19 regulations, but nonetheless officers began to take the names and addresses of attendees and the planned speeches were left unspoken... Interestingly, despite the duty to uphold the law free from “fear or favour” West Yorkshire Police pay a subscription to Stonewall as members of the “Stonewall Diversity Champions” scheme. It seems no-one can quite decide whether Standing for Women is political. In July Network Rail removed a billboard reading “I ♥ JKR” that had been paid for by the campaign group. This statement was in support of the children’s author J K Rowling, who has been accused of transphobia for raising concerns about gender self-identification. Network Rail stated that it had received complaints and somewhat bizarrely concluded that “I ♥ JKR” was a political statement. A freedom of information request revealed there were no emails requesting the poster be taken down, but that there were 158 complaining about its removal. In news that will not shock those who have been paying attention, Network Rail also pay for membership of the “Stonewall Diversity Champions” scheme."      

RFU clears trans women to keep playing domestic women's rugby in England - "The RFU’s position is sharply at odds with World Rugby, which last week ruled that trans women could no longer play international women’s rugby after a major review of the latest science concluded that the risk of “significant injury” was “too great”."

Teachers told to encourage male primary school students to tuck their penis to appear more feminine - "Primary school teachers were given resources to encourage male students to tuck their penis or wear a padded bra to appear more feminine.Links that appeared on the School Biz portal for teachers, provided by the NSW Department of Education, transferred to a 40-page booklet titled 'OMG I'm Trans'... The program was plagued with accusations from critics who believed the ideas on gender theory were too radical for children since its introduction in 2010.It was eventually axed in 2017, but Mr Latham claims the government have sneakily brought it back.'NSW Govt supposedly abolished Safe Schools in 2017 but Education Dept staff kept working on compiling a full library of this rubbish from around the world'... OMG I'm Trans contains information on gender pronouns, same-sex relationships and how to disguise gender.It suggests young males wear bra inserts, 'tuck' their penis to 'create a flat front in the pants', and 'pack' their backside to make it appear larger and more feminine.The lengthy PDF also has information for young girls about 'binding' breasts to appear more masculine"

Transwoman forced to have testicle removed after years of tucking - "A transgender woman needed to have one of her testicles removed because of her habit of 'tucking' – made famous through hit TV show Ru Paul's Drag Race.  The unidentified 24-year-old, from the Philippines, had not yet undergone full gender reassignment surgery... This is not the first time tucking has been linked to testicular torsion.  Doctors in Florida revealed in 2016 how a 28-year-old had to have a testicle removed after it twisted 360 degrees."
Of course, it's the fault of "transphobia"

Ricky Gervais gets huge backlash for divisive Jessica Yaniv Halloween tweet - ""I was going to dress up as something weird and creepy for my Halloween party, but I'm bucking the trend this year and I'm going as brave female activist Jessica Yaniv."This also means I don't have to wax my big old hairy balls."... Yaniv was accused of using human rights law for financial gain after she lost the landmark discrimination case over the waxing issue."
Presumably it's transphobic to mock people who abuse human rights laws

Colgate (yes, the toothpaste company) helped produce a PSA praising a "non-binary" child for creating "pronoun bracelets." - "Here's another brand going full woke to try and sell stuff. Why a toothpaste company has anything to do with encouraging transgenderism in kids, I do not know."

Matt Walsh on Twitter - "Periodic reminder that the concept of "gender identity" was invented out of whole cloth a few decades by a deranged pedophilic lunatic named John Money who tested his theories on two young boys, causing both to kill themselves."

Scots council referral for parents who ‘fail’ to support trans child | Scotland | The Sunday Times - "Evidence that parents in Scotland have been referred to local authorities for “failing” to support a transgender child has provoked a furious reaction from campaigners. Teachers, including those in primary schools, have made dozens of referrals under guidance that encourages schools to involve the council if there are concerns that a child thought to be experiencing gender dysphoria is not being supported at home.The guidance, published in 2017 by LGBT Youth Scotland, the national charity for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex young people, is designed to help teachers recognise gender dysphoria and support pupils.However, the disclosure that councils are being involved has outraged critics. Some referrals are known to have triggered intervention by social services that was later deemed by the council to be unnecessary... The LGBT Youth Scotland guidance has attracted criticism for eroding parental rights and potentially breaching equality laws"
I remember when we were assured that it was malicious fake news to say that your kids could be taken away from you if you didn't support bow to transgender ideology (even if the "debunkings" at the time admitted that that was actually a possibility

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