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Monday, August 23, 2021

Links - 23rd August 2021 (1)

Anti-Jordan Peterson professor accused of abuse of power by former colleague, students - The Post Millennial - "a Professor at the University of Calgary tweeted about failing students if they cited Jordan Peterson. Ted McCoy, chair of the Law and Society program at the UoC, apologized shortly after his tweet went viral, asserting that the flippant comment was “a joke” and insisting that he did “take seriously … students’ right to free expression.”In wake of the social media fallout, sources from within the University of Calgary have come forward to The Post Millennial to assert that McCoy’s comments were anything but a joke... “He literally tells students to not read Quillette,” the source revealed, drawing from discussions had with McCoy’s students, “He’s walked into class and expressed how disappointed he was in the amount of conservative ideas being expressed.” The source noted that students often came to her with complaints about McCoy’s in-class political proselytizing, fearing poor grades because of their ideological differences.“Students have just learned to shut-up and parrot whatever he wants to hear.” The source revealed that McCoy was the only professor teaching a mandatory capstone exit course required for some students’ successful degree completion in the Law and Society program.Being the coordinator for the Law and Society program, McCoy is also responsible for hiring new faculty members. Noting that a great deal of faculty has abruptly ceased teaching in the program, the source claimed that all of the new hires have been people who “share [McCoy’s] ideological perspective” and “have no qualifications whatsoever to teach Law and Society.” A student who took McCoy’s class corroborated the faculty member’s comments.“I have actually told other students to not enroll in the Law and Society program because of McCoy,” he said, noting a number of distressing interactions with his former Professor.“The first day of class, within the first fifteen minutes, he explicitly states ‘the goal of this course is to radicalize you. Before you leave University, I want to radicalize you.’” The former student, who identifies as “left-wing” politically, says McCoy immediately introduced the class to a bizarre coding system by which participation was noted for grades. “[McCoy told students] that he will make a mark beside your name when you contribute to the class discussion. He told us he has a symbol system for if a student made an insightful comment, all the way up to ‘what you said was batshit crazy.’”... the class was “immediately politicized,” with students fearing to vocalize their opinions if it contradicted McCoy’s ideological perspective... McCoy assigned his own writings as well as books written by his Ph.D. supervisor as mandatory readings for the class, leaving students fearful to express criticism. When one student did, noting the lack of objectivity in one of the readings, McCoy berated him... After a student defended Peterson, McCoy reportedly went on a tangent.“He said Peterson is basically espousing hate speech and he ought to be deplatformed in the strongest sense.” the former student said.“I was distressed that a Professor would take such an obvious political stance in his teaching,” the former student said, going on to reveal he felt “unsafe” with McCoy’s control over his grade. Because of this student’s concerns about entering graduate school, he said he learned to stop challenging McCoy. “I basically kowtowed in my papers. I would just tell him what he wanted to hear.” Going on to note that conservative students never spoke in class out of fear of angering McCoy.Since graduating, the former student says his friends who have entered McCoy’s class have texted him for help navigating the Professor’s extreme ideology.“[McCoy] was unequivocally one of the worst professors I’ve ever had, and it was because the class was more about politics than it was critical thinking.” On January 9th, McCoy tweeted and quickly deleted a post suggesting he had only apologized at the advice of administration." Original tweet: “I heard it rumoured students will fail my class if they cite Jordan Peterson and I'd like to clarify that this is absolutely correct”

Why are woke idiots attacking Gal Gadot? - "Woke Twitter has truly outdone itself this time.Social-justice crusaders are enraged that Israeli actress Gal Gadot has been cast as Cleopatra in an upcoming film. They say a person of colour – perhaps an Egyptian or an Arab – should play the role instead. Apparently this would be more realistic and not involve ‘cultural appropriation’. The main problem with this criticism is that Cleopatra herself was actually from Europe. The briefest Google search would have revealed to these furious tweeters that she was, in fact, a Macedonian Greek. Accusations of cultural appropriation or ‘insensitive’ casting decisions are often underpinned by an ugly essentialism these days – by the idea that cultures cannot mix or that actors cannot portray people whose background isn’t precisely like their own. But in the case of Gadot the criticism has been particularly nasty, largely because she is Israeli... This is not the first time Gadot’s Israeli heritage has been used to attack her. In 2017, Wonder Woman was banned in Lebanon, Tunisia and Algeria because she is, apparently, a ‘champion zionist’."

Being Classically Liberal - Posts | Facebook - "White nationalist and black nationalist organizations in the US per 1 million whites and per 1 million black (SPLC; 2018)
White: 0.75 per million. Black: 6.02 per million"
Blacks in the US are eight times more likely to join ethno-nationalist groups than whites

Why water is halal-certified in some countries - "some countries do require their bottled water to be halal-certified, not because of the product but because of the filteration process it undergoes.And the UAE is not among those countries. However, some of the carbonated drinks consumed here have the halal certificate... "The best water filters are made of pig bones," he said. "Water filteration units use products that are not halal, so before we give a certificate, we inspect all these."... why would coconut - a natural product - need a certification?Joe Ling, managing director of the Malaysian company Linaco that produces halal-certified coconut products, explained: "Halal means hygienic . it's more than a religious process and includes the handling as well"... The Grand Mufti of Dubai, Dr Ahmad Al Haddad, said that if anyone finds out that he or she is consuming food that does not have halal ingredients, the person has to throw it up immediately."If he or she cannot vomit that non-halal food, the person should seek forgiveness from Almighty Allah.""

Malaysians Shocked That Malaysians Are Shocked That Pork Floss Is NOT HALAL - "one particular cereal product called “Ez Mini Crunchies Crispy Pork Floss” by Bee Cheng Hiang managed to find itself making rounds on social media and messaging platforms with a warning that the product is not halal."

Concern among Muslims in Indonesia over halal status of COVID-19 vaccine - The Globe and Mail - "“There’s a difference of opinion amongst Islamic scholars as to whether you take something like pork gelatin and make it undergo a rigorous chemical transformation,” Waqar said. “Is that still considered to be religiously impure for you to take?”The majority consensus from past debates over pork gelatin use in vaccines is that it is permissible under Islamic law, as “greater harm” would occur if the vaccines weren’t used, said Dr. Harunor Rashid, an associate professor at the University of Sydney. There’s a similar assessment by a broad consensus of religious leaders in the Orthodox Jewish community as well.“According to the Jewish law, the prohibition on eating pork or using pork is only forbidden when it’s a natural way of eating it,” said Rabbi David Stav, chairman of Tzohar, a rabbinical organization in Israel... In 2018, the Indonesian Ulema Council, the Muslim clerical body that issues certifications that a product is halal, or permissible under Islamic law, decreed that the measles and rubella vaccines were “haram,” or unlawful, because of the gelatin. Religious and community leaders began to urge parents to not allow their children to be vaccinated.“Measles cases subsequently spiked, giving Indonesia the third-highest rate of measles in the world,” said Rachel Howard, director of the health care market research group Research Partnership.A decree was later issued by the Muslim clerical body saying it was permissible to receive the vaccine, but cultural taboos still led to continued low vaccination rates, Howard said... In Malaysia, where the halal status of vaccines has been identified as the biggest issue among Muslim parents, stricter laws have been enacted so that parents must vaccinate their children or face fines and jail time. In Pakistan, where there has been waning vaccine confidence for religious and political reasons, parents have been jailed for refusing to vaccinate their children against polio."
Damn Islamophobia leading to vaccine hesitancy among Muslims!

Malaysian Muslims have been eating fake halal meat for 40 years - "A "meat cartel" that has been operating for the past 40 years has been recently exposed for forging halal documents, distributing fake halal beef, and passing off horse/ kangaroo meat as beef... They buy the meat at up to 50 percent cheaper than the meat from halal certified slaughterhouses and manufacturers... the beef is of a lower quality and often diseased so it can be bought at a much lower price... corrupt government officers took bribes between US$36 and US$738 (RM150 and RM3,000) to enable the cargo to be released.As for officers on the ground, many received payouts between US$36 and US$123 (RM150 and RM500) to release each container. It was also reported that in some cases, officers were given women to have sex with... The cartel managed to profit from avoiding taxes, duties, as well as the costs involved in the halal-certification process"

Halal-certified shops can't display cakes with Merry Christmas greeting, says Jakim - "There is nothing stopping shops with halal certification from decorating cakes with "Merry Christmas" greetings, says the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (Jakim).However, these cakes cannot be put on display... a customer was shocked when he received a cake with “Happy Holidays” when he had requested that it be decorated with the wish “Merry Christmas.”"

Facebook - "Is it just pure coincidence or there is really no suitable Singaporeans for these top posts? I wonder. "
Of course, the people saying it's racist to ask why Standard Chartered Bank in Singapore hires so many Indian Indians would be slamming it as racist if it hired so many Chinese - despite Chinese being 10x the population

Princeton University professor says, sex with dogs is harmless: 'I know women who say it pleases them.' - "Professor Peter Singer, moral philosopher and ethicist from Princeton University, suggesting sex between humans and dogs is harmless provided the animal essentially consents... When asked in another interview if he had similar thoughts regarding sex with children, Singer refused to call the act itself wrong saying, “The issue here is whether this harms the ten year olds and will harm them in their sexuality later on… My view is not that anything is just wrong full stop.”"
Regardless of your thughts on morality, this suggests that the "myth" of the slippery slope may not be a myth

Beware the attitudes that lead to fascism - "The following is on a plaque in the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in New York City:
“The 14 steps to Fascism:
•Powerful and continuing nationalism.
•Disdain for human rights.
•Identification of enemies as a unifying cause.
•Supremacy of the military.
•Rampant sexism.
•Controlled mass media.
•Obsession with national security.
•Religion and government intertwined.
•Corporate power protected.
Labor power suppressed.
•Disdain for intellectuals and the arts.
•Obsession with crime and punishment.
•Rampant cronyism and corruption.
•Fraudulent elections."
Ironically, more than half of these apply to most Muslim countries

No, you misogynistic dinguses, lab techs don’t regularly find dog semen in pap smears - "'1 in 200-300 Pap Smears have canine semen on them'... I asked a gynecologist — the famous vagina expert Dr. Jen Gunter — what she thought. She had the same reaction I did, only more so.“That is 100% bullshit,” she told me via Twitter DM. “That is not true. The end.”She also characterized the story as “some kind of made up bullshit that requires no response,” “100% fantasy,” and something that “sounds like [an] Incel fetish.” It’s rare to find human semen in pap smears, she notes. Dog semen, no way."

The Washington Post on Twitter - "Opinion: Time to take on the Covington "smirk," @CapehartJ writes"
Washington Post Opinions on Twitter - "Kamala Harris won’t stop her "smirk." Nor should she. It’s Black women’s superpower, @michele_norris writes"
Only blacks are allowed to smirk

Petrol attack: Crowd shouted ‘set them on fire’ as eight police officers doused in fuel - "Residents of a housing estate in Essex could be heard chanting “light them up” after several police officers had petrol thrown on them while making an arrest... [It] took place on 5 May 2019 in Canvey Island, Essex, after police were involved in a high-speed chase involving a motorcyclist.Following an eight-mile pursuit, including being traced by a police helicopter, the rider was cornered by police on Ward Close, in Basildon, and was subsequently arrested.Shortly after the arrest was made, crowds of 20 to 30 people started to gather around the motorbike rider. The officers present were threatened by a woman holding a hammer and physically attacked by one man, before another man came towards them carrying a watering can filled with petrol and doused it over eight officers he got close to. As a result, two officers were hospitalised after digesting the liquid and the fire service had to wash petrol out of their eyes... officers at the scene could reportedly hear the crowd saying: “Who’s got a matches? Who’s got a lighter? Let’s set them on fire.”CI Baldwin added: “I could hear them shouting: ‘Light them up’.”"

Things that are not aesthetic - Posts | Facebook - "When you still haven’t cut your hair since quarantine started
*hair long enough to be a knee-length dress*"

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