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Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Links - 3rd March 2020 (2) (Trans Mania)

Thread by @MattWalshBlog - "A mother decided that her 7 year old boy is really a girl because he liked the movie Frozen. The husband insisted that he's a boy. Courts got involved. Jury just ruled that, yes, the boy is a girl and he will now be "transitioned" into one... icing on the cake: the demented lunatic of a "mother" isn't actually the mother. The child was conceived with donor eggs. She's not even biologically related to the kid... Listened to an interview with the father. He says the mother used to lock the boy in his room and tell him there's a monster who only eats little boys. At three, she started dressing him like a girl. Would withhold affection if he wasn't dressed like a girl."

Judge rules dad will have say in gender ‘transition’ of 7-year-old - "The judge presiding over the case of Jeffrey Younger, the father who is trying to protect his seven-year-old son, James, from chemical castration via a gender “transition,” ruled today that the parents will have joint conservatorship over James, which includes making joint medical decisions for the child... Eleven out of 12 jurors decided Monday that Mr. Younger should not be granted Sole Managing Conservatorship over his twin boys. Dr. Georgulas admitted in court she is not actually the twins’ biological mother and used in-vitro fertilization via an egg donor to gestate them"

Jury Rules Against Texas Dad Fighting 7-Year-Old Son's Gender Transition - "”I want you to imagine having electronic communication with your son on FaceTime, and imagine that your ex-wife has dressed him as a drag queen to talk to you,” Younger told host Luke Macias during an episode of “The Luke Macias Show” podcast in January. “He has false eyelashes and makeup. His hair has got glitter in it. He’s wearing a dress.” “Now imagine how you would feel seeing what I believe is actual sexual abuse — I believe this is not just emotional abuse but is the very, most fundamental form of sexual abuse, tampering with the sexual identity of a vulnerable boy,” the father continued... court documents show that Younger’s son only dresses as a girl when he’s with his mother, who calls the boy by his trans name and has even enrolled James as “Luna” in school. According to Younger, however, James consistently chooses to wear boy’s clothes, “violently refuses to wear girl’s clothes at my home,” and identifies as a boy whenever he is around him.James’ mother has accused Younger of child abuse in their divorce proceedings “for not affirming James as transgender” and is looking to strip the dad of his parental rights... Georgulas is also seeking to force Younger to foot the bill for James’ visits to a transgender-affirming therapist and transgender medical alterations, which may include “chemical castration” two years from now, when the child is just eight."

James Younger Releases Video of 'Trans' Son: Mommy ‘Tells Me I’m a Girl’ - "A video taken by Texas father Jeff Younger shows his son James Younger, then age 3, saying “mommy … tells me I’m a girl.”In the four-year-old clip, which has been viewed nearly 1 million times since being posted to Twitter Wednesday, James also says his mother paints his fingernails, buys him hair accessories and puts him in dresses. Younger, who is fighting his ex-wife, Anne Georgulas, for sole conservatorship of their sons, said on a Christian podcast in January that he took the video after noticing changes in James’ behavior."

Charity hounds out birth coach for a post saying that only women have children - "A birth coach has been ‘ostracised’ by her professional organisation after transgender activists branded as offensive a Facebook post in which she said that only women can have babies.Lynsey McCarthy-Calvert, 45, was forced to stand down as spokesperson for Doula UK and has since resigned altogether from the national organisation for birth coaches. Her exit comes after transgender rights activists triggered an investigation in which Doula UK concluded her message breached its equality and diversity guidelines.They did not expel the mother- of-four, who has been a doula – who provide continuous support during pregnancy – for six years, but threatened to suspend her unless she deleted the post. Mrs McCarthy-Calvert did so, but resigned believing Doula UK had ‘acquiesced’ to demands from a small number of activists and failed to stand up for women’s rights. ‘I am angry and sad,’ she said last night. ‘I was effectively ostracised for saying I am a woman and so are my clients. ‘I have been very disappointed by Doula UK’s response. The leadership are paralysed by not wanting to upset transgender rights activists. They have fallen over themselves to acquiesce to their demands.’ The controversy comes after a series of recent victories for transgender activists... The Doula UK row started after Cancer Research UK dropped the word ‘women’ from its smear test campaign, instead saying screening was ‘relevant for everyone aged 25-64 with a cervix’. In response, Mrs McCarthy-Calvert posted a photograph on Facebook of a negligee-clad woman somersaulting underwater, with the wording: ‘I am not a “cervix owner” I am not a “menstruator” I am not a “feeling”. I am not defined by wearing a dress and lipstick. I am a woman: an adult human female.’Beneath it she wrote: ‘Women birth all the people, make up half the population, but less than a third of the seats in the House of Commons are occupied by us.’"
Trans people must be the most powerful "persecuted minority" ever

Toxic Factuality on Twitter - "Isn't it incredible that a man who feels he is a woman is "born that way" but a man who feels he is a man is a product of social and cultural conditioning?"

Blaire White on Twitter - "If "accepting trans people" =
- 11 year olds transitioning
- Biological males destroying women in sports
- Dating trans people or you're a bigot
.. then don't expect acceptance any time soon. The insanity is too much."

Amazing: This Mind-Reader Can Instantly Guess People's Pronouns With 99.9% Accuracy | The Babylon Bee

800 children as young as 10 get puberty-blockers - "three top US doctors, Professors Paul Hruz, Paul McHugh and Lawrence Mayer, published a highly critical report on the use of puberty-blockers to treat gender dysphoria.Writing in American academic journal The New Atlantis, they warned that the safety of this ‘experimental’ treatment was ‘unsupported by rigorous scientific evidence’.They further argued that the use of such drugs may be driving children to ‘persist in identifying as transgender’. Research shows that the vast majority of under-16s who are troubled about their gender do not go on to take the drastic step of surgery. Meanwhile, the three professors point to another study from a Dutch clinic – where all the adolescents prescribed puberty blockers had gone ahead with gender-reassignment surgery – as evidence that the drugs can ‘solidify’ patients’ feelings they were born the wrong biological sex."

Our freedoms are under assault by social justice mobs - "Both incidents involved radical feminist Meghan Murphy, who had speaking engagements booked at the Toronto Public Library and Simon Fraser University (SFU) in B.C. on the topic of sex-based rights and their apparent conflict with gender identity. The first event went ahead despite petitions, protests, threats to the library of ex-communication from PRIDE events, and even denunciation by the Mayor of Toronto. But for the fortitude of Chief Librarian Vickery Bowles, who described freedom of expression as “a hill to die on,” the mob would have had its way: the event would have been cancelled.Indeed, the second event was scrubbed from its initial venue at SFU, due to threats of violence and disruption from so-called “activist” groups. Had the organizers not managed to find a last-minute replacement location, the heckler’s veto would have won the day.Most thoughtful people would agree that a conflict of rights between two groups should be sorted out in a rational and fair manner, and that the best way to do that is by undertaking a thorough examination and discussion of the issues, which includes hearing and listening to the other side. But intolerant mobs have instead decided that anything Meghan Murphy or her following says, or might say in the future, is unquestionably “hate” speech that must be stopped at all costs. This is not new a new phenomenon in our times. Any speaker whose ideological outlook doesn’t conform to that of the mobs will face attempts to deplatform them. Recently in Vancouver, the University of British Columbia Free Speech Club attempted to bring two “politically incorrect” speakers to campus, but was thwarted by high security fees after UBC determined there would likely be damaging protests. The event was moved to the local Hellenic Centre, which then faced online harassment and bullying from groups such as the “Revolutionary Student Movement” and the “Revolutionary Communists.” Death threats were made to the organizer of the event and a police presence was required to ensure it could proceed... In Toronto, baying crowds numbering in the hundreds lined the walkway where the much smaller group of mainly women exited the building after Ms. Murphy’s talk. As though channelling medieval witch-burners, they chanted, “walk of shame, walk of shame.” At least one called for their deaths, expressing the wish that they would “bleed out.”... Who gets to speak and what they say is being decided by modern-day Brownshirts, some of whom have already demonstrated that they have lost their grip on basic human decency by beating journalists and shouting down little old ladies with walkers... Universities should make it clear that freedom of expression and academic freedom are non-negotiable.  If security fees are to be charged at all, the invoice should be rendered to those who threaten violence or the disruption of events, and universities should file formal complaints with police about criminal behaviour. Demanding such fees from event organizers, who are doing nothing wrong by exercising their free expression rights, is grossly unfair."

When it comes to free speech, sometimes you want to scream | The Star - "“I’ve never said trans people should not have rights,” the Vancouver-based alleged provocateur told a sold-out audience. “I’ve never said that trans women are not real women. I’ve said that trans males are male.” She’s been accused of transphobia and bigotry, called a fascist, vilified as a heretic, threatened with death.Another group of writers, described in media reports as “prominent local authors” — not — circulated stay-away petitions and threatened to boycott the Toronto Public Library if Murphy was permitted to appear. Maybe they should venture inside a library and read a book instead. They’d find a ton of works with content that flies in the face of their righteous narrow-mindedness. Start with Voltaire, I’d suggest... A city council of my-left-foot-is-bigger-than-your-left-foot stomping, where a pair of virtue-basking progressives put forward a motion that would straitjacket the use of libraries and other public facilities so that individuals or groups that don’t pass their sniff test would have permits denied or revoked “in a timely manner.”... It fell upon Vickery Bowles, the city’s head librarian, to be the adult in the room, a voice of sanity and reason amidst the uproar. She checked with the city’s lawyers and other authorities. There were no grounds to bar Murphy or the third-party organization, Radical Feminists Unite, from library premises. Murphy has never been charged, much less convicted, of a hate crime.“When Toronto Public Library (TPL) makes meeting rooms available to the public we serve, we need to make them available to all on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations or individuals or groups requesting their use,” Bowles posted on the library’s website.A core responsibility of libraries, she reminds, is to safeguard and facilitate access to constitutionally protected speech — ideas, opinion, knowledge — regardless of how unconventional or unpopular... I know of trials where men have abruptly claimed to be transitioning and, believe you me, doing “softer” female time was probably the objective."
You must cleave to the whole gospel, not even leaving out one bit!

Trans dispute prompts new gay faction to break with Stonewall - "Europe’s biggest LGBT rights organisation has split after being accused of promoting a "trans agenda" at the expense of gay and lesbian rights... Announcing themselves as the LGB Alliance, the group, formed of “influential lesbians, gay men and bisexuals” met in central London last night and forged the new organisation in a bid to “counteract the confusion between sex and gender which is now widespread in the public sector and elsewhere”.Simon Fanshawe, who co-founded Stonewall in 1989, was among those speaking at the event last night in central London. In a press release announcing the new group, which will be formally launched in January, the LGB Alliance said that its participants included former employees and supporters of the lobby group Stonewall, as well as doctors, psychiatrists, academics and lawyers with expertise in child safeguarding. It added that all members had agreed a foundation statement which prioritised biological sex over gender theories which they regard as “pseudo-scientific and dangerous”... “Almost 10,000 people have signed our petition – asking for calm, respectful discussion. Stonewall has stonewalled us every time. So it’s time to set up an alternative organisation.”... Kate Harris, a former volunteer fundraiser for Stonewall, told The Telegraph: “The main difference is that lesbians, gays and bisexuals have something in common because of our sexual orientation, that has nothing to do with being trans. “We welcome the support of anyone - gay, straight or trans - as long as they support our commitment to freedom of speech and biological definitions of sex. So we are a very broad and accepting group. We will be called transphobic, but we’re not.” The new group aims to be an umbrella organisation that supports freedom of speech, accurate biological definitions of sex and fact-based education. It said that it will maintain links to all groups “who fight for the rights of lesbians, bisexuals and gay men at a time when Stonewall brands same-sex attraction as transphobic”. It also said that it has asked the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) to investigate whether Stonewall, as a recipient of public funds, is “upholding its public duty to represent the voices of LGB people and facilitate discussion between different groups protected under the Equality Act"."

BBC Radio 4 - Best of Today, The non-binary debate - "‘What about at school? Do you go into the boys’ toilets, do you go into the girls’ toilets, what happens there?’
‘I never use the English toilets which are boys and girls, because they can get kind of gross, because kids are very responsible in them. I usually just use the science toilets and there's a boy or girl so it doesn't really matter.’
‘There are some people who probably think that gender should be clear cut: boy/girl, man/woman.’
‘Well I’d point out the fact that there're already multiple creatures which aren't male or female. For example, worms are asexual. You've got snails, they have both male and female reproductive parts.’...
‘You're wearing a badge that says: they/them/theirs’...
‘When you hear him talking about his gender identity and his feelings so succinctly and so honestly and candidly-’
‘Yes, sometimes I think any parent is going to struggle. The hardest thing is, is to leave your stereotypes behind and try and help your child and that's never easy, but we're really proud of him and love him as much as we do. And he seems to be happier. And when we respect his decisions that makes his life easier and truthfully it makes our life easier’...
‘It is about identity but actually the non binary identity does also is beginning to have a medical pathway. Children are learning that their bodies must match their personalities and for non binary young people, girls in particular, are increasingly having double mastectomies in order to get a non binary body. That's the danger I think with the whole gender, idea of gender identity, that whether you're trans, whether you're non binary, whether you're gender fluid, or however you describe yourself, there is an expectation that your identity is real and that your biological sex is an illusion.’
‘So one begins in other words of saying don't call me he or she, or that relatively simple choice of toilet becomes something much more serious’
‘Children are learning that their identity overrides their biology, that their identity is real and that their sex is is irrelevant. And that a girl is somebody who identifies as a girl’...
'We're seeing so many young people speaking out about regretting irreversible medical procedures. We heard Professor Robert Winston over a year ago talking about young people going to his fertility clinics and regretting their loss of fertility. So when you've got an identity that is increasingly leading towards a potential medical pathway, schools need to be thinking very carefully about how they create a culture where the issues can be discussed openly. And children can be actually in a sense protected from what they're learning online.'"
Apparently human biology is the same as that of any random animal you like. So if you identify as a bird and jump off a building, no one should stop you since that'd be oppressing you
Has anyone arrested the parents for the hate crime of misgendering their child?

BBC Radio 4 - From Our Own Correspondent Podcast, From Our Home Correspondent 22/10/2019 - "I saw Paul four years ago. The then nine year old identified as a boy. So I'll refer to Paul as a he when speaking of our first meeting… Back then he was miserable, but trenchant all the same. The purpose of the meeting was to talk about his battle with depression, and how someone so young could feel such utter desperation. It was heartbreaking to listen to. I often think to myself, is it all worth it?, he told me. It just feels so dark, and at night when I struggle to sleep, it makes it so much worse. With the support of his mother Claire, he went on to do an interview with me which aired on Radio Four. He was adamant he wanted to encourage other children to speak candidly about their mental health problems. I was moved them by how precocious he was. You’re incredible, I told him. Keep going... Now, age 12. Paul is still the same person in lots of ways... Paul's mother Claire had told me that Paul was now non binary."
Of course, the depression can't possibly have anything to do with his being non-binary
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