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Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Links - 4th March 2020 (1) (Trans Mania)

Trans solidarity has reached outer space as Jupiter says 'trans rights!' - "The fifth planet from the sun has made the groundbreaking decision to come out in favour of trans rights.  This comes amid Earth’s sluggish and at times spotty support of the trans and gender-diverse communities.  Moreover, Jupiter’s solidarity runs in contrast to anti-LGBT planet Mercury, whose reign of retrograde terror has inflicted harm on all sides of the community for centuries."
This is from PinkNews aka PenisNews, so it is not satire by "transphobic bigots"

Prisons to get transgender wings | News | The Sunday Times - "The Prison Service is to stop many transgender inmates, including sex offenders, serving their sentences in women’s prisons... Options now under consideration include “clustering” trans prisoners in special wings or sections of wings. A number of high-risk trans inmates have already been moved back to men’s prisons... Ministers acted after Karen White, a convicted sex offender who retains her male genitalia, was allowed into New Hall women’s prison near Wakefield, where she sexually assaulted two female prisoners.  The change has become more urgent after officials forecast that numbers of trans or non-binary prisoners in England and Wales could rise to 1,000, up from 139 last year. There are about 4,000 biological women in prison... The change was seized on by campaigners against plans to allow people to “self-identify”. Nicola Williams, of Fair Play for Women, said: “It’s an admission that allowing males to self-identify as women and letting them into women’s spaces is dangerous.”"

Karen White: how 'manipulative' transgender inmate attacked again - "White entered the UK prison system as transgender. However, despite dressing as a woman, the 52-year-old had not undergone any surgery and was still legally a male. She was also a convicted paedophile and on remand for grievous bodily harm, burglary, multiple rapes and other sexual offences against women.In September last year she was transferred to New Hall prison in West Yorkshire. During a three-month period at the female prison she sexually assaulted two other inmates.The decision to move White to a women’s prison was made public after she admitted in court to the sexual assault and to multiple rapes committed before she was sent to prison.Those who met White were shocked that she was moved to a female prison, describing the convicted sex offender as “manipulative and controlling”, and questioned her commitment to her transition... “She seemed like somebody who was very much going to plough her own furrow regardless of the community advice, and she was going to demand her rights. She insisted people referred to her in her acquired gender without trying terribly hard to present as a woman.“She would report people for a hate crime if they stumbled over which name to use for her – it was not a way to get yourself absorbed into the community. She was a person who would not compromise.”... The final straw came when White repeatedly stabbed an elderly male resident in his own home, claiming the pensioner had sexually assaulted her. The man said: “She just went for me – it was completely out of the blue. I still feel scared in my own home.”... A government survey has counted 125 transgender prisoners in England and Wales, which is likely to be an underestimate. According to MoJ figures released in response to a freedom of information request by the BBC, 60 of them have been convicted of one or more sexual offences... “It is a very toxic debate, but I think prisons have probably been influenced by some of the extreme conversations and have been bullied into making some decisions that have harmed women.""
No true transgender person pretends to be transgender or exploits its transgender status (before putting it in its porridge)
This doesn't help the "stereotype" associating transgenderism with sexual deviance
Presumably gender self identification should be unconditional - unless you're a convicted criminal. Since that makes the numbers look bad

One in 50 prisoners identifies as transgender amid concerns inmates are attempting to secure prison perks - "One in 50 male offenders in prisons are self-identifying as transgender... The figure, the first by the watchdog, suggests there are up to 1,500 transgender inmates among the 90,000 prisoners in England and Wales, more than ten times previous estimates, and at least four times the number in the general population. Among offenders from traveller communities the number self-identifying as transgender or transsexual rose to one in ten inmates... Transgender prisoners are entitled to shower alone, separate cells and can apply to switch between male and female jails. Earlier this year the Ministry of Justice created a "wing" for transgender prisoners to keep them away from other inmates... The watchdog’s survey of 5,133 British prisoners found two per cent self identified as transgender or transexual, rising to 10 per cent of the 287 traveller offenders surveyed. Extrapolated across the prison service, this would mean about 1,500.By contrast, the Government’s equalities office estimates as few as 0.5 per cent or 200,000 in the general population are transgender"
Good luck to anyone who points out the contradiction between saying transgender people are not more prone to criminality and that gender self-identification is the way to go. Maybe the fudge will be that transphobia makes one criminal, and society is to blame

Connecticut Home Invasion Convict Is Undergoing Gender Transition in Prison - The New York Times - "Steven Hayes, who was convicted of a deadly 2007 home invasion in Connecticut that was so brutal it gained international attention, is receiving hormone therapy in prison as part of a gender transition... The 56-year-old Hayes is serving six life sentences for the killing of Jennifer Hawke-Petit and her two daughters, Michaela and Hayley"

Putting the thoughtpolice on trial - "Harry Miller, a 53-year-old docker and former police officer, was investigated by Humberside Police for retweeting a supposedly transphobic poem. Speaking to a police officer on the phone, Miller asked whether he had committed a crime, to which came the ominous response: ‘We need to check your thinking.’... As Miller has argued at the High Court this week, ‘the idea that a law-abiding citizen can have their name recorded against a hate incident on a crime report when there was neither hate nor crime undermines principles of justice, free expression, democracy and common sense’... Note the use of the word ‘victim’ rather than ‘complainant’ – the presumption of innocence so casually dismissed through rhetorical sleight-of-hand.This is, in part, the legacy of Keir Starmer’s tenure as Director of Public Prosecutions (from 2008 to 2013) and the subsequent politicisation of the Crown Prosecution Service. The presumption of guilt and the pressure to convict people for political reasons has been particularly corrosive in rape cases... The presumption of guilt was also the reasoning behind the disastrous Operation Midland, which wasted millions of pounds of taxpayers’ money pursuing fabricated stories of child murder and sexual abuse at the heart of Westminster. Investigators judged the fantasies of the accuser, Carl Beech, to be ‘credible and true’ without a shred of evidence... When the police fail to act in a politically neutral manner, they inevitably veer into authoritarianism. We saw this last March with the conviction of Markus Meechan (the YouTuber known as ‘Count Dankula’) for his ‘Nazi pug’ joke. In fact, over 3,000 people are arrested each year in the UK for offensive comments posted online. Section 127 of the Communications Act 2003 criminalises online speech that can be deemed ‘grossly offensive’ by the courts (without any requirement for a prosecutor to prove that there was any intention to cause offence)... It sometimes seems as if police departments are engaged in a competition to see who can behave in the most menacing manner on social media. ‘Think before you post or you may receive a visit from us this weekend’, tweeted Greater Glasgow Police in 2016. Not to be outdone, South Yorkshire Police called on the public last year to ‘report non-crime hate incidents, which can include things like offensive or insulting comments’. Such a sinister approach to police work suggests that the divisive and illiberal ideology of ‘social justice’ has infected our law-enforcement agencies. The investigating officer in the Harry Miller case, for instance, made a startling statement when he spoke to Miller on the phone in January. ‘I’ve been on a course’, he explained, ‘and what you need to understand is that you can have a fetus with a female brain that grows male body parts and that’s what a transgender person is’. Since when is it the role of the police to uphold such pseudo-scientific belief systems? This is one of the more incoherent aspects of the extreme wings of gender ideology. On the one hand, we are told not to question the biologically essentialist view that trans people are born with a brain that is gendered in a way counter to their anatomy. And on the other, we are told that gender is entirely socially constructed... comedy writer Graham Linehan was given a verbal warning by police for failing to use a trans activist’s preferred pronouns on Twitter. In February, Kate Scottow was arrested and locked in a cell for the crime of ‘deadnaming’ (referring to a trans person by the name he or she used before transitioning)... As Mr Justice Knowles, the judge in the Miller case, has pointed out: ‘Freedom-of-expression laws are not there to protect statements such as “kittens are cute” – but they are there to protect unpleasant things.’"

Daisy Ridley From Star Wars Says there are only 2 genders!!! - YouTube - "WTF SHE BELIEVES IN ONLY 2 GENDERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Strange she didn't get cancelled for this

Renson Seow - "Sam Smith changes pronouns to they/them"
""they/ them" for a single person is terribly misleading. Plus it will probably break grammar check on any word processor.
"They cannot carry the couch themselves"
"Wtf? I saw the guy. He's big enough, and if he has someone else with him 2 people can carry a couch"
"They are just 1 person."
If it's a single person, stick with a proper singular like he or she."
When I was young I learnt that there were 3 pronouns - he, she and it

Satiria - Posts - "Sam Smith #NonBinary Update: Boring Oppressor to Brave & Oppressed. Just add pronouns!"
"He didn't even have to put on a dress. Absolutely brave and stunning!!"

Konstantin Kisin on Twitter - "I have an important announcement. After struggling with the Culture Wars for several years, my pronouns are now "WTF" and "FFS"."

Woman who transitioned to man starts treatment to be female again - "A 61-year-old who transitioned from female to male almost two decades ago said she feels ‘mutilated’ and has started treatment to reverse the process.After struggling with her sexual identity for years, at the age of 44, Debbie Karemer sought out gender reassignment and changed her name to Lee Harries.She claimed she began testosterone treatment just a day after she visited a private doctor about her decision, before having her breasts removed just three months later.But after years of various operations, she ‘broke down’ when she woke up after undergoing her final gender reassignment surgery, and has recently gone back to identifying as a woman.After years of counselling she has come to the realisation that she was suffering with complex post-traumatic stress disorder, having been sexually abused for years.As a teenager, Debbie began to hate her body after being abused by her late father, but said she now understands her self-hatred came from a fear of being raped. She said she feels like a woman trapped in ‘an approximation of a male body’, and is currently awaiting an NHS operation to reverse the re-assignment. ‘Looking back now I realise that it was simply a feeling that if I didn’t have a vagina, I couldn’t be raped’... She said she’s speaking out on the ‘taboo’ subject of surgery regret – gender reassignment reversal – to encourage others to seek talking therapy before undergoing the operation... Debbie primarily blames her father for what has happened to her but also the private psychiatrist who started off her journey."
It's amusing how trans activists claim if you think children shouldn't be allowed to transition, you're claiming trans people don't exist - but they downplay the fact that there're de-transitioners

Police force spent £23,000 on gender-neutral caps to attract more transgender officers - "A police force spent £23,000 on gender-neutral 'Burger King' caps to replace traditional helmets only to get rid of them 18 months later following a public outcry.Northamptonshire Police introduced the US-style 'bump hats' in May 2017 to attract more transgender officers, claiming that 'gender-based headgear' was acting as 'a barrier to the non-binary transgender community'.But they were largely scrapped in November last year after critics said they made officers 'look like Jimmy Krankie' and replaced with the traditional helmets that have been a symbol of British policing for more than 150 years... The caps were introduced after research suggested the new headwear would eradicate the issue of transgender officers having to decide between custodian helmets for males and bowler hats for females. A spokesman for the force had said: 'Not only will the new bump caps offer a better level of protection, the new headgear means that no longer will male and female officers be issued different headgear with varying safety ratings simply on the basis of gender.'Engagement has also shown that having to choose gender-based headgear is a barrier to the non-binary transgender community joining the police service... ump hats, which have a reinforced frame, are more lightweight than the helmets and allow officers to clamber in and out of vehicles without removing them.  But they are regularly ridiculed by critics – who claim the caps make officers look more like Burger King workers."
The state of the UK

Do trans- kids stay trans- when they grow up? - "Despite the differences in country, culture, decade, and follow-up length and method, all the studies have come to a remarkably similar conclusion: Only very few trans- kids still want to transition by the time they are adults. Instead, they generally turn out to be regular gay or lesbian folks. The exact number varies by study, but roughly 60–90% of trans- kids turn out no longer to be trans by adulthood."
Most gender non-conforming kids grow up to be gay or lesbian (homosexual). So trans mania when applied to kids is going to result in many lawsuits in a decade or two while effacing homosexuals
Keywords: on the studies showing that the vast majority of gender non conforming youth / gender non conforming kids / children grow up to be gay, most gender non conforming children, gender nonconforming youth, gender nonconforming kids

Addendum: Gender dysphoria in adolescence: current perspectives - "Evidence from the 10 available prospective follow-up studies from childhood to adolescence (reviewed in the study by Ristori and Steensma28) indicates that for ~80% of children who meet the criteria for GDC, the GD recedes with puberty. Instead, many of these adolescents will identify as non-heterosexual"

Jesse Singal on Twitter - "Twitter has now suspended at least one account for referring to the fact that humans have a "natal sex."

NHS 'over-diagnosing' children having transgender treatment, former staff warn - "Thirty five psychologists have resigned from the children's gender-identity service in London in the last three years... Six of those have now raised concerns about hormone treatment being given to children with gender dysphoria... "Our fears are that young people are being over-diagnosed and then over-medicalised."We are extremely concerned about the consequences for young people... For those of us who previously worked in the service, we fear that we have had front row seats to a medical scandal."... staff are under immense pressure, with little time to thoroughly evaluate children.  "At the moment there's only one pathway through the service, which is a medical pathway, not a psychological one"... They described a service where psychologists are constrained in the work they can do with a patient for fear of being called "transphobic".  The psychologist said: "The alarm started ringing for me... I didn't feel able to voice my concerns, or when I did I was often shut down by other affirmative clinicians.  "Looking back there are young people who I now wouldn't necessarily put on medication."... GIDS sees children under 18, including some cases who are as young as three.  Around half of children who are seen at the clinic are put on drugs to pause their puberty, known as hormone blockers... In the last decade the proportion of patients being referred to the NHS children's gender service who were assigned female at birth has grown, from 44% to 74%. Psychologists say there has been an increase in "female-born" teenagers, many of whom have underlying issues, identifying as trans.The underlying issues range from experience of homophobia to a history of abuse.Some of these teenagers do not find medical treatment helps their gender dysphoria. For some, it's a mistake and they later "detransition" to their biological gender... she socially transitioned after reading extensively about being trans online.  "Mainly the thing that was fuelling me was that I didn't fit in and then I was slowly drip fed this idea that you could change sex"... Thomasin now identifies as female again. She says her desire to be trans was because she was struggling with her sexuality as a lesbian.  Some of the former Tavistock clinicians who have spoken to Sky News are now supporting teenagers who have later changed their minds and "detransitioned".  Some of these young people have been left with irreversible changes to their bodies."
Since sins of commission are worse than those of omission...

Transgender pupil, 12, given puberty blockers, as mother says she 'wanted to be a girl from age of three' - "Ash Lammin, who was born a boy, is embarking on a lengthy journey to transition to female at an NHS-run clinic and is one of the youngest in the country to do so.She has researched the process in depth and says that she eventually wants a womb transplant so that she can be a mother when she's older... Before 2011, GIDS would only give puberty blockers to children once they had turned 16. But the rules were relaxed after reports emerged of British children going overseas to buy the drugs."

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