Tuesday, March 03, 2020
Links - 3rd March 2020 (3) (Trans Mania)
How to Stage a Study: The Transgender Lobby in British Academia - "Headed by Davina Cooper, Research Professor in Law at King’s College London, this project questions if “we still need a legal gender status at all” while conterminously making the claim that the “project will draw on experiences in other countries, the legal approach taken towards other social characteristics, such as religion, ethnicity and sexuality, and the views of activists, policy-makers, NGOs, lawyers and the wider public.” All this seems rather ambiguous and ill-defined given that the entire research team does not define its terms on its website regarding gender or sex and it consistently demonstrates a lack of understanding of the somatic, or corporeal, in relation to sex. After all, what does it mean to engage the “changing character of gender” when this terminology has not at all been agreed upon nor clearly defined within the project itself and this term is used as a surrogate to sex, even to annex sex entirely?... “This a feminist project, and we are currently exploring different perspectives in order to think about law reform in relation to gender and sex-related forms of subordination.” Yet, I see no evidence whatsoever of any feminist analysis represented in what is laid bare by the project’s website profile.For instance, the research team led by Cooper consists of Emily Grabham, Elizabeth Peel, Flora Renz, Robyn Emerton, and Han Newman. All these researchers have pro-transgender agendas in their professional and public profiles, publications, and virtually nothing related to feminism. Intersectionality appears throughout many researchers’ bios, but this term has long ago been hijacked from feminism and is today very much a discourse that is used to instruct women that they are being “exclusionary” should they not focus feminism on men who claim to be women... the eyebrow-raising moment for me in reading through the names of this advisory board was when I found Alex Sharpe on the list. A transgender-identified lawyer, Sharpe is well-known for harassing women on Twitter, generally calling any woman who disagrees with Sharpe a “TERF”... Sharpe also actively practices and publishes on the subject of “gender identity fraud,” namely when males or females fraudulently misrepresent their sex in order to procure sex from an unwitting person. Advocating against “sexual autonomy” and the guarding of physical boundaries, Sharpe frames sexual autonomy as “liberal” and suggests that the transsexual’s right to privacy takes precedence over the individual’s right to know the sex of the person with whom they might engage in coitus. And in another radio show last November, Sharpe compared women who are critical of gender ideology to the “bubonic plague” on Radio 4’s “Woman’s Hour.”... Ultimately, research projects like those of Hines and Cooper are fundamentally academic pyramid schemes where researchers all share political and ideological alliances, where scholarship is about anything but objective research, and where there is a larger mandate to involve organisations that influence policy and law and that lend political legitimacy to ideas that have zero scientific merit. All this while academics achieve a heightened status and increased funding for similarly flimsy research in a field where evidence matters less than woke points. Indeed, one has to wonder what sentences like this even mean: “Are the traditional binary male and female gender roles relevant in an increasingly fluid and flexible world?” The central aim of much of this “research” is clear: to replace sex with gender throughout public policy both nationally and internationally."
Perhaps trans mania is a manifestation of "late stage feminism"
Anyone should be allowed to 'identify' as black, according to Left-wing university leaders - "The Universities and Colleges Union has set out its stance in a report on the ongoing row about whether men should be able to self-identify as women and be treated as female regardless of their anatomy.The UCU’s ‘position statement’ did not just stand by its support for self-identification of gender, but also insisted people can choose their own race, saying: ‘Our rules commit us to ending all forms of discrimination, bigotry and stereotyping. UCU has a long history of enabling members to self-identify whether that is being black, disabled, LGBT+ or women.’... Theresa May’s Government considered changing the law to allow people to choose their own gender, but Ministers have put those plans on hold after a backlash from female voters... Kathleen Stock, a philosophy professor at Sussex University and UCU member, last night questioned the union’s position on race, saying it was ‘nonsensical, anti-intellectual propaganda’."
Just 6 months ago someone mentioning this would've been mocked as falling prey to the "myth" of the slippery slope
Online hate blamed as researchers find homophobia is increasing among young people in UK - "Homophobia is increasing among young British people, new research has suggested amid warnings that “online communities of hate” could be driving the worrying trend.A poll seen exclusively by The Independent found one in four 18- to 24-year-olds thought LGBT+ people were “immoral” or that homosexuality contravened their beliefs, compared to one in five across all age groups... Galop’s report said the answers may reflect a “the influence of the rise of anti-LGBT+ rhetoric globally”, following a rise in anti-trans activism among high-profile right-wing groups in the US and UK. “It may also be connected to the influence of a growing number of siloed online communities of hate, which exist with different social norms to mainstream society, running counter to inclusion and tolerance”"
It's always fashionable to bash the "far right", no matter what
Presumably thinking keeps "trans woman" prisoners together with biological women is a bad idea - despite cases of assault - means you are "homophobic"
Police investigating 'hate crime' after transgender woman turned down for porn role 'because she has a penis' - "Ria Cooper, 25, who became Britain's youngest trans person when she transitioned 10 years ago, says an anonymous photographer messaged her saying he wanted them to have sex on camera and sell the resulting porno. But when he found out Ria still has male reproductive organs he immediately retracted the offer... Ria has hit out at the "transphobic behaviour" and says she's being unfairly discriminated against in her modelling career. The woman from Hull, East Yorks., has reported the comments to Humberside Police, which is investigating the incident as a hate crime... the photographer told Ria he had just been informed by a friend that she is transgender, before saying "Playboy won't accept that"... Ria has described the comments as "discriminatory" and "appalling", comparing the abuse to that of a racist."
Definitely Only Liberal Opinions Here, Don’t Worry Zuck - Posts - "To all the aspiring male actors on dating apps who match with me and then gag when they see I’m trans, but want to “be friends” because they see I’m in the industry. Bitch... don’t think for a second I’m not spilling the full tea about y’all transphobic asses to my colleagues"
"Gatekeeping jobs from people who won’t sleep with you is bad if a man does it, like Harvey Weinstein, but this is a woman so that’s okay. Bravo ma’m!"
On Twitter: "And yes... if you won’t date a woman solely because she is trans. THAT IS THE ONLY REASON YOU WON’T date her... (but you like her, are attracted to her) you are transphobic AF"
"A very misogynistic Male attitude. “Sleep with me or else...”"
"Seems to me like you're trying to shame males for their sexual preferences. I thought everybody could choose to identfy to prefer how they like? Seems to me you're suddenly arguing against the very principle that underpins LGB rights."
"We have our first trans Weinstein, a win for inclusivity"
"I’m sure lots of nice aspiring male actors would love to get close to you after that reassurance."
"This is pretty creepy"
Naturally - blue check mark
I Spent a Year as a Trans Man. Doctors Failed Me at Every Turn. - "Two years ago, I was a healthy, beautiful girl heading toward high school graduation. Before long, I turned into an overweight, pre-diabetic nightmare of a transgender man.I won’t place the full blame on health care providers, because I should have known better. But they sure helped me do a lot of harm to myself—and they made a hefty buck doing it... Everything I read was in favor of transitioning. Regrettably, I couldn’t find any articles about transgender regret or the huge health issues that would come from making the transition. They only mentioned how brave the transition would make you, and how good it would be for you. I tried my best to find books that discussed the issue critically and offered opposing views, but all I found were pro-transgender authors. That left me with the obvious conclusion: If all the “experts” were in favor of transition, why not do it?... I soon found a therapist who said she would help me, and I told her I wanted to start the hormones on my 19th birthday, which was only five weeks off. She required only a one-hour appointment each week. That’s hardly enough time to get to know someone. Yet those five hours got me an official letter that unlocked the doors for me to get hormone therapy and become a “man.” It also helped me change my “sex” on my driver’s license from female to male. I now see a huge problem with how easy this was. If the therapist had gone slower and been more careful, she would have seen that I wasn’t actually trans... By this point, my friends were also encouraging me to transition. “You’re a hot girl,” they said. “You’ll be a hot guy, too!” Others were too afraid to say anything against it, because after all, it was 2017. I never got pushback from anyone... I was simply insecure about being tomboyish and a lesbian in public. My therapist never once tried to sit down with me and figure that out... I started feeling regret. Unfortunately, I was stuck: I had already declared to everyone that this was who I was. I had changed my gender, and I had forced people to play along with it and call me by a new name: Jaxson. At work, men had to be OK with their former female co-worker now using the same restroom as them. Everyone was walking on eggshells around me—and people fell in line for fear of what might happen if they objected. (Employers are already being sued over this kind of thing, after all.) Nobody could tell me what I was doing was wrong, or “Hey, wake up!” A few brave souls at work did quietly try to say, “Are you sure?” Or, “Why don’t you think about it a little while?” Meanwhile, my mom was crying daily about why I was doing this to myself, all the while blaming herself. Finally, one day, my grandfather sat me down to talk about it. He was, and will remain the only person whose opinion I will ever care about. With tears in his eyes, he asked me to stop... That was a saving grace. I would have let this treatment kill me before admitting I’d screwed up. His intervention may have saved my life... I’m just thankful to have gotten off this horrible path alive, and before I had any body parts mutilated. It’s insane to me that our society is letting this to happen to young people. At age 18, I wasn’t even legal to buy alcohol, but I was old enough to go to a therapist and get hormones to change my gender. This is happening to vulnerable kids much younger than I was, and the adults are AWOL. When you walk into these clinics, you won’t really see older people around. It’s boys and girls playing dress-up, brought there by clueless parents, waiting for the appointment that could likely ruin their lives."
Gamingmentor101 on Twitter - "“HomoSEXual” is a transphobic statement. Stating that lesbians are only attracted to sex and not gender. They are trying to exclude trans women."
Trans mania is homophobic
eden rohatensky on Twitter - "I’m nonbinary and bisexual and want to remind you that defining bisexuality as “attracted to men and women” is actively harmful to your nb friends"
Mum of supermarket toilet sex assault victim warns freed attacker could strike again - "The woman – who cannot be named to protect the identity of her child – voiced fury that Katie Dolatowski had been freed to serve her sentence in the community.Dolatowski, 18, sexually assaulted the girl in the toilets of Morrisons, Kirkcaldy.She grabbed the terrified youngster by the face, shoved her into the cubicle and ordered her to remove her trousers.But instead of being jailed at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court, Dolatowski, who identifies as a woman but was believed by her victim’s family to be a man, was given community payback and tagging orders... The girl had been sledging when the assault occurred on March 4, last year, a month after Dolatowski had filmed a 12-year-old girl on the toilet in another supermarket in Dunfermline. When she came out of her cubicle, Dolatowski shoved her back in and told her there was a man outside who would kill her mother... The court heard Dolatowski had been in the social care system since the age of three and had mental health issues.But the mother said: “A lot of people have been in care but they do not go out and assault children.“I don’t care that he has issues or what his background is, he is a paedophile and he has been let out on a supervision order.”"
We were told not so long ago that there were no cases of transgender women attacking women in public toilets and that this was fake news from the "right"
I'm surprised Scotland didn't arrest the mother and punish her with a harsher punishment than the attacker for misgendering
Paul Embery on Twitter - "We warned them. Time and again we warned them. But they said we were 'bigots'."
On the above. Doubtless liberals will continue to insist trans people have never attacked women in toilets, while ignoring that you don't even need to be trans (however that might be gatekept - which is something liberals are against anyway) to pretend to be so to gain entrance
All aboard the trans-Lib Dem express - "At what point do progressive ideas become liberal orthodoxy? Historians and futurologists alike could do worse than identify the take-off point as being when an idea first receives endorsement in the Liberal Democrats’ election manifesto... the Lib Dems’ 2019 equalities and human rights plan, unveiled yesterday, repeats the Party’s 2017 election pledge for “complete reform of the Gender Recognition Act to remove the requirement for medical reports, scrap the fee and recognise non-binary gender identities.” This would sweep away the 2004 Gender Recognition Act’s requirement that individuals seeking the legal reclassification of their birth-sex must first have been medically diagnosed with gender dysphoria. The Act also requires that they have spent two years living in their preferred gender. In the Lib Dem grand narrative, trans rights are the logical extension of women’s rights and gay liberation. The problem is that this narrative arc contains many diverting sub-plots... As many leading voices in feminist thought point out – is the experience of being a woman actually just as readily tradable as a fashion label that can be put on and discarded at will?... There is a secondary issue about self-identification that risks undermining other aspects of the Party’s equalities platform. The Lib Dems remain committed to corporate reform in which FTSE 350 company boards should be at least 40% female. Additionally, the Party is promising to compel companies employing more than 250 staff to publish data on gender, BAME and LGBT+ employment levels and pay. But what is the value of classifying people by gender, race, and sexuality whilst at the same time insisting that gender and sexuality (but not race) are fluid concepts? If these identities can be so easily traded, why are they deemed to trump all other defining characteristics? There are practical difficulties too. One problem with seeking to identify the pay-packet size of LGBT+ employees is the non-cooperation of those who regard their sexuality to be no business of their employer or government body... If a Lib Dem government will legislate that there is to be no objective determination of gender, then what is to stop insolent company boards or insubordinate employees from simply submitting answers framed to make a mockery of the required thresholds?"
I'm quite sure in 2004 people who were wary about the Gender Recognition Act were mocked about believing in a "slippery slope", which as we all know doesn't exist
Perhaps trans mania is a manifestation of "late stage feminism"
Anyone should be allowed to 'identify' as black, according to Left-wing university leaders - "The Universities and Colleges Union has set out its stance in a report on the ongoing row about whether men should be able to self-identify as women and be treated as female regardless of their anatomy.The UCU’s ‘position statement’ did not just stand by its support for self-identification of gender, but also insisted people can choose their own race, saying: ‘Our rules commit us to ending all forms of discrimination, bigotry and stereotyping. UCU has a long history of enabling members to self-identify whether that is being black, disabled, LGBT+ or women.’... Theresa May’s Government considered changing the law to allow people to choose their own gender, but Ministers have put those plans on hold after a backlash from female voters... Kathleen Stock, a philosophy professor at Sussex University and UCU member, last night questioned the union’s position on race, saying it was ‘nonsensical, anti-intellectual propaganda’."
Just 6 months ago someone mentioning this would've been mocked as falling prey to the "myth" of the slippery slope
Online hate blamed as researchers find homophobia is increasing among young people in UK - "Homophobia is increasing among young British people, new research has suggested amid warnings that “online communities of hate” could be driving the worrying trend.A poll seen exclusively by The Independent found one in four 18- to 24-year-olds thought LGBT+ people were “immoral” or that homosexuality contravened their beliefs, compared to one in five across all age groups... Galop’s report said the answers may reflect a “the influence of the rise of anti-LGBT+ rhetoric globally”, following a rise in anti-trans activism among high-profile right-wing groups in the US and UK. “It may also be connected to the influence of a growing number of siloed online communities of hate, which exist with different social norms to mainstream society, running counter to inclusion and tolerance”"
It's always fashionable to bash the "far right", no matter what
Presumably thinking keeps "trans woman" prisoners together with biological women is a bad idea - despite cases of assault - means you are "homophobic"
Police investigating 'hate crime' after transgender woman turned down for porn role 'because she has a penis' - "Ria Cooper, 25, who became Britain's youngest trans person when she transitioned 10 years ago, says an anonymous photographer messaged her saying he wanted them to have sex on camera and sell the resulting porno. But when he found out Ria still has male reproductive organs he immediately retracted the offer... Ria has hit out at the "transphobic behaviour" and says she's being unfairly discriminated against in her modelling career. The woman from Hull, East Yorks., has reported the comments to Humberside Police, which is investigating the incident as a hate crime... the photographer told Ria he had just been informed by a friend that she is transgender, before saying "Playboy won't accept that"... Ria has described the comments as "discriminatory" and "appalling", comparing the abuse to that of a racist."
Definitely Only Liberal Opinions Here, Don’t Worry Zuck - Posts - "To all the aspiring male actors on dating apps who match with me and then gag when they see I’m trans, but want to “be friends” because they see I’m in the industry. Bitch... don’t think for a second I’m not spilling the full tea about y’all transphobic asses to my colleagues"
"Gatekeeping jobs from people who won’t sleep with you is bad if a man does it, like Harvey Weinstein, but this is a woman so that’s okay. Bravo ma’m!"
On Twitter: "And yes... if you won’t date a woman solely because she is trans. THAT IS THE ONLY REASON YOU WON’T date her... (but you like her, are attracted to her) you are transphobic AF"
"A very misogynistic Male attitude. “Sleep with me or else...”"
"Seems to me like you're trying to shame males for their sexual preferences. I thought everybody could choose to identfy to prefer how they like? Seems to me you're suddenly arguing against the very principle that underpins LGB rights."
"We have our first trans Weinstein, a win for inclusivity"
"I’m sure lots of nice aspiring male actors would love to get close to you after that reassurance."
"This is pretty creepy"
Naturally - blue check mark
I Spent a Year as a Trans Man. Doctors Failed Me at Every Turn. - "Two years ago, I was a healthy, beautiful girl heading toward high school graduation. Before long, I turned into an overweight, pre-diabetic nightmare of a transgender man.I won’t place the full blame on health care providers, because I should have known better. But they sure helped me do a lot of harm to myself—and they made a hefty buck doing it... Everything I read was in favor of transitioning. Regrettably, I couldn’t find any articles about transgender regret or the huge health issues that would come from making the transition. They only mentioned how brave the transition would make you, and how good it would be for you. I tried my best to find books that discussed the issue critically and offered opposing views, but all I found were pro-transgender authors. That left me with the obvious conclusion: If all the “experts” were in favor of transition, why not do it?... I soon found a therapist who said she would help me, and I told her I wanted to start the hormones on my 19th birthday, which was only five weeks off. She required only a one-hour appointment each week. That’s hardly enough time to get to know someone. Yet those five hours got me an official letter that unlocked the doors for me to get hormone therapy and become a “man.” It also helped me change my “sex” on my driver’s license from female to male. I now see a huge problem with how easy this was. If the therapist had gone slower and been more careful, she would have seen that I wasn’t actually trans... By this point, my friends were also encouraging me to transition. “You’re a hot girl,” they said. “You’ll be a hot guy, too!” Others were too afraid to say anything against it, because after all, it was 2017. I never got pushback from anyone... I was simply insecure about being tomboyish and a lesbian in public. My therapist never once tried to sit down with me and figure that out... I started feeling regret. Unfortunately, I was stuck: I had already declared to everyone that this was who I was. I had changed my gender, and I had forced people to play along with it and call me by a new name: Jaxson. At work, men had to be OK with their former female co-worker now using the same restroom as them. Everyone was walking on eggshells around me—and people fell in line for fear of what might happen if they objected. (Employers are already being sued over this kind of thing, after all.) Nobody could tell me what I was doing was wrong, or “Hey, wake up!” A few brave souls at work did quietly try to say, “Are you sure?” Or, “Why don’t you think about it a little while?” Meanwhile, my mom was crying daily about why I was doing this to myself, all the while blaming herself. Finally, one day, my grandfather sat me down to talk about it. He was, and will remain the only person whose opinion I will ever care about. With tears in his eyes, he asked me to stop... That was a saving grace. I would have let this treatment kill me before admitting I’d screwed up. His intervention may have saved my life... I’m just thankful to have gotten off this horrible path alive, and before I had any body parts mutilated. It’s insane to me that our society is letting this to happen to young people. At age 18, I wasn’t even legal to buy alcohol, but I was old enough to go to a therapist and get hormones to change my gender. This is happening to vulnerable kids much younger than I was, and the adults are AWOL. When you walk into these clinics, you won’t really see older people around. It’s boys and girls playing dress-up, brought there by clueless parents, waiting for the appointment that could likely ruin their lives."
Gamingmentor101 on Twitter - "“HomoSEXual” is a transphobic statement. Stating that lesbians are only attracted to sex and not gender. They are trying to exclude trans women."
Trans mania is homophobic
eden rohatensky on Twitter - "I’m nonbinary and bisexual and want to remind you that defining bisexuality as “attracted to men and women” is actively harmful to your nb friends"
Mum of supermarket toilet sex assault victim warns freed attacker could strike again - "The woman – who cannot be named to protect the identity of her child – voiced fury that Katie Dolatowski had been freed to serve her sentence in the community.Dolatowski, 18, sexually assaulted the girl in the toilets of Morrisons, Kirkcaldy.She grabbed the terrified youngster by the face, shoved her into the cubicle and ordered her to remove her trousers.But instead of being jailed at Kirkcaldy Sheriff Court, Dolatowski, who identifies as a woman but was believed by her victim’s family to be a man, was given community payback and tagging orders... The girl had been sledging when the assault occurred on March 4, last year, a month after Dolatowski had filmed a 12-year-old girl on the toilet in another supermarket in Dunfermline. When she came out of her cubicle, Dolatowski shoved her back in and told her there was a man outside who would kill her mother... The court heard Dolatowski had been in the social care system since the age of three and had mental health issues.But the mother said: “A lot of people have been in care but they do not go out and assault children.“I don’t care that he has issues or what his background is, he is a paedophile and he has been let out on a supervision order.”"
We were told not so long ago that there were no cases of transgender women attacking women in public toilets and that this was fake news from the "right"
I'm surprised Scotland didn't arrest the mother and punish her with a harsher punishment than the attacker for misgendering
Paul Embery on Twitter - "We warned them. Time and again we warned them. But they said we were 'bigots'."
On the above. Doubtless liberals will continue to insist trans people have never attacked women in toilets, while ignoring that you don't even need to be trans (however that might be gatekept - which is something liberals are against anyway) to pretend to be so to gain entrance
All aboard the trans-Lib Dem express - "At what point do progressive ideas become liberal orthodoxy? Historians and futurologists alike could do worse than identify the take-off point as being when an idea first receives endorsement in the Liberal Democrats’ election manifesto... the Lib Dems’ 2019 equalities and human rights plan, unveiled yesterday, repeats the Party’s 2017 election pledge for “complete reform of the Gender Recognition Act to remove the requirement for medical reports, scrap the fee and recognise non-binary gender identities.” This would sweep away the 2004 Gender Recognition Act’s requirement that individuals seeking the legal reclassification of their birth-sex must first have been medically diagnosed with gender dysphoria. The Act also requires that they have spent two years living in their preferred gender. In the Lib Dem grand narrative, trans rights are the logical extension of women’s rights and gay liberation. The problem is that this narrative arc contains many diverting sub-plots... As many leading voices in feminist thought point out – is the experience of being a woman actually just as readily tradable as a fashion label that can be put on and discarded at will?... There is a secondary issue about self-identification that risks undermining other aspects of the Party’s equalities platform. The Lib Dems remain committed to corporate reform in which FTSE 350 company boards should be at least 40% female. Additionally, the Party is promising to compel companies employing more than 250 staff to publish data on gender, BAME and LGBT+ employment levels and pay. But what is the value of classifying people by gender, race, and sexuality whilst at the same time insisting that gender and sexuality (but not race) are fluid concepts? If these identities can be so easily traded, why are they deemed to trump all other defining characteristics? There are practical difficulties too. One problem with seeking to identify the pay-packet size of LGBT+ employees is the non-cooperation of those who regard their sexuality to be no business of their employer or government body... If a Lib Dem government will legislate that there is to be no objective determination of gender, then what is to stop insolent company boards or insubordinate employees from simply submitting answers framed to make a mockery of the required thresholds?"
I'm quite sure in 2004 people who were wary about the Gender Recognition Act were mocked about believing in a "slippery slope", which as we all know doesn't exist
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