When you can't live without bananas

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Thursday, January 10, 2008

More (slightly newer) old pictures, finally clearing the backlog:

"Don't Let Instarred Mole Dictate Your Fate"

"Women like their men well hung"

Strange seafood. Don't ask me what it is. You use a stick and pull it out. It's a bit like a snail, but since it's just boiled it tastes very strange. The flesh is not as succulent as snail flesh either.

"Braised Pork Belly with 'Mui Chye' (contains pork)" - WELL DONE

"Ice Glass Jelly. $2.00", at Food Republic Vivocity

More wth at Food Republic: "Chinese Tea - Lao Cong Shui Xian - $55.00. Chinese Tea - Dong Din Wu Long - $60.00. Food Republic Distilled Water - $1.50. Hot Water Service Charge - $3.00."

Furama Palace: "Exclusively @ Furama City Centre Singapore. Evian Limited Edition 2008 by Christian Lacroix @ $20++ per bottle".
$23.40 mineral water?!

VCH staircase; Maria Callas on Music: "When music fails to agree to the ear, to soothe the ear and the heart and the senses, then it has missed its point"
I wonder what she thought of Shostakovich and Messiaen. Appropriately, this was on the day I was at the atrociously bad RJ alumni band concert.

Sexist and racist police warning: "LET YOUR HAIR DOWN. NOT YOUR GUARD. Don't be a victim of crime. Alert Police Immediately."
Obviously a reference to the Bangla spraycan-gropings of some years past.

"Mmm...". I don't know about the movie (Breath), but I'd rate the poster NC16 at least!

Some Power Rangers 15th Anniversary game: "Defeat evil forces with an over-the-top combat system"

Raffles Hotel lift: "In a land where every RACE effortlessly mixes, we've dedicated an entire restaurant to a RIOT of drastically contrasting flavours".
For mocking and trivialising the tragedy of our time, we should send all the people responsible for this to prison forever.

Reminds me of this stupid postcard from a SDP conference in 2003 ("International Youth Conference For Democracy"):

"FREE & open debate on democracy. Absolutely no SEX discrimination."

I went back to RI for the choir reunion, and was shocked to see:

A very seditious wall painting. The Last Supper - with McDonalds. To think that taxpayer funds are going towards this! Time to cut off public funds and send the entire staff of the school to jail!!!

Also in the Art Gallery:

Vending Machines

And then there was the best exhibit:

I was not alone in thinking that this installation was the most artistic and meaningful of all the works on display.

I saw this overpriced Coke in a vending machine - $1.60 for 500ml. Where could this outrage have taken place? Sentosa? The Zoo?

St Andrew's Cathedral. Time to throw out the moneychangers!

Tissue pouch. I forgot whose. Wth.

Jigsaw: "Hi dear,
Have u managed to piece up my message?
Just wanted to let u know what u pieced up my life, from the day I met u! Thanks!
I ♥ u!"
I wonder why 'dear' was picked in the first place if his/her life needed piecing up in the first place.

Khong Guan biscuit tin: "WARNING: Legal action will be taken against persons using this container other than for Khong Guan products."

Kent Vale: "Private Property. Do Not Enter. Enter At Your Own Risk."

"祖传秘方。。。 我的病有救了!"
Sounds like Snake Oil to me...

I think I took this because of the disturbing connection between the baby and fish-flavoured biscuits.

"If lift breaks down you may be trapped. Please use staircase to avoid missing your exam."
"If staircase collapses you may be killed. Please use lift to avoid missing dying."

"Swee's potato chips". These were going at 2 for $1. Basically you get what you pay for - worst chips in my life (declarations of quality notwithstanding). Even Malaysian Pringles are 10x better.

"Eusoff Hall. The Secret Formula for Winners! Horse Power. Ultimate Nutrition. NutritionPark.com. Good Nutrition, Real Results."
Uhh... This product endorsement isn't appropriate at all.

"Babystar Crispy Noodle Snack, Chicken Flavour". It has pork powder in it! It's so hard to find this sort of thing nowadays...

"Eu Yan Seng Herbal Soothies. American Wild Ginseng"

"Ingredients: Sugar, Glucose, Raw Honey"
Great. Sugar, sugar and more sugar are the three main ingredients. They sure need it to neutralise the taste...

I can't read this either, but I remember it was something about it being thirst quenching. Pfft...

"Ni Hao: A Gold Farmer's Story: Racializing Asian Virtual Labor in World of Warcraft

Leisure players from the US and Western Europe engaging in cross-racial role playing for entertainment purposes or "identity tourism" have been joined by users of color from China and Korea who are often subject to oppression as both a racio-linguistic minority, and as undesirable underclassed social bodies in the context of game play and game culture.

These "farmers," as they are dismissively dubbed by other players, produce and sell virtual goods such as weapons, garments, and even their own avatars or virtual bodies to other players for "real world" money. In-game economies, cultures of scarcity, user ideologies, and a cultural context of anti-immigrant late capitalism combine to figure Asian virtual workers as the enemy, and by extension, Asian culture as foreign, at best exotic, at worst threatening to the beauty and desirability of shared virtual space."

They are discriminated against because they are GOLD FARMERS, not because they are Chinese; Racialization does not mean racial discrimination - when I say "fucking idiot" it's not necessarily less insulting than "damn PRC".

Post-Marxists should just roll over and die (metaphorically, of course - just as their Revolution is metaphorical).

Someone who plays such games: gold farmers ARE evil

they are violating the terms of service of the games they operate in
and they ruin the gameplay experience of legitimate players

that's like saying we discriminate against murderers and thieves, though

huh wait
that says that "We discriminate against Asians because we identify most farmers as being Chinese or Korean"
which is absolutely not true, at least not in my experience

We discriminate against farmers because they are farmers
And it so happens that most of them are Asian
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