When you can't live without bananas

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Monday, January 07, 2008

"In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three or more is a congress." - John Adams


Me: richard gere is very charming
sister also gushes over him haha

Frigid Girl: eee

see, clearly something is wrong with me
maybe i only go for dead people

that's why beethoven and chopin and liszt are so hot

Someone: i didnt know we get pringles from malaysia
NO WONDER i felt happier eating them in [the UK]

i could finish the whole tube
and not get a sore throat

read ur entry on hokkaido etc

when i was in milan these italian men were SO taken with the jap gals

they looked very plain/ normal/ ordinary
the only thing was that they were speaking in this super high, almost shrieky, tone of (probably feigned) astonishment
it was like they were going to climax or sth... or at least that was what i thought at that time

mainly coz i was annoyed they were getting so much attention

but i guess it's a toss up
when u're not feeling up (literally) to it, speaking like that 24-7 can be really tiring

so i guess sporean gals are more "real"

Malaysian citizen who studied in Singapore (MCSS): singapore favours cracking down on people who toe the line

[if people publicise instances of governmental ridiculousness] the govt. may feel obliged to take further action to underscore their seriousness

Me: char publicised before investigations finished
and he only got stern warning

MCSS: i am risk averse, particularly in singaproe

if you publicize... you push the govt's hand
they will need to show that they acted against such... insurgents

Me: so how come char only got a stern warning?

MCSS: BUT, in the event that something unlikely happens, the stakes are too high
the stakes are your future. possibly career. possibly financial ruin.

Me: this is like civil servants who vote PAP because they think the government knows who they vote for
and the stakes are too high

MCSS: frankly, i don't know, but i'm very risk-averse in such situations

i know. i wish that i had more courage or daring to stand up for what i believe for in singapore, but singapore is not my home, and i will not risk my finances or liberty to enact change.

Me: hah
so you'd go demonstrate in malaysia?

MCSS: haha
neither is Malaysia truly my home.

Me: this is why singapore is doomed
because no one is willing to fight for anything

I'm glad that they have backbone there [Malaysia]

MCSS: backbone, in Malaysia, is a sign of desperation.
it worries me greatly.

Me: they've always had more backbone than us

MCSS: hahahaha. this is one of the few time the great gabriel seah gives credit to Malaysia

MFS: i realize from the perspective of a tourist, singapore is great
other than that, its quite boring!

Me: no
from the perspective of a rich white it's great ;)

MFS: that's true!
the rich white

i was at sentosa for the countdown yesterday
and there was this really old white guy
at least 55
with a super youngish girl grinding him non stop
on the freaking beach!

Me: hahahahhaa
chinese girl?

MFS: yeah

i went out
with another friend of mine
who was visiting singapore

he wanted to be the only black guy on the island
sorely dissapointed though

a couple of banglas
dragged him away
for a photograph

they wanted a pic with a black guy

Someone: girls never do the dishes
in fact, they hardly cook any more

id say that among students, uk girls cook more than sg girls.
even then, the number of girls who cant cook to save their lives...

Me: haha singaporean girls suck

Someone: ure telling me
my gf is vietnamese(!)

Me: hahahahahahaha
is it because she's demure and has no mind of her own? (cough)

Someone: nope
i dont like girls with no minds of their own

but sg girls really cmi :(
(im sure sg girls think that sg guys cmi)

Me: because they have no minds of their own?

Someone: well no, theyre just so full of themselves

and after being home for a while, im shocked at how materialistic we as a society are

everything is branded
rather luxury brands, and bloody expensive too

how do people afford this?!

Me: I've a lawyer friend who's been working for 2 years
she lives with her parents
and she spends more than she earns

Me: HAHA life of brian is in the central library
but retricted
hurr hurr

An Unnamed Sociologist: wth really
its a classic

Me: yeah singapore sucks

An Unnamed Sociologist: im sure plenty of ppl find the 10 commandments objectionable bcos of its religious message as well

god smiting the idol worshippers

Me: oh
anti-religious stuff can be banned in singapore
pro-religious won't unless it's anti-muslim or anti-government (eg jehovah's witnesses)

oh I'm sure anti-semitism is ok in singapore
because we only have 200 of them
if they riot we can put them all in jail with lots of room to spare

anyway I'm sure life of brian would be let in today
nowadays very little is banned

An Unnamed Sociologist: jew discrimination wld be a hit with our neighbours probs
score some points

Me: da vinci code is more "offensive" lor
and it was nc16

oh yes
bring on the pogroms

An Unnamed Sociologist: but cannot cos we depend on the us israel unholy alliance

Me: well implicitly only

israel helped us when we got started
now we can discard them like used rags

israel is much more democratic than singapore
and I would say a lot more successful

oh so if we learn so much from israel and it's so good does that mean we should invade johor

they don't have laws to protect racial/religious feelings right


[Holocaust Denial] seems to be the only law I can find
and sympathising with nazi crimes

but you have to accept that the context is very different
in singapore, we had like 120 people killed in all the 3 racial riots

yeah they've more freedom of speech than us
despite having suffered a lot more than our "riots"

Me: more guys are audiopholes than girls right

Someone: i would think so, yes

girls don't seem to care too much how their audio sounds
what's important to them is whether their headphones and mp3 player looks trendy or not


Someone: actually
how many people on the hydrogenaudio forums are girls ah

probably liek 1%,i haven't seen any
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