Random pictures and videos (some months old - you know what they say: better late than never):
Shamima's Trick. Everyone needs a good party trick
Meowing pussy in rescue op

"Covert Acquisition. Private investigation & security services
Our Coat of Arms
As the unicorns of hope hold up the shield
on life's rocky paths,
the guiding star shines brightly
over life's stormy waters."

Ikea ad: "Our girls[']... rooms have become castles that reflect their personalities... we're just happy to recaptured (sic) the living room, now that they spend more time in their rooms"
Funny, my mother complains I spend too much time in my room. I also love the Occidentalism of this ad, since they didn't waste money redoing it with Asian models to reflect our 'Asianness'.

"U-TURN HIM ON. Strip your entire body for baby smooth skin. No man can resist ...it's not all about the hood! Ministry of Waxing"
This is a damn silly ad. Hood?!

"Free sex. 999"
A brilliant transgressive act which subverts the dominant paradigm!

"Tatara.com.sg. Dream it. Own it. Singapore's FIRST Premium Lowest Uniq"
Using a woman in a swimsuit to promote an auction site?! I'm with the feminists on this.

Marine Parade renovation display: "Toilet for display only. Strictly no [usage]"

Christie's disgusting toe-socks with sandals

NUS AIDS poster: "He looks yummy... She tastes yummy... Taking risks? For our loved ones? To have Safe Sex? Or simply Abstinence? We have choices."

"Sextreme. Feel Good, Play Safe."

"Ahhhhhh.... yes! yessss!!... 'Slip it' condom demo"

"FACT: There is no cure for HIV/AIDS. Once tested HIV-positive, you will be burdened for life. Be wise, don't let HIV/AIDS take over your world."
Brilliant. So what will people do? They won't get tested.

"Ready For a BIG Night Out? Cash. Cellphone. Condom."
They're encouraging moral hazard. How immoral!

Presentation on Boat Quay: "WHERE ARE THE LOCALS??"

"Bagus!" cup, with the Malaysian Thumbs Up sign

Munchie Monkey's smoothies: "A tasty treat for those in heat"
I need a phone camera that can focus.

"One step closer to the Nobel prize. Get to know how at Sweden day... Taste exotic food such as Meat balls"
Exotic food? They need to get out more.

NUSSU is very smart, placing the power sockets in the lounge far away from where people sit, and having pool tables in between (hopefully they've changed the layout after 2.5 months)

"Fish & Chips with Rice"
Where're the chips?! Truly Pseudo-Western (BTC).

"Depending on God: The worth of Prayer"
Someone should regress life outcomes on praying.

"Temporary road closure. Event: PAP Awards & Convention 2007"
This otherwise unassuming poster is here because we weren't told what event it was. SBS sees it fit for the public to know, but apparently the administration doesn't think students should know what's happening in their own school.

"LAJ2201. Please do NOT tell your classmate what you were asked about in the interview. If you do so, other students will get benefit from you so that your grade will drop after all. Please do not forget taking your homework back.
Yay, Engrish!

NUS's very own Holocaust memorial at PGP! In comparison, pictures of the main installation in Berlin:

From an exhibit on vegetarianism (some Save The Earth bazaar):

They must have been afraid of irate visitors, riled by FUD [Ed: Fear, Uncertainty and Disinformation] such as:

whose abilities and technology
are far superior to humans'. We are no match for them.
They take over the Earth, mass breed humans by the millions,
they imprison, kill, cook and eat humans.
They also manipulate humans' bodies for cosmetics, clothes and anything else they need,
with no respect at all for human lives.
Imagine you are one of the victims and
have no one to turn to for help, no chance of escape...
the police, army and any other form of protection have become non-existent.
You scream and cry for your life but NOBODY CARES...
and the aliens invent machines to deal with the gore and blood.
They love your meat; it tastes so good.
This treatment is exactly what humans do to farm animals.
For you, this is just imagination.
For farm animals, this is REALITY.
BE KIND. Do not create a demand for meat.
Better still, help speak for a better world through the Vegetarian Society (Singapore)"
Carrot Juice Is Murder. And apparently they don't know that eating meat kills fewer animals than eating cereals.

"Are we consuming meat... or, is meat consuming us?
1. Meat is contributing to major health problems (like cancer, hear diseases, stroke) in affluent countries, while it worsens the hunger problems in developing countries.
2. Much of the Planet's topsoil is used to grow huge amounts of crops to feed animals for humans to eat. We are depleting that biological capital [fertile soil] at an alarming rate.
We are depleting the Planet’s resources [Ed: Capital P? They think what - Gaia Theory ah?!]
3. By destroying forests to grow crops for livestock, we destroy the green lungs of the Earth. This contributes to global warming. [Ed: By eating Organic food, we are not maximising the productive capacity of land and have to destroy more forests to grow crops. This contributes to global warming.]
4. The billions of animals bred in farms by humans, produce methane gas, which is a greenhouse gas 23 times stronger than carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide, a greenhouse gas which is 296 times stronger
The meat industry generates more greenhouse gases and thus contributes more to GLOBAL WARMING than all the vehicles on the Planet
5. As long as we have animal farms, we have to live with one great potential source of a pandemic, which threatens to kill humans by the millions.
SAVE THE PLANET. Eat less or no meat.
Better still, help speak for a better world through the Vegetarian Society (Singapore)"
Obviously they are economically, scientifically and historically illiterate.