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Wednesday, January 09, 2008

"I no longer prepare food or drink with more than one ingredient." - Cyra McFadden


And Adam Knew Eve: A Dictionary of Sex in the Bible - "And Adam Knew Eve gathers from the books of the Bible all sexually related stories, concepts, and laws, and presents them, concisely but with attention to context, in A-Z format (from "Aaron and the Golden Calf" to "Zipporah and Moses"). Sexually related material comprises overall such a significant portion of scripture that some knowledge of it is essential both in appreciating the Bible as a whole and in understanding the difference in attitude toward sex to be found between the Old and New Testaments. And Adam Knew Eve also deals with the issue of women's second-class status under the patriarchal system of the biblical world... And Adam Knew Eve is recommended by websites of Columbia University, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rutgers University, University of Toronto, Association of College and Research Libraries, University of London, and many others."

Boy, 11, Uses Toy Lightsaber to Defend Mom From Attacker

Africans in America/Part 4/Frederick Douglass speech - "I fancy I hear some one of my audience say, "It is just in this circumstance that you and your brother abolitionists fail to make a favorable impression on the public mind. Would you argue more, an denounce less; would you persuade more, and rebuke less; your cause would be much more likely to succeed." But, I submit, where all is plain there is nothing to be argued. What point in the anti-slavery creed would you have me argue? On what branch of the subject do the people of this country need light?"
He's lucky he didn't get lynched for offending slave-owners.

Buddhist monks rapping Sutra to attract followers - "Buddhist monks are donning gold outfits and rapping their way into the minds of young potential Buddhist’s and Buddhist recruits. Titled the “Tokyo Bouz Collection,” the event featured 40 monks and nuns from eight major Buddhist sects blinged out in gold embroidered robes performing a rap version of a Buddhist sutra. They strutted the runway while chanting prayers and throwing confetti that looked like lotus petals."
I didn't see the video so I don't know if it's worse than the MDA one.

Money-shot fever; The current displays of jism only prove how passé men have become - "It's not just a taboo of good taste that Monica's dress and these very different movies smash. They signify our anxiety about the end of male importance in reproduction... What's depressing about this plethora of white goo on screen -- the comedy "American Pie," due this summer, continues the genre -- is the desperate need to insist on its importance. As semen becomes less and less essential to reproduction, we brandish it even more defiantly."
Crazy misandrists feminists. Apparently Ann Marlowe isn't writing for Salon anymore: she can always join some of the crazies at Feministing

In Response to M.T.A.’s ‘Say Something’ Ads, a Glimpse of Modern Fears - "After 9/11, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority coined the slogan, “If you see something, say something,” and put it on posters encouraging subway and bus riders to call a police counterterrorism hot line if they encountered anything suspicious... Mr. Browne said several callers reported seeing men clicking hand-held counting devices while riding on subway trains or waiting on platforms. The callers said that the men appeared to be Muslims and that they seemed to be counting the number of people boarding subway trains or the number of trains passing through a station. They feared the men might be collecting data to maximize the casualties in a terror attack. But when the police looked into the claims, they determined that the men were counting prayers with the devices, essentially a modern version of rosary beads. The counters are a common item in the Islamic shops on Atlantic Avenue in Downtown Brooklyn, where they sell for $5 to $8. Ali Mohammed, 44, a Brooklyn grocery owner who was shopping on Atlantic Avenue recently, said many Muslims use a tally counter as they repeat the many names of God."

Pope calls for continuous prayer to rid priesthood of paedophilia - "Pope Benedict XVI has instructed Roman Catholics to pray “in perpetuity” to cleanse the Church of paedophile clergy. All dioceses, parishes, monasteries, convents and seminaries will be expected to organise continuous daily prayers to express penitence and to purify the clergy."
Why didn't they try that for World Peace? It can't be falsified anyway.

Mexico boy tries to stick at home - "A Mexican boy glued his hand to his bed because he did not want to go back to school after the Christmas break."

Apple's new machines are "fastest ever," obviously - "Can we just say how sneakily brilliant this copy is? Apple's putting out standard processor upgrades, the same upgrades that the rest of the PC industry is releasing, and only because Intel, everyone's chip supplier, is making faster chips (because that's what chip makers do). So of course your new Macs are faster than your old Macs -- all new computers are faster than the ones that came before, because that's how the business works. Put out a new Mac that's as slow as an abacus, that would be a story. Apple is like the car dealer who throws in a spare tire with the purchase of your new car. But hey, you know what? Those dealers clean up. And why not? They're giving you a spare tire, for free!"

Think censor: Apple's lawyers shut down rumor site - "Apple wins everything here, closing down a journalist who did exactly what reporters are supposed to do -- establishing contacts with insiders to shed light on a secret much in public demand. Imagine if Dick Cheney were able to do the same thing to the New York Times, to shut down the paper for reporting on the "trade secret" of NSA surveillance, say?... Am I mistaken, or was Apple the firm that once plumbed George Orwell for a famous TV ad? Probably I'm mistaken."
Think Different. Don't buy an iPod.

Goodbye to All That
"This struggle to embrace modernity without abandoning faith falls on one of the fault lines in the modern world. It is arguably the critical fault line, the tectonic rift that is advancing the bloody borders of Islam and the increasingly sectarian boundaries of American politics. As humankind abandons the secular totalitarianisms of the last century and grapples with breakneck technological and scientific discoveries, the appeal of absolutist faith is powerful in both developing and developed countries. It is the latest in a long line of rebukes to liberal modernity—but this rebuke has the deepest roots, the widest appeal, and the attraction that all total solutions to the human predicament proffer. From the doctrinal absolutism of Pope Benedict’s Vatican to the revival of fundamentalist Protestantism in the U.S. and Asia to the attraction for many Muslims of the most extreme and antimodern forms of Islam, the same phenomenon has spread to every culture and place. You cannot confront the complex challenges of domestic or foreign policy today unless you understand this gulf and its seriousness."
Good bit in an otherwise blah article about Obama, who is after all just all-rhetoric.
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