Thursday, September 14, 2006
"My mother used to say that there are no strangers, only friends you haven't met yet. She's now in a maximum security twilight home in Australia." - Dame Edna Everage
Suff's World: The SJI Mats List - "This entry would mainly concern the SJI Mats (duh!), but is also useful for our friends, and people getting to know any of us. And not to forget...potential satays and pratas..."
And yet, non-Mats who use the word "Mat" are branded as racist. I suppose this is like how niggers call each other "nigger", yet a non-nigger who uses the term is liable to be lynched.
Police tackle crime with prayers - "Police and Christian groups in Lincolnshire are to combine forces to tackle crime with the power of prayer.Churches and Christian groups will get emails alerting them to crimes on which they can then focus their prayers. The Prayer Watch scheme has been proposed by the Lincolnshire branch of the Christian Police Association (CPA)."
Foodie Paradise :: Ben & Jerry - "Arrr……i wan ice - cream! Too bad this brand is not available in Malaysia"
I have just added this to "Malaysia: the Land of Poor Quality".
Wingwoman - "Want to pick up more girls? Use another girl! Miss Laura Leu trades in her pen for a pair of wings to help a guy in need."
Has 1 in 8 people had sex with an animal? - "A study of 51 chronic zoophiles found that for 88 percent of the women the main motive was "emotional involvement," whereas 59 percent of the men said they did it because it was cheaper. Ain't it always the way?"
Emotional involvement? Maybe it brings out the animal in them.
Looking for 4 extremely special USB ports. - "one girl is looking for a 4 USB port to go with her stylish computer.
- special design 4 USB ports which matches and possess the exquisive, elegant and classy taste.
- Not those normal plug and play mini ports which can be found at SLS, funan or PC shows etc....
- must match the lavander decoration of her office and stylish design of her light pink rose computer with a red lava lamp next to it.
- Can be in a shape of a mini cup holder, a paper clip or whatsoever.
My Office IT Dept has raised both hands and surrender on her requirements liao.
Anyone knows where to find?"
... women
Voice of the 80s: Viswa Sadasivan - "Viswa recounted an incident during matriculation at the Yusof Ishak House when a bunch of seniors, including himself, set out to rag the freshmen. They created two passageways for freshmen who were climbing up the stairs – one was labeled "For virgins" while the other "For non-virgins". Viswa recalled that there was a minor stampede as many girls made a scramble for the "For virgins" passageway. Not contented with the spectacle, the raggers spoke sternly to a number of them with comments such as "Don't bluff" or "Are you sure?". Naturally some were not amused, but most took in the spirit of fun and ragging. Not surprisingly, Viswa and his "collaborators" were hauled up to the Superintendant's office, and subsequently had to pay a visit to the Vice-Chancellor for a friendly warning."
Wah, this sort of ragging okay what. They should take this alumnus's advice, especially since they quoted him in their own newsletter.
Lost Reality... He Said, She Said - "The show that answers that eternal question: 'How often do you find a woman who looks like that, and likes football too?' He Said, She Said. She's everything a guy could want - and more."
"fucker dosent kick in till 1/2 way through"
Facebook Group: I'm Getting a World-Class Education But Have No Idea What To Do With It - I thought this was an NUS group.
SoMA Review - The Five People You Meet in Hell - "Edgy Kreep, the protagonist of Rich Pablum’s parable, is a 91-year-old who works a meaningless job at Angeli Pier, a seaside tourist trap that “should have been condemned sometime during the Harding administration.” When a freak accident sends him to “the other side,” Edgy encounters a string of irritating losers and annoying blowhards compelled to explain the meaning of life. As Rich Pablum (a.k.a. author and screenwriter Billy Frolick) sees it, hell in the afterlife is an awful lot like the living hell we endure here on earth, except that every car is a Kia and all the newspaper articles are written by Andy Rooney."
diesel sweeties - "It's Quiz O'Clock and You're on the spot... What's more offensive to you, the Nazi Swastika or the Playboy Bunny?"
Miracle is sunk - "A priest has died after trying to demonstrate how Jesus walked on water. Evangelist preacher Franck Kabele, 35, told his congregation he could repeat the biblical miracle. But he drowned after walking out to sea from a beach in the capital Libreville in Gabon, west Africa."
The man who is allergic to his girlfriend - "When they moved in together, Matt Baines and Cloe Height envisioned romantic evenings cuddled up on the sofa. But within a month they realised getting close was out of the question. A kiss or embrace would bring Mr Baines out in a nasty red rash. In fact, sometimes just brushing past Miss Height would provoke an angry reaction in his skin."
The Secret Of Impressive Writing? Keep It Plain And Simple - "Writers who use long words needlessly and choose complicated font styles are seen as less intelligent than those who stick with basic vocabulary and plain text, according to new research from the Princeton University in New Jersey, to be published in the next edition of Applied Cognitive Psychology."
Video Games, Authority, and Problem-based Thinking - "But when the players go out into the real world, I think there's a real danger—and I see signs of this in my students, and young people in general—of failing to understand not just the complexity of the real world but also its mystery. I'm using "mystery" as opposed to "problem" on purpose: problems have solutions, mysteries don't. People are profoundly mysterious entities, I think, and understanding them in the real world involves understanding that you're never going to entirely understand them."
Maximizing your ROI at Pizza Hut - "Like the salad served at the Pizza Hut but dislike the idea that it’s expensive and you are not allowed to take more than once? Here is a guide on how you can maximize your return of investment, invented by some creative Taiwanese students."
Beer Battered Deep Fried Bacon Double Quarter Pounder - "Yes, it's pretty gross. This started out as a dare from a friend on IRC, one I immediately said "OK!" to. It took a few weeks to work up the courage to try. First off, it was surprisingly tasty - everything was kind of nicely nutty, and if I'd had to eat 1/5th of one, that'd be just nice. Something like chocolate mud cake, a little goes a long way. I did eat the whole thing in the end though - it was the heaviest thing I'd ever munched on, and left me unable to each for a good 24 hours afterwards. It was thursday's lunch, and I didn't feel hungry until friday afternoon :)."
Abolish curly fries to save our children! - "Like a drug dealer who had just hooked another innocent youngster, the girl smiled slyly as she dumped a handful of little green packets into the bag. She knew that my son would visit her again, but next time, he'll want something besides artificially colored ketchup. Next time, he'll want something with a little more "kick." My unsuspecting boy didn't realize that his green ketchup was actually a "gateway condiment," a substance that leads to more dangerous foods, including (dramatic pause) curly fries."
Guard families cope in two dimensions - "Maine National Guard members in Iraq and Afghanistan are never far from the thoughts of their loved ones.But now, thanks to a popular family-support program, they're even closer. Welcome to the ``Flat Daddy" and ``Flat Mommy" phenomenon, in which life-size cutouts of deployed service members are given by the Maine National Guard to spouses, children, and relatives back home."
This Film Is Not Yet Rated - "This Film Is Not Yet Rated takes a close look at why Boys Don't Cry, The Cooler, American Psycho, and A Dirty Shame (amongst others) were looked on unfavorably by the ratings board. It has to do with sex and nudity. Certain things - like a female orgasm, simulated gay sex, or pubic hair - can be enough to result in an NC-17. On the other hand, graphic bloodletting is usually accorded an R, while bloodless killing may get nothing more restrictive than a PG-13. If that seems hypocritical and bizarre to anyone reading this review, imagine how filmmakers like Kimberly Peirce, Wayne Kramer, Mary Harron, and John Waters felt. Even actress Maria Bello couldn't comprehend how a shot of her pubic hair and a close-up of her face during an orgasm could cause a controversy."
He should watch "Cut".
Immoral Foreign Blogger - "The PRC has recently seen fit to lift the Blogger and Blogspot ban in China... this also means that Chinese readers can now read the Sex In Shanghai guy. Most of us have already looked at Sex In Shanghai because it's #1 on the China Blog List. It's about a foreign "teacher" juggling his relationships, dates and one-night-stands, often with his students... Anyway, now that Blogspot/Blogger is accessible from China, the Chinese can read all about his escapades. And Chinese readers are furious... There are also various death threats towards the Sex in Shanghai guy floating around the blog world. The PRC was right. Everyone really was much happier with a censored 'net."
Why women wear bras - "This is largely a myth: "...wearing a bra... has no medical necessity whatsoever", says Susan M. Love, M.D in her "Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book". Breasts were fine before the invention of brasserie. This is similar to the myth that women supposedly need corsets to support their stomach muscles. Also there is no proof that bras would prevent your breasts from sagging. Your breast is supported by ligaments, and if breasts ligaments act anything like other bodily ligaments, they may atrophy from the constant unnatural support from the bra."
I have a personal testimony for anyone who thinks that sagging is real.
The Rebel Sell - " If we all hate consumerism, how come we can’t stop shopping?... Brands don’t bring us together, they set us apart. Of course, most sophisticated people claim that they don’t care about brands—a transparent falsehood. Most people who consider themselves “anti-consumerist” are extremely brand-conscious. They are able to fool themselves into believing that they don’t care because their preferences are primarily negative. They would never be caught dead driving a Chrysler or listening to Celine Dion."
For once I don't disagree with a Close Reading!
SpamReturner - Addons - Miranda IM - "Sends spam (IM!) messages back to (IM!)
It is thought as a kind of fun, to give the (IM!) spammers back what they produce. ;-)"
Nice proof of concept.
OSU Scientist questions the moral basis of a vegan diet - "Why is it right to kill the mouse and not the cow? This question is central to a study of bioethics that explores the moral foundation of a strictly vegetarian, so-called vegan diet... What goes unaccounted for in Regan's vegan conclusion, according to Davis, is the number of animals who are inadvertently killed during crop production and harvest. "Vegan diets are not bloodless diets," Davis said. "Millions of animals die every year to provide products used in vegan diets.""
Ryanair - New airport security procedures (NSFW)
Get Into the Paris Hilton - "Jimmy Fallon: Is the Paris Hilton roomy?
Paris Hilton: It might be for you.. but.. most people find it very comfortable."
LifeInShadesOfGrey - I used to be linked with the text "If blogging's mental masturbation, he's in permanent orgasm", but not any more. Aww.
Chef's protest turns ban on foie gras into a goose fair - "With its railroad strikes, meatpacker riots and anti-slavery protests, Chicago looms large in the history of American civil disobedience. This week hundreds of diners opened an unlikely chapter in the annals of civic rebellion, feasting defiantly on foie gras. On the day Chicago made history as the first American city to outlaw foie gras, chefs across the metropolis signalled their protest by swamping their menus with dishes featuring the delicacy, from pizza through hot dogs to ice-cream."
Tom Volk's Fungus of the Month for April 2001 - "This month's fungus is Agaricus bisporus, the white button mushroom or pizza mushroom, also known as Portabella and Crimini"
Mmm, Champignons.
The Japanese Are Crazy - "KONNICHI WA! We hand pick the BEST highlights of Japanese comedy series and hillarious pranks that are no where as extreme or quirky as in other parts of the world."
YouTube - singapore ah ma - "singapore ah ma with a sense of humour"
I'm still trying to grok this.
My 6-year-old was traumatized - "Since then, she has not stopped mentioning Barney’s p***s. This has shaken the bedrock of our family. I made an emergency call to our church’s pastor about this bombshell in my daughter’s life and he is unsure how it will affect her future. "
Sounds like it isn't the daughter who is traumatised.
Cultural expectations of muscularity in men: the evolution of playgirl centerfolds. - "OBJECTIVE: We sought to assess whether cultural ideals of the male body, as illustrated by magazine models, have changed over the past 25 years. METHOD: We examined 115 male centerfold models in Playgirl magazine from 1973 to 1997. Using the models' heights and weights quoted by the magazine, together with visual estimates of body fat, we calculated the body mass index (BMI) and fat-free mass index (FFMI) of each model. RESULTS: The Playgirl centerfold models became increasingly "dense" and more muscular over time, as indicated by the significant correlations between BMI, FFMI, and year of publication. DISCUSSION: These observations, in combination with previous studies, suggest that cultural norms of the ideal male body are growing increasingly muscular."
Christianity and Mathematics - "Transformation under Christ - Differentiation is an operator on functions that takes one functions and transforms it into another form. The new form is related to the old form--the derivative tells interesting information about how the original function behaves graphically--but it is a completely new function. When someone accepts Jesus as Lord of their life and gives themselves wholly to God as one of His creatures, a similar transformation occurs. The person is transformed through Jesus and the Holy Spirit into a new self. This new self is redeemed, purified of unrighteousness, and claimed by God for eternal life. The new self is truly new, yet it still retains characteristics of the original self. God does not want his people to be identical to one another. God's creatures are distinct individuals with unique thoughts, unique gifts, unique appearances, and unique contributions to the body of Christ! Let us rejoice in our diversity in the community of the redeemed!"
Old Version Download - - "Now Providing more than 2000 Old Versions of 150 programs"
I never knew had competition.
Tea 'healthier' drink than water - "Drinking three or more cups of tea a day is as good for you as drinking plenty of water and may even have extra health benefits, say researchers."
China acts on funeral strippers - "Five people have been detained in China for running striptease send-offs at funerals, state media say. The once-common events are held to boost the number of mourners, as large crowds are seen as a mark of honour."
The Myth of Asia's Miracle - "Consider, in particular, the case of Singapore. Between 1966 and 1990, the Singaporean economy grew a remarkable 8.5 percent per annum, three times as fast as the United States; per capita income grew at a 6.6 percent rate, roughly doubling every decade. This achievement seems to be a kind of economic miracle. But the miracle turns out to have been based on perspiration rather than inspiration: Singapore grew through a mobilization of resources that would have done Stalin proud."
Bush's Last Day - "Tuesday, November 2nd, 2004 was a day that surprised the 59,439,413 of us who did NOT vote for George W. Bush. Together we can minimize the damage of this administration and ensure that a positive change begins on Bush's Last Day, January 20, 2009."
Wah things getting very tricky nowadays. - "Here's smth that happened to me in mid july but I never really gotten to posting it. People were distributing flyers about a party for teenagers, looks pretty harmless doesnt it? On normal view you would assume it was just a party for teenagers. Even after looking through the flyer I could think that it was a normal party but just one, only one word gave it away. Isn't it interesting, they seem to be trying to lure teenagers like me to attend their functions so as to convert us."
Editor's note: the poster reads "let us rejoice & be glad in His salvation."
"Are there any health benefits from swallowing semen?" - "Semen contains at least 13 prostaglandins and high concentrations of hormones that retain potency if taken orally. The quality of the seminal hormones is thought to be superior to even prescription versions. In the study women who regularly consumed their lovers sperm showed such benefits as a reduction in ovarian cancers, lowered depression and many even had acne symptoms lessen or stop entirely. It is thought that the oral consumption of the potent hormones had a balancing effect on woman's hormonal ups and downs caused by their periods and pregnancy or breastfeeding."
Summarising other articles on the same: Of course sex is very good for us. Isn't it?
Cycling in Skirts - "Undergarments: One of the most important, yet most often neglected, trappings of a serious skirted cyclist. If you are the type of woman who pays $15+ for a pair of undies, you will be thrilled to hear that cycling in skirts is a perfect way to maximize your investment. While I'm sure your lover(s), children, neighbors (assuming you line dry your skivvies), etc. appreciate them, cycling in skirts opens up a whole new audience for these pricey little gems, and makes their purchase seem that much more worthwhile. For those of you who buy your undergarments at Walmart, please reconsider. While undergarment exposure for a skilled skirted cyclist is minimal, it is imperative that these fleeting glimpses be pleasant for onlookers, and a source of pride for yourself."
Welcome to the Jack T. Chick Museum of Fine Art - "An online catalog/ collection of Chick's classic tracts!"
So much for blocking
Cereal, Ezekiel 4:9, Sprouted Grain, Original
Suff's World: The SJI Mats List - "This entry would mainly concern the SJI Mats (duh!), but is also useful for our friends, and people getting to know any of us. And not to forget...potential satays and pratas..."
And yet, non-Mats who use the word "Mat" are branded as racist. I suppose this is like how niggers call each other "nigger", yet a non-nigger who uses the term is liable to be lynched.
Police tackle crime with prayers - "Police and Christian groups in Lincolnshire are to combine forces to tackle crime with the power of prayer.Churches and Christian groups will get emails alerting them to crimes on which they can then focus their prayers. The Prayer Watch scheme has been proposed by the Lincolnshire branch of the Christian Police Association (CPA)."
Foodie Paradise :: Ben & Jerry - "Arrr……i wan ice - cream! Too bad this brand is not available in Malaysia"
I have just added this to "Malaysia: the Land of Poor Quality".
Wingwoman - "Want to pick up more girls? Use another girl! Miss Laura Leu trades in her pen for a pair of wings to help a guy in need."
Has 1 in 8 people had sex with an animal? - "A study of 51 chronic zoophiles found that for 88 percent of the women the main motive was "emotional involvement," whereas 59 percent of the men said they did it because it was cheaper. Ain't it always the way?"
Emotional involvement? Maybe it brings out the animal in them.
Looking for 4 extremely special USB ports. - "one girl is looking for a 4 USB port to go with her stylish computer.
- special design 4 USB ports which matches and possess the exquisive, elegant and classy taste.
- Not those normal plug and play mini ports which can be found at SLS, funan or PC shows etc....
- must match the lavander decoration of her office and stylish design of her light pink rose computer with a red lava lamp next to it.
- Can be in a shape of a mini cup holder, a paper clip or whatsoever.
My Office IT Dept has raised both hands and surrender on her requirements liao.
Anyone knows where to find?"
... women
Voice of the 80s: Viswa Sadasivan - "Viswa recounted an incident during matriculation at the Yusof Ishak House when a bunch of seniors, including himself, set out to rag the freshmen. They created two passageways for freshmen who were climbing up the stairs – one was labeled "For virgins" while the other "For non-virgins". Viswa recalled that there was a minor stampede as many girls made a scramble for the "For virgins" passageway. Not contented with the spectacle, the raggers spoke sternly to a number of them with comments such as "Don't bluff" or "Are you sure?". Naturally some were not amused, but most took in the spirit of fun and ragging. Not surprisingly, Viswa and his "collaborators" were hauled up to the Superintendant's office, and subsequently had to pay a visit to the Vice-Chancellor for a friendly warning."
Wah, this sort of ragging okay what. They should take this alumnus's advice, especially since they quoted him in their own newsletter.
Lost Reality... He Said, She Said - "The show that answers that eternal question: 'How often do you find a woman who looks like that, and likes football too?' He Said, She Said. She's everything a guy could want - and more."
"fucker dosent kick in till 1/2 way through"
Facebook Group: I'm Getting a World-Class Education But Have No Idea What To Do With It - I thought this was an NUS group.
SoMA Review - The Five People You Meet in Hell - "Edgy Kreep, the protagonist of Rich Pablum’s parable, is a 91-year-old who works a meaningless job at Angeli Pier, a seaside tourist trap that “should have been condemned sometime during the Harding administration.” When a freak accident sends him to “the other side,” Edgy encounters a string of irritating losers and annoying blowhards compelled to explain the meaning of life. As Rich Pablum (a.k.a. author and screenwriter Billy Frolick) sees it, hell in the afterlife is an awful lot like the living hell we endure here on earth, except that every car is a Kia and all the newspaper articles are written by Andy Rooney."
diesel sweeties - "It's Quiz O'Clock and You're on the spot... What's more offensive to you, the Nazi Swastika or the Playboy Bunny?"
Miracle is sunk - "A priest has died after trying to demonstrate how Jesus walked on water. Evangelist preacher Franck Kabele, 35, told his congregation he could repeat the biblical miracle. But he drowned after walking out to sea from a beach in the capital Libreville in Gabon, west Africa."
The man who is allergic to his girlfriend - "When they moved in together, Matt Baines and Cloe Height envisioned romantic evenings cuddled up on the sofa. But within a month they realised getting close was out of the question. A kiss or embrace would bring Mr Baines out in a nasty red rash. In fact, sometimes just brushing past Miss Height would provoke an angry reaction in his skin."
The Secret Of Impressive Writing? Keep It Plain And Simple - "Writers who use long words needlessly and choose complicated font styles are seen as less intelligent than those who stick with basic vocabulary and plain text, according to new research from the Princeton University in New Jersey, to be published in the next edition of Applied Cognitive Psychology."
Video Games, Authority, and Problem-based Thinking - "But when the players go out into the real world, I think there's a real danger—and I see signs of this in my students, and young people in general—of failing to understand not just the complexity of the real world but also its mystery. I'm using "mystery" as opposed to "problem" on purpose: problems have solutions, mysteries don't. People are profoundly mysterious entities, I think, and understanding them in the real world involves understanding that you're never going to entirely understand them."
Maximizing your ROI at Pizza Hut - "Like the salad served at the Pizza Hut but dislike the idea that it’s expensive and you are not allowed to take more than once? Here is a guide on how you can maximize your return of investment, invented by some creative Taiwanese students."
Beer Battered Deep Fried Bacon Double Quarter Pounder - "Yes, it's pretty gross. This started out as a dare from a friend on IRC, one I immediately said "OK!" to. It took a few weeks to work up the courage to try. First off, it was surprisingly tasty - everything was kind of nicely nutty, and if I'd had to eat 1/5th of one, that'd be just nice. Something like chocolate mud cake, a little goes a long way. I did eat the whole thing in the end though - it was the heaviest thing I'd ever munched on, and left me unable to each for a good 24 hours afterwards. It was thursday's lunch, and I didn't feel hungry until friday afternoon :)."
Abolish curly fries to save our children! - "Like a drug dealer who had just hooked another innocent youngster, the girl smiled slyly as she dumped a handful of little green packets into the bag. She knew that my son would visit her again, but next time, he'll want something besides artificially colored ketchup. Next time, he'll want something with a little more "kick." My unsuspecting boy didn't realize that his green ketchup was actually a "gateway condiment," a substance that leads to more dangerous foods, including (dramatic pause) curly fries."
Guard families cope in two dimensions - "Maine National Guard members in Iraq and Afghanistan are never far from the thoughts of their loved ones.But now, thanks to a popular family-support program, they're even closer. Welcome to the ``Flat Daddy" and ``Flat Mommy" phenomenon, in which life-size cutouts of deployed service members are given by the Maine National Guard to spouses, children, and relatives back home."
This Film Is Not Yet Rated - "This Film Is Not Yet Rated takes a close look at why Boys Don't Cry, The Cooler, American Psycho, and A Dirty Shame (amongst others) were looked on unfavorably by the ratings board. It has to do with sex and nudity. Certain things - like a female orgasm, simulated gay sex, or pubic hair - can be enough to result in an NC-17. On the other hand, graphic bloodletting is usually accorded an R, while bloodless killing may get nothing more restrictive than a PG-13. If that seems hypocritical and bizarre to anyone reading this review, imagine how filmmakers like Kimberly Peirce, Wayne Kramer, Mary Harron, and John Waters felt. Even actress Maria Bello couldn't comprehend how a shot of her pubic hair and a close-up of her face during an orgasm could cause a controversy."
He should watch "Cut".
Immoral Foreign Blogger - "The PRC has recently seen fit to lift the Blogger and Blogspot ban in China... this also means that Chinese readers can now read the Sex In Shanghai guy. Most of us have already looked at Sex In Shanghai because it's #1 on the China Blog List. It's about a foreign "teacher" juggling his relationships, dates and one-night-stands, often with his students... Anyway, now that Blogspot/Blogger is accessible from China, the Chinese can read all about his escapades. And Chinese readers are furious... There are also various death threats towards the Sex in Shanghai guy floating around the blog world. The PRC was right. Everyone really was much happier with a censored 'net."
Why women wear bras - "This is largely a myth: "...wearing a bra... has no medical necessity whatsoever", says Susan M. Love, M.D in her "Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book". Breasts were fine before the invention of brasserie. This is similar to the myth that women supposedly need corsets to support their stomach muscles. Also there is no proof that bras would prevent your breasts from sagging. Your breast is supported by ligaments, and if breasts ligaments act anything like other bodily ligaments, they may atrophy from the constant unnatural support from the bra."
I have a personal testimony for anyone who thinks that sagging is real.
The Rebel Sell - " If we all hate consumerism, how come we can’t stop shopping?... Brands don’t bring us together, they set us apart. Of course, most sophisticated people claim that they don’t care about brands—a transparent falsehood. Most people who consider themselves “anti-consumerist” are extremely brand-conscious. They are able to fool themselves into believing that they don’t care because their preferences are primarily negative. They would never be caught dead driving a Chrysler or listening to Celine Dion."
For once I don't disagree with a Close Reading!
SpamReturner - Addons - Miranda IM - "Sends spam (IM!) messages back to (IM!)
It is thought as a kind of fun, to give the (IM!) spammers back what they produce. ;-)"
Nice proof of concept.
OSU Scientist questions the moral basis of a vegan diet - "Why is it right to kill the mouse and not the cow? This question is central to a study of bioethics that explores the moral foundation of a strictly vegetarian, so-called vegan diet... What goes unaccounted for in Regan's vegan conclusion, according to Davis, is the number of animals who are inadvertently killed during crop production and harvest. "Vegan diets are not bloodless diets," Davis said. "Millions of animals die every year to provide products used in vegan diets.""
Ryanair - New airport security procedures (NSFW)
Get Into the Paris Hilton - "Jimmy Fallon: Is the Paris Hilton roomy?
Paris Hilton: It might be for you.. but.. most people find it very comfortable."
LifeInShadesOfGrey - I used to be linked with the text "If blogging's mental masturbation, he's in permanent orgasm", but not any more. Aww.
Chef's protest turns ban on foie gras into a goose fair - "With its railroad strikes, meatpacker riots and anti-slavery protests, Chicago looms large in the history of American civil disobedience. This week hundreds of diners opened an unlikely chapter in the annals of civic rebellion, feasting defiantly on foie gras. On the day Chicago made history as the first American city to outlaw foie gras, chefs across the metropolis signalled their protest by swamping their menus with dishes featuring the delicacy, from pizza through hot dogs to ice-cream."
Tom Volk's Fungus of the Month for April 2001 - "This month's fungus is Agaricus bisporus, the white button mushroom or pizza mushroom, also known as Portabella and Crimini"
Mmm, Champignons.
The Japanese Are Crazy - "KONNICHI WA! We hand pick the BEST highlights of Japanese comedy series and hillarious pranks that are no where as extreme or quirky as in other parts of the world."
YouTube - singapore ah ma - "singapore ah ma with a sense of humour"
I'm still trying to grok this.
My 6-year-old was traumatized - "Since then, she has not stopped mentioning Barney’s p***s. This has shaken the bedrock of our family. I made an emergency call to our church’s pastor about this bombshell in my daughter’s life and he is unsure how it will affect her future. "
Sounds like it isn't the daughter who is traumatised.
Cultural expectations of muscularity in men: the evolution of playgirl centerfolds. - "OBJECTIVE: We sought to assess whether cultural ideals of the male body, as illustrated by magazine models, have changed over the past 25 years. METHOD: We examined 115 male centerfold models in Playgirl magazine from 1973 to 1997. Using the models' heights and weights quoted by the magazine, together with visual estimates of body fat, we calculated the body mass index (BMI) and fat-free mass index (FFMI) of each model. RESULTS: The Playgirl centerfold models became increasingly "dense" and more muscular over time, as indicated by the significant correlations between BMI, FFMI, and year of publication. DISCUSSION: These observations, in combination with previous studies, suggest that cultural norms of the ideal male body are growing increasingly muscular."
Christianity and Mathematics - "Transformation under Christ - Differentiation is an operator on functions that takes one functions and transforms it into another form. The new form is related to the old form--the derivative tells interesting information about how the original function behaves graphically--but it is a completely new function. When someone accepts Jesus as Lord of their life and gives themselves wholly to God as one of His creatures, a similar transformation occurs. The person is transformed through Jesus and the Holy Spirit into a new self. This new self is redeemed, purified of unrighteousness, and claimed by God for eternal life. The new self is truly new, yet it still retains characteristics of the original self. God does not want his people to be identical to one another. God's creatures are distinct individuals with unique thoughts, unique gifts, unique appearances, and unique contributions to the body of Christ! Let us rejoice in our diversity in the community of the redeemed!"
Old Version Download - - "Now Providing more than 2000 Old Versions of 150 programs"
I never knew had competition.
Tea 'healthier' drink than water - "Drinking three or more cups of tea a day is as good for you as drinking plenty of water and may even have extra health benefits, say researchers."
China acts on funeral strippers - "Five people have been detained in China for running striptease send-offs at funerals, state media say. The once-common events are held to boost the number of mourners, as large crowds are seen as a mark of honour."
The Myth of Asia's Miracle - "Consider, in particular, the case of Singapore. Between 1966 and 1990, the Singaporean economy grew a remarkable 8.5 percent per annum, three times as fast as the United States; per capita income grew at a 6.6 percent rate, roughly doubling every decade. This achievement seems to be a kind of economic miracle. But the miracle turns out to have been based on perspiration rather than inspiration: Singapore grew through a mobilization of resources that would have done Stalin proud."
Bush's Last Day - "Tuesday, November 2nd, 2004 was a day that surprised the 59,439,413 of us who did NOT vote for George W. Bush. Together we can minimize the damage of this administration and ensure that a positive change begins on Bush's Last Day, January 20, 2009."
Wah things getting very tricky nowadays. - "Here's smth that happened to me in mid july but I never really gotten to posting it. People were distributing flyers about a party for teenagers, looks pretty harmless doesnt it? On normal view you would assume it was just a party for teenagers. Even after looking through the flyer I could think that it was a normal party but just one, only one word gave it away. Isn't it interesting, they seem to be trying to lure teenagers like me to attend their functions so as to convert us."
Editor's note: the poster reads "let us rejoice & be glad in His salvation."
"Are there any health benefits from swallowing semen?" - "Semen contains at least 13 prostaglandins and high concentrations of hormones that retain potency if taken orally. The quality of the seminal hormones is thought to be superior to even prescription versions. In the study women who regularly consumed their lovers sperm showed such benefits as a reduction in ovarian cancers, lowered depression and many even had acne symptoms lessen or stop entirely. It is thought that the oral consumption of the potent hormones had a balancing effect on woman's hormonal ups and downs caused by their periods and pregnancy or breastfeeding."
Summarising other articles on the same: Of course sex is very good for us. Isn't it?
Cycling in Skirts - "Undergarments: One of the most important, yet most often neglected, trappings of a serious skirted cyclist. If you are the type of woman who pays $15+ for a pair of undies, you will be thrilled to hear that cycling in skirts is a perfect way to maximize your investment. While I'm sure your lover(s), children, neighbors (assuming you line dry your skivvies), etc. appreciate them, cycling in skirts opens up a whole new audience for these pricey little gems, and makes their purchase seem that much more worthwhile. For those of you who buy your undergarments at Walmart, please reconsider. While undergarment exposure for a skilled skirted cyclist is minimal, it is imperative that these fleeting glimpses be pleasant for onlookers, and a source of pride for yourself."
Welcome to the Jack T. Chick Museum of Fine Art - "An online catalog/ collection of Chick's classic tracts!"
So much for blocking
Cereal, Ezekiel 4:9, Sprouted Grain, Original
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