From the bazaar that just ended today:

Diners is accepted for Sweet Corn (the secret ingredients of which are Planta and Sugar)

The Ramly burger is falsely advertised as Halal. Quoth I: "Figures of deities, if any, in the applicants' premises should be hidden from the public's view." I must call the MUIS Halal Hotline to complain.
Elsewhere around NUS:

Bak chor mee stalls aren't the only establishments to have CCTVs these days. This was seen on the door of a com lab.

Why is the window on the door to the tutorial room barred? Damn, I always knew NUS was a prison.
I call this series "Why School Fees are Going Up"

At the front of LT11 there is this huge LCD screen facing the lecturer. Its purpose? For him to see what's on the screen behind him.

At Level 6 of Block ADM (USP block) we have this huge plasma screen giving us mostly outdated information that we all get in our email anyway.
Somehow I doubt there's a "Cut Waste" panel in NUS

Dead Pussy I found on the side of the road while walking him

This was not my idea. Lynnette wanted to take this side-by-side shot. In my defence I will submit that I last had a haircut in early February, while her last was yesterday!
Since the start of this week I've been adopting a Dr Blight-esque hairstyle to obscure a temporary disfigurement on my left temple.

It didn't really succeed, since a friend I MMS-ed those to (hurrah for Starhub's MMS-SMS 1-to-1 convertability till end 2006) asked me to show her how I'd done it. Maybe my technique was really subtle. Or maybe my double chin was more noticeable than the curtain of hair covering my temple.
Anyhow, in those shots I tried to achieve the "some doe-eyed, upward shot of their face staring up as if they're giving some sort of blowjob and the guy took a picture from up there" look. For your viewing pleasure I've replicated them below:

Various responses:
"haha..anw, your head never tilt up enough.. and must zheng1 da4 your yan3 jing1..which u din quite do to full effect
surf more girly blogs nad learn (Y)"
"wah. you really look like a girl in them... the first one is quite funny. the second one is weird
you should look down more. act demure and coy
try again
I think you're not that bad looking as a girl actually
atleast in the photo it's ok
not your body lar...but your face is convincing enough"
"maybe you should take away the LT background
but then the smile a bit too guailan
but i dunno how to fix it la
i don't think the "doe-eyed" smile is something guys can usually pull off heh"
i think your attempt has a different kind of vibe altogether
those annoy me. yours are.. hmm.
no i think it's cos your eyes not big enough.
maybe if you photoshop for the beeeeeg eye look"
"if [you were] were on the regular client i would send the emoticon of a monkey vomitting blood over"
"the second one is obsene
the one where your sitting on a red couch
it reallly looks like your giving a guy a fellatio la
the other one in the LT is better"