When you can't live without bananas

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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Miss NUS was being irrational:

Me: http://www.boobiethon.com/

Her: they are all fat ugly boobs mostly anyway. gross if u ask me

Me: haha
ang mohs are big
you're just jealous ;)

Her: americans are fat
i am so glad i'm not american

not all angmohs are big.. goodness dont u know -slaps forehead-
only americans. cos they are fat, land of macdonalds it is

Me: eh hello
on average ang mohs are bigger
the mean and median are higher


don't play statistics with me ok
I'm an economist

Her: i dont know where the hell u got ur info from
ur source is all crap
ditch it

thais are huge also. are they angmoh

Me: they have breast implants
you looking at too many transsexuals ah

Her: i'm basing my knowledge on the actual bra sizes available in those countries
french girls arent as big as americans for example
and thailand has all sort of sizes it's scary

and designs too.
according to my friends thailand is the best place for underwear shopping in this region

Me: my info: observation, interviews
yes but they're bigger than chinese

maybe thais are luckier than chinese then heh

Her: anyway some chinese have humongous breasts too
like u . HAHA


Her: yah same for angmohs. dont cap them all the same u bloody generalising economist
there are so many countries whose people fall under 'angmoh'. too generalise already

and americans are fat
hence the huge boobs from america
europeans arent as tua neh neh

Me: ...
in general, ang mohs are larger than chinese
larger does not mean HUGE

Her: now which part are u referring to when u mean 'larger'
how confusing
body size or chest size
nahbey ur argument got movable standards one


hello. what's wrong with you
denial :)

Her: hahahahahahaahhaahahhaah
u are cheating
still dare to say
and i'm tired and grouchy

Me: Use of the contraceptive pill can also cause an increase in breast size

Her: no wonder i've read so much american chick literature which mentions that
and i think i read much less trash than the average female singaporean population

imagine what other silly ideas are being planted in their head
therefore ur interviewees are probably biased as well. due to exposure to only one type of materials (rubbish books from US)
therefore ur interviews are declared void

hence i say ur sources are crap.
wahlau u're the one in denial

Me: ???
you're being irrational

what are your sources

Her: walking in the underwear department of 3 different continents
and collating information from other people who have done the same hahahahahaa

eh beats getting 2nd hand info right

curious : have u any figures of asian americans and asian asians

anyway last point: americans are the most overweight in the world
wouldnt that make for significanltly fatter boobies than the rest of the world

Me: wait
let me log into nature

"In a study in Hawaii, Maskarinec et al (2001) found that Chinese and Japanese women had a lower absolute area of mammographic density than Caucasian, Philippine or native Hawaiian women, but due to their smaller breast size, had a higher percentage density (which would correspond more closely to the Tabar pattern IV and V than absolute area of density)."

"The ethnic difference in absolute mammographic density was particularly evident among women older than age 50 years. Additional adjustment for breast size reduced these ethnic differences."

"Breast size differed across the three ethnic groups. Asian Americans (361,300 pixels) were significantly smaller than African Americans (662,900 pixels) or Whites (495,400 pixels), whereas Whites were significantly smaller than African Americans."

[Ed: Information is taken from papers published in Nature and the American Journal for Epidemiology on breast cancer]

Her: no i dont think u ah hahahahaha
this is an american study
find an international one [Ed: One of the studies was from the United Kingdom]

Me: so you claim only ang moh women eat a lot
chinese women in the US don't

I think they adjusted for body weight
they're not that dumb [Ed: There was talk of multivariate regressions so I assume body weight was controlled for.]

Her: no i claim the diet in america makes all the people there significantly fatter
u never know how the lard might affect the fats in ur breasts hahaha

Me: yes
so in america, ang mohs have bigger breasts than chinese

Her: maybe they angmohs have more adverse reaction to fats hahahahaha
u place them in europe they might end up smaller than the chinese

Me: you're being irrational

Her: u're taking what u read too literally
studies can be manipulated to reflect personal bias
studies can be found to support personal bias

Me: you do know that an A in Singapore is equal to an AA in Spain?

hah! and what's your personal bias?
you're being ridiculous
nothing I say will convince you like this

Her: u sound like a crazed christian. if bra sizes were god

Me: wth

I have statistical evidence from 2 studies. You have personal bias.

Information on this contentious issue from wider minds is solicited.

Why I wasted so much time arguing something that is immediately visually intuitive is beyond me.
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