Friday, October 07, 2005
[On the value of suspicion] People who are utterly trusting are either saints... Saints tend to be sacrificed. They get the worst [treatment] in the world.
[On biased recall of memories by suggestion, and emotions] There was a wave of revealed child abuse cases... the psychologists... advised their patients to confront their perpetrators... it gradually became apparent that there were a number of cases where it couldn't be true... when they looked at the video tapes, the sound tapes, it became obvious the psychologists were leading people on... This father was accused of abusing his daughter. He was in jail at the time.
[On tutorials] I received an email saying I talk too much, and I probably do.
If you use humour or wit; that separates an A plus paper from an A paper or an A minus paper... Originality, humour and wit make an engaging paper worth reading, right to the end.
[On someone sitting outside the circle] It will be hard to lead the discussion from there. Come into the circle of trust.
***. She's not here. Oh! You're here.
[On anthropological studies] I have a lot of disgusting studies. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to share them with you.
[On inter-religious dialogue and understanding] There are many answers, but I'll give you the UN answer, since we live in a united world.
[On Durkheim] Catholics go to Mass, for example. Or they go to Suntec City, for example.
[On my sister asking my brother in law and I to feel the padding in Singaporean bras] If there's something wrong with you, there's something wrong with your sister as well.
[On Lennon's 'Imagine'] I wonder if Marx would approve of this song... 'That's what I've been saying all along! John, you're great!'
[Professor: The KKK, a famous group...] 'Famous group'. He makes it sound like a boyband.
[On problems with the projector] Is anyone here a techno sort of person? (technically inclined)
The short answers look alike to the homework questions. (answer questions look similar)
Some multiple choice [questions] are even more difficult than the short answer questions.
I don't like the textbook example. Talking about test scores. It's bothering. (bothersome)
[On multiple regression] If you have 1 y and 15 x values, you will torture eviews. The software will die.
[On MCQ answer D - "indeterminate"] When students cannot get the answer, they choose d).
This is roar (rho)
How many of you choose A? *hands go up* All the men... A is the answer.
[Me on someone: He's a dashing figure.] All in black. [Me: He's cold. Yet there are people who are able to wear hot shorts.] Women - they have a layer of fat.
war'king years (working)
Back to this boring example.
[On 'no perfect multicollinearity'] The most important thing: the spelling. The spelling is so long. Once you get the spelling right...
person'teej (percentage)
there's nothing new
The answer is...? Should we run Eviews first?
In other work (words)
q z'yeah (j)
If these 2 firms can co'load (collude)
This is not crap (correct)
According to the duh minor function (demand)
My solution was crap (correct)
We only need to consider the third guess (case)
Gifted mathematicians can think mathematics. Ordinary mortals like you and I can't... Even mathematicians learn it and practise it until they know it. They're really strange creatures.
[On requests for expert commentary on social issues] 99.9% of the thing the media want to know about are things for which there are no experts in the department... what we end up doing is: "I'm not really an expert in this, but if we work from first principles..."
I like to read what's on people's T-shirts. They tend to forget... [To someone wearing a female top with 'hot and delicious', or something to that effect] You're covering your chest now.
Why do women and not men like to cover their mouths when they laugh?
Ah, late. You get to sit next to me then. That's your punishment for the day.
ed chatterer (et cetera)
I left a blue curtle / kettle / curtain / laptop here. (bottle)
He's the lecturer. He can do what he wants. I'm the... teaching assistant. 'Make me a cup of coffee c' *mimes stirring*
[Student: He should really bring back webcast] I'm just the guy who makes coffee c.
[Student: All he talks about in his lecture is going to a CD shop] And then he plays John Lennon at the end.
[On the value of suspicion] People who are utterly trusting are either saints... Saints tend to be sacrificed. They get the worst [treatment] in the world.
[On biased recall of memories by suggestion, and emotions] There was a wave of revealed child abuse cases... the psychologists... advised their patients to confront their perpetrators... it gradually became apparent that there were a number of cases where it couldn't be true... when they looked at the video tapes, the sound tapes, it became obvious the psychologists were leading people on... This father was accused of abusing his daughter. He was in jail at the time.
[On tutorials] I received an email saying I talk too much, and I probably do.
If you use humour or wit; that separates an A plus paper from an A paper or an A minus paper... Originality, humour and wit make an engaging paper worth reading, right to the end.
[On someone sitting outside the circle] It will be hard to lead the discussion from there. Come into the circle of trust.
***. She's not here. Oh! You're here.
[On anthropological studies] I have a lot of disgusting studies. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to share them with you.
[On inter-religious dialogue and understanding] There are many answers, but I'll give you the UN answer, since we live in a united world.
[On Durkheim] Catholics go to Mass, for example. Or they go to Suntec City, for example.
[On my sister asking my brother in law and I to feel the padding in Singaporean bras] If there's something wrong with you, there's something wrong with your sister as well.
[On Lennon's 'Imagine'] I wonder if Marx would approve of this song... 'That's what I've been saying all along! John, you're great!'
[Professor: The KKK, a famous group...] 'Famous group'. He makes it sound like a boyband.
[On problems with the projector] Is anyone here a techno sort of person? (technically inclined)
The short answers look alike to the homework questions. (answer questions look similar)
Some multiple choice [questions] are even more difficult than the short answer questions.
I don't like the textbook example. Talking about test scores. It's bothering. (bothersome)
[On multiple regression] If you have 1 y and 15 x values, you will torture eviews. The software will die.
[On MCQ answer D - "indeterminate"] When students cannot get the answer, they choose d).
This is roar (rho)
How many of you choose A? *hands go up* All the men... A is the answer.
[Me on someone: He's a dashing figure.] All in black. [Me: He's cold. Yet there are people who are able to wear hot shorts.] Women - they have a layer of fat.
war'king years (working)
Back to this boring example.
[On 'no perfect multicollinearity'] The most important thing: the spelling. The spelling is so long. Once you get the spelling right...
person'teej (percentage)
there's nothing new
The answer is...? Should we run Eviews first?
In other work (words)
q z'yeah (j)
If these 2 firms can co'load (collude)
This is not crap (correct)
According to the duh minor function (demand)
My solution was crap (correct)
We only need to consider the third guess (case)
Gifted mathematicians can think mathematics. Ordinary mortals like you and I can't... Even mathematicians learn it and practise it until they know it. They're really strange creatures.
[On requests for expert commentary on social issues] 99.9% of the thing the media want to know about are things for which there are no experts in the department... what we end up doing is: "I'm not really an expert in this, but if we work from first principles..."
I like to read what's on people's T-shirts. They tend to forget... [To someone wearing a female top with 'hot and delicious', or something to that effect] You're covering your chest now.
Why do women and not men like to cover their mouths when they laugh?
Ah, late. You get to sit next to me then. That's your punishment for the day.
ed chatterer (et cetera)
I left a blue curtle / kettle / curtain / laptop here. (bottle)
He's the lecturer. He can do what he wants. I'm the... teaching assistant. 'Make me a cup of coffee c' *mimes stirring*
[Student: He should really bring back webcast] I'm just the guy who makes coffee c.
[Student: All he talks about in his lecture is going to a CD shop] And then he plays John Lennon at the end.
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