When you can't live without bananas

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Friday, September 23, 2005

"It's a recession when your neighbor loses his job; it's a depression when you lose yours." - Harry S Truman

Random Playlist Song: Michael Hoenig - Night In Cloakwood


"even though this is a rather condescending thing to say, a large number of GEP-ers now, don't well, live up to their uh title?

they can't spell. tHeY tYPe lyK dIs. they play annoying 'SUPERCOOL WANNABE PUNK ROCK' on their blogs. heck, they have really really annoying pop-ups that are TEH CLICHE, with lines like "i will nvr 4get u" & "u shattered my heart into a million pieces" & sith like that.

& they say you can't judge a person by his/her blog? my middle foot, plz.


Uhh. I don't think it used to be so bad in my time. We were just the weirdos down the corridor.


NUS CentennialBar

"The NUS CentennialBar is just a simple toolbar like that of the Bookmarks Toolbar (BT) which ships with Firefox.

The idea came when after using the BT for some time, I realised it was unsightly and inefficient to keep too many bookmarks on the BT.

So with the NUS CentennialBar, the bookmarks are arranged in a drop-down menu, so you'll never run out of horizontal space! The toolbar includes predefined links common to NUS students and you get to input the rest for your own faculty or whatever needs.

Last but not least there is also a search box that directs all searches to nus domain via google. With time to come hopefully I would be able to add in more features to improve this beta version."


Now there's a Firefox extension for NUS students. And it celebrates our centennial too!
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