When you can't live without bananas

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Friday, September 23, 2005

Even after sending in my laptop for repair and the service staff formatting it and supposedly replacing the wireless hardware, I suffered the same old wireless reception problems in Chatterbox.

But then Abdullah advised me to install the IBM version of the Intel drivers since they were supposedly stabler and better than the ones from Intel themselves; he'd been suffering similar problems but they were solved once he installed the IBM drivers.

And so I took a step back and downgraded my Intel 2200BG PRO/Wireless Driver drivers from to, and my wireless reception problems are almost totally solved! I hereby officially declare that Abdullah is a genius.

(Being gey kiang and trying to upgrade my IBM-branded Intel drivers from to today to get rid of the last few problems I had, I screwed my system up and had to spend 2 hours fixing it because I installed the 2100 drivers instead of the 2200BG ones, but that is another story.)


Short Guys Finish Last

"Is there, then, no good news for short men? No: there is none. And if, having read this far, you do not believe that height discrimination is serious, you are no doubt a tall person in the late stages of denial. Or, perhaps, you cringe at the thought of yet another victim group lining up to demand redress. Surely the notion of SHRIMPs (Severely Height-Restricted Individuals of the Male Persuasion) as an oppressed social group is silly, and the idea of special protections or compensatory benefits for short men preposterous? Actually, no--unless all such group benefits are equally dubious."


Public Speaking Project Petition

"To: Ms Kuang Ser Yee

Dear Ms. Kuang
Due to time constraints, and the fact that there are many projects are due on the same time, and with the upcoming Common Tests, we are sad to say that all the groups in our class are not able to finish on our Public Speaking component for our CA. As such we hope that you can give us an extension or push this to CA2."


i think this is really retarded
sec 2 students.. but they're gep
gep students should know better right
can imagine the express students laughing their pants off
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