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Sunday, August 14, 2005

Support for Andrew Kuan as Singapore's President Petition

"To: Singapore Government

We, the citizens & supporters of Singapore, want to show our support for Mr Andrew Kuan Yoke Loon to become Singapore's next elected President.

With Mr Kuan's distinguished record in public service, & strong professional financial training & experience (see http://www.andrewkuan.com), we have confidence in him"

I doubt this is going to get anywhere, given that it criticises the incumbent as well as the government. It only had 67 signatures at the time of this post's publishing. It doesn't help that the petition "was created by The Singapore Patriotic Front" (which links to that redoubt of good taste, rationality and good sense, the Sammyboy Forums).

Then again, the "Demand for Independent Audit of Accounts of GIC, Temasek Holdings, EDB & Finance Ministry Petition", started by the same "Harry Yong", only has 175 signatures now, despite having been up since the NKF scandal broke (cf the Presidential disqualifying having taken place less than 12 hours ago). In contrast, a cause like campaigning Against the Killing of Animals Under the Pretext of Hygiene Petition has a whopping 17273 signatures.

Even the Ban Steven Lim from appearing on Singapore Television Petition had more signatures than that before it was deactivated. Hell, even the following has 69 signatures:

"Long Hair For Guys In School Petition

Why do schools have rules that doesnt allow guys to keep long hair? This rule is BULLSHIT unless there are rules that doesnt allow girls to keep short hair. Enough said! Remove the long hair rule."

I think I shall move to the UK. At least Members of Commonwealth countries get to vote there.


The petitions get better as you go along. I found this gem with 19 signatures:


"To: Singaporean

To: SBS (Singapore Bus Services)

On April 22nd 2005 around 1840, 2 transsexuals were in the same bus (SBS Bus No. 51) as me, they accused me of saying things about them when I were just taking a glancing at their direction to check for my feeder bus service. They seem to be very sensitive and accused us of saying them bad things. Therefore, I am purposing to SBS (Singapore Bus Service) since they have been requesting pets owner either to cage up their pets before bringing it into the bus or don’t bring the pet into the bus, I strongly purpose to SBS to ban transsexual from boarding public bus since they have been making a nuisance of themselves in public transport and places, although this is the 1st time I encountered this kind of things but I have heard from a lot of people around me saying that these bunch of animals ( I do not know whether to call them He or She so I decided to use IT to represent them) cause lots of trouble when they are outside and since they mind view from the public, why don’t they just stay at home? Even better, conceal them to an offshore island away from Singapore. If SBS can ban animal from boarding the bus, we as NORMAL human being can also purpose to ban TRANSSEXUAL from using the public transport as us since they can’t be classified as a male or female so we might as well call them IT. Therefore I strongly encourage NORMAL human being like me and you who is looking at this screen to sign this petition to ban transsexual from using public transport, if this petition can be a success, I will continue purpose to the government of concealing all the so call ‘animals’ to an offshore island away from Singapore. I seriously think that this matter have to be taken seriously because it not only affect the public but also affect the thinking of our future. No one wants their offspring to be someone who cannot be classified as He or She I guess, why must destroy and manipulate a body which god and your parents gave u and turn yourself into an animal? Think about it, thanks.

Your Sincerely,

This one is also good:

Campaign against the imposition of the helmet rule in Karnataka's cities Petition

"To: The NHRC, Hon'ble Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Hon'ble Chief Justice of the Karnataka High Court, Hon'ble Chief Minister of Karnataka, Hon'ble Dy. CM of Karnataka and Principal Secretary of Karnataka's Home Department.

We've the following genuine/valid reasons/objections against the imposition of the helmet rule in Karnataka:
Hot Tropical Climate/Weather in India: Wearing of helmets results in excessive perspiration from the scalp because of the tropical climate/weather in our country. With the amount of pollution around one gets a feeling of being trapped inside a chimney.
Difficult to breathe from the full-faced helmets: It's extremely difficult to breathe from the full-faced helmets due to the lack of ventilation.
Impairs hearing temporarily and leads to accidents: We can't even hear the sound of the vehicle coming from behind if we're wearing a helmet and this will lead to accidents as we're forced to turn our heads in the direction of the emanating sound.
Causes baldness: Helmet wearing will also result in the loss of our hair (baldness).
Difficult to carry while shopping and to keep/store in offices: One of our hands should be entirely kept free while shopping for provisions/groceries just to carry a helmet."
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