When you can't live without bananas

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Saturday, August 20, 2005

"Discretion is not the better part of biography." - Lytton Strachey


My No 1 fan blah blah asserted that "Salons are for hair! Saloons are for billiards and cowboys!" when I thought that the terms were interchangeable, so I went to check the dictionary:


1. A place where alcoholic drinks are sold and drunk; a tavern.
2. A large room or hall for receptions, public entertainment, or exhibitions.
3. Nautical
a. The officers' dining and social room on a cargo ship.
b. A large social lounge on a passenger ship.
4. Chiefly British A sedan automobile.


1. A large room, such as a drawing room, used for receiving and entertaining guests.
2. A periodic gathering of people of social or intellectual distinction.
3. A hall or gallery for the exhibition of works of art.
4. A commercial establishment offering a product or service related to fashion


"When the Morphin' Rangers get hit, they get back up. When the Wild Force Rangers get hit, they get demorphed and lay on the ground for ages. The WF Rangers wouldn't only lose, they wouldn't last long enough to make it a memorable fight."



Ban Xiong asked me to go for S.T.R.I.P. Unfortunately I'm busy tomorrow so he will have to go to China Black himself.

I was going around Chatterbox asking people to be my eyes and ears on the ground, but almost no one had heard of it. So much for their marketing. YC, however, was very enthusiastic, and offered to bring his video camera down for a visual record of the night and to interview people ("'A party by friends, for friends': so which of your friends would you strip for?") if I'd pay for him. It's $12 minus $2 for pre-order; $10's cheap for much entertainment. Unfortunately, he was told that video cameras were not allowed. Maybe they think their program is on par with professional performances, and so are restricting recording equipment like cinemas, concert halls and theatres. Alternatively, maybe people are really going to STRIP during STRIP, so they don't want incriminating evidence flying around the net.

Online ad: "Featuring HOT HOT HOT hunks and babes together with Super Diva, MISS GIA!!!"

Who is Miss Gia? Not Miss NUS, surely.


From where do we get our laws?

"Really? The Ten Commandments played a role in the formation of American law? Let's examine this statement in greater detail. I'll refer to the commonly accepted Ten Commandments and not the more esoteric list, which involves not boiling a goat in his mother's milk...

So, there you have it: Murder, theft, and sometimes lying all have a basis in American law. I'd estimate that the Ten Commandments are only about 25% relevant to our laws.

And guess what? All other forms of laws already include murder and theft. Why do we not recognize Hammurabi's laws? Or Greek laws? Why do some Americans focus so much on the Ten Commandments when American laws barely have anything in common with them? It's a meager attempt to justify the inclusion of a religious icon and claiming that everyone benefits from it."


The latest Miranda nightly (the first in almost 2 months) includes iSee instead of ICQOscarJ, and so has Active Status Discovery (finding invisible users). I see dead (invisible) people!

Tip on audio editing: "thats where the 'Fade In' and 'Fade Out' functions come in handy: they make bits of songs sound like a stand alone track, assuming you make the proper cuts to make things as smooth as possible."
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