When you can't live without bananas

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Wednesday, August 17, 2005

"Statistics: The only science that enables different experts using the same figures to draw different conclusions." - Evan Esar

Random Playlist Song: Robert Shaw Festival Singers - Same Train


Nonsensical Ramblings: What happened to you? (on PLMGSS)

"And why oh why did the school relax the rules on hair?!! Both the primary and secondary schools have allowed students to keep long hair! Whatever happened to this long-standing tradition?! Although I longed to keep long hair when I was in school, I took pride that we were one of the few schools in Singapore where long tresses were not allowed. Why this now?!?!! At least they keep the distinctive blue pinafore + white belt combo. At least we are still distinguishable from the other girls' schools."

And so my source was right.


Someone on Law: "the people there looked like they stepped off the catwalk"

Re-evaluation of the NUS Centralised Online Registration System Petition

"To: The NUS Student Body

We, the students in the National University of Singapore are deeply frustrated with the Centralised Online Registration System, with particular reference to tutorial balloting Round 1A where many found it impossible to log into the system and register their choices despite repeated attempts. We wish to see a re-evaluation of the system, as well as a non-evasive answer from the system admin as to why such a fiasco happened despite NUS being a top ranked university in the world."

When I first saw this in the early evening, it had less than 50 signatures. An hour or two ago, this had only 100+ signatures. Now it has 489. Geometric progression! Or maybe I was looking at the other petition, worded identically but addressed to CORS as well as to the Student Body and with a field to fill in your matriculation number.

Someone also photoshopped the NUS error page: "Sorry, you are owned. The server is a bit screwed up and we don't f**king care about it. Its your own problem if it is overloaded. Your request doesn't mean anything to us, so we don't process them."


An exchange in Act of War: Direct Action:

US Commander, Major Richter: Money - is that the only thing that matters to you?

Russian oil tycoon and part-time terrorist, Sakharov: I am a capitalist.

Major Richter: You're an asshole.


National Day is over, yet McDonalds outlets are still playing that awful song. Maybe it's a devious ploy so customers don't linger and leave after finishing their food in doubletime, freeing up space for new ones.

Male interns at Lee and Lee can't have long hair. Gah.


I went down to NTU last Monday, and as the place was as poorly signposted as ever, with few signs or markings on buildings (at least not facing the direction the SBS 179 bus comes from), I once again got off at the wrong stop. Except that instead of getting off one stop late as with my last trip there, I got off 3 stops early, and due to the few maps scattered around campus, I had to use my dowsing rod to divine my location and the direction of my destination.

"The sign is under the shelter so you can't possibly see it from the bus" - NTU student.


The Elizabeth Kubler-Ross model of coping with grief postulates that when people experience a loss, they go through 5 stages of emotional response. This framework can be used to analyse Screwed Up Girl's reactions when she found out I had nicer hair than her.

Denial: First she denied that I had better hair

Anger: She then angrily blamed it on her perm gone wrong

Bargaining: She tried to fudge the issue by blaming her perm and saying it was only because she hadn't been taking care of it recently

Depression: She gave me a downcast look

Acceptance: She hasn't said anything since, so I assume that she's accepted the fact.

She went through all 5 stages in about a minute. Man, she sure is resilient.
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