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Wednesday, August 17, 2005

"PL1101 - Purpose in Life (from a professor's viewpoint)
Organizer: Campus Crusade for Christ

All you aim for in life - is that all? Lost and drifting in life?
Come and discover your life purpose from the viewpoint of a Christian professor - Dr Seah Kar Heng.
Dr Seah will share thought-provoking views on life - The Seah Kar Heng Story PL1101 is the 'module' to take! Get it over in 1 session! Absolutely exam-free!"

The marketing is almost as bad as for S.T.R.I.P.


I'm told beatcoop.com was up as recently as last monday. Now the whole domain is down. Gah.

It seems Lolita is being used as a text for EN2101E this semester. Ho ho.

On the first day of school there was already a bazaar. And there's one this week too. Gah. This week's bazaar is organised by the NUS Sports Club, and has an "Astro-Palmistry" stall. Luckily the sub-clubs are under the aegis of the Sports Club, or we'd have more bazaars than days to hold them. Maybe the various Arts societies can come under the aegis of the Arts Club too. That'll save us a lot of trouble.

It seems SDU is very free with its money: it gives NUS camps $5000 for organising speed dating activities. Maybe we should get SDU sponsorship for Bloggers.SG next year.

Selected lectures should be like the United Nations General Assembly, where the audience can plug their headphones into audio jacks to receive translations of what the lecturer is saying. God knows we already have the translucent glass screens for the translator to sit behind. This will definitely boost productivity much more than any more silly centennial celebrations.

The chicken rice stall's latest trick is to put up a sign saying "Chef's Recommendation", and to change its signboard so it now reads, in Old Chinese, "Hong Kong Style Roast meat", so it is now even more obviously twinned with the wanton mee stall next door. Foolishly, having only partaken of it once last semester, I decided to try it. Limp and tasteless, it was still slightly better than last semester, their seemingly having changed the cook once again, but it was still worse than what you can get at your average hawker centre. Maybe I'll make it traditional for me to eat there oncee (once and only once) every semester just to see if they ever improve.

I read a NUS corporate publication and sitting on the NUS Council are Winston Hodge and Ng Yat Chung and the Permanent Secretary of the Law ministry. Uhh. There's also a representative from MOE, but that wasn't surprising.

NUS has as its millennium goals having international students make up 1 in 5 undergraduates (not hard - just truck in more PRCs/Vietnamese to Engineering, Science and Computing) and having 1 in 5 students take entrepreneurship modules (they must be dreaming. They'll be lucky if 1 in 50 do so).

I was going into a toilet cubicle and this guy with long hair came in. At first I thought he was a girl. I wonder what happens when butches go into female toilets. Then again, someone pointed out that usually they're too short to be mistaken as guys.

I didn't get a response to my mail to the IVLE team, but now on IVLE there's a link to a Used Textbooks forum, though as with many IVLE features its existence is non-obvious. It's nice to know that they respond to feedback.
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