When you can't live without bananas

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Thursday, April 08, 2004

Praise God! Doctor was okay with me not going down for clinical placement today. Hurrah for the juhasz's of the world!

Mussed around the firestation in the morning, took a nap till noon, did domestic chores and got myself to uni at 1.37pm to borrow the st. john's ambulance first aid handbook to have a read. Bumped into my dear coursemates there, accompanied them to city/lunch and did a few errands there... it says something of his values, his priorities when someone like G** just decides to forget spending his afternoon studying/playing/resting just to drive us around and have lunch with us and spend time with the likes of us... was incredibly touched by him.

Me? Every moment of my time is precious, and to be used wisely... as with everyone else. As important as they are, I don't want to use my coursework/commitments in uni (e.g. mandatory things like attending tutorials) to brush aside every other part of my life... as I have been doing for umpteen years. If i have been doing that, do come up to me and alert me of it.
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