When you can't live without bananas

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Saturday, October 05, 2002

NB: Can the person who sent me feedback about "Lim and Chinese" please send me his/her email address so I can reply?

Thank you.

Tim needs to gain 10 xp at the School of Manpower, so his XP can go from 25 to 35. He can then level up and become a 3SG from his current rank of CPL :)

I, on the other hand, became a LCP, wef 1st Sept. Interestingly, my payslip says "Private", and my pay slip gives me $350 rank pay + $150 combat pay. Someone's screwed up again it seems. But the life of a clerk is not easy. It matters not.

Tim was being difficult, so I had to go dig up some info:

kimberly: their logic is twisted
"we're forcing you to do NS, so we will pay you less to show you you're being forced"

njytim: who said they employ such logic

kimberly: they do!

kimberly: wah lau waste 6 mins of my time looking for it for you
the things I do

njytim: you are a nice person.

kimberly: that won't work on me bruder :)

"NS is a duty to the country and not an employment. NSFs are therefore paid an allowance and not wages like salaried employees. "


The words of the dispatch rider Guan Hong and Joshua talked to come to mind: "You pay me peanuts, you get a monkey."

Well if they paid me my weight in gold (a not inconsiderable sum at that!) they'd still get a monkey.
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