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Saturday, September 21, 2002

Read those mistranslations before, still funny ^_^

You've missed out on a few console RPG greats, that generally don't really make it to the English-speaking market. That's really quite a sad thing, because missing out on great games because companies localising games think it's too niche, or too hard to localise just shouldn't happen :P (Profit margins? who cares about profit margins? *cackles*)

These include:

The Ys series
The Langrisser series
any "Shining" game (Shining: The Holy Ark, Shining Wisdom, etc etc etc)
Tenchi Shizou (TerraEnigma)
Bahamut Lagoon
Sakura Taisen series
Shadow Hearts
Valkyrie Profile
Golden Sun

Also, if you consider the Shining Force series an RPG, then the many in the genre include: Tactics Ogre, Final Fantasy Tactics (although I agree that it's not REALLY a final fantasy), and any great "tactical simulation" RPG.

Mmm... why is Zelda considered an RPG but Brave Fencer Musashi not so? Additionally, I don't quite understand what you mean by "derivatives" - surely, if you define Wild Arms, Alundra, Saga Frontier, Star Ocean, & Vandal Hearts as derivatives, all those PC RPGs that use similar systems to other great RPGs of that system (mmmm, that's the only thing I can see that's nearly common in those games) such as the D&D games are all derivatives of the first great D&D implementation on the PC?

I'm sure there are many more great console RPGs that I can list, but all those are the ones off the top of my head. ^_^

The Baldur's Gate series has to be one of the greatest RPGs ever created, though. I'm not really familiar with many PC RPGs. Septerra Core... errrr.
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