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Monday, August 12, 2024

Links - 12th August 2024 (1 - UK Migrant Riots)

Oilfield Rando on X - "I’m sorry, but we established the precedent that an aggrieved group is allowed to burn and loot without consequence when a perceived outsider takes the life of one of their own. I won’t be bothered if “far right” Englishmen tear that entire island apart"
Of course, we know that only "minorities" and/or those who support left wing causes (as per the Colston Statue acquittal) have that licence

Russ M #Reform 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧🇮🇱 on X - "**Sent to me by a friend**
2005 Central London bombings, 52 dead, No, riots, only outrage, no change.
2013 Lee Rigby hacked to death by two terrorists. No riots, only outrage, no change.
2017 Westminster attack, five dead,no riots, only outrage, no change.
2017 Manchester Arena bombing, twenty dead, No riots, only outrage, no change.
2017 London Bridge attack, two dead, No riots, only outrage. no change.
2019 London Bridge stabbing,two dead,  No riots, only outrage, no change.
2020 Reading multiple stabbings, three dead, No riots, only outrage, no change.
2021 Liverpool Women's hospital bombing, No riots, only outrage, no change.
2021 Murder of Sir David Amess MP, No riots, only outrage, no change.
2024 Southport 3 children butchered to death, The working class have had enough of the ineptitude and total disregard for its people by those in charge.
Then, less than 24 hours later, the weak and pathetic Prime Minister @Keir_Starmer  turns on his own people and threatens them with a new Robocop style police force to stamp out any acts of civil disobedience, whilst promising to protect the religion of hate that refuses to integrate into Britain.   They rape, groom, murder, turn our cities and towns into shit holes and make everywhere they invade into a third world area.   We are threatened by the police who use two tier policing against us and arrest peaceful protesters who's only crime is to try and make our voices heard by a deaf incompetent PM and government.  Compared to Harehills and Rochdale, when the police ran away from young Muslim mens aggression towards them so as not to upset them in any way.  We are being treated as fools, and enough is enough.  #StopTheBoats #NotMyPM #LabourOutNow #Starmergeddon #Britain4British #EnoughIsEnough #StarmerOut"
Damn far right! This is proof that they must all be locked up!

David Atherton on X - "During the Harehills riots the lady offered the police tea & ice lollies. She was then arrested for saying 16 years of immigration had ruined the area. She describes the dehumanisation of her overnight custody. The policeman said they had to charge her with something."

Europe Invasion on X - "The British police, who cannot stand against immigrants, intervene harshly against elderly and disabled British people. This is unbearable."

David Atherton on X - "In Britain the police in a car flee a dangerous scene. It seems they have given up enforcing the law in dominant Pakistani heritage areas. The police last night were nowhere to be seen & the locals were left to defend themselves."
Klaus Arminius on X - "When armed immigrants riot, police either don’t shop up (Leeds) or they run away. When Native Brits are protesting because their children were slaughtered, police come out in full riot gear and attacks them. Do you see the difference?"

Tracy Dee 🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 on X - "I’m a 59 year old mother and grandmother who will attend the #Middlesbrough March tomorrow. According to #KeirStarmer I’m a far right thug #FarRightThugsUnite 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧"

Meme - Keir Starmer @Keir_Starmer: "This is not protest, it is pure violence. We will have a standing army of public duty officers. We will ramp up criminal justice. We will apply criminal law online as well as offline. We will not tolerate attacks on mosques or on Muslim communities."
Elon Musk @elonmusk: "Shouldn't you be concerned about attacks on "all* communities?"
"Equal protection" is only for "minorities"
Of course, people were upset at Musk's call for equality. Because only the "far right" believe in equal rights

Meme - Paul Hookem @PaulHook_em: "Can you spot the difference? You do not hate the media near enough!"
BBC News (UK): "27 police officers injured during largely peaceful anti-racism protests in London. George Floyd: London anti-racism protests leave 27 officers hurt"
@BBCNews: "Officers "subjected to serious violence" and police office attacked in Sunderland protests linked to Southport killings. Sunderland protesters attack police office and set car alight"

Riots in England, Muslim gangs attack pubs in pursuit of British citizens: shocking videos from Birmingham - "Various videos posted on X document that in Birmingham, UK, many attacks on British citizens by groups of masked Muslim immigrants have occurred in recent days, in some cases also attacking pubs and other businesses. In none of them is the presence of the police force noticeable, a sign that these groups of demonstrators are allowed wide latitude in their actions. Despite the seriousness of these incidents, there seems to be a significant media blackout. Local and national news outlets have largely ignored these events, focusing instead on other narratives. This has led to frustration and anger among the local population, who feel that their concerns are being overlooked. The police response has also been criticised. Witnesses report a conspicuous absence of the police during these violent incidents. In several cases, requests for police assistance went unanswered, further exacerbating the sense of lawlessness and fear... Prime Minister Keir Starmer has faced criticism for his handling of the situation. In recent statements, he condemned the spreading of hatred without mentioning gang violence, leading to accusations of bias and selective reporting."

UK riots: Gang waving Palestine flags beat lone pubgoer - "Groups of men waving Palestine flags went on the attack in Birmingham yesterday in yet more chaotic scenes on Britain's streets... Presenter Becky Johnson had a masked protester come up behind her on a motorbike.  He shouted "yo, free Palestine, f*** the EDL", before other men approached and the broadcast was cut. Another video filmed close to the pub, and also shared on X, showed a group of masked men with several Palestine flags surrounding cars in the area.  A mob surrounds one blue car with men kicking it and trying to open a door, before a rear window is smashed and the driver tries to escape by driving off the road to a grassy area, while men chase it."
Damn far right! Time to jail everyone who voted for Brexit!

UK riots: Sky News reporter forced off-air by mob - "A Sky News journalist reporting from Birmingham was forced to end her live link with the studio as a group of people with their faces covered approached her and the camera.  One of the men cycled up on a bike, shouting "Free Palestine" multiple times and making it difficult for the journalist to carry on speaking, which prompted her to apologise and announce she would end the live broadcast on Monday (August 5).  Sky News reporter Becky Johnson was speaking from the Small Heath neighbourhood of Britain's second-largest city, where Sky reports more than 1,000 members of the Muslim community had gathered amid reports far-Right thugs were planning to target properties... Birmingham Yardley MP Jess Phillips said rumours the far right would target the neighbourhood were spread to create trouble.  She posted video from an X user of the scene, commenting: "To be clear all day rumours have been spread that a far right group were coming and it was done entirely to get Muslim people out on the street to drive this content. It is misinformation being spread to create trouble.""
Naturally, The Independent omitted the relevant facts from its version
Clearly, the "far right" is to blame for Muslim gangs terrorising the country

Bordesley Green police's 'well-rehearsed demo plans in place' after 'far right rally' promoted online - "West Midlands Police said they have 'well-rehearsed plans in place' to police any demo after a 'far right rally' in Birmingham was promoted online"
When you only rehearse to crack down on the side you hate

J Stewart on X - "The police reaction to the scenes we’ve witnessed in Birmingham tonight, with armed gangs of Muslim men, attacking cars, pubs, news crews and beating up a lone white man outside the pub, has to be heard to be believed:  “ No dispersal order because none of the people here are causing any problems”  “A small situation no different than something we come to on a Saturday night”  “A small scuffle that probably looks like something it wasn’t”  Police officer starts laughing and says “nobody here is causing problems”   Two Tier Policing for the world to see."

Meme - Soldier with 2 arrows in him: "SIRE! THE KINGDOM IS) BEING INVADED!"

Darren Grimes on X - "When people say #TwoTierKeir, it can be no clearer than this comparison between his response to the BLM riots, and the riots on our streets today."
U.K. PM Starmer Really Liked ‘Peaceful’ BLM Riots in the U.S., But Is Not Happy with Anti-Immigrant Protests in His Own Country - "STARMER [2020]: "Like you, I was shocked and angered at the killing of George Floyd. And the response of President Trump and the U.S. authorities to the peaceful protests, to people rightly demanding justice, has been an affront to humanity. The last week has shone a spotlight on the racism, discrimination and injustice experienced by those from black and minority ethnic communities in the U.S., in the U.K., and across the world. Martin Luther King said, 'Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.'"
STARMER [2024]: "“Be in no doubt: those that have participated in this violence will face the full force of the law. The police will be making arrests, individuals will be held on remand, charges will follow, and convictions will follow. I guarantee you will regret taking part in this disorder, whether directly or those whipping up this action online and then running away themselves. This is not protest, it is organized, violent thuggery, and it has no place on our streets or online.""

Concerned Citizen on X - "🚨🇬🇧 “Am I going to be locked up for the night?  Do I need to bring my medications?”  Welcome to 2024 Britain where The Police arrive at your home to arrest you for comments made on Facebook.  As Britain descends into lawless chaos - the Governments priority clearly isn’t fixing it, but is to go after those that voice their opinion about it online.  The UK is now a fascist State under authoritative totalitarian rule."

Turning Point UK 🇬🇧 on X - "Muslim Defence League attacking two men for wearing Union Flags in Leeds. Credit: @HoodedClaw1974"
Turning Point UK 🇬🇧 on X - "How many members of the Muslim Defence League will be arrested in Stoke for openly carrying weapons? Will there be a special police task force to tackle Islamic hate gangs? Will these thugs receive banning orders? Two-tier Starmer and Labour are spineless."

Jessica Simor KC on X - "Pass a short Bill closing Twitter down in the U.K. @Keir_Starmer? There is more than enough reason to do so. One of the richest men in the world is using his platform to cause serious harm - putting lives & communities at risk. @YvetteCooperMP @lisanandy"
mirax on X - "Build the great firewall of the United Kingdom, ban the Daily Mail and GB News, throw your despicable white working classes into prison for refusing to submit to your superior morality. Musk is doing a great job showing up the nature of the Democracy you want to save so badly."
Leo Kearse - on YouTube & Saturday Night Showdown on X - "Hi Jessica, you claim to be a "Human Rights Lawyer", but Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (should be day 1 of your training) says:"
"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a threat to democracy and must be repealed to combat the threat of the far right

Konstantin Kisin on X - "The right wing cope for what's happening in Britain is to go on about Keir Starmer.  The left wing cope for what's happening is to blame the "far right".  The reality is much, much worse.  This has nothing to do with the current government and a few racist idiots kicking off are the least of our worries.  Yes, the violent criminals should be prosecuted and given harsh sentences. And yes, Starmer and senior police officers have handled this badly.  But the fundamentals of this situation are inescapable.
Britain has a stagnant economy that relies on cheap foreign labour and a population that is utterly fed up of mass immigration.  We have an open border. No that's not an exaggeration. When I came to Britain in 1996, net *legal* immigration was around 55k a year. That's the number of people who come here *illegally* every year now.   We have a Muslim population, which like any large group is made up of all sorts of people. Most of them are decent and law abiding. But as a population the Muslim community has not integrated: more British Muslims joined ISIS and Al Nusra than the British army, per the Guardian and the New York Times. Google it.  The Equalities Act introduced "protected characteristics" which effectively made members of certain racial, ethnic and religious groups entitled to special treatment.
Partly as a result of this and partly due to the broader introduction of the idea of "diversity and inclusion", the police, social workers and all manner of government officials turned a blind eye to crimes committed by particular racial and ethnic groups. A good example would be so-called "grooming gangs" which are groups comprised of predominantly Pakistani and Bangladeshi men who targeted white and Sikh girls for gang rape. According to estimates there were several hundred thousand victims. These crimes have gone on for over 40 and continue to happen today.  The white British population is in demographic decline. They are not having enough children, while immigrants and ethnic minorities have lots of children. Combined with mass immigration of 600,000-700,000 a year, most British cities now look unrecognisable. White Britons are already a minority in London and other major cities and will become a minority in the country itself within our lifetimes.
It's important to understand that Britain isn't like America. Until very, very recently (2001) white British people made up nearly 90% of the population. Britain is not and has never been a "nation of immigrants". But it will be soon. Despite the fact that the British people voted against this at every opportunity. They voted against it in 2010, 2015, 2016 (Brexit), 2017 and 2019 when the people they elected promised to stop mass immigration and end illegal immigration. At the last election, they gave up on voting for the Conservatives and either voted for Nigel Farage's anti-immigration Reform Party or didn't vote at all, hence the lowest turnout for a century.  This is one of the reasons you see increasing levels of censorship and thought policing in the UK. As people begin to express dissent against what is happening, maintaining this state of affairs requires more and more suppression. This is one of the reasons they are going after @elonmusk  - he has created a platform where we can see that the Emperor is naked with our own eyes.
The riots you are seeing have many underlying causes. Many of the people who are burning things down and looting shops are just violent thugs looking for a cheap thrill. The authorities will throw the book at them which they have to do.  But what they won't do is address the cause of the tensions which are bubbling away under the surface. They will give the can another big kick down the road.   I hope this particular flare up of violence can be calmed but you're kidding yourself if you think that will be the end of it.
 P.S. There were many brave people who warned us this would happen. They were all demonised and ignored."

Wilfred Reilly on X - ""More British Muslims joined ISIS and al Nusra than the British Army." Bruh. What was the upside of mass un-vetted 3rd world immigration ever...supposed to be?"

Thread by @israel_advocacy on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "Who's really to blame for the UK riots?  Thugs smashing up hotels. Protesters burning cars. Opportunist looters. Machete-wielding Muslim gangs . According to Twitter its the… Zionists (of course) 😭  This thread is wild. 44K people liked @Sneako blaming the riots on Zionist media manipulation. Disgraced professor David Miller, @Tracking_Power, claims Israel is behind the riots. A prominent British Marxist, @kennardmatt, infers some Jewish donors are engineering the whole thing. Over 2 million people have watched a video where a Muslim pleads for unity, telling white rioters to abandon their politics of division. How does he end his plea? By unironically blaming the unrest on rich Zionists! Syrian Girl, @Partisangirl, blames the Mossad 🤦‍♂️ Sulaiman Ahmed, @ShaykhSulaiman, claims Tommy Robinson is working for Zionists. Nick Fuentes, @NickJFuentes, thinks its a Zionist plot to crackdown on free speech. They want you to think that the riots aren't an organic reaction to the frustrations and fears of those taking part, but the sinister desires of a cabal of Jews conspiring against the west.  The horse shoe is real.  Jews have no future in Europe."
They didn't get the memo that the "far right" hates Jews

Ian Miles Cheong on X - "The BBC reports that the UK government is seeking to extradite social media influencers whom they believe are "playing a role" in the ongoing unrest and charge them with ter*orism. This is unprecedented."

Chris Rose on X - "What more proof do some need? Here is a West Midlands Police officer admitting that there was no police present in Birmingham yesterday because the “community leaders” said there would be no trouble. When police presence is optional for some communities, it’s two tier policing."
Rush on X - "I’m stupefied.  Did he really just say that his policing policy was steered by what Islamic “community leaders and business leaders” promised him?   Would he have believed the same from white English “community leaders and business leaders”?   If someone was killed (many were beaten up), would he simply say “whoops, sorry, but I was promised all would be kushti, so I stood the lads down”..?  I’m sure he’s a nice guy, and he looks like he’s about to burst in tears, but a consequence of him taking at face value their hollow words was the British public being exposed to crowds of rampaging masked mobs dressed all in black, flailing machetes and zombie swords and conducting mock executions in front of TV cameras.  That *is* the very definition of two tiered policing in anyone’s book.  No wonder so many people are disenchanted and disaffected by plod when policy is made up by “community leaders and business leaders” (agh) telling plod what to do."

Peter Hague on X - "I said I wasn’t going to post on this anymore but this interview is jaw dropping. The politicians and media insist that “two tier policing” is nothing more than a far right conspiracy theory - then the police openly admit it’s true on Sky News. Nobody else gets to choose to police themselves.   We are being gaslit here."

pagliacci the hated 🌝 on X - "a few months ago they started letting rapists walk free because prisons were overcrowded but they’ve somehow managed to manifest 500 new cells out of thin air for British people tired of seeing their kids get raped and murdered"
Don’t jail rapists and burglars – our prisons are too full, judges told
Ministers prepare extra 500 prison places to remand suspected rioters
And of course, they're only going to jail the "far right". "Minority" rioters are victims who need more reparations

Samantha Smith on X - "I went on GBNews to discuss Pakistani grooming gangs in Telford. The next day, officers banged on my door, demanding I speak to them about my interview. They ignored victims for decades, but tried to intimidate me for exposing their failings on live TV.
P.S. Mark Steyn (@MarkSteynOnline ) was one of the first, and only, broadcasters brave enough to cover child sexuality exploitation in the British media.  How was he repaid? By being penalised by Ofcom and fired by the channel."

Konstantin Kisin on X - "So much focus from the British commentariat on X and Elon Musk and it's true that there were irresponsible people posting unverified allegations here. As there were on all other social media.  But looking at media reporting, if it wasn't for X, we wouldn't even know that gangs of armed & masked Muslim men are rampaging through cities up and down the country. We wouldn't see them hunting down and beating up white people. We wouldn't have yet more evidence of two tier policing. All we would have is the approved narrative.  You can see this with all the screaming about misinformation. When the founder of far left doxxing organisation Hope Not Hate posts misinformation about Muslims being targeted with acid which is completely false and obviously provocative, they just pretend it didn't happen. Like it or not, human beings invented mass communication platforms. They aren't going away. Governments and legacy media want to crack down on them to re-establish narrative control. I can understand why but it's not going to happen.   Social media still needs a lot of work and things like Community Notes are an important first step in the right direction. We desperately need tools to counteract the fact that false but provocative spreads a lot faster than true but boring. That's human brains for you. It will take a lot of smart people like Elon to work out how to solve this problem in the era of mass communication.   But we're not going back to governments and the media being in charge of what's true. Politicians and journalists are the two least trusted groups in society for a reason."

Queen Bob on X - "Please share. Please Tag @metpoliceuk @Keir_Starmer and all media entities.
On the 3/8/24 The chief executive of left-wing activist group Hope Not Hate, Nick Lowles Posted on X :  “Reports are coming in of acid being thrown out of a car window at a Muslim woman in Middlesbrough. Absolutely horrendous.”  This, entirely unfounded, and entirely false Tweet went out to his 41k followers and Hope Not Hate's 126k followers. This was picked up, and repeated by Muslims from 5 Pillars, like Dilly Hussain, who further pushed this false story.   As a result, over a thousand, armed, Muslims gathered in various cities, understandably angry, and wanted revenge.
The amount of money this false accusation has cost the British tax payer, is probably unfathomable. But to see an elderly Grandma arrested and charge with a hate crime for posts on Facebook, whilst this chinless c*nt spreads misinformation that literally endangered police officers, Muslims and white working class British people, is unforgiveable.   We don't care for his apology, as he wouldn't have cared for anyone else's. I want this man arrested and charged, with absolutely everyone else.   Furthermore - this week, he has provided false information through Hate Not Hope, that various "far right" and "EDL" riots would be taking place in towns and villages across the uk.   Countless thousands of business closed, costing unimaginable amounts of money to the UK economy, and tens of thousands of police officers were deployed to manage the protests.
Again - Lowles was wrong. Deliberately or otherwise.  Regardless, he stoked racial tension that didn't need to be stoked and placed the British police force in danger, and cost us, the British tax payer, millions of pounds, because he and his "Charity" lied about riots.   This man is dangerous. He is inflaming a situation that needs to be put out.   He needs to face the full force of the law."
It's only dangerous misinformation when it impedes the left wing agenda

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on X - "Yesterday, thousands of left-wing, antifa and Muslim protesters gathered in multiple English cities in response to a viral hoax that the far-right planned 100 attacks and riots on immigration-related offices.  There has been no discussion on the disinformation that led to some violence and arrests. Instead, the coverage from @BBCNews  reports claims of peace and unity, and police congratulating themselves.   The BBC uncritically repeat the lie from @metpoliceuk  that the Croydon violence last night wasn’t linked to protesting.   Even Antifa activists like Nick Lowles, of Hope Not Hate, admits they’re manipulating the press to get mass propaganda in support of the political messaging of Antifa and the communist and socialist groups that mobilized."

Esther on X - "How Asian men in a BMW were attacked during violence in Hull. - BBC News. One of the worst things so far. So ashamed to see this in the UK. There is no place for fascism in Britain."
🕊 on X - "BBC Verify initially reported in this article that the men inside the car were of Asian heritage, however Humberside Police has since told the BBC they are Eastern European."
Who will verify BBC Verify?

Meme - Leo Kearse - on YouTube & Saturday Night Showdown @LeoKearse: "Ugh. The bigotry of low expectations ("Muslims can't be expected NOT to stamp on someone's head if goaded"), the suicidal inability to recognise who ACTUALLY smashed the pub up, the smug virtue signalling. Next time, let it burn."
Becky Cotterill @RLCotterill: "He's barred' says manager of Birmingham pub to man who was attacked there yesterday. Linda Ward says the man had goaded his attackers. We understand he used offensive language as Asian men walked past who then beat him up. I understand he has visited hospital since the attack"

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on X - "As the public witnesses mob violence on the streets of English towns, the legacy media uses euphemisms to obscure the violent "Muslim patrols" carrying out some of that vigilante violence.  I went to the area of Birmingham where just a day earlier, masked Muslims in black carried out political violence in the name of Allah. Police stayed away."

Dr. David Wood on X - "People of Great Britain, never forget what's at stake. Your politicians and journalists call you "racists" and "Islamophobes," but the Islamists who want to subjugate you openly admit what they're planning. The first item on their list is to publicly execute ex-Muslims:"

Israel Advocacy Movement on X - "This is what two-tier policing looks like… In each of these horrific antisemitic attacks… no one was jailed. Meanwhile, the Home Office just said anyone guilty of inciting Islamophobia online will face years in jail."

Adam Cailler on X - "Congratulations to the @ihrc for using an antisemitic trope in the second paragraph of your letter. Wild."
Letter to Home Secretary and 44 police chiefs in England and Wales - IHRC - "Enabled by their Zionist financiers abroad, far right elements have weaponised the tragic murder of three young girls in Southport to incite the country into pogroms against Muslims and people of colour."

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