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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Links - 13th August 2024 (1 - UK Migrant Riots)

Alex Armstrong on X - "HOLY SH*T  They’ve just ADMITTED to two-tier policing RE why there were no police present in Birmingham yesterday.
Listen out for the key cover-up words:
“Met with Community leaders”
“Policed within themselves”
“Style of policing”
“Small minority of criminals”
Translation: We didn’t show up because “community leaders” told us their people would attack the police and this would be bad for the narrative. We’re also now letting them self police to maintain that charade.
 Everyone needs to share this video. The mask is slipping."
Alex Armstrong on X - "I’m gobsmacked.  The police are openly telling the public they will allow certain “communities” to “self-police”.  That is special treatment.  We are not equals if you get special policing rights because of your skin colour, religion, race or any other identity category.  Are the police breaking the Equality Act?"

Stephen Knight 🎙️ on X - "On 'two-tiered policing'.  I broadly support the UK police. They have a very difficult and dangerous job. I'm grateful for them and a lot of the criticism they receive is underserved. However, in recent memory many of us have noticed:
The police kneeling for BLM. A protest movement responsible for widespread civil unrest, vandalism and violence which injured many police officers.
Police wasting public money to turn their vehicles into rainbow eyesores in service of the alphabet cult.
Police and PCSO's knocking on doors in response to gender critical views and social media posts and arresting an autistic kid for saying an officer looked like their "lesbian Nana". All while turning a blind eye to the threats and intimation faced by gender critical women.
Or that time police issued threats of prosecution for 'misgendering' a newly convicted rapist.
Or the revelations that police were complicit in turning a blind eye to the systematic rape of thousands of kids at the hands of Muslim gangs.
Or when Police expended their time and energy into reassuring an Islamist mob when rumours spread that a school kid had desecrated a Quran. Rather than say, tackling the problem of threatening school children and trying to enforce Islamic blasphemy codes.
These are just off the top of my head. I'm sure you can think of many yourselves. You can't pretend these things don't matter and haven't been noticed by the general public, and in turn, destroyed some trust."

The News Agents on X - "“No one is protesting about too many blond haired, blue eyed Norwegians coming to this country." The riots are Islamophobic and "there is something dangerous about it", say @jonsopel and @lewis_goodall. See why below."
pagliacci the hated 🌝 on X - "how many blond haired blue eyed Norwegians are forming grooming gangs in the UK, be honest for one minute"

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on X - "Violent leftist anti-Israel group @Pal_action  has posted a claim of responsibility for an armed attack on a defense company facility near Bristol, England on Aug. 6.   They used a van to smash through the barriers and assaulted police and staff with melee weapons. One officer was taken to hospital. Riot police did not respond to the attack.  The militants used sledgehammers and axes in their besieging of the facility. They posted their propaganda video on their X account."

Lee Harris on X - "Breaking: A man has been jailed for 3 years for punching a police officer in the face during the riots.  Meanwhile, the two violent thugs who brutally attacked 3 armed police officers at Manchester Airport have not even been charged.  Blatant two-tier justice."

Everton fan jailed over online racist abuse of fellow supporter - "A football fan who posted racist abuse about a fellow supporter has been jailed for 15 weeks.  Shaun Tuck, 37, published the abuse in the comments section of Everton's official Facebook page in August 2023."
Samuel Melia: Far-right activist jailed after sticker campaign - "Samuel Melia, 34, was found guilty earlier this year of inciting racial hatred after a series of "stickering" incidents between 2019 and 2021.  Melia, from Pudsey in West Yorkshire, was sentenced to two years in prison at Leeds Crown Court on Friday."
Newcastle grooming gang jailed for raping 13-year-old girl - "Hamoud Al Soaimi, 21, for three counts of sexual assault and one assault by penetration, jailed for two years suspended for two years with 180 hours unpaid work"

Dave Rich on X - "Not a far right riot - this was Palestine Action yesterday. Violent disorder is violent disorder, whoever does it and whatever the supposed cause. If you want to learn how to hit police officers with a sledgehammer, Leeds PSC is advertising Palestine Action’s next training day."
Police officer hit with sledgehammer near Bristol - "Videos shared to social media by campaign group Palestine Action showed people using tools to cut into the warehouse, damaging equipment inside the building and spraying red paint on the premises."

Tommy Robinson 🇬🇧 on X - "Thought 2 Tier Policing couldn't get any worse? Chief of police West Midlands, he starts his conversion, with; Salam Alaikum, not good morning. Then he goes on to complain about "far right", then states we are 1 Tier Policing. It's all there @elonmusk"
Left wingers get upset when allowances are made for Christianity. But if you criticise this, you're racist

Sky News on X - "People who are racist to NHS staff 'can and should' be refused care, health secretary says Read more🔗"
Carl Benjamin on X - "Starmer's Labour party is on an absolutely insane leftist crusade. You do not have the moral authority to refuse treatment to a British citizen because they are "racist", nor for any other reason, especially as they will be paying their NI."

DR MAX PEMBERTON: I've been horrified by the riots but being racist should not mean you don't get treatment on the NHS - "While I agree with Streeting that those who attacked the nurses ‘brought enormous shame on our country’, when it comes to turning patients away, I couldn’t disagree with him more: it is not up to the doctor to make a moral judgment over who can and can’t have treatment... Over the 20 years I’ve been a doctor, I have come across many instances of patients being racist, homophobic or misogynistic. Some have expressed truly vile beliefs. While I wouldn’t say it’s regular, it’s certainly not uncommon. I’ve treated murderers, rapists, paedophiles and terrorists. But it’s a slippery slope to start standing in moral judgment over who can and can’t have treatment because of what they believe. If we start excluding racists, where does it stop? What about other things the doctor might not agree with? What about climate change deniers, or people who eat meat, or don’t agree with abortion, or any other contentious area where one person finds the other person’s views offensive and unacceptable? In my first year as a doctor, I remember a patient who refused to be treated by black members of staff. He went into urinary retention, meaning his bladder wasn’t working properly – an excruciatingly painful condition. It was the middle of the night and I was called to insert an emergency catheter, but I had only ever practised on a plastic model. The other junior doctor who was on duty with me, who was black, was very competent and the patient suddenly rethought his racism when confronted with the choice between having someone who was white, but a complete novice, jab something down his penis, or a black person who actually knew what he was doing. So I assisted my colleague and the man was very grateful to us both. After we’d catheterised him, we talked to him about how everyone deserved to be treated with respect at work. We helped him see that, in refusing care from black members of staff, he was not only creating an unpleasant environment for them, but also affecting his own care. He later wrote a letter of apology to ward staff about his behaviour. Wasn’t that a better outcome – both in term of medical ethics and in changing someone’s mind – than simply denying him treatment? It’s not just white people I’ve witnessed being racist. I work in multi-cultural London and have seen Ethiopian patients abusing Eritrean staff, Pakistani patients attacking Indian staff and Muslim patients make awful comments about Jewish doctors. One Turkish patient refused to be cared for by a gay Turkish nurse, because he thought the nurse was bringing shame on his family and country. I’ve had a number of patients say homophobic things in passing, using offensive slurs in conversation, and I always stop them, explain that I am gay and that it’s quite difficult to hear these things. They are often shocked. ‘Oh, but you are all right, Doctor,’ is a typical reply, as though this makes it OK. I have a policy of talking to them about how these attitudes can be really harmful and upsetting. You don’t change minds by banning patients, as Streeting would have it – you change them by showing them unequivocal kindness, compassion and care. It’s not always easy. Only recently I was with a female member of staff talking to a patient who had been convicted of a violent sexual crime who described women who didn’t wear a hijab as ‘sluts’ and deserving of rape. Astonishingly, he was quite indignant that he had been convicted of rape, saying that it was the fault of the men of this country for allowing ‘their women’ out on the streets on their own, letting them wear what they wanted. This kind of shocking misogyny is not uncommon. I always challenge it. Often these patients have never heard opposing views — it’s cultural for them and they simply don’t realise that women are treated equally in Britain. Once, as a junior doctor working in surgery, it fell to me to examine a particular patient. Within a few hours he was on the ward, recovering from appendicitis - which would have been unremarkable were it not for the prison guards that chaperoned him and the handcuffs he was wearing. He was a convicted murderer. He had been transferred to hospital for treatment, and promptly returned to jail when he was well enough. The treatment he received was exactly the same as any patient with appendicitis. The fact that I and the other surgeons were morally opposed to murder didn’t matter. Sometimes, yes, it tests your tolerance to the very limit. A friend of mine while working in A&E once had to stitch up a man’s hand after he had punched his wife repeatedly in the face. While she hated ever being in a room with him, she knew that, as his doctor, she must treat him regardless. There is no place in medical practice for value judgments based on things outside of the clinical realm. Our role is to treat: not judge."

Alex Armstrong on X - "I am self-declaring as a “community leader” for white English people.  From now on, if the police want to manage protests, I demand they speak to me and any other self identified community leaders.  I will tell the police what style will be suitable for our protests.  I’m guessing everyone is okay with this. I’m assuming I don’t need to be elected either?  If it’s acceptable for Birmingham, then it’s acceptable for the rest of us. Equality means equality."

habibi on X - "Imagine ten months - ten months! - of protests every weekend, all over the country, where people openly *supported* terrorists who had murdered over 1,000 Muslims or blacks. Oh, and rape, abduction, and torture too. What do you think the policing response would have looked like?
To take the parallel further, Conservative MPs speak at the anti-Muslim or anti-black terror rallies.  Some host the hatred leaders in Parliament and ask what more they can do to help.  The party just looks away and says nothing.  What do you think the reactions would  look like?"

Alex Phillips on X - "📖  Here's a story...  ...It's a story of our white working class 🇬🇧   Once upon a time, we respected the backbone of our society. Our brave men went to the trenches. They mended stuff, and made stuff.  They joined the army. They worked in mines. They manned production lines. They drove lorries. They didn't make much, but they made enough. And they'd be the first to turn out to carry your bag, offer a pint and defend the nation. They knew your name. They helped you with stuff around the house. They laughed the loudest and made the sort of jokes that were so close to the bone, our sides split!  But we gave their jobs away. We cut the army. We never replaced heavy industry, and, where there were still jobs, we gave them to other men, from other countries, because they cost less.  Instead we gave them benefits. We took their dignity, their ability to provide for their families and replaced it with a handout. We robbed them of all opportunity and also robbed opportunity from their kids, too. Their kids who now have kids of their own.  We told them they can't make their jokes anymore, not even for light relief. We told them that everything they were once loved for, and indeed loved, was now considered thick, racist and out of touch. Wake up! we yelled. Get with programme! Get woke, you neanderthal! You've had it your way for far too long, and messed it up! It's only right that you are now punished. You're relatives enslaved us! You are a patriarchal beast! You fragile, over-privileged moron!  When they now turn on the telly, they no longer see people like them. The songs they once sang together are cancelled. Nobody like them writes songs any more. Well, nobody that would get a recording contract, anyway.  We called them lazy, after they had made the humiliatingly necessary calculation that to provide for their family, maybe even give them a holiday from their shithole neighbourhood, it was better to not work and claim benefits instead.   When they tried to tell us how much they were hurting, how they felt overlooked using the only words they had, we called them racist. Because they didn't get the latest memo from an overpaid London PR consultant about what language was acceptable and which viewpoint was allowed to be aired. How to work the ever changing system to fit in. Slow learners! But they didn't have protected status. They were the monsters.  So they tried at the ballot box to change things. Three times they voted Tory who promised to cut immigration. They backed Brexit: it would put them first. They saw that those in charge who hadn't listened for decades were made to listen at last!  Oh! They listened. And did everything in their power to bully and shame, to silence their voice, to frame them as a threat, to intimidate and censor.  Day after day, night after night, they watched their towns change irreparably. They watched people from other countries being given houses and doctors' appointments. It must be their turn next. Surely.  These other people were also showered with the loving glow of not just being wanted - yes! WANTED! - but actively cheered for! Refugees welcome! Black lives matter!   Who are they? Well, they can't get to know them. They don't learn English. Don't go to the pub. But it must be their fault for not welcoming them enough, understanding them enough. They must be racist.  Then they saw members of those communities complain and witnessed superhuman efforts made by those in power to listen to them. And yet, some still riot when they don't get their own way. Some commit crimes, but it's not their fault. They just need to be better understood. They've been through things none of us can relate to. They're disenfranchised. They have mental health issues. And it's probably your fault, you lazy white racist.  That, dear friends, is the story of working class England. I hope you enjoyed it.  Some might call it 'lived experience'   For those in it; it's an experience barely worth living.  The End"

The public reaction to the 2024 riots - "Two-thirds of Britons (67%) view immigration policy over recent years as having contributed to the violence, with 55% saying the same of recent Conservative governments... Just 31% of Britons say that Keir Starmer is handling the riots well, while almost half think (49%) he is handling them badly... While half of Britons think the police have handled the riots well so far, notably fewer are confident in the police’s ability to protect people and property from further unrest. Only 38% say so, including only 6% with “a lot” of confidence. Most (58%) express little to no confidence in the police’s capacity to protect against further rioting... The majority of the Britons would back the army being brought in to help deal with the unrest, at 62%"
A majority of Britons have sympathies with the peaceful protests. Time to justify these far right extremists
Given that there're at least two types of riots, there're complications in interpreting this

David Atherton on X - "This is Stockton-On-Tees. A group of maybe 6+ Kurds attack a white resident. The celebration of violence is sickening."

Robert Jenrick on X - "‘Allahu Akbar’ is spoken peacefully and spiritually by millions of British Muslims in their daily lives. But the aggressive chanting below is intimidatory and threatening. And it’s an offence under Section 4 and 5 of the Public Order Act. Extremists routinely abuse common expressions for their own shameful ends.   All violence must end. All violence must be called out."

Crown Prosecution Service on X - "Think before you post! 📲✋ Content that incites violence or hatred isn't just harmful - it can be illegal. The CPS takes online violence seriously and will prosecute when the legal test is met. Remind those close to you to share responsibly or face the consequences."
Peter Hague on X - "The government are taking flak and basically want people to shut up. Hence why this warning is very unspecific. They are hoping that fear of illegal speech (which is already too broadly defined in the UK) will cause people to be hesitant to post legal speech if they don’t know where the line is.  That the new governments first instinct is to try and silence dissent doesn’t bode well for the next five years."

Connor Tomlinson on X - "Sky News reporting that the Crown Prosecution service has charged someone for "distributing a recording" they claimed is "intending to stir up racial hatred" The justice system wants to criminalise sharing video evidence of Muslim militias on social media"

Oli London on X - "Sky News claims Retweeting could “potentially be a criminal offence” in the UK. “However you think you’re acting innocently on social media, whatever platform it is, you are just sharing something…that could potentially be a criminal offense.”"
Melissa Chen on X - "Imagine I moved from Singapore to the UK, only to find the same nanny state controls on speech here.  At least in Singapore you get good governance, low or zero taxes, no crime and all races/religions are actually treated even-handedly.  What do you get here for your troubles?   High taxes. Stabbings. Two-tier policing.   At least the pubs are nice."

Sky News on X - "'We do have dedicated police officers who are scouring social media to look for this material, and then follow up with arrests.' The director of public prosecutions of England and Wales warns that sharing online material of riots could be an offence"
Priorities! When you have lost control of the streets but need to continue pretending you're doing your job (which conveniently also covers up the evidence that you have failed)

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on X - "Muslim radicals on social media are promising that any "English Defense League" (a disbanded anti-Islam group) members who show up to northeast London today will be murdered, and their bodies will be "disappeared" in the woods.  Radical leftists and Muslims have mobilized today outside the Waltham Forest Immigration Bureau office over rumors of an anti-mass migration protest."

Queen Bob on X - "130 towns and cities have been told violent marauding mobs of the "Far Right" and the disbanded "EDL" are on their way to riot. So all the Muslims and Blue-haired AntiFa have come out balaclavad up and with weapons. But no "Far Right" exists, so everyone is just stood around on live streams, with swords, looking at their phones."
𝕀𝕞𝕡𝕠𝕤𝕙𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣 on X - "It is odd how only one side seems to turn up with machetes to these riots/protests."
Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on X - "Brighton, England, Aug. 7 — Antifa and leftist radicals have mobilized to look for right-wing protesters to attack."

Klaus Arminius on X - "British Patriots have played a very smart game. Spreading fake protest locations to draw out violent immigrants and showing it to the rest of the country."

Luke Rudkowski on X - "MSM in the UK is telling people that they will be prosecuted if they share even accidentally any information on the civil unrest happening there now!!!"

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on X - "Raphaël Arnault, the spokesperson for an Antifa group (Jeune Garde/Young Guard) whose members are under investigation for the beating of a Jewish 15-year-old boy, was elected to the French parliament as a member of the far-left La France insoumise party."
Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 on X - "A leader of a French Antifa group (Young Guard/Jeune Garde) whose members are under investigation for beating a Jewish boy announced his travel to the UK to join his comrades in direct actions. “Young Guard mode activated,” he posted. @ukhomeoffice has not barred his entry."

Belfast Telegraph on X - "EXCLUSIVE: Paramilitaries refuse to use influence to end racially-motivated Belfast riots UDA and UVF sources say trouble ‘nothing to do with them’ and insist it is a policing matter @AllisonMorris1"
RAW EGG NATIONALIST on X - "Stop and appreciate what an incredible admission this is, if true. The British authorities have been in contact with paramilitaries in Northern Ireland in an attempt to get them to help end the riots there. If this isn't anarcho-tyranny, what is?"

Aimen Dean on X - "Not all so called “grievances” are legitimate! When UK Islamists keep preaching about how Western foreign policy is holding back Muslims, what they mean is (We want to start a Jihad to unify, by force, all Muslim countries into a unified Taliban style empire, no ifs, no buts)🤷🏻‍♂️"
Sohail Ahmed on X - "To those newly following me, I should introduce myself: I was raised as an Islamist extremist by my own family, and at one point was even considering engaging in violence in London.  As Islamists, our grievances were basically, "please allow us to wrestle power away from you (the West) so that we can establish a theocratic authoritarian dictatorial hell hole in the middle east".  By the way, Aimen Dean was a member of Al Qaeda when he decided to turn to MI6. He acted as Britain's mole in Al Qaeda. The intelligence he gathered saved many British and American lives.  Some of us Muslims love Britain, and some of us have literally put our lives on the line for our country, like Aimen here."
Internalised Islamophobia!

Two-hour trip to see Richard Hammond showed me how badly Britain's roads are falling apart - "WHEN I lived in London’s Notting Hill, working in the media, I was a remainer and so were all my friends.  It literally didn’t occur to us, as we sat down there in our agreeable houses eating agreeable food that someone might vote to leave.  And I think the same thing is happening again.  Today, I’m surrounded by farmers and plasterers and brickies and butchers and all I hear, all day long, is that there’s too much immigration.  But if they say this out loud, or if they go on a march, they are told by the London elite that they are far-right extremists or racist thugs.  For the most part, they’re not. They are just people who know that they have to shut up when the Last Post is played and that a cheese rolling down a hill is funny.  There was a time you’d have called them the salt of the earth.  But Sir Starmer doesn’t seem to have grasped this.  He is surrounded by people who see nothing wrong with immigration and he’s got it into his head – as I did with Brexit – that anyone who disagrees with him must be some kind of Trump-nut. The fact is though that four million people voted for Reform. More than that voted for Brexit. And he’s p***ing them off by labelling them as modern-day Hitlers.  I therefore suggest that both he and his friends at the BBC calm down the rhetoric or we could be heading for some real trouble."

Queen Bob on X - "This from Jeremey Clarkson resonates with me so much. Also a Remainer, I held the same view. People like he and I are many. We watched the working classes be labelled "moronic far right xenophobes, confused by a bus", and it woke a lot of us up. Those same people, who were asked a question, answered it, have been denigrated for the last 8 years. They still haven't got what they asked for in that 8 years - in fact, it's got considerably worse than when they voted Leave, yet 8 years later, they're now called "Far Right".   We stopped being a democratic country in 1997.  This was confirmed in 2016 when the proles didn't do what they were told.  And in 2024, we're seeing the repercussions of 30 years of the abuse of the people.   30 YEARS, they've taken your money, and given you nothing in return.   So stop. #FullNAtionalStrike"

Andy : e/acc on X - "It's incredible..  The narrative we're being asked to swallow is that mass migration is good for the NHS - whilst the NHS crumbles.  It's good for the economy - which is in never ending decline.  It's good for culture - whilst we have armed ethnic gangs and riots.  There's no 2 tier policing - whilst we know about Rotheram and see constant video evidence to the contrary.  This can't carry on - you can't hide in your bunker behind the BBC forever..  Reality will be heard."

UK police arrest Labour councillor after alleged protest call to ‘cut throats’ of ‘fascists’ - "London’s Metropolitan Police arrested a Labour councillor on suspicion of encouraging murder, amid continued unrest on Britain’s streets.  Ricky Jones, a local politician for Dartford in Kent, was suspended by the party after a video circulated on social media in which a man told a crowd that far-right demonstrators need to have their throats cut.  In a video from a counter-protest in Walthamstow — organized to respond to far-right rioting across the U.K. — the man hits out at “disgusting Nazi fascists.” “We need to cut all their throats and get rid of them all,” he tells the crowd... Britain’s top Jewish leader warned about antisemitism among some counter-protesters.  One sign advertising a demo meant to combat the far-right in Finchley, London, included a call to get “Zionists” out of the north London district."
Damn far right! The death penalty for Tommy Robinson!

Lewis Brackpool on X - "Police liaison tells a group of Muslims in Stoke that, “If you have any weapons discard them at the mosque”. How can anybody try to tell anyone that two-tier policing doesn’t exist?!"

kwilliam on X - "Rotherham police arrested little girls who were raped by gangs of certain men - dads who tried to rescue their daughters were also arrested. The child rapists were given lifetime anonymity in some cases. All “for the sake of diversity” as one MP might put it"
kwilliam on X - "Rotherham dad who was arrested twice while trying to rescue his daughter from the rape gangs"

Thread by @philippilk on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "What Britain is witnessing is the beginning of Dark Blairism. This is the final stage in the collapse of the country. 🇬🇧🪦🧵
The first iteration of Blairism was a happy-go-lucky affair. Blair and co were Marxists of a variety, but happy Marxists who rejected state socialism and embraced cultural radicalism - a new, freer society where different groups would live in harmony. But society rejected this vision. People had “biases” - a false consciousness of sorts, mostly amongst the uneducated gammons and chuds. They couldn’t get into Oxbridge to study with Tony, so the state needed to be used to educate them. Educating the gammons didn’t work. In 2001, they rioted. Annoying. At the same time the left-wing were busy rejecting Blair’s neoliberal economic vision. These people were suffering from false consciousness too. They didn’t understand that hypercapitalism, married to a didactic police state, was the path to personal actualisation.
Why not kill two birds with one stone? Turn the left-wing on the gammons. Allow them to distract themselves with the ‘far right’ so they don’t complain about financialisation and the collapse of well-paid manufacturing jobs. They just needed a slogan: “anti-fascism”.  Then the financial crisis hit and Blair’s fake pleasure economy collapsed. Annoying.  Worse still, those stupid left-wing protestors were back. Instead of reading Derrida on the “deconstruction of race” or Stuart Hall on “reception theory” they were whining about the economy. Very annoying.
No problem. Turn on the left. Send in the cops. Push them back into the libraries to “decode texts” and hand the broken economy to the Tories for 15 years.  Interlude. Everything gets worse under the Tories. The culture sours and turns weird. Immigration goes absolutely bonkers. The economy stagnates. Tories collapse.
Here comes Keir. Starmer is like Blair but much more embedded in the state. He was the head of the Crown Prosecution Service and knows how to use the cops when needs be.  Within weeks of Starmer taking power, his Chancellor - another civil servant type from the Bank of England - informs the public that the Blairite neoliberal model has driven Britain into bankruptcy.  That’s fine though. It means the Blairites can hand over control to technocrats while they work on finalising the cultural change at the heart of their project. The Office of Budget Responsibility will manage Britain’s bankruptcy, lowering living standards gradually.
All going according to plan. But wait! More riots! This time bigger than 2001. Annoying.  Annoying, yes. But also an opportunity. For what? Applying Blair-era counter-terrorism laws to British people angry about immigration policy. Education didn’t work. How about laws that are probably not constitutional?  What about the left-wing? Eventually they are going to notice the economic decline. Hmmm. Maybe get them focused on the far right? Maybe even ally them with the police? Very good. This could work!
Welcome to Dark Blairism. Declining living standards managed by technocrats. Civil unrest and disorder. Ethnic conflict. Collapsing social trust. Extra-constitutional legal processes."

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