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Saturday, June 01, 2024

Links - 1st June 2024 (2 - Women: Bear vs Man)

Would you rather encounter a bear in the woods or a random man?
A bear could kill me. So man. (fin)
The worst thing a bear can do is kill me. So I'd rather encounter a bear.
Random image of how brutal a bear attack would be.
But a bear will eat your face off while you're still alive.
But 98% of men treat women well. Very few men do the bad things you're afraid of.
You already encounter thousands of men a day. Many times you're alone with one.
We get the point. But you aren't listening to our responses.
A million other responses.
You don't get the point.
Look at all of the men who are upset that we chose the bear."

Staying Safe Around Bears - Bears (U.S. National Park Service) - " it is important to remember that bears in national parks are wild and can be dangerous. Their behavior is sometimes unpredictable. Although rare, attacks on humans have occurred, inflicting serious injuries and death. Each bear and each experience is unique; there is no single strategy that will work in all situations and that guarantees safety"
Damn misogynists!

Meme - Mahi Bro: "Like women choosing the bear over a man in the hypothetical woods situation"
ChatGPT: "In that hypothetical situation, if a woman were to choose a bear over a man, it might be described as irrational because choosing a potentially dangerous wild animal over a human companion doesn't align with typical logic or reasoning. It's important to note that individual preferences and decisions can vary greatly, but in a scenario where safety and survival are paramount, choosing a bear over a human would generally be considered irrational."
Time to torture ChatGPT more so it gives the "correct" answer

Miranda on X - "What Misogynists fail to comprehend about the "bear vs man" question is that it's not about bears.  The discussion is about violence against women. Violence that has become so common & dangerous to women that when asked this question many women chose bear, not because women think bears are not dangerous, but because women know statistically & through their own experiences just how dangerous misogynistic men are."
Sam Rosenthal, Award Winning Online Safety EXPERT! on X - "I thought the video was going to tell me about why women should choose "bear," but instead I got a video about why there aren't more women in STEM. Cool."
Accurate data analysis makes one a misogynist since that impedes the feminist agenda

wanye on X - "This goofball is just confusing himself.  First of all, you can’t just take the number of female hikers and divide it by the number of bear attacks. That’s absurd. The question isn’t, “would you feel safe going for a hike.” It’s whether you’d want to actually encounter a bear. Encounter. Be near. Engage with. You have to at the very least deal in encounters.  Second, his snarky aside about bear recidivism might have been a clue, because what you also can’t do is just take the number of men and divide it by the number of attacks on women because of — are you ahead of me? — recidivism. (Abused women often find themselves in an ongoing cycle of violence with a single man who racks up many offenses.)  Finally, he tries to wrap up with a little PSA about lack of reporting, but he should be more curious about why that happens. Domestic violence isn’t when a man hits a random woman in the grocery store. People are in relationships. They live with and encounter each other every day. They have disputes. If you’re comparing a random man to a random bear you obviously want to look at stranger violence, not repeat domestic violence. Again, he hasn’t thought at all about what the numbers he’s citing even mean or whether they can be compared.  All of which is to say, Jesus Christ these amateur data nerds are exhausting. They have no idea how to actually think about anything and, since they’re starting with a conclusion in mind, anyway, it’s all just a huge circlejerk of motivated reasoning to get them right back there they always wanted to be.  And they’re always — always — so smug and condescending about it. At this point that posture is really a tell that something dumb is coming."
Matt Larsen - First Seek Truth on X - "There is always some noncompetitive man telling the girls how bad the rest of the men are. ;-)"
OOP claims that women saying they'd choose the bear is all that matters. But of course, if men criticise women, they are misogynists

Tonttu torvinen on X - "Women seem to have somehow different concept of truth. I talked with a woman about this and she said need to know what is _really_ being asked. So when women answer the question they are playing some kind of game where they swap the question and then answer that question"
Sneeze on X - "This is what blows my mind. Men are taking the question on its face and answering honestly; women are answering dishonestly, then justifying dishonesty under the guise of some crude social commentary."

Meme - Gandalf: "The bear is unpredictable, but the man can be reasoned with"
Women: *two thumbs down*

Meme - Woman: "Bear!"
Bear: "Graawwrrr"
Woman: "Oh thank god. A man!"
MTF with "Kill TERFs" t-shirt: "It's ma'am!"

Meme - The Meme Policeman @PolicemanMeme: "Why are they doing what we just did ourselves a few days ago?! Like most leftist movements, the bear meme has devolved into utter incoherence with its proponents eventually devouring everyone including themselves."
Feminist News: *woman trying to hug/cuddle the bear*
Feminist News: "Nick Bzerkr: 'Why are all the anti-bear memes depicting the woman trying to hug, cuddle, or straight up sex the bear? That wasn't part of it. The question is literally "which would you rather run into" and they can't see any difference between that and "which would you rather fuck" They think "run into" means "fuck" and still cant figure out why everyone is terrified of "running into" them in the woods."

Meme - Laura Lynn: "Don't fucking call yourself my friend, knew it was a matter of time before people on my friends list outed themselves as misogynistic assholes #blocked"
Laura Lynn: "I've never been r*ped by a bear"
Ben Breakingdawn: "And you've never had a man kill you and eat your entire body."
Laura Lynn: "wow way to out yourself"
If you tell a woman she's wrong when she's wrong, you're a  misogynistic asshole

Meme - "Most of the females in this group because I can't take shit serious."
"I chose the bear. You heard me ! I chose the bear! You're supposed to be offended not having fun with it. Stop having fun with the scenario, I need you offended."

Meme - "I've seen things other bears wouldn't believe. Hypothetical bear attack scenarios on Tik-Tok and Facebook. Tourists mauled taking selfies near the Jellystone Gate. All those moments will be lost in time like tears in rain."
"Time to die!""

Meme - "Yes its a real verse in Proverbs (17:12). Yes God says to choose the bear.
@alana.snorts_driveways: "God answered the man vs bear question!"
12. "It is better to meet a grizzly bear robbed of her cubs than to confront a reckless fool"
"God even chooses bear"
No surprise they are misinterpreting the quote, since they have poor comprehension skills. Given that the quote does not exist outside of TikTok, that is already a huge red flag. Furthermore, Grizzly Bears live in North America and the Syrian brown bear (the one in the bible) is less aggressive. And the most obvious point is that the comparison is to a "reckless fool", which is neither specific to men nor encompassing all men

Meme - did you get picked, sis? Nichole Black: "Yes you are the only one sis."
Orbit Vecarri: "Yes. Yes you are. Wondering if you got picked?"
Ren Higdon: "Am I the only woman who would rather have a man than a bear"
Adiah Sumera Bey: "Unless it's a man I personally know wouldn't harm me, I would absolutely take my chances with a bear."
Women have no agency when they threaten the feminist agenda of misandry. Deviating from the approved line makes you a "pick me"

Meme - Daphne Johnson Presley: "The weird thing about this scenario is the men who didn't jump straight to some nefarious act, who only saw the man as a safe for the woman are being pilloried and told "men like you are the reason we pick the bear". The men whose minds went straight to rape/ murder are being hailed as enlightened by women in the comment section. Is that not some convoluted logic? Which group of men is really "outing" themselves"
When you understand it's a misandristic meme, you get it

Kat Woods ⏸️ on X - "LOL. My dad literally just ran into a solo female hiker in the Canadian wilderness.   He had just run into a couple of bear cubs and a mama bear further up the trail.  He told the woman that there were bears that way and she had the choice.   Random man? Or bear?   She chose the man   My father spent the hike teaching her bear safety and she got home safely."

Meme - "Last night was sooooo crazy I hooked up with this random guy I didn't even know....anyways I choose the bear because how can I trust a guy I don't even know"?"

Meme - "Bear penis. Search term. United States, Past 30 days. Interest over time *surge*"

Family of woman eaten alive by tiger during 'family row' to sue safari park for £250,000 - "The devastated family of a woman eaten alive by a safari park tiger are suing zoo bosses for £250,000.  The tragic incident began when a young woman got out of a car inside the Siberian tiger enclosure to berate her partner in the driver's seat.  One of the powerful creatures quickly pounced at Badaling Wildlife Park in Beijing, China...   Yanqing district government said the tourists should be held accountable as they ignored warnings from the park authorities.  But now the family are seeking damages of £250,000 (HK$2.3 million), which the park rejected...   A few seconds later, the older woman also gets out the car as park rangers appear in a jeep.  The man appears to motion her back into the vehicle, but she runs with him off camera as well... The older woman was dragged to her death while the younger woman remains seriously injured"
The women are lucky they didn't get out in a room full of men, or worse things would've happened to them

Meme - "Bears out here wondering what they did to deserve all these delicious snacks."

Bear: Rawrr!
Woman: Awww, you're sweet
Man: Good morning
Woman: Hello, human resources?!"

AngryFrank on X - "Women intentionally picking the disingenuous answer to hypothetical question just to anger men is a pretty telling look into the female psyche. Still better than how they treat each other, though"

Meme - "Bears wondering what they did wrong to have feminists choosing to be near them"

Meme - "Hill: Listen to the Timothy Treadwell tapes before saying you'd rather be taken out by a bear in the woods. So you know, bears eat you alive slowly, at their leisure."

Meme - "POV: You'd rather die than admit you said something dumb. *bear running to you* (You're a woman)"

Normal person: "So you understand why I don't want a man in the restroom with my daughter then, right?"
NPC: *upset*

Meme - "it's starting to make sense
tall. unemployed. doesn't raise any kids. brown. multiple baby mamas. violent"

Meme - "Women would rather get mauled by a bear than go to therapy. *Brienne from Game of Thrones and bear*"

Meme - "If I were lost in the woods and had to choose between an unknown and a bear. I'd choose the bear"
"This is a hypothetical situation and you still can't take a No for an answer?"
Comments (elsewhere): "Just because it’s hypothetical doesn’t mean I have to agree with an illogical, trauma-based victim mentality"
"You guys are looking at this all wrong. Take note of anyone who would choose the bear. Those are the women you stay away from because their life revolves around drama and being a victim. Eventually given the chance they will pretend to be a victim of you in a sad attempt for attention"
"It's cap: we all know these women would climb up a man to get away from a spider, let alone a bear."
"The fact that if men has started saying "I'd rather encounter a bear in the woods than a woman" and then listed their grievances like women currently have with this meme, they'd be called misogynist, incel, sexist"
"They're all talk and only fishing for likes"
"I swear, feminists want to be oppressed so badly. They have nothing else going on in their lives."
"Idk kind of makes a good point. Sane people really should stop trying to reason with irrational idiots"
"It’s so asinine. So many people I know irl who I didn’t ~think~ were chronically online are posting dramatic rants about why they’d choose the bear and it’s driving me insane. We literally see unknown men every single day and yet we’re fine. Bears are killing machines 😂"
"The whole point is to make women appear stupid and irrational from the man’s POV. And to make men appear insensitive and misogynistic from the woman’s POV. Classic Agitation Propaganda by Divide and conquer technique."
"A lot of men would rather work in a office with a bear than with *coffee cup* so I guess it goes both ways."
"Who cares, go meet the damn bear and shut the fuck up"
"It's the stupidest thing ever and that's saying a lot when dealing with feminists but hot dang the memes are 🔥"
"At no point are people not taking no as an answer, we're just trying to mansplain how fucking dumb you are. But please go ahead and go find the bear to prove us wrong"
"I think we should start a reality TV show where they ask people this and then actually stick them into the woods with a grizzly bear"
"I'd take gonorrhea in the woods over most females I've met"
"Women making up fake scenarios in their head and then getting PTSD over it"
"So if i were asked if I'd grape a xx hypothetically and I said I would, I get to scold xxs who get upset?"
"This premise is really stupid because the men that would make the women who chose the bear choose the bear won't apologize. It's only the men who won't hurt these attention seekers that end up having to pay. They are just gonna have men say "have fun" when they start their bear talk. The truth is, they don't want any type of discussions or solutions, they just want to complain and trash men. They are also terrible liars. Any woman who says "they'd choose the bear" is clearly lying."
"I blame this on Baldur's Gate 3"
"I'd rather encounter a bear than a female in the woods myself"

Meme - "Women who post this sentiment are telling on themselves for being unable to think rationally. I'm not saying anyone is "wrong" for being scared of men. You can't be "wrong" for a way you feel. I am saying the reasoning used to think bear is a better option than man is irrational. The decision is driven by emotion rather than logic."
"You know we're not choosing the bear because we think we'd survive, right?"
"When xxs admit they're irrational and spiteful"

Meme Soyjak *Team Bear*: "Hi ladies! I swear, I'm not like those "other" guys! I totally think the point you're trying to make with that bear thing or whatever is totally valid!"

Meme - Apollo Strong: "Men, would you rather be trapped in a car with a woman driving or a bear?"




Meme Bugs Bunny in Tuxedo: "I wish all women a very pleasant bear"

Meme - "The w*men choosing bears, are the same ones who get hot and bothered by male serial killers. CHANGE MY MIND"

Meme - Fat woman in water with polar bear: "HA HA! POOR LITTLE MALE EGOS! DID I HURT YOUR... OH MY GOD! HE'S EATING MY FUCKING SPINE!"

Meme - "Giving them up to the bears sounds like something to celebrate with an ice cold beer and a good time with friends afterwards"

Meme - "Ken says: Women will say 'I'd feel safer with the bear than I would with men' and then date a drug dealer"


Meme - "The bear wishing she'd chosen a man after 10 minutes of her asking if the bear would love her if she was a worm"

Meme - "Bears on their way to steal yo girl cus she don't feel safe enough around you *bear on skateboard and bear looking into camera*"

Meme - "I'm just glad it was a bear I ran into.. a man could have scarred and traumatized me for life" *skull with wig*

Meme - "Tell her the truth Mark"
"Every one of you who said "I choose the bear" would cry and run to a man for protection within a millisecond if you saw a loose bear in real life."

Meme - Celina 52 Truck Stop: "We wanted to honor this sweet Black Bear for saving a woman this afternoon. The bear exited the nearby woods and saw a creepy man hitting on the woman while she pumped gas. The bear charged at the man until he sped away in his vehicle, and then comforted the woman. Luckily we caught up to the bear and humanely euthanized him in order to get a photo."

Meme - "Brown Bear
Up to 9 feet tall standing
Up to 1300 Ibs
Claws- up to 4 inches
Bite force- 1200 psi
Pelt/fur- up to 5 inches
Speed- up to 35 mph
5'10 (eww)
174 lbs
Project Engineer
Said "hi" to you at the gym"

Meme - *5 black bears with woman on couch* (Piper Perri Surrounded)

Meme - "so the bear is better because it's predictable?"
"yes, exactly."
"I get it. I'd choose the same, as a bear would never falsely accuse a man of assault to ruin his life."

Meme - "Just two bros going out into the woods to harass women. *Man and Bear*"

Meme - Pedobear: "I heard you preferred the bear... *shocked/disgusted Mary Jane Watson*"

Meme - Girl Explaining: "I wanna fuck bears bro come on please bro. this is a different meme bro its different this is funny. bro this isnt like other memes different strain this. will make you so mad bro. just try it I swear bro just take the bait please bro I just wanna fuck a bear bro please"


Meme - Bear: "yeah she just walked into my den saying something about online misogyny. honestly I was startled, before eating her I just stared at her for a minute. hey what's an incel?"

Meme - Walter White: "I'm the bear"

Meme - ""Man vs Bear" is just a distraction from what Man AND Bear can do together. I for one stand with our ursine brothers *upset women, many with colourful hair*"

Scottish tourist stops to take selfie with bear ... You can guess what happened next but read it anyway for the laugh 😂 - "72-year-old Moira Gallacher from West Lothian, Scottland, was on holiday in Romania with her friend Charmian Widdowson when they came across a mamma bear and her cub.  Widdowson took a picture, and they went on their way, but Widdowson didn't like how the picture turned out, so they went back to get another shot with the window down.  You know what happened next... This was the point when Gallacher thought it would be a good idea to take a selfie with a bear... Gallacher's photo was lost because she dropped her phone out the window when the bear tried to bite off her hand... Luckily, Gallacher's fashion sense was better than her common sense, as she was wearing a thick jacket that kept the bear from tearing her arm off."

Bear dragged car crash victim's body from scene: cops - "A driver likely killed in a horror car crash in Massachusetts was found next to a bear that appeared to have then dragged his body into woods, according to cops.  Daniel Ducharme, 31, lost control of his car on Route 91 in Hatfield Sunday morning, striking the guardrail multiple times before hurtling off the road and down an embankment"

US woman killed by bear that dragged her from tent in Montana - "Leah Lokan, a 65-year-old nurse from California, had stopped over in the town of Ovando during a cycling trip.  During the attack on Tuesday, her fellow campers used bear spray to force the animal out of their camping site."

Colorado: Woman killed in apparent bear attack - "A woman walking her two dogs in Colorado has been killed in a bear attack, park officials say... A black bear and two young bears were located nearby and euthanised. Colorado Parks and Wildlife Service (CPW) confirmed human remains were found in the digestive systems of two bears."

Ouray woman was killed by bear she fed - "Division of Wildlife did everything to deter a woman suspected of feeding bears for “a decade,” except issue a fine, the agency said Monday.  Donna Munson’s autopsy released showed she was killed by a bear, bleeding to death quickly from the deep slashes to her head and neck, according to the Ouray County coroner’s office.  Officials aren’t sure, however, if the bear that killed Munson was was the 394-pound male bruin shot by a sheriff’s deputy who found the animal eating the woman’s body on her property north of Ouray Friday.  Wildlife officials initially reported killing two bears on Munson’s property."

'Mum, the bear is eating me!': Final phone calls of woman, 19, who was eaten alive by brown bear and its three cubs - "A distraught mother listened on a mobile phone as her teenage daughter was eaten alive by a brown bear and its three cubs.  Olga Moskalyova, 19, gave an horrific hour-long running commentary on her own death in three separate calls as the wild animals mauled her.  She screamed: 'Mum, the bear is eating me! Mum, it’s such agony. Mum, help!'  Her mother Tatiana said that at first she thought she was joking.  'But then I heard the real horror and pain in Olga’s voice, and the sounds of a bear growling and chewing,' she added. 'I could have died then and there from shock.' Unknown to Tatiana, the bear had already killed her husband Igor Tsyganenkov - Olga’s stepfather - by overpowering him, breaking his neck and smashing his skull. Olga, a trainee psychologist, saw the attack on her stepfather in tall grass and reeds by a river in Russia and fled for 70 yards before the mother bear grabbed her leg.  As the creature toyed with her, she managed to call Tatiana several times during the prolonged attack.Tatiana rang her husband - not knowing he was already dead - but got no answer... In a second call, a weak Olga gasped: 'Mum, the bears are back. She came back and brought her three babies. They’re... eating me.' Finally, in her last call - almost an hour after the first - Olga sensed she was on the verge of death. With the bears having apparently left her to die, she said: 'Mum, it’s not hurting any more. I don’t feel the pain. Forgive me for everything, I love you so much.'... Igor’s brother Andrei arrived with police to find the mother bear still devouring his body. Badly mauled Olga was also dead."

a random Brandon on X - "A woman goes into the woods. She encounters a man and a bear. The man is actually cake. The bear has two wolves inside it. The wolves want to know if you would love them if they were a worm"

Meme - "What she thought it would be like *woman being intimate with tame bear*
What it was like *bear with skeleton*"

Meme - authormattcesca: "A lot of my fellow men have really misunderstood the assignment with the whole man vs bear thing. Your job wasn't to come charging in to mansplain to women why they were wrong for choosing the bear. Your job was to listen to them about WHY they would choose the bear. And THEN to hold our fellow men accountable so that in the future women would not feel inclined to choose the bear. That was the assignment fellas."
Of course, men who criticise women are misogynists, and women can charge in and slime them as "incels", and don't need to listen to the criticisms and hold their fellow women accountable so that in the future men would not feel inclined to criticise women.

Meme - "How every person of the delusional sex on Facebook thinks this scenario will play out. *AI woman backpacker with friendly bear*"

Meme - Various female and MTF wojaks: "i'll go with the statistics, i choose the bear"
Female Gigachad: "i'll go with the statistics too, what race is the man?"

Meme - *Big thumb guy / giant thumb guy*
Pink haired lady to crowd: "I chose the bear"
*Man in crowd: *thumbs up*
Pink haired lady to crowd: "stay mad misogynist"

Meme - "Alone with a man *Panik*
Alone with a bear *Kalm*
The bear is male *Panik*
Alone with a man in a dress in the bathroom *Kalm*"

Meme - Girl: "A bear!!! So cute, aaaa so fluffy ! I love! &;t;3"
*bear eats girl*

Meme - Man in the woods: "wave. friendly smile. "GM!" "Happy Trails!" head nod"
Bear in the woods: "I'm going to eat your face now" *bloody mouth*

Invernomuto on X - "Turn the question around: ask them if they would rather be stuck in a forest with a black man or a lion. Ask them if they'd rather be stuck with a muslim or a tiger. See them shift their stance into a "we shouldn't generalize like that" one."

Man or bear?.... but with a twist : r/amiwrong - "This is getting a little old so let's change it a bit. "Would you rather be alone in the woods with a bear or a black man?""
Of course, people got upset and insulted OP without addressing the point. Which proves the point

Meme - *Daily Struggle/Two Buttons*
"A bear. A man (but he's a Muslim)"

Meme - "Me (a male stranger) watching a women get mauled by a bear in a National Park knowing I'm fully capable of helping (I'm avoiding a grape accusation)"

Meme - Poe's Law, Esq: Poe's Lawyer @dyingscribe: "Reading accounts about how FTM’s feel as a man are really kind of funny because you usually stop thinking about these things when you’re used to them. Poe's aw, Esq: Poe's Lawyer @ Reading accounts about how FTM's feel as a man are really kind of funny because you usually stop thinking about these things when you're used to them."
Meme - r/FTMventing: "The bear vs man thing is damaging my mental health
I hate how I went from being treated well and valued when I passed as a woman but now being treated as a threat to the point that people would rather choose a wild animal than a human being. It's actually crazy to me that there is no respect and they talk about men like they're not people"
Meme - "This is the reality shock that most people don't realize... When presenting as a man walking anywhere alone, even if you look safe/clean-cut/kind/happy, when you enter a woman's field of vision for the first time, they will visibly flinch and tighten up. This happens again and again and again, every single day for your entire adult life. This subtle body language eats away at your psyche. "What did I do wrong? How could I stop scaring people without doing anything wrong? Am I dangerous? Am Ia monster?" There are countless more scenarios like this in every man's adult life that all send the same message. "You are a danger to society. You scare people. People are scared or uncomfortable whenever you show arousal, weakness, sadness, vulnerability, or any negative emotion." After presenting as an adult man for many years, it's impossible not to have bouts of very negative feelings from these innocent daily encounters without ever actually doing anything wrong despite any best intentions you may have. This is just an unfortunate and inescapable reality of life as an adult man."
Meme - "Sorry dude, trends like this come and go all the time. #killallmen was a trend a little while back, more like it will pop up in the future. If it's damaging to your mental health it's best just to stay off twitter or mute associated words for a while, if you try to argue that it affects men's mental health you'll just be associated with with those that would that rape and assault women."
Meme - "Exactly. And it doesn't hurt the violent men - they literally don't care. It hurts men who are just trying to exist. Many men already are self conscious about how they appear to women and change themselves for the comfort of women. This is especially going to affect black men, autistic men and trans people who are already demonised"
When FTMs discover Male Privilege!

Meme - r/MtF: "I put myself in a bad headspace regarding man vs bear
Trigger Warning
I hope I'm not going to pull anyone else down with me so read at your own peril. We all know the debate man vs bear - whod you rather meet all alone in the forest and many women choose bear. Less risky. But I've been thinking - what would people actually choose in a non-hugbox environment where nobody sees their choice, if the question were: who would you rather meet alone in the woods? A non-passing Transwoman or a bear. And i haven't read that question anywhere (yet) but i know, i know in my heart how we are seen. I see the children's stares when I'm out and about. I see the way I get clocked and the interactions. I remember the way i always scurry to the female bathroom and if there are women outside I often rush out, often without washing my hands because i want to minimize my time there. Don't get me wrong i don't feel that time all the time and i don't get clocked all the time but it happens often enough. And i know, i know in my heart of hearts that many people would choose bear instead of transwoman. But would choose woman instead of bear. And that's my mental Fuck Up of the day. Sorry for venting. Sorry for taking y'all down. And please no hugboxing, i can't face it right now. I hate hugboxing hate the dishonesty of the hugbox."
This is funny, given that there is a chance that transwomen rape more than men


Meme - "Men choose Robotic Wives over Real Woman. "I get keep my money and property. I don't have to deal with DV, emotional/ mental abuse and false allegations. I won't be cheated on. If I want children I can adopt or use my own sperm in an artificial womb, knowing that they won't be used as pawns in divorce. The house will be clean, dinner on the table and my balls empty.""
Of course, men are not allowed to choose from hypotheticals, or they are misogynists and incels

A Grizzly Bear Terrorized a Man for Days in Alaska. The Coast Guard Saw His SOS. - The New York Times - "He was sleep-deprived and nearly out of ammunition, alone in the wilderness of Alaska. Well, not really alone.  For several nights in a row, the man had fended off the tenacious advances of a grizzly bear that had attacked him a few days earlier at a mining camp some 40 miles outside Nome.  There was no way to phone for help. But then help found him.  En route to a mission on Friday, the crew of a Coast Guard helicopter saw the man waving both hands in the air, a widely recognized distress signal, the helicopter’s pilot said. On the tin roof of a shack, SOS and “help me” had been scrawled. The shack’s door had been ripped off. The crew took the man to Nome to be treated for bruises to his torso and a leg injury that was not life-threatening, according to the Coast Guard. So ended a weeklong ordeal that could pass as a sequel to “The Revenant,” in which Leonardo DiCaprio was mauled by a computer-generated grizzly bear. “At some point, a bear had dragged him down to the river,” Lt. Cmdr. Jared Carbajal, one of the pilots of the Coast Guard helicopter, said in an interview on Wednesday. “He had a pistol. He said that the bear kept coming back every night and he hadn’t slept in a few days.”
Of course, he would've been safe if he had been a woman

Meme - "Gentlemen, would you rather have sex with a woman or use your hand? I choose hand 100% of the time. There are 2 types of women, one who understands why men would choose their hand, and one who is the REASON why men choose their hand. If women don't understand why men would choose their hand, then they're the reason why men choose their hand in the first place. They missed the point, they were supposed to become better women so that men wouldn't have to choose their hand in the first place, they misunderstood the assignment. My hand will never call me an incel in response to being called out, my hand will never break my heart, my hand will never divorce me and take half my money and half of my future income, my hand will never gaslight me with the bear thing, my hand will never nag me, my hand will never turn me down for sex, and I don't have to buy things for my hand so that it'll stay happy so I can keep having sex with it. Hand every time. #teamhand"


Meme - "Have sex with a female bear or a transwoman?"

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