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Thursday, May 30, 2024

Links - 30th May 2024 (1 - General Wokeness)

Meme - Uncle Sam US Army Recruitment Poster: "I want You TO DEFEND GAY RIGHTS IN THE 3RD WORLD"

When white nationalists chant their weird slogans, what do they mean? | Southern Poverty Law Center
This is hilarious, given how few white nationalists are out there chanting slogans. In contrast, left wingers chanting their slogans are everywhere, but no one is talking about their cultish behavior because it's so normalised. Or maybe left wing ideology is already a cult by default so it is nothing remarkable

Teens kicked out of school for 'blackface' photo receive $1 million after proving it was acne mask - "A California Catholic school has been ordered by a court to pay out to two students it expelled.  The two teens went to the elite Saint Francis High School in Mountain View, California, and were only 14 at the time of the photo being taken.  However, years later, the image would land the two boys in serious trouble.  They were able to prove that it was an acne mask they had put on in solidarity with a friend who was struggling to deal with their own acne... Despite the picture being taken in 2017, the image went viral three years later in 2020 and began circulating on social media during the height of the Black Lives Matter protests in the US. The boys were subsequently expelled.  However, a Santa Clara County jury decided earlier this week that the school did not give them due process before expelling them.  The pair are now set to receive $500,000 each and will have their $70,000 tuition reimbursed."

Meme - "Progressives have a dislike for everything that's deeply connected to Western Civilization because they have been brainwashed to believe that Western Civilization is responsible for all the world's ills:
- Most of history's genocide and slavery
- Sexism
- Racism
- And the imminent global climate catastrophe.
These are all false:
- Islam and socialism killed the most people in history, not Judeo-Christian Civilization;
- the West is the most diverse and least sexist Civilization of all time;
- the West ended the slave trade, which was ancient;
- and climate has never been static, and CO2 is a beneficial gas"

Meme - blackgirlinmaine" "It's okay to not dig the new Beyonce album, but if you're a white person loudly letting us know you don't like it. Why? Surely, you understand the cultural and I racial aspects of this album, so your dislike might not be as innocent as you think. Examine it."

Meme - "Ashley, 32
About me: Looking for a baby daddy... I'm currently pregnant and a single mom by choice. Tik tok made me do this. I've heard guys are into this let's see if tik tok was right lol"
So much for no one chooses to be a single mother

Wesley Yang on X - "More than any other single statement, this quote defines "wokeness":   "I just feel like racism is in everything. It should be considered in our science reporting, in our culture reporting, in our national reporting. And so, to me, it’s less about the individual instances of racism, and sort of how we’re thinking about racism and white supremacy as the foundation of all of the systems in the country.""
Wesley Yang on X - "1. Stipulate a monocausal explanation for everything in society by positing the existence of a hyper-object irreducible to any specific set of laws and institutions such that a society can practice race favoritism on behalf of non-whites for six decades and remain "white supremacist"
2. Apply that monocausal explanation to everything.
From the 2019 NYT Town Hall wherein an anon staffer set the agenda for the paper for the next half-decade:"

Meme - "Remember when monkeypox was a thing and then it turned out it was mostly present in gay people leading people to realize it was pretty much a sexually transmitted disease getting spread at gay orgies which are way more common than people ever knew and then dogs and children in close proximity to gay people started to get monkey pox somehow, nobody knows how they got it, and then monkeypox suddenly left the news as quickly as it arrived? Crazy, huh?"

Yvette Fielding says she was assaulted by Rolf Harris on Blue Peter and left alone with Jimmy Savile : r/unitedkingdom - "I don’t know why people in this post find it so hard to believe that a convicted child rapist would sexually assault a young woman if given the opportunity."
Weird. I thought we were told that pedophilia was a sexual orientation and that pedophiles weren't attracted to adults

Judi Dench on trigger warnings: "If you're that sensitive, don't go to the theatre"
People were equating trigger warnings to warnings about strobe lights, even though the evidence is that trigger warnings are either useless or counter-productive, while epilepsy is a known and real thing

Meme - "The left when they meet a black conservative *Cheery Edward Norton in Primal Fear transitioning to Edward Norton in American History X*"

Kids Are Giving Up on Elite Colleges—and Heading South - "Katz, who is Jewish, says the antisemitism that’s increasingly visible at colleges nationwide—especially in the Ivy League, and other elite institutions like Stanford and Berkeley—hasn’t even touched his campus... Elon was one of only two universities in the country to get an A grade from the Anti-Defamation League for its policies protecting Jewish students against hate. (The other is Brandeis.)... Elon has seen zero “severe antisemitic and anti-Zionist incidents” and zero “hostile anti-Zionist student groups.”... His mom had grown up in South Carolina but fled the South at 18, disturbed by the racism and antisemitism in her local community, vowing never to return. Despite his mother’s reluctance, something in Katz’s gut told him to look south... Many of his fellow Elon students, he added, come from northern states, too... Katz is part of a burgeoning trend in higher education. An unprecedented number of students are gravitating away from Ivy League universities and looking to Southern colleges that wouldn’t have been on their radar twenty years ago. The exodus is fueled, sources told me, by warmer weather, great college sports, and a more relaxed atmosphere, which stands in stark contrast to the Covid restrictions many Northern universities put in place from 2020–2023. (Elite colleges in the North often had the strictest Covid policies—from requiring students to wear masks at all times to limiting gatherings, inside and out, to five people—while Southern universities from Florida to Alabama to South Carolina allowed students to congregate in large groups, neither masked nor socially distanced.) But another factor driving kids away from elite schools is their dominant progressive politics, which many feel deepen cultural divides rather than promoting healthy debate. The old-school vision of colleges serving as an open forum for ideas has been replaced with an us-versus-them mentality, where there’s only one “right” answer to any thorny issue and the winner is the one who shouts the loudest. Both Brown and Harvard saw dips in their application numbers this year—by 5 percent and 3 percent, respectively. (Early decisions to Harvard were down 17 percent.) And while applications to private colleges in mid-Atlantic (25.3 percent) and New England (29 percent) states have risen since 2019, the gains have been small compared to Southern colleges, which saw a 42 percent increase overall. The surge is even more pronounced at state schools. Public colleges in the South saw a total 62.4 increase in applicants, more than double their Northern counterparts, according to Common App data from earlier this month. Southern colleges are also seeing a surge in applicants from northern out-of-state students. In 2023, for example, about 19 percent of total enrollment at Clemson in South Carolina came from New York and New Jersey—a big change from 2017, when the top out-of-staters were from the Carolinas and Georgia. Almost half the undergraduates from University of Miami in Florida came from out of state in 2023, with students from New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts taking three of the top five slots. Meanwhile, more than half of Elon University’s entire enrollment for 2023 hailed from northeastern states, with Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York leading the charge... “These kids aren’t drawn to old gothic Ivy League edifices, musty libraries, hallowed dark oak halls, and ghosts of dead white men,” she added. “They want luxury. They want comfort. A lot of these Southern schools have invested in infrastructure. They have nicer dorms. They have nicer facilities. There’s air conditioning.” They also don’t have the same incentives to pick a school for its supposed “prestige.” As many students are beginning to realize, a marquee college name doesn’t always translate to greater success. A 2023 study by a Dartmouth business professor found that just 11.8 percent of Fortune 500 CEOs have an Ivy League education, and only 9.8 percent got their MBA from an Ivy League. Georgia Tech’s Clark says the kind of education that propels students into a stable upper-middle-class life is no longer exclusive to elite universities. “Some of the highest paying careers right now are STEM-heavy,” says Clark. “Some Ivies offer that, but you can also get it at Virginia Tech, Clemson, NC State, and Georgia Tech, where it’s cheaper, warmer, and friendlier. It’s a better return on investment.”... "I’m working with clients in organizations that are hiring, and it really doesn’t fucking matter to them where you went to college. You got your degree, and that’s enough.”... “We are working around the clock with students to restructure their college lists as a result of the fallout,” says Christopher Rim, the CEO of college consulting firm Command Education. “One student we work with recently abandoned her yearslong dream of attending Columbia” because of antisemitism claims. “We’ve also seen a number of Jewish students who are interested in transferring, especially from Columbia, Cornell, and Penn.”... at the University of Miami... she was impressed when the college’s president Julio Frenk became “one of the first college presidents to issue an unequivocal condemnation of Hamas.”... the advantages once offered by elite universities, like the freedom to debate ideas and disagree, increasingly seem to be disappearing. In the 2024 College Free Speech Rankings, released by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), four Ivy Leagues were in the bottom fifteen—Yale, Dartmouth, Penn, and in last place (with a score of 0.00), Harvard. And that climate of censorship is rubbing off on kids. According to recent polls, over 80 percent of college students say they self-censor when expressing their views on campus, and at least 69 percent would be at least somewhat uncomfortable disagreeing with a professor about a political topic. (Meanwhile, a large number of Southern colleges rank high when it comes to fostering a climate of free speech.)... “Now that they have all the football money, they didn’t build a diversity center, they built a business school,” he says. “I told my son when we visited the campus, ‘That's what you wanna see.’ ”... old stereotypes about the South, including its historical racism, are being rejected by many students applying from up north... "I’ll go home and tell my friends back in Chicago, ‘The South isn’t anything like you think.’ ”... Southern colleges also offer something Northerners rarely find at elite schools: an introduction to people who don’t think or behave exactly like them, but are welcoming nonetheless... Francine Katz’s interactions with students and teachers has changed her entire perspective on Southerners. “I might not agree with the politics in the South, but Northerners could really learn a lot from Southerners on how to treat people,” she says. Archie Glazer feels the same. After visiting several elite colleges in the Northeast this spring, he is trying to keep an open mind about where he’ll apply next year, but can’t get past his first impressions. “Everybody looked so miserable”"

Canada's government should review breathalyzer laws to protect minorities, defence lawyer says
"Minorities" should be exempt from the criminal justice system to protect them from racism

Chicago Tribune staffers' unequal pay lawsuit claims race and sex discrimination - "The lawsuit says the Tribune employs highly-regarded journalists with individualized talents, experiences, and contributions, but across each section of the company's news operation, "women and African American employees are underpaid by several thousands of dollars a year compared to their male and white counterparts.” The lawsuit also accuses the newspaper of relying on diversity recruitment programs “as a source of cheap labor to depress the salaries of women and minority journalists.” It says talented, mostly women and minority journalists are hired into temporary year-long positions where they are paid significantly less than colleagues performing the same work. "White employees, particularly white male employees, on the other hand, are more often recruited from other major news organizations and are offered higher salaries as a means to induce them to accept employment with defendants,” it says."
When they admit in the lawsuit that their complaints are invalid

The Language of Privilege - "As a language, wokeness is self-consciously engineered to be easier to exploit and use to bully your way to the top if you are a member of a “marginalized group”... the question of whether wokese actually really does help those people it says it intends to help—or whether it mainly helps some other class of people. Instead, let’s ask: Who does the woke playing field, as expressed through wokese, actually advantage? As a barrier to entry that is manufactured in universities, mediated by elite institutions and bureaucracies, and is intentionally complex and constantly changing, wokese is a tool that is most easily wielded by the credentialed elite—which suggests that the allegedly vulnerable cohorts in whose name this language is allegedly spoken are actually being used by others as rhetorical camouflage. In reality, wokeness is a bourgeois sop to self-dealing millionaires. Why? Because those who already have the most resources and power are best positioned to game whatever new system comes about by throwing up obstacles that take training and money to navigate or overcome effectively. In fact, for them, the more obstacles in the course of advancement in any given field, the better. Working people with only a little bit of brainspace in their lives leftover from just making it all work can’t expend nearly as much energy figuring out how to navigate the mazes presented by fast-changing social norms and bureaucratic rituals. Having to learn and then constantly relearn a whole new language just to get along in college or navigate a workplace is an intolerable burden, which sifts them out... Use the phrase “people of color” often enough that you are inclined to shorten it to “POC.” Then, add BI to it, so it is “BIPOC,” for “Black, Indigenous, and people of color.” Wait, but aren’t the Black and Indigenous people in the B and I already implied in the POC? Shh. Don’t worry about that, it’s just how we speak now. In elite American life, wokese syntax is picked up by osmosis, the way I knew that the subjunctive takes the plural in English before I knew the word “subjunctive.” In wokese, if you say some sort of discrimination exists, you have to say it is “systemic.” It’s just a moral demand that if you talk about one thing, you also have to gesture toward another—but it pretends to be grammar. You do not actually have to explain how the system functions as a system in a way that removes the agency of the actors within it, and indeed you would be messing up the syntax if you did. This is sort of like the previously popular wokese term “problematic,” which unlike its English equivalent does not mean that the person using it intends to expound on what the problem is. Like many languages that have irregular verbs, wokese also has special rules that mean, in some specified random cases, you do the opposite of what you normally do. So if a wokese sentence is about the Jews, flip the normal rules around... actual Marxists seem to think wokeness is something between completely empty nonsense and a cunning usurpation of their political project’s rightful place in the political firmament... Capitalism isn’t the only term in wokese that takes on a radically, sometimes opposite or completely unrelated meaning to its ordinary English public definition—and then fails to stipulate that it’s doing so. In fact, the biggest usage difference between wokese and English is about “woke” itself. Jamelle Bouie, a New York Times writer and committee chair of the wokese equivalent of the Académie Française, recently tweeted that “in short order ‘woke’ went from being a playful piece of black vernacular to a euphemism for ‘n*gger lover.’”... no doubt this effort to make the use of the word “woke” “racist,” rather than something we were all enjoined to be just a few years ago (“Get woke!”) will be successful; part of the point of wokese is to destabilize language, which makes it easier to exercise power... It is a new face of the oldest con in the meritocratic capitalist handbook—namely, favoring the lucky and the powerful and the privileged while claiming to be crusading for justice. Meanwhile, I worry that at the current rate that language is being turned to slurry, the next 50 years will see as much erosion of the readability of written English as the preceding 500. As Barzun describes language in a decaying culture, “the resulting obstacles to good prose were: a vocabulary full of technical terms and their jargon imitations, an excess of voguish metaphors, and the preference for long abstract words denoting general ideas, in place of short concrete ones pointing to acts and objects.” BIPOC."
Woke language as a shibboleth marking insiders apart from outsiders. Which is also why it keeps changing so quickly - because only elites can keep up

Opinion | This Is How Biden Should Approach the Latino Vote - The New York Times - "We began by asking eligible voters how “convincing” they found a dog-whistle message lifted from Republican talking points. Among other elements, the message condemned “illegal immigration from places overrun with drugs and criminal gangs” and called for “fully funding the police, so our communities are not threatened by people who refuse to follow our laws.”  Almost three out of five white respondents judged the message convincing. More surprising, exactly the same percentage of African-Americans agreed, as did an even higher percentage of Latinos... how the person perceived the racial identity of Latinos as a group shaped his or her receptivity to a message stoking racial division.  Progressives commonly categorize Latinos as people of color, no doubt partly because progressive Latinos see the group that way and encourage others to do so as well. Certainly, we both once took that perspective for granted. Yet in our survey, only one in four Hispanics saw the group as people of color. Editors’ Picks How to Care for Yourself as a Caregiver ‘Back to Black’ Review: No, No, No Does Your Dog Really Belong in This Restaurant?  In contrast, the majority rejected this designation. They preferred to see Hispanics as a group integrating into the American mainstream, one not overly bound by racial constraints but instead able to get ahead through hard work.  The minority of Latinos who saw the group as people of color were more liberal in their views regarding government and the economy, and strongly preferred Democratic messages to the dog-whistle message... There’s a winning message Mr. Biden and his party can deliver that resonates with most Hispanics no matter how they conceptualize the group’s racial identity.  The key is to link racism and class conflict. The pivot we recommend was also the most convincing message we tested among whites and African-Americans. Democrats should call for Americans to unite against the strategic racism of powerful elites who stoke division and then run the country for their own benefit. This is not to deny the reality of pervasive societal racism. But it does direct attention away from whites in general and toward the powerful elites who benefit from divide-and-conquer politics.  This is the race-class approach that one of us helped pioneer. It fuses issues of racial division and class inequality, and by doing so shifts the basic “us versus them” story — the staple of most political messaging — away from “whites versus people of color” to “us all against the powerful elites pushing division.”"
Clearly, Hispanics are too stupid and ignorant to realise what racist dog whistles really mean, or even that they're minorities.
Obviously, if you are anti-crime, you're a racist.
It's depressing that the way Democrats try to win the Hispanic (and maybe overall) vote is by promoting racial and class division

Richard Hanania on X - "New paper claims that removing Confederate monuments decreases hate crimes, increases support for affirmative action, and makes people like blacks more. Wow! Those monuments really were weapons of mass destruction. The future for blacks is unlimited now in places they're gone."
🇺🇦🇮🇱 Steven Walk on X - "Idk how she dealt with all the confounding variables (e.g., how can you compare places where Confederate monuments stayed up to those where they were removed without ensuring that the very removal of monuments in the latter places wasn’t itself reflective of attitudes different from places where monuments weren’t removed?)  Also, if we accept her findings, it’s unfortunate that removing Confederate monuments increased support for racial discrimination, despite decreasing hate crime rates"

wanye on X - "As much as it’s remarked upon, it’s still impossible to overstate how much of a bubble people are in. I am listening to the “if books could kill” podcast and these guys literally believe that the increase in shoplifting last year was a hoax. They’re literally like weirdo shoplifting truther conspiracy theorists. It’s fucking wild, man."
someonesalt on X - "My in-laws literally believe that "abolish the police" was a hoax, that it never happened, and it is just a Republican talking point. Yet, amazingly, I specifically remember us all watching a PBS NewsHour back in the summer of Floyd when they interviewed abolish activists."
Clark H on X - "Multiple important city level politicians, for major cities, specifically endorsed ‘defund’. Eg Chicago IIRC."
someonesalt on X - "Yep. Minneapolis had a freaking citywide referendum to literally abolish their police department! When I brought up newspaper articles about it and showed them, they told me that "well it lost so it doesn't matter.""
River Parrish on X - "Did you show them articles where cities actually defunded their police departments by slashing their budgets? Do they not believe that police departments had their budgets cut?"
someonesalt on X - "They claimed that those budgets were cut due to pandemic-related austerity!"

NYT cited gender blinding tech job study, doesn't know if it's real - "The New York Times reported on an apparently fake study about gender and tech jobs.  Vox‘s Kelsey Piper flagged the questionable study, which claimed gender-blinding in tech resumes resulted in 54% women getting interviews and non-gender-blinding resulted in 5% women getting interviews. Piper wrote in part, “The ‘study’ was conducted by tech recruiting firm ‘Speak With a Geek’. It was first covered here: https://www.cnet.com/news/when-tech-firms-judge-on-skills-alone-women-land-more-job-interviews/ …. It also got coverage a few other places. No one, anywhere, linked to the study. The study does not appear to have been published anywhere.” She noted she couldn’t locate the study and Speak with a Geek didn’t have a webpage or active social media.   iMediaEthics wrote to Speak with a Geek’s e-mail address, but it bounced back immediately. The New York Times only told iMediaEthics, “The editors’ note thoroughly addressed the issue and we don’t plan to comment beyond it.”  In an article for Vox, Piper also noted there were some questionable issues with the purported study. “Some things about the study are confusing even aside from the shocking size of the effect: Who would select any candidate for an interview when “names, experience and background” weren’t provided? Companies were shown the exact same candidates twice? These are questions we could answer by looking at the methodology in more detail, if it were available.”"

*To Muslim* "Hi, Mudasir." *To Non-Muslim* "Hi, JOHN."
"Whites" "Colored People"
"Whites" "People of Color"
*awkward look*

hola to an Asian : r/aznidentity - "Yesterday at a golf tournament A white kid in front of my cart suddenly turned back and said Hola to me. I am an Asian (northeastern) and definitely look like one. I didn’t even realize he was saying that to me at first, but he said it two more times and waved his hand too. He looked about 11-13 years old. I spoke to him in English, asking if he played today and was done with his games, and he quickly left.  I don’t know what his intention was, but this left a bitter taste in my mouth.  To my surprise, when I discussed this with my friends (first generation Asians), I was surprised how most of them didn’t see this as a problem. They wanted to believe the kid was genuinely curious of a someone of a different race and simply wanted to greet me or wanted to practice his Spanish.  Personally, I think he knew exactly what he was doing. He was messing with me.  Yes, he did not say nihao (though I am not Chinese) but hola is no better. Am I being overly sensitive?"

Meme - Victor Kumar @victorckumar: "Progressives think it's not a good explanation if it doesn't blame someone"
"F**k Jared Diamond. David Correia
Jared Diamond is back at it, once again trading in the familiar determinist tropes that earned him a Pulitzer Prize for his 1999 book Guns, Germs and Steel. That dull book was chodefull of the bad and the worse, the random and the racist. At best it is just silly, as when he offers unsupported, and unsupportable, assertions such as his get-off-my-lawn grouse that children today are not as smart as in the recent past and television is to blame. At worst, it develops an argument about human inequality based on a determinist logic that reduces social relations such as poverty, state violence, and persistent social domination, to inexorable outcomes of geography and environment."

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