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Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Links - 28th May 2024 (1 - General Wokeness)

‘We are living through a cultural meltdown’ - spiked - "Brendan O’Neill: In some ways, the ideology of transgenderism can be seen as an unwitting consequence of contemporary feminism, especially in relation to the deconstruction of gender roles and the rise of anti-male attitudes. Are the gender-critical feminists fighting a losing battle? If they are victorious over the more shrill wing of the trans lobby, will it resolve the problems we face?
Melanie Phillips: I’m not sure if they are fighting a losing battle. I wouldn’t like to put money on it either way. But I don’t think they understand that they have unwittingly seeded this. The revolution eats its own. The feminists set in train a very profound revolution about gender roles and didn’t realise that it would bleed over into denying sexual difference.   This is why I wrote about androgyny all those years ago, because of a particular type of feminist who said that women could do everything by themselves and didn’t need men at all. The whole idea of masculinity was written out of the script. Masculinity became toxic. It was associated with all these terrible things – violence, war and aggression. So what I used to call man-hating feminism laid the groundwork for all this, for sure...
O’Neill: You say that a movement based on hatred is not a progressive movement. One thing that strikes me is the extraordinary difference between the civil-rights movements of the 1950s and 1960s and the kind of identitarian movements we have today, particularly on the question of hatred for opponents. That was certainly not at the forefront of the civil-rights movement in the 1960s – in fact, often quite the opposite was true... One good example of this that you have written about is the hatred for white people. There is this idea that if you are born white, you have some kind of original sin and must self-flagellate...
Phillips: It’s a terrifying situation, and not just because a large number of ethnic-minority people subscribe to it – although probably a very large number of them do not. What is really terrifying is that people who are in a position to turn this back are actually going along with it. All those people have to stand up and say they are not having it. If you had Boris Johnson, the Labour Party, the universities and the people who run the arts all saying that, things would turn around instantly.
O’Neill: I think that’s a very important point. I would argue that the larger dynamic is institutional cowardice. You have institutions like the National Trust, the British Museum, the British Library and universities willingly expressing a sense of self-hatred and self-loathing, hiding away certain artefacts and expressing shame about their founders or their history...
Phillipps: A lot of these people, I imagine, have come through an education system which, for three or four decades, has basically hammered home the idea that Western civilisation was born in sin and is basically racist. So it’s not surprising that they think it’s true. There is also a part of them – a decent part – that knows that ethnic minorities have had a raw deal in many respects. Consequently, when a movement like this starts, it’s really hard for them to say that it is complete rubbish. You have got to be really self-confident in your values to be able to do that. We have had that confidence beaten out of us.  In America, they have culture wars, no question. But in Britain, we have had a culture rout, a culture collapse, a culture surrender. There was never a fight. We all just keeled over. We have got rid of the idea that our values are worth hanging on to. It’s a cultural meltdown that we are living through."

Natalie Stechyson on X - "Polyamorous relationships are on the rise in Canada. The law is still catching up."
The "myth" of the slippery slope strikes again

Thread by @wokal_distance on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App - "The woke say part of white privilege not seeing yourself as having a white identity.  The woke want whites to adopt a white identity because they think adopting white identity is the first step to white people acknowledging the "white privilege" that comes with white identity... The woke want *EVERYONE* including white people to develop "racial consciousness," to adopt a racial identity, and to then use that identity and consciousness to locate themselves in the social hierarchy of oppression. (the woke call this acknowledging your "positionality") The same is true of "gender." The goal of getting everyone to adopt consciousness and identity around race, sex, gender, ability status, etc, is to get everyone to play identity politics according the woke rules, and integrate EVERYONE into the identity politics narrative The way they do this is to get **EVERYONE** including white people, to adopt a racial consciousness and identity. Why? because in order for you to acknowledge your "white privilege" and take your place at the back of the woke line of woke IDPOL you need to identify as white. The way that you win this game it to not take the bait, to refuse the woke terms of discussion and rules of engagement, and refuse to play identity politics.  Acknowledging you have a particular ethnicity is fine. I'm white, and I'm ethnically jewish....but here's the thing.....  I do not organize my politics around these things. I acknowledge they exist, but I do not want to be treated as though I am jewish or white, I want to be treated as Wokal Distance, an individual.  I don't want you thinking you know me cause you know my background.... John Searle (who is part Charokee) was asked why he didn't identify as Cherokee. When someone said "Professor Searle prefers to be thought of as white,'" Searle responded with:  "I find that ridiculous. Professor Searle does not want to be thought of in these categories at all."  This is precisely my attitude. And I think it is the winning attitude. Don't get caught in the nexus of identity politics. It's a poison and you ought to avoid it. The dissident right (similar to the woke) always try to blur the lines between acknowledging an ethnicity on one hand, and building your identity and politics around ethnicity on the other.  You need to watch for this move."

NY Governor Ripped For Saying Black Kids In The Bronx Don’t Know The Word ‘Computer’ - "New York Democratic Governor Kathy Hochul is facing blowback after saying that black children in the Bronx do not know what the word “computer” means... “Right now we have, you know, young black kids growing up in the Bronx who don’t even know what the word ‘computer’ is,” Hochul said. “They don’t know, they don’t know these things. And I want the world opened up to all of them.”"

Amazing Zoltan on X - "Fun fact: Canada has more Sikh Members of Parliament (18) than India does (13) - despite India's parliament having nearly 200 more seats."
Damn white supremacy!

Resistance: (Fiction Vs Reality) : r/interestingasfuck - "The guy in the vid is trying to sound smart but he's making the dumbest observation ever. His argument is:  "You watched a 2 hour film that explains who are good and who are bad, you also watched those films from 1 perspective and you sided with the guys that the film wanted you to side with"  How is this an observation? This is just how stories work.  To your point, there is no such thing as a "good" or "bad" side, it's mostly just people doing stuff to positively impact themselves and it has positive and negative impact on others.  Ultimately, most people will support either what impacts them positively (and we need to accept that, it's ok to do that) or what they feel crosses some line in their mind to impact others negatively.  I can't remember who said it, but it was along the lines of "people want to believe there is some force guiding events in life, that someone is in control and manipulating things. But the reality is much more scary, nobody is in control""
Resistance: (Fiction Vs Reality) : r/interestingasfuck - "It's not like the rebel alliance flew in on x-wings to an imperial dance party and just started slaughtering civilians for the lulz, but I get the sense the original video is probably trying to reference the Israel/Palestine conflict."
Resistance: (Fiction Vs Reality) : r/interestingasfuck - "Yeah, recent years have made me a bit vary of people who call themselves the resistance or especially "freedom fighters". More often than not, the people who adopt that moniker are just enthusiastically mailing threats to medical personnel or similar asshattery."
Resistance: (Fiction Vs Reality) : r/interestingasfuck - "I saw more than a few posts quoting this during Covid lockdowns"
Resistance: (Fiction Vs Reality) : r/interestingasfuck - "lacking any nuance or insight as to why people side with the resistance in films, but not in real life where there's, you know, consequences.  There's a difference between sitting in your house rooting for the protagonist in a film and putting that same house, along with your life, family, safety and income on the line to 'resist' some undefined tyrant, as this guy seems baffled that we aren't doing.  What an odd video."
"Another thing is in the movies, the antagonist is very objectively evil whereas real life is much more grey  And depending on who or what he means by "resistance", he wants people to root for designated terrorists"
"There's also kind of the whole "not necessarily killing civilians" in the movies, while what some terrorists groups people called resistance (and that's not specific to a certain current case) are pretty fucking far from the resistance during WW2 or in star wars."
"Not only that, but the nuance is also eliminated in the films presenting clear black and white alternatives. You'll never side with the Empire of StarWars cause they are straight-up evil. Yet, in real life normally there is real people behind any faction facing legitimate problems they were trying to solve. All of a sudden is not so easy to say screw those guys..."
Resistance: (Fiction Vs Reality) : r/interestingasfuck - "and its ironic, as someone on the right side, Im almost certain this guy is on the wrong side and thinking hes on the right side."
Resistance: (Fiction Vs Reality) : r/interestingasfuck - "What if I resist the resistance? Am I a resistance too?"
Resistance: (Fiction Vs Reality) : r/interestingasfuck - "Is he trying to derive moral superiority solely from being a resistance based on idealised versions of resistances only existing in fictional media?  That's fucking dumb."
Resistance: (Fiction Vs Reality) : r/interestingasfuck - "Because I'm not the main character who gets the adulation and praise. I'm the unnamed peon who dies unceremoniously in act 2."
On watching the Hunger Games, Star Wars, The Matrix, Divergent and V for Vendetta and siding with "the resistance" there but not in real life

Elon Musk on X - "The axiomatic error undermining much of Western Civilization is “weak makes right”. If someone accepts, explicitly or implicitly, that the oppressed are always the good guys, then the natural conclusion is that the strong are the bad guys."

Chef Andrew Gruel on X - "I got sued 3 years ago because my website wasn't properly blind-enabled. It was at the time, but they used the Wayback machine to see that for 12 hours; 1 year earlier, it wasn't. We fixed it in 10 minutes. Still had to settle for 15K. The plaintiff had sued hundreds of other businesses in California. Not even sure if they were a real person."
Jeremy Long on X - "My brother in CA was sued because his parking lot had settled a little making his handicap space slightly unlevel. Dude went from business to business checking for ADA compliance to sue. Wasn’t even a customer. Thats also why he no longer allows the public to use his restroom."
The power of "empathy"!

Katy Faust on X - "2015: how does my gay marriage harm anyone else?
2024: failure to subsidize our lab-made, motherless babies is discrimination."
Gay couple sues New York leaders over denial of IVF benefits in landmark case - "Corey Briskin and Nicholas Maggipinto say state’s definition of infertility discriminates against same-sex couples"
Shay 🌈🌸✨ on X - "So if they win they’ll set a legal precedent that all gay men are infertile and therefore entitled to surrogates which is just incorrect. Where does this logic end? Are single men infertile? Incels? Men in general?   Is society obligated to provide men with a womb and vagina to “cure” their inability to gestate a baby? Are women discriminating against men for gatekeeping pregnancy?"

Alice Evans on X - "When Americans refer to ‘slavery’, they usually mean the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, In truth, slavery was pervasive worldwide Great article by Sharman & @AyseZarakol"
Global Slavery in the Making of States and International Orders | American Political Science Review | Cambridge Core

Covfefe Anon on X - "One thing that I was first exposed to by @Steve_Sailer  is the idea of using compilations or lists made for one purpose to investigate something else entirely  This is a great investigative technique because people don't create an entire internally consistent false world, they'll just lie about one thing in particular but these lies get exposed when they try to speak honestly about something else entirely  There are plenty of examples of Steve doing this and coming up with very interesting conclusions (and you should buy his book to see them!) but here's one that stand out to me  When you see some "random" crime story from NYC about some black serial subway assaulter you'll always read a bit in the story about how "he's been arrested 23 times and had an outstanding warrant for felony assault". This is a bare fact but this one bare fact actually reveals a (barely) hidden world - one where blacks aren't "overpoliced" (as progressives will assert) - but one where actually the system *ignores black crime as much as it can*  That one "minor" tidbit of fact in those stories reveals an entire hidden world... if you're able to think through the implications and if you have in your head a better model of the world to fit those facts into
Everyone is familiar with the idea : "if you tell a lie, you have to tell another to cover up the first" but @Steve_Sailer  turned that into *technology* for investigating  Others have as well because it's so fundamental but he was someone that I read that did it consistently"

Jonathan Kay on X - "If you want to take the true measure of a social justice hashtagger, check their feed following the death of someone they disagree with."

David Atherton on X - "Islamist Mohammed Hijab explains his Jihad. "The reason why you have to fight them, is because they are Jews & Christians. You should fight them until they give you the Jizya (extra taxes). There is no conceivability of peace between Muslims & non-Muslims.  "Islam is a warrior religion, it's about expansion & conquest.""

Derrick Jensen: Anarchism and Queer Theory Jeopardy. - YouTube
Queer Theory, Pedophilia Jeopardy with Derrick Jensen - "Derrick Jensen: There is a long correlation between anarchism and pedophilia and support for pedophilia... We’re gonna play Queer theory, pedophilia Jeopardy.  Ok, answer: Commonly called the godfather of queer theory... Foucault, another way to ask this is: Who argued?… No I guess the answer would be: ‘Argued for the eradication of age of consent laws as in down to infants’...
‘Like communists and homosexuals in the 1950s, Boy Lovers are so stigmatized that it is difficult to find defenders of their civil liberties let alone for their erotic orientation.’ That’s in the founding document of queer theory. Oh I’m sorry I’m using facts!... [Gayle Rubin] compared pedophilia to a preference for spicy food...
Pat Califia... I was accused of homophobia because I am against pedophilia… Who is it who actually makes the connection between that?... Pat Califia has written:  ‘any child old enough to decide whether or not he or she wants to eat spinach, play with trucks or wear shoes is old enough to decide whether or not she wants to run around naked in the sun, masturbate, sit in someone’s lap or engage in sexual activity.’ By which she does not mean play doctor, she means with adults, she’s very clear about that because she also says that pedophiles should be more and not less invested in children’s lives...
queer theorist who has spoken out strongly against pedophilia?... Who is no one? Not a single one. Because the entire thing is based on transgressing."

Meme - "I'm ready to kill a white bitch."
Meme - Huge burger: "can we make it legal to kiIl white cishets i hate them so much"
Meme - Dulce: "Happy Juneteenth ! Punch a white person today"
Meme - Andrea: "good morning, punch a white person/cop in the face today"
Meme - its time: "We must kill white people"
Meme - The First Joelle @sea_needs: "Today is a nice day to punch a white man for his BS"
Meme - calvin jackson: "Bro I'm gonna punch a white person today y'all deserve it"
Meme - Dan @napalmmeth: "castrate all white men"
Meme - Hurtz 8-1 @CjHahns: "Exterminate white women 2022"
Meme - @moororong: "we need to eradicate white europeans this is the only way"
Meme - mullet: "I love when white people get offended by "anti-white". soft ass crackers AM"
Damn white supremacy and anti-blackness!

Meme - Yandere trans grippy sock gf: "I’ve infiltrated your hate groups. Prepare to start losing your jobs and have your online activities sent to your loved ones and your employers. Keep thinking you’re on the right side."
When you have no life and are miserable, so you need to ruin others' lives because you disagree with their politics

Meme - "Entertainment in the Woke Era
*Pretty Elf in computer game*
Woke Person: "TOO SEXY! CANCEL IT!"
Children's Entertainment in the Woke Era
*drag queen stripper*
Woke Person: "GO ON, TIP HER!"

Emil O W Kirkegaard on X - "Apparently, even embryos grow at difference speeds by race. "Main results and the role of chance Embryos derived from Mestizo patients completed several key-point stages faster, followed by Caucasians, while Asiatic embryos were the slower ones.""
More proof that biological race doesn't exist

John Sierra's answer to Was watching LOTR with my young cousin. He asked why all the 'good' characters were white and all the evil characters have dark skin. I didn't know how to answer. Any suggestions? - Quora - "First, here’s Sauron. He’s in full armor from head-to-toe and rarely appears on screen other than the intro, the Palantir scene and other such flashes. There was an unused scene that was filmed where you see his face though. Let’s see what he looks like.  Ah yes, the darkest skin tone of all - the unfinished CGI anime-angel.  Then we have Saruman the White... How about his cohort, Gríma Wormtongue? Gríma is so pale he’s practically transparent. Dude should probably spend some time outside.  Then there’s Gollum... So what is he talking about, Orcs? Tolkien said the Orcs were pretty diverse in skin tone. Some were pale, some were swarthy, some were sallow. In the films there are dark ones, like Lurtz…  and pale ones, like Gothmog. So you know, out of all the things that your young cousin definitely didn’t say, he really didn’t say this the most."

Daniel Friedman on X - "A black man steps into a crowd, pulls out a gun and shoots 20 other black people at a Second Line jazz parade in New Orleans. One of the victims, a professional racial justice activist, gravely wounded, issues a statement: “How could white people do this to us?”"
Racism Can Kill Black People Even When a Black Finger Pulls the Trigger - "Hovering near death, Cotton somehow dictated a statement from the intensive care unit that a close friend delivered to a hastily called New Orleans City Council hearing. “Do you know what it takes to be so disconnected in your heart that you walk out into a gathering of hundreds of people who look just like you and begin firing?” she asked. Alluding to the bleak circumstances facing many young Black men in New Orleans—parents absent or impoverished, abysmal schools, rampant gang and police violence, few job possibilities beyond menial labor or drug dealing—she said, “These young men have been separated from us by so much trauma.”... Cotton believed that until America, especially white America, honestly faces what race and slavery have done, and still do, to the country, America will not be free of its original sin"
The headline is a direct quote from the grievance monger, too
Nothing will ever be enough for grievance mongers

Vile neo-Nazi group spread sick campaign of hate to Scotland's highest peak - "A mob of Nazi hatemongerers have spread their sick propaganda to the top of Britain’s highest peak.  The Record exposed the activities of the Hundred Handers network, who spread their race hate message across Scotland through public stickers and social media.  Now, we can reveal that their activists have placed one of their twisted propaganda messages on the top of Ben Nevis.  The Hundred Handers sticker exhorting white people to “Love Your Nation” was stuck up inside a hut on the 4411ft peak. Jordan Allison, of Show Racism the Red Card Scotland, said: “The phrases used on these stickers help create an atmosphere in our communities where Black and Minority Ethnic (BAME) people feel unwelcome and unsafe.  “This is unacceptable and we must do more to tackle racism at its grassroots, equipping more people with the tools and understanding on how to challenge hate in all its forms.”"
We are still told that left wingers don't hate their countries
Weird. Isn't it racist and xenophobic to say that BAMEs hate the countries they live in?

Meme - Dangerously Right of Marx: "Cracked doesn't seem to understand the concept that hobbits and dwarves are not humans with dwarfism."
"There are so many great dwarf actors in the world. not one of them got to play a hobbit. or even a dwarf!"

Meme - Jamie Hinkle @jamiehinkle_: "Protest what you will, but if flipping off,  screaming “i hate you,” “i hate your kids,” “we hope you have bedbugs at Marriott,”  “die” at moms going to dinner is your life’s work, you’re doing it wrong."
The Post Millennial @TPostMillennial: ".@Moms4Liberty 's @scarlett4kids  on protestors outside Philadelphia event: "What we have witnessed in Philadelphia over the past few days. This isn't protest. This is about bullying, intimidating and terrorizing us.""
The side of "tolerance", "empathy" and "kindness" strikes again

Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ on X - "The Marshall-Blackburn "No Flights For Terrorists Act," which is designed to put campus protestors who have "encouraged crimes of violence against Jewish persons" on the No Fly List, is another step in the wrong direction.     There are already laws against inciting violence and providing material support for terrorism. This bill is another DEI-style effort to provide hate speech protections for a single ethno-religious group. It is unnecessary, undermines the principle of colorblind equality, and raises a number of fair criticisms. Why not include penalties for those who have "encouraged crimes of violence" against white persons? Or black persons? Or Eskimos? The sponsors do not say.     The better approach is to maintain a single, colorblind standard that applies equally to all individuals. If student protestors are engaging in rhetoric, even of the vilest nature, that is their First Amendment right. If they are inciting violence or providing material support for terrorism, they should be prosecuted under existing law.    Republicans have spent the past year rightfully fighting against DEI in multiple states, including the home states of Senators Marshall and Blackburn. They shouldn't revive it in new clothing."
This won't stop left wingers from claiming he's a hypocrite

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