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Friday, May 31, 2024

Links - 31st May 2024 (2 - Palestine/Middle East Peace)

Azat Alsalem on X - "This is the Yezidi region which is completely destroyed by lSlS terrorists when they committed Genocide against Yezidis! It’s ignored by UN! No one marched for Yezidis!"
Bo on X - "Over 6000 little girls and women are still missing. The British SAS found a grave of headless females that it took 6 months to identify, but many more girls, as young as 5 are still unaccounted for.   Many young Yazidi girls have been burned alive for refusing to convert to Islam.   Their homes bombed and burned, their men and boys tortured and murdered, their grandparents killed, their daughters stolen.   This has continued for 3 decades and longer. Don't fucking talk to me about Gaza unless you give a shit about the Yazidi."

Ruheen Bi on X - "To those raising the Palestinian flag,   Where were you when ISIS was launched and beheaded tens of thousands of Arabs in Iraq, Libya, and Syria in the name of Islam? Why didn’t you take to the streets and raise their flags? Why didn’t you condemn the terror and call for a ”ceasefire”?   Where were you when Arab dictators and terrorists killed hundreds of thousands of Arabs in Syria and Libya? Why didn’t you take to the streets and raise their flags? Why didn’t you condemn the terror and call for a ”ceasefire”?   Where were you in the last decade when Saudi Arabia, backed by 8 Arab countries, killed 400,000 Yemenis, my own people? I didn’t see any of you take to the streets or raise the Yemeni flag. I did not see any of you condemning the terror and calling for a ”ceasefire” while Arab countries were slaughtering my own people.  This must lead to some self-reflection.   When millions of Arabs are slaughtered by other Arabs, you say nothing.   But when 7 thousand of Arabs are killed by Jews defending their right to exist, you revolt, you get angry, you storm the streets in the East and the West, you raise the Palestinian flag, you condemn the terror, you call for a ceasefire, you turn the world upside down.   Why is that?   Why were you so silent then but SO LOUD now?   Can it be that you are finally raising a flag and creating chaos because you only hate that the perpetrators are Jews?  Because you obviously don't care when millions of Arabs are killed by other Arabs.   Can it be that you storming the streets is just you venting out your hatred towards Jews? The same hatred we learned in our mosques and schools?  You speak of ”numbers and proportionality.” But by the rules of proportionality, you should not be raising Palestinian flags.   Unless, there is another agenda at play: Jew-hatred. #Gazagenocide #Gaza_Genocide  #GazaGenocide #Genocide_in_Gaza #النصر_الخليج #PAKvsNZ #هجوم_العمالقة #glorycollision6 #FakharZaman #HappyBirthdayKingKohli #Libertadores2023 #MianwaliAirBase #Palestine #FreePalestineNow #FreePalestineFromZionist #FreePalestine #النصر_الخليج #FreeGaza #PalestinianGenocide #PalestinianLivesMatter #PalestineHolocaust #Hezbollah #Hezbullah #Syria #Qatar #GazaBleedingWorldSleeping #CeasefireForGazaNOW #CeasefireNOW #CeasefireForGaza #Terrorist #Israel #IsrealTerorrist #Islam #Genocide #FreePalestineFromZionist #FreePalestineNow"
From Luai Ahmed. Clearly, anti-Semitism has nothing to do with it

Drew Pavlou 🇦🇺🇺🇦🇹🇼 on X - "Anti-Zionist students at the Australian National University performed Hitler salutes to mock Jewish students while they were speaking during a student union meeting."

Iona Italia, PhD on X - "I'm sorry but everyone should be a Zionist. It shouldn't be code for "Jew," it should be code for "sane, sensible person who has come to terms with the fact that Israel exists.""

*Upset Netanyahu*
Hamas: *holding kid with suicide bomb and paper with demands: 'death to all Jews'"*

Meme - "Israel as seen by its Muslim neighbours and main stream media *world map but with Middle East and North Africa blown up and Israel as big as Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Turkey combined*"

Meme - Uzay Bulut @bulutuzay_: "Let me try to help. "Palestinian" is not an ethnicity. “Palestine” is the name given by the Romans to the land of Israel, which includes Judea and Samaria and Gaza after they destroyed the Second Temple and extinguished Jewish independence.   The word comes from the Hebrew "Plishtim" (Philistines in English), meaning "invaders." We don't know what the ancient Philistines called themselves, but they indeed were invaders, most likely from Crete.   The “Palestinians" of today who usurped for themselves the name are Arabs, of course, not Greeks. They only began to call themselves that after the PLO (the Palestine Liberation Organization) was founded in 1964. Not one UN document refers to them as "Palestinians" until the 1970s.  Being from that region, you most likely have Jewish, Greek, Aramaic, Assyrian, Armenian, Arabic or some other ethnic roots.   So drop your supremacist/genocidal views and respect and celebrate all the peoples and cultures of that land."
andrewdudum @AndrewDudum: "The systematic erasure of Palestinians is everywhere. I just completed a @23andMe report. They don't even show Palestine, despite both sides of my family lineage dating back & documented in Jaffa, Jerusalem and Ramallah to the time of Christ. @annewoj23 that's shameful. Absolutely disgusting."

Brilliant Caroline Glick about EU to Danish Ambassador Jesper Vahr - YouTube - "We respect international law. You guys make it up. There is a binding UN Security Council resolution, chapter 7 from 2001, 1373, that bars every single UN member nation from funding or otherwise supporting in any way, terrorist organizations. And you guys are funneling billions of euros into rebuilding terrorist controlled Gaza. Alright? This is in contravention of binding international law that you signed on to. Now, on the other hand, there's imaginary international law. Imaginary international law that says that you are required, required to sanction Jewish projects from from Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria. There is no such binding law. You guys are funding settlements in Western Sahara. You're funding them, you're funding them directly. So you know this is not a double standard. This is a singular standard for Israel. It's not about international law. It's about an obsessive-compulsive need to constantly pick at the Jewish state. And no I don't want to be proud that you're looking at us in a different standard from our our neighbors, because you're not looking at our neighbors as human beings. What you're saying is they're objects. The only actor in this entire region are the people they're trying to annihilate, and the only people who are supposed to be judged for our actions and always poorly, are the people who are doing everything possible, more than Europe, right. More than the United States, more than anybody in order to protect the lives of the Palestinians...you made a helpful statement saying oh you know Gaza should be demilitarized. The only way, and you know this, the only way that Gaza will be demilitarized is if Israel reoccupied Gaza. That's the only way. The only military organization here that is not a terrorist organization and is not a terrorist supporting organization is the IDF. And for that we are calumnied. We are condemned, we are investigated, we are put on trial every single day. Our soldiers, our soldiers are condemned by you. Our soldiers come in and being called murderers for protecting our families."
Mondoweiss got upset over this, but tellingly, there was no rebuttal of the points, just ad hominems
I like how the Danish ambassador openly says that double standards are good, but he pretends that the standards Israel are held to are the same as European ones

Richard Hanania on X - "NYT reports on the spying apparatus that Hamas directed against the Palestinian people. One reason enemies of the West often look so united, or end up that way, is they stamp out internal dissent."

Richard Hanania on X - "Important video of what Israel faces on the ground. The Palestinians use schools, hospitals, any kind of humanitarian value or gesture becomes a military liability. If you don’t want this to go on forever and keep the terrorists in power, Israel must have leeway in how it fights."
Eitan Fischberger on X - "Here's a story about those "dreaded" checkpoints you're gonna love:  Last night, Israeli border patrol agents stopped a suspicious ambulance trying to get through a checkpoint on the 443 highway. The two "medics" inside were frantically pleading to let them through since there was a "serious traffic accident," and they needed to go save lives.  But the border patrol agents, suspicious of the two, insisted they open up the back door for an inspection. The medics kept begging to get through, but the agents wouldn't relent.   Finally, the medics gave in, opened the door, and guess what? They were trying to illegally smuggle 8 Palestinians through the checkpoint, supposedly for work.   Now imagine if they weren't just workers, but terrorists. Good thing for those checkpoints"

How the Palestinians Use Gaslighting to Win in a Post-Truth World - "gaslighting as a sociopolitical strategy in an increasingly post-truth world means that every universally held fact is substituted with the demands of the political agent. Lying, misleading, and distorting (so long as they’re wedded to ideology) are perfectly acceptable.  Hence why, for instance, thousands of Palestinians and their supporters just tried to convince us, in time for Christmas, that Jesus Christ was a “Palestinian prophet” and “being Christian is to stand with the oppressed in Palestine” — because acknowledging that Jesus was a Jew means acknowledging Jews lived in Judea thousands of years ago, which means acknowledging Jewish indigenousness way before Arabs from Arabia migrated to and Arabicized the Levant, which means acknowledging Jewish rights in this land — a big turn-off for Jew haters, anti-Zionists, and terrorist sympathizers.  Ironically, the Arabic word for Jew is “yahud” because Jews are the people of Yahuda (Judea), presently called Israel. But as one reader commented to me, “Unfortunately in this antisemitic world, the truth does not set you free.”  Instead, factual truths are overshadowed with “social facts” — a term coined by sociologist Émile Durkheim to illustrate “category of facts with very distinctive characteristics: it consists of ways of acting, thinking, and feeling, external to the individual, and endowed with a power of coercion, by reason of which they control him.” This, at least, can help us understand the seemingly nonsensical, contradictory, and unsupported assertions that underlie Palestinian arguments, ranging from their indigenousness to the Levant, to describing Gaza as an “open air prison” with the highest population density on Earth. (It’s actually Manila in the Philippines, in case you were wondering.)  Consequently, post-truth politics and political communications subdue or even outlaw free speech altogether. Even in liberal democracies like the United States, free speech is not what it used to be.  At Harvard University, for example, the term “fatphobia” constitutes violence and “using wrong pronouns” is considered abuse. (But don’t forget: “Globalize the intifada” requires context.) People defending the virtue of free speech are doing so because they want to normalize hate speech, or shut down legitimate responses to it. And the very same people voice their nominal support for “free speech at all costs” in one breath, and then call for the censorship of views they despise in another... mainstream Palestinian education, media, and politics have composed a popular narrative that brainwashes Palestinians into thinking, no matter how absurdly corrupt their leaders are, and no matter how much their leaders don’t care about their basic wellbeing, Israel is entirely to blame for their suffering, troubles, and misery. Economic and political development in the Palestinian territories, it is claimed, can only move forward if Israel withdraws from the West Bank and voids its security requirements for border movement — the same border movement that led to many of the 1,000 Israeli deaths during the Second Intifada...  the next time that someone brings up “Palestinian children” (or the like), kindly remind them that it’s the Palestinians’ responsibility to take care of their own children.  Ask them: Don’t you find it weird how many adults around the world seem to care more about Palestinian children than Palestinian adults seem to care about their own?"

Iconoclast on X - "The slaughter of the Jewish tribes in the Arabian Oasis of Khaybar is wildly seen as an allegory for the modern state of Israel and what should happen to it. Convert or die. It’s a simple message."

Meme - AG @AGHamilton29: "The Arab world does not have one functioning democracy despite Arabs ethnically cleansing all their countries of Jews, and still somehow Jews are to blame for their oppressive regimes according to WaPo Board member Shadi Hamid.  Some of you should apologize for ever taking this idiot seriously."
Shadi Hamid: "I've spent much of my adult life working on the problem of democracy in the Middle East. A resolution to the Palestinian question wasn't in the cards, so the hope was that democracy might be possible without it. But try as I might, I kept on coming back to the same dispiriting conclusion. I couldn't escape Israel's role in suppressing Arab democracy. That's where the evidence pointed."
Richard Hanania on X - "Is Shadi Hamid an antisemite? I mean if someone blamed Jews for obesity in the US and Mexico the answer would be clear. Yet he can claim that the problems of every single Arab society from Morocco to Iraq are the fault of Jews, and this is somehow considered normal."

Captain Canuck on X - "If one did five minutes of research on Hamas favorite apologists Abby Martin they would see she pretty much associates all the anti-amerian, anti-west anti-captialists favorites like Chris Hedges, Noam Chomsky pseudo new ager Peter Jospeh etc..."
Everything is linked

Meme - "Je suis une femme arabe
Je peux faire des études
Je peux devenir médecin
Je peux conduire une voiture
Parce que... Je vis en Israel"

Meme - Nathan Cofnas @nathancofnas: "Anti-Semitism at the United Nations:  The UN gives 239 times more attention to a civilian death if it can be blamed on Israel  The black bar shows the number of human rights documents produced by the UN from 1990-2007 for Israel vs. 5 countries on 4 different continents  The gray bar shows the civilian death toll (an objective measure of how bad the situation really is)  For the 5 non-Jewish countries, the UN produced 1 document for every 2,258 civilian deaths  For Israel, it produced 1 document for every 9.4 deaths  Source: https://degruyter.com/document/doi/1"

AG on X - "There were more Jews forced out from Arab countries post-1948 (900K) than Palestinians displaced during the war in 48 (700K). A war started by the Arab states with the sole purpose of driving Jews out of the area and destroying the newly formed Jewish state.   Of course most of the people from both displacements are no longer alive. But the Jews, like almost every other refugee group in history, then adapted to their news homes and moved on. They also still have memories of their homes in Syria, Iraq, Morocco, Lebanon etc., but they built their futures in Israel.  And while Arab countries basically fully cleansed themselves of Jews, Israel instead made those who remained equal citizens and now has a population of over 2 million Israeli Arabs. Arabs that manage to live side by side with Jews and prosper.   Meanwhile, Palestinian Arabs were told that they shouldn’t move on. That they don’t need to assimilate to the countries where they moved. That even future generations should still be considered refugees (a concept that has never applied to any other group in history) because it was just a matter of time and enough wars until Israel would be destroyed and they can move back and have the land to themselves.  That is the real tragedy of Palestinian history. They’ve trapped generation after generation in this cycle of violence because they refuse to give up this promise of eliminating the Jewish state."

leekern on X - "he so-called “Nakba” is the biggest load of cry-bully bullshit  In 1948 the Arabs waged a war of extermination against Jews  If they had won they would be posting about a day of joy and celebration  But they lost - and now they cry crocodile tears to the world  Their “catastrophe” is they failed to kill the Jews  Those pushing the propaganda weapon of a “Nakba” are disingenuous liars using every sleight of hand they can to keep the attempt to exterminate Jews alive"
rob berg on X - "Arab/Muslims needed this lie. For centuries Ottomans controlled the region and treated Jews as significantly inferior (Uprooted, Julius). In 1948, Arabs invaded Israel with overwhelming numbers and weapons. They lost. The humiliation has been too great. Nakba was thus invented."

Uri Kurlianchik on X - "The Palestinians having a Nakba day is like Germany having a day of mourning for losing WWII. Palestinians must be the only people on the planet to whom the world provides a perfect safety net so they could amble from one defeat to the next without ever learning anything."
Greenos on X - "Not only are they shielded from ever learning anything, No one expects them to take any responsibility for their actions. They could've been celebrating their independence day along with the Jewish state..."
Uri Kurlianchik on X - "Yep, and on the same day too. Another interesting day is that they're not really sad on the Nakba day. They're angry or excited. Zero reflection on why they were defeated so totally or how to avoid this happening again."

Meme - Barry Tigay @TigayBarry: "Jewish holidays: They tried to kill us, we won, let’s eat.
Nakba Day: We tried to kill them, they won, let’s hate."

Meme - Edward Solomon @edsolomon: "The Arabs never got over the loss of 1948. So much so that the Syrians produced this lovely piece of propaganda to show the Jews of Israel being driven into the Mediterranean Sea by the advancing Arab armies in 1967. They lost that war in six days. They’re still crying over it."

Drew Pavlou 🇦🇺🇺🇦🇹🇼 on X - "Holy shit, the head of the Palestinian movement in Australia Nasser Mashni @iamthenas went full blood and soil yesterday: ''The skin of the Jews is not designed for the land of Palestine.'' Also denounced both Australia and Israel as "racist shitholes.''"

If these people hate the countries they live in so much, why do they continue to live there instead of living? Other people concerned for their mental health are obliged to tell them to leave, since they hate the countries so much

Max on X - "Palestine is the idea that the multiethnic, multiracial, multireligious democracy of Israel should be dismantled by removing/killing seven million Jews, then replaced with a 100% Arab Islamist dictatorship."
One pro-Palestinian person claimed that he wanted a state in the area where Israel is now where everyone could live together with equal status. I pointed out that was ironic and a chase to the bottom, given that non-Jews in Israel enjoy more rights than Muslims in the rest of the Middle East, and also that non-Muslims in Muslim countries are second class citizens

Shulem Deen on X - "This should seem pretty obvious, but I don’t see it said enough.  The Palestinian cause has failed and failed and failed, and will continue to do so despite galvanizing broad public sympathy. The reason is fairly simple, when contrasted to the success of Zionism.  From its earliest days, Zionism focused on building and creating. It took what it could get and did with it what it could. It lobbied the powers that be to get scraps, then built a quasi state apparatus decades before it became a state. It had a purpose beyond grievance. Its goal (whatever you think of it) was to build a place of refuge for Jews. Fighting its enemies was a necessary byproduct of its success but never a primary goal.  Palestinian nationalism has focused almost entirely on fighting Zionism, but it never built functioning government and civil institutions—nor did it try very hard. Fighting Israel was how it defined itself. Building a state apparatus was secondary at best—almost like that part was just a bother.  You can’t build when your goal is only to tear down. You can’t create a functioning independent state if that’s not your aim. You *won’t* succeed if your passion is not to provide for your population but only to destroy another.  You can globalize the intifada, whip up hatred of Israel and Israelis, spread violence across the world, celebrate your martyrs. But Palestinians will be no better off a century from now if their movement can only muster up rage but can’t constructively envision success."

WARMINGTON: Communism alive and well at Oakville's city hall - "You can cut them some slack because of their naivety and lack of worldly experience. You could even get a kick from their youthful exuberance as they fought for a cause they believe in. That was until some of them started chanting “there is only one solution, intifada revolution” — and then you realize this protest was not just about communism but also about wiping away Israel from the river to the sea. Not far away from this desk were students from Oakville high schools — many wearing Keffiyehs and carrying pro-Palestinian flags — chanting about a ceasefire and “Israeli genocide.” It seems these two causes are married to one another. The only difference here is these anti-S emitic and anti-freedom protests happened during school hours. In many ways, these are the troops for the progressive, socialist movement, which supports our current Liberal government and keep it in power... Where did they hear about communism? At school? Who’s funding their movement and supplying the printed material? It’s also fascinating how Canada’s intelligence personnel were on top of the Freedom Convoy movement, but shrug off those pining for the overthrow of our embattled liberal democracy. The kids were handing out red leaflets designed to attract recruits to this weekend’s “Revolutionary Communist Party’s founding congress” meeting in Montreal. No word of bouncing castles or hot tubs mentioned — but all kidding aside — if the truckers were planning something like that, there would be noise about it."

Nioh Berg ♛ ✡︎ אסתר on X - "Special note on Iran:  Notice how nearly all negative treatment of Jews stopped after the 1920s when the Pahlavi Dynasty took power.  Reza Shah the Great not only saved thousands of European Jews feeling the Nazis - he also put an end to our second class status, gave us equal rights, forbade pogroms and stopped islamic supersitions about us. His son, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, had strong relations with Israel and our people thrived under his rule.  This is one of many reasons why I am such a proud monarchist and supporter of the Pahlavi Royal Family."
Adirondak on X - "Most Westerners have no idea how prosperous and modern Iran was before the ayatollahs highjacked the nation. It was one of the great tragedies of human history."
No wonder left wingers hate the Shah so much

Adam Zivo: The Israelis who wish for peaceful co-existence - "I was moved by the empathy that many locals showed towards their Palestinian neighbours, despite the horrors of the past year... This humanity was poignantly illustrated by Haifa’s Rambam Hospital , where Palestinians arrive almost daily to receive urgent medical care —  often for physical trauma or cancer. According to hospital director Dr. Avi Weisman, so long as there is space for Palestinian patients, they are given a bed at a discounted rate. Weisman explained that this inter-ethnic aid was made possible through an agreement between the hospital and the Palestinian Authority, which permitted residents of the West Bank to seek treatment in Israel. As no similar agreement was brokered with Hamas, Gazan patients were left in a more precarious position that was exacerbated by their extreme poverty. Yet Gazans would still arrive for treatment with the help of Israeli volunteers who would drive them to and from the hospital — a trip that took hours — on a daily basis. “All the children in Gaza that needed dialysis or kidney transplants, it was done here. Just because we treated the first one, and two and three; then they just kept on coming,” Weisman said. Since October 7, sealed borders have precluded the arrival of new Gazan patients. Only two or three such patients remain, and they are afraid to return home lest they be killed by Hamas for fraternizing with the enemy. Meanwhile, the number of Palestinians arriving from the West Bank has diminished by roughly half. Weisman noted that, in a cruel twist of fate, the volunteers who drove these Gazan patients were among the first to be kidnapped and killed by Hamas on October 7, as they inhabited the peace-loving kibbutzim just outside the strip. Though he was obviously appalled by this butchery, his voice betrayed little animosity to the Palestinians themselves —  he spoke of his patients empathetically, regardless of their background. I saw this same disposition in many others I interviewed... In the West, so many activists and intellectuals speak of Israel as an evil place and casually throw around terms like “white supremacy” and “settler-colonialism.” Their image of Israeli society is a caricature that bears little resemblance to reality"
Damn genocide!

Meme - "Save Palestine *Muslim man standing on pyramid of skulls*
IRAQ (Yazdis )
IRAN (PARSI) Etc..."

Imshin on X - "Shahd remembers summer in Gaza before 7 October 2023. Gazans loved their vacations in #GazaHolidayChalet's - rental villas with swimming pools. Life was good in the so-called "Open Air Prison". #TheGazaYouDontSee"
The only "concentration camp" that looks like a five star resort

Meme - Sarah Hassan @Sarah_Hassan94: "Palestinian woman 1891"
"Image gallery for: Iraqi lady wearing traditional iraqi dress hashiml dress"

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