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Saturday, February 17, 2024

Links - 17th February 2024 (2 - General Wokeness)

Cop who made discrimination allegations faced 3 investigations at time of death: Shanmugam - "At the time of his suicide, the late Sergeant Uvaraja Gopal had been facing three ongoing criminal and disciplinary investigations.  Just hours before his death, he made a series of claims against the Singapore Police Force (SPF) in a Facebook post.  Sgt Uvaraja had alleged workplace bullying, the cover-up of police misconduct, unfair treatment and ostracism. He had also claimed to have faced racial discrimination at work.  At the time of his death, Sgt Uvaraja was under criminal investigation for offences under the Penal Code and the Protection from Harassment Act.  He was also under two internal disciplinary investigations for disobeying orders.   In July 2023, he had left his home on multiple occasions despite being on medical leave.  In April 2023, he left his uncompleted work unattended and refused to return to finish it... the authorities investigated Sgt Uvaraja’s claims and found some to be true.  Mr Shanmugam said these allegations have been dealt with...   Internal investigations in 2015 found offensive language had indeed been used by the officers involved, but it was not directed at Sgt Uvaraja... 40 per cent of police officers are from minority races.  In 2019, Sgt Uvaraja claimed that his superior shredded his leave form and uploaded the act to a chat group.  Investigations found that he had applied for discretionary time off, which did not require a submission form. It was not the first time he had applied for time off at the last minute.  Previously, Sgt Uvaraja’s teammates, who were on leave, had to be recalled to cover for him.  Sgt Uvaraja’s superior admitted to shredding his leave form and uploading a recording to the team group chat.  The superior was reprimanded for not behaving professionally, and not managing the situation better.  Investigations found that Sgt Uvaraja’s claims that different superiors had used abusive language against him were not true...   Sgt Uvaraja claimed he was given unfair performance appraisals, which affected his career.  Mr Shanmugam said investigations found this to be untrue as Sgt Uvaraja was given opportunities to apply for postings.  At his request, he was transferred to six different work units in nine years.  Mr Shanmugam said: “Those who know about the police force will know that that is a significant number of postings. This is significantly more than what is normally given.”... Sergeant Uvaraja claimed he was treated as an outcast within his team. In his Facebook post, he claimed nobody from his team attended his wedding.  Investigations found that he had invited only his officer-in-charge, who was unable to attend as he fell ill that day... “Throughout his career as a police officer, he had frequently applied for medical leave for periods that sometimes ran into several months in a year.”... Beyond his health issues, Sgt Uvaraja seemingly had a tense relationship with his wife and family.  Investigations showed multiple police calls were made by them against Sgt Uvaraja between April and July in 2023.  In April 2023, his wife called the police after an argument. She claimed he had stopped her from leaving their matrimonial home.  In July 2023, his brother alleged that Sgt Uvaraja had assaulted him over a financial matter.  In the same month, his mother called the police, saying she feared for her safety. On the same day, his sister-in-law called the police as Sgt Uvaraja had appeared at her home to look for his parents... some officers helped to cover Sgt Uvaraja’s shifts when he was absent, even when they had prior leave plans.  The minister said: “Despite all that, he seemed to have externalised many of his issues onto his colleagues in the SPF. There is considerable sadness at that.”"
The cope will be the investigations were retaliation, and/or that his behavior was justified because he was discriminated against, and/or that his family problems were fabricated to distract from racism
If minorities are disproportionately represented in the Police, isn't that structural racism since there is no racial equity?

Meme - End Wokeness @EndWokeness: "According to Wikipedia: "Kill The Boer" = anti-apartheid song. "White Lives Matter" = neo-Nazi slogan"

MANDEL: What role should race play in sentencing of offenders? - "A Toronto judge who made headlines for giving a light sentence to a Black offender due to systemic racism has just done it again"
Structural racism is good when it benefits "minorities"

Welcome to Dearborn, America’s Jihad Capital - WSJ - "Thousands march in support of Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran. Protesters, many with kaffiyehs covering their faces, shout “Intifada, intifada,” “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” and “America is a terrorist state.” Local imams give fiery antisemitic sermons. This isn’t the Middle East. It’s the Detroit suburb of Dearborn, Mich. Almost immediately after Oct. 7, and long before Israel began its ground offensive in Gaza, people were celebrating the horrific events of that day in pro-Hamas rallies and marches throughout Dearborn. A local headline describing an Oct. 10 event at the Ford Performing Arts Center read “Michigan rally cheers Hamas attack.” Imam Imran Salha of Dearborn’s Islamic Center of Detroit told the crowd that Israel’s past actions have put “fire in our hearts that will burn that state”—Israel— “until its demise.” In May 2023, Mr. Salha had urged his congregation to say “amen” in agreement with his prayer that Allah “eradicate from existence” the “sick, disgusting Zionist regime.” In October 2022, according to the Washington Free Beacon, his organization received $150,000 in funding from the Homeland Security Department’s nonprofit security grants program. At another rally, held Oct. 14 in front of the Henry Ford Centennial Library, Imam Usama Abdulghani also didn’t hide his support for Hamas’s terrorist actions. The American-born, Iranian-educated Shiite Islamic scholar called Oct. 7 “one of the days of God” and a “miracle come true.” He described the attackers as “honorable.” He said they were “lions” defending “the entire nation of Muhammad the messenger.” Local enthusiasm for jihad against Israel and the West extends beyond celebration of Hamas. The Islamic Center of America, a leading Dearborn mosque, held a memorial service on Dec. 30 for a Hezbollah operative killed in an Israeli airstrike. The Hadi Institute, which runs an Islamic Montessori school and bills itself as a youth community center, held a “Commemoration of the Martyrs” on Jan. 5. This event honored Quds Force Commander Qassem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, leader of the Iran-backed Popular Mobilization Forces in Iraq. Both men were on the U.S. list of designated terrorists when they were killed in a U.S. airstrike on Jan. 3, 2020. The commemoration included poetry and praise, along with claims about ISIS being operated by both the Central Intelligence Agency and the Mossad. Imam Abdulghani used his remarks to express his “warmest congratulations” to “our very special leader, Imam Khamenei”—essentially declaring allegiance to the Iranian ayatollah who regularly calls for the destruction of the U.S. Support for terrorism in southern Michigan has long been a concern for U.S. counterterrorism officials. A 2001 Michigan State Police assessment submitted to the Justice Department after 9/11 called Dearborn “a major financial support center” and a “recruiting area and potential support base” for international terror groups, including possible sleeper cells. The assessment noted that most of the 28 State Department-identified terror groups were represented in Michigan. Many current or onetime Dearborn residents have been convicted of terror-related crimes in recent years. Ahmad Musa Jibril is perhaps the most influential English-speaking jihadi sheikh. From his home in Dearborn he promotes holy war to his tens of thousands of followers on Twitter and Telegram. On Oct. 7, the day Hamas slaughtered 1,200 Israelis and took almost 200 hostage, a Twitter account bearing his name retweeted a post that said, “The hearts haven’t been overjoyed like this in so long.” This account also posted a tweet imploring Allah to “purify the land from the aggression of the apes, swines, and hypocrites.” He later recorded a video calling on Muslims in the West to start normalizing the term “jihad” by using it frequently “on your social media, and in the mosques.” He has called President Biden a “senile pharaoh.” Dearborn’s radical politics are complicating Mr. Biden’s path to re-election... Rallies are now also expressing support for the Iran-backed Houthis, who are lobbing missiles at Israel and trying to sink commercial vessels in the Red Sea. What’s happening in Dearborn isn’t simply a political problem for Democrats. It’s potentially a national-security issue affecting all Americans. Counterterrorism agencies at all levels should pay close attention."

Meme - Rep. Elissa Slotkin @RepSlotkin: "Bigotry. Hatred. Anti-Arab and Anti-Muslim. If the headline was about any other minority - with the worst stereotype of that group - it would have never gotten through the editors at the WSJ."
Emily Zanotti @emzanotti: "Look, obviously not everyone living in Dearborn is a terrorist. But back when I I was in college our favorite middle eastern restaurant chain closed because the FBI discovered the owner was using the profits to directly fund Hezbollah and that doesn't happen in every city lol"
If you don't stick your head in the sand, you're racist. The problem is not the jihadists - it's those who point them out
We are still told that liberals don't hate their countries - when they criticise those who point out that jihadists want to destroy the US, instead of the jihadists
The headline wouldn't have gone through if it was about any other minority - because none of them have jihad... Also, the tacit admission that you can slime "majorities" as much as you want is telling

The narcissism of the Britain-bashers - "It has become fashionable in recent years to declare that you are ‘ashamed to be British’. This boast came to the fore during the Brexit debates... Such narcissistic displays of conspicuous compassion are now routine. The political has long been deemed the personal. Current affairs are about me...   Yet beyond such customary self-regard, there is something profoundly weird afoot. There dwells within the #FBPE / Remainiac / liberal mentality something disjointed, incoherent and even pathological. It’s a heady mixture of insecurity, petulance, vainglory, self-abasement and megalomania.  They seem to care and love their country very much, hence their desire to be ‘proud’ of it and their dread of being ‘ashamed’. Yet, simultaneously, they seize any opportunity to talk down and denigrate their country: superficial patriotism is blended with old-fashioned, liberal-left anti-patriotism.   They regard the views of most ordinary Britons with contempt – especially their unfashionable opinions about immigration. They look down with sullen fury on the uncouth mob for objecting to the dysfunctional EU, which still exists in the Remainers’ minds as a utopia.  These people love their country. They just hate the people who live in it. They urge us to love our proverbial neighbours, while hating their real neighbours.  It’s a schizoid mentality"

Ontario adding mandatory Black history learning to Grades 7, 8 and 10 history courses
Too bad for the minorities who are more populous and/or contributed more

Metropolitan Police on X - "While this tweet has been deleted, the claim about flags is still being shared.   The flags in the lower left photo are not those of ISIS.    They are the ‘shahada’ which is a declaration of faith in Islam.  ISIS flags may appear similar but are not the same.    We have specialist officers with knowledge of flags working on this operation to assist with these assessments.   We know the original poster received abuse following our earlier tweet. This is unacceptable. We have intentionally blocked out his name and X handle."
Khaled Hassan on X - "The Shahada and almost an identical flag is used by every Islamist terrorist organisation. If this is something between you and your God, why are you bringing it to a protest? I thought this was about a Free Palestine, not a religious war against Jews????"
Khaled Hassan on X - "I have never been as resentful of British public institutions, celebrities and police as I am today. You see, I have a big fucking problem. I was born a Muslim. I grew up in a Muslim family. My Muslim, Egyptian mother studied at Al Azhar University, the world's oldest Islamic educational institution, and I lived like any other Egyptian Muslim.   Not for once in my fucking life, from the day I was born in 1990 until I left Egypt in 2016, did I see any single Muslim say that there's something called the "shahada" flag. I knew ministers, Imams, and scholars, interviewed terrorists and radicals, and pretty much crossed paths with almost every kind of Egyptian/Arab you could think of. Not one of them ever spoke about a "shahada" flag. Let me tell you why.   The Shahada is a declaration of faith in one Gd, Allah. Understandably, no fucking one carries a flag of it around to show people that they believe in Allah. Why would you? No one gives a shit.   When you are declaring Jihad, however, you wave the banner of Jihad. This is why Bin Laden had the same "Shahada" flag. This is why ISIS had the same flag. So, what do you think? Do you think those waving this flag in London are doing it because they want the bloke next to them to congratulate them for believing in one Gd? Or, is it more likely that, when a Jihadist group, Hamas, is waging war on Jews, they are waving this banner in support of this Jihadist group and Jihad in general?   I can't get my head around this. I am in a situation where I have to either believe the Met police, and dismiss 25 years of firsthand experience of Islam in Egypt, or simply accept that the Met is either horrifically inept or, even worse, spinless. It's like watching someone refer to cancer as a "common cold" when you are an experienced doctor. You're telling them it's fucking cancer, and they're telling you "Nah, mate. It's just a cold. I'll take some paracetamol and I'll be fine".    I had quit smoking for about 3 years before Oct 7th. I am back to smoking now. It's getting absolutely fucking unreal!"

Protests, counter protests and the police removing flags | Mumsnet - "I saw a clip on Twitter the other day of a met police officer (them again) telling a couple of young men with a flag of St George to go away, they were being provocative and taking their flags off them.  They were protesting against the Palistinian protest march. The reason the police gave was that they were being "close to racist"."
We are still told that liberals don't hate their countries. A national flag gets you a verbal warning from the police, but a Jihad flag is defended by them
If the English flag is racist because racists use it, how come the flag jihadists use is okay?

The Whiteness of ‘Toy Story 4’ - "in many ways TS4′s worldview seems like an Eisenhower-era fantasy, a vision of America that might have come from the most die-hard reactionary: lovely if you’re wealthy and white, but alarming if you’re black or brown or gay or a member of any other minority — in other words, more than half the U.S. population. True, there are a few characters of color (including two supporting players voiced by Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele); but each of the leads is Caucasian, and not just the franchise regulars but a host of new ones including a very white fork (Tony Hale) that’s among the more memorable — and merchandisable — creations of this fourth iteration in the series.   As Matthew Cherry, the African American director of animated short Hair Love, recently told The Hollywood Reporter: “When you don’t see yourself represented and you don’t see people with your same type of hair seen as the hero and seen as loving and desired, it really does a number on your self-confidence.”  Nor is it just the near-absence of people of color that’s bothersome. It’s the absence of anything approximating life in America as most of us know it.   TS4’s main family lives in a big, brightly lit house in an ivory utopia; its daughter sleeps in a plush room packed with a U.S. Treasury’s worth of gizmos; they drive around in a gas-guzzling RV, stopping for carnivals and carnies that would be right at home in the 1940s or 1950s. Problems of prejudice, money and unemployment never seem to cross anyone’s mind.   This is a vision of suburbia right out of George Clooney’s Suburbicon (based on the real Levittown, where a black family’s arrival in 1957 led to waves of violence) and it’s set here and now. Not only is it unconnected to reality; it conveys the idea this is what reality should be.   I’d have expected no less in the days when John Lasseter was running Pixar, with his rearguard view of an idealized past that was only ideal if you weren’t black or Hispanic or poor. (He took a leave of absence November 2017 and officially left Disney-Pixar at the end of 2018, but shares story credit on the finished film.) Still, did nobody in the post-Lasseter era — either at Pixar or its parent company, the Walt Disney Co. — pipe up and say, “Hey! This has gotta change”?   Pixar has often repeated outmoded tropes with no visible awareness of doing so, and only occasionally has it gone the other way, as with 2017’s Coco. Take 2006’s Cars: its humor was based on all sorts of foreign stereotypes, inadvertently encouraging the anti-immigrant prejudice that’s now running rampant through the country...   If you’re white and middle-class, as I am, if you drive a nice car and have a safe job, all this may seem moot. But not if you’re the five-year-old, African American girl a friend of mine recently adopted. I was about to give her Toy Story 4 but I’ve changed my mind. Because it sends the worst sort of message for a child like her: you’re an outsider, kept at a distance from everything fuzzy and fun in American life."
When you need to shove politics in everything, and a story is never just a story
What's the race of a toy?
Five year olds are acutely sensitive to racial politics and look up the skin colours of voice actors for cartoons, apparently

What red light cameras may reveal about racial profiling – Chicago Tribune (2015) - "Cameras are ideal because they don’t come with baggage. They’re nonhuman, unbiased entities that have the advantage of being colorblind and yet capable of seeing what police officers see...   Researchers found that 62 percent of the red light violators were white, which was less than the population numbers, and 30 percent of the violators were black, a percentage far higher than the population numbers.  By looking at the red light cameras alone, one might surmise that black folks ran red lights at disproportionate rates. And that police officers would not be engaging in racial profiling if 30 percent of the tickets they gave went to blacks.  But researchers decided to dig deeper... What the team found was that race had nothing to do with who was more or less likely to run a red light. That sounds radical, right?  What mattered more than race was whether the driver lived near an intersection with a red light camera; the size of the driver’s household; how many children were in the home; how many vehicles the driver had; and whether the family lived in poverty.  And the findings were as follows: Drivers who lived closer to red light intersections and had more cars were more likely to run a red light. However, the more people who lived in the driver’s house, the more children he had and the poorer he was, the less likely he was to run a red light.   “We argue that the camera is an unbiased observer,” Eger told me. “It doesn’t know your race, how many kids are in your family. When you take the bias of the individual out, it says what’s most important about the people who run red lights is that those in poverty run red lights less and those with more vehicles run the red light more.”   He said the red light camera isn’t in sync with the human observer and sees something totally different.  “It says blacks don’t run red lights any more or less than anyone else,” Eger said. “What I find is that race has no effect. The county is misinforming me if it says 30 percent of blacks run the red light. But if I look at it from the block level, it says the other stuff matters much more than race.”"
Maybe in 2024 the new line is that red light camera algorithms are racist and catch black drivers more
Too bad when it comes to racial disparities that can be mined by grievance mongers, such detailed analysis is frowned upon. And of course, we are still told that red light cameras are racist
Just because analysis is done at one level but not at another does not mean that it is misinformation
Weird. We are told that red light cameras should be removed because they penalise the poor

NAACP pushes back on traffic legislation due to racial profiling
Red light cameras are racist

‘Biking while black’: Chicago minority areas see the most bike tickets - "As Chicago police ramp up their ticketing of bicyclists, more than twice as many citations are being written in African-American communities than in white or Latino areas, a Tribune review of police statistics has found."

Lucas Lynch | Facebook - "Almost no one actually celebrates Kwanzaa. In 2006 polling showed at best maybe 2.6% of African Americans celebrated it.   I remember growing up it was always liberal white people that were the ones going out of their way to stress it, and little has changed. In the real world, African Americans overwhelmingly celebrate Christmas, and a smaller portion the major Islamic holidays.   It is a reflection of the ability of the radical left, in this case a handful of people associated with the Black power movement, able to convince gullible, liberal, overwhelmingly white people, that they are some kind of ”authentic voice” of their community, when this is in fact a complete fiction."

Swiss writer who called journalist 'fat lesbian' sentenced to 60 days in prison - "A court in Switzerland sentenced a writer and commentator to 60 days in jail for calling a journalist a “fat lesbian,” and the decision is being lauded by LGBTQ+ groups.  On Monday, French-Swiss polemicist Alain Bonnet, who goes by Alain Soral, was sentenced by the Lausanne court for the crimes of defamation, discrimination and incitement to hatred after he criticized Catherine Macherel, a journalist for Swiss newspapers Tribune de Geneve and 24 Heures, in a Facebook video"
Ironic. Does this mean that the court thinks "fat" and "lesbian" are negative terms? Doesn't that "reinforce stereotypes"?


Teaching Race in Kindergarten - "Under the colorblind approach, we were taught to view people as individuals, to emphasize our common humanity, and to avoid racial or ethnic generalizations. Under the new racialism, we are told that it is naïve to believe that transcending race is possible in a society where every institution is shaped by past and present racism; therefore, we need to acknowledge, emphasize, and place value on racial categories.  If you want to know how this new racialism manifests in the real world, look no further than Oregon’s Kindergarten 2021 Social Science Standards, which have been updated to integrate “ethnic studies.”... students are expected to be able to “engage in respectful dialogue with classmates to define diversity,” which includes “comparing and contrasting visible and invisible similarities and differences.” Teachers are tasked with making sure that students “develop an understanding of one’s own identity groups including, but not limited to, race, gender, family, ethnicity, culture, religion, and ability.”  Furthermore, students should be able to “make connections identifying similarities and differences including race, ethnicity, culture, disability, and gender between self and others,” “identify examples of unfairness or injustice towards individuals or groups,” and “identify possible solutions to injustices that demonstrate fairness and empathy.”  Reading over these standards, you have to wonder if the people who composed them have actually ever met your average five-year-old. Of course, kids do notice skin color. But skin color is distinct from race. The notion of race carries with it a set of preconceptions about someone’s culture, social class, and history based on whatever categorization we sort them into. The new approach encourages students to reify these stereotypes and groupings rather than treat their classmates as individuals.   Although kindergarteners aren’t literally colorblind, they are quite adept at practicing colorblindness. The typical five-year-old in a kindergarten class is much more interested in making a friend who enjoys the same toys than they are in making assumptions about their peers based on the color of their skin or the religion their family practices... why in the world does the state of Oregon think it’s a good idea to ask children at such an early stage of cognitive development to divide their classmates into sociological categories?   A five-year-old isn’t a social scientist. If you tell them that their skin color places them at a certain level in a social hierarchy, they’re likely to become anxious and afraid—especially towards classmates who check different identity boxes. There is a danger that children will come to identify strongly with racial labels and start segregating themselves based on them. Although there isn’t a lot of research on the impact of preaching racial categorization to such young children, we do know that viewing people as individuals is one of the best ways to counter stereotypical thinking. The Princeton psychologist Susan Fiske, who studies stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination, told me exactly this when I reported on her research in 2019. “It’s just much harder to view someone through the lens of a stereotype—good or bad—when you start to imagine their individual mind,” she said.   Oregon’s approach does just the opposite... If students choose to identify strongly with a racial or religious group and make that part of their identity as they age, so be it. But schools should not encourage impressionable kids to see themselves as defined by, and inseparable from, these categories. That’s not education. That’s indoctrination."

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